~TUESDAY, SEPTEMBERl 27, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,~* BABY BUZZ BOMBS: Scientists Use Rockets In MeteorologyTests Registration 1lues Rockets haveu ses other than breaking altitude records and go- ing off at wrong times, according to experiments being made by University scientists in New Mex- ico. The experiments, using Aerobee rockets (similar to the German V-2 but smaller, will be to deter- mine the variations of atmospher- ic pressure and temperature be- tween day and night. G.J. Bills Will EXpir"E in 1956 The two veterans' bills, the GI Bill and Public Law 16, will expire July 25, 1956. Also applications for loans guar- anteed by the government will not be accepted after this date. Read- justment allowances under the n.52-20 Club will also expire July 25, 1956. Exceptions to the ending of gov- ernnent benefits at that time will be men who enlisted or re-enlist- ed after Oct. 6, 1945 and before Oct. 6, 1946. The benefits for these veterans expire nine years after their discharge. LATE THIS MONTH, the scien- tists will fire two rockets at the Air 'Force Proving Grounds at White Sands, N. Mex., one in the daytime and the other at night, according to Nelson W. Spencer, research engineer in the Univer- sity's Engineering Research Insti- tute. Spencer is supervising the project, in cooperation with the Air Material Command division of the Air Force. The high alti- tude research work has been in progress several years, and its results are expected to aid in the design of military equipment and to add to fundamental knowledge of weather factors. Before the work began with the rockets, direct observation of the atmosphere was confined to bal- loon ceilings of 20 miles above the earth, Spencer said. The rockets will enable similar observation up to 100 miles high, he added. * * * EACH OF THE rockets in the September firing will carry about 100 pounds of electronic equip- ment and built by research engi- neers and graduate students. The equipment will measure atmos- pheric pressure from ground to the maximum height that the rockets reach. f.. m }~ Complete Stock of All-Wool ~ Spi COAT 'S Plain or Fancy OFF NAVY "T" SHIRTS 50 White, regular 69c value... C BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PILE-UP-Students in the School of Business Administration have tense looks on their faces and hopeful schedules in their hands as they wait for a chance to elect such courses as accounting, marketing, tax problems, money and banking and personnel man- agement problems. The strain of registration has begun to show as students try to talk their way into closed sections while stony-eyed classifiers refrain from weeping at the hard-luck stories. One student can only stare vacantly into space and dream of registering first thing Wednesday morning, when he needn't worry about having all 8 o'clocks, 12 o'clocks and night and Saturday classes. Y ' { .. t. University of Miehigan F L Y I N G C L U B announces opening of fall membership FLY CHEAPLY, LEAVE ANN ARBOR FAR BEHIND FOR PLEASURE-FILLED WEEKENDS " Put New York 4 hours away. 9 Make St. Louis 21/2 hours away * Washington within 31 hours Shorten the World! See Your Old Flame or The Folks Weekends L EARN TO FLY' Listen to the Flying Club Record Mart on WPAG at 4:15 Daily -1:00 and 3:00 Sunday All campus invited to next meeting, Wed., Sept. 28, 7:30 P.M., at 1042 East Engineering Building CAMPUS SPOKESMEN: SL Starts Fourth Year Of Student Government Corduroy Slacks and Sport Coats Student Legislature, government for 20,000 students and their or- ganizations, will begin its fourth year next week. Elected to two-semester terms by the students twice a year, each of the 50-odd legislators repre- sents 400 students. Organized on a Congress-Cab- inet principle, the Legislature meets bi-weekly to discuss student policies and projects. The cabinet, composed of offi- cers elected from the Legislature and two representatives-at-large is the axis of the group. * * * . THE CABINET members con- sider all proposed legislation and "Bill" Lyons Welcomes back both Old and New patrons at his new location, 1209 South University, opposite the parking lot. Lyons Barber Shop 1209 South University decide which will be presented at meetings. The cabinet also acts as coordinator with the adminis- tration,,other schools and the gen- eral public. Members of' the Legislature serve on standing committees which do the work of the gov- ernment. The Campus Action Committee most directly reaches the students, by conducting polls and investi- gations for the information of the Legislature and students. SCHOOL SPIRIT IS the con- cern of the Varsity Committee. The Homecoming Dance and ac- tivities are directed by this group, as well as smoothing out seating troubles for students at football games. Cooperating with the Wolver- ine Club, the Varsity Commit- tee also sponsors pep rallies and team sendoffs and welcomes. Representing the University na- tionally and internationally, the National Student Association Com- mittee keeps up on activities of the parent group. THE COMMITTEE also enforces the Student Bill of Rights, adopt- ed by NSA. As a part of this, the Committee on Discrimination is now investigating discrimination in dormitories, professional schools and the community. * * *Y THIS COMMITTEE also con- cerns itself with suggesting new courses in the University. The Social Committee plans the social events of each weekend dur- ing the year to prevent conflicts with the many student groups, but provide a full bill of entertain- ment. A calendar of events is on view in the Office of Student Af- fairs in the Administration Build- ing for registering dates for activ- ities. Pleats and zippers, grey, brown, tan, green and beige ........... $795 ANN ARBOR iT i CLOTHING 1 13 South Main Phone r '' 1 ALL COLORS and SIZES ........... mmm" HELLO I i """"""" "'"""" MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics There a U Let its choose your color for you. Courtesy Demonstrations. May we help you contact 20,000 students? VOGUE BEAUTY SALON 300 S. Thayer Phone 83841 P"S o m eb o d y 's". and"Nobody $ and* WE LIVE in bitter competition, whether it be for a girl's smile, a better academic mark, or a Michigan vs. Stanford game. Now that you mention "Men's Wear," it's Saffel & Bush that leads the Michigan parade of better dressed men. Just come in and BROUSE AROUND! "Seeing is believing." For just a few pennies a day, a Michigan Daily classified ad can SELL, FIND, FIX, RENT, -Here's a celebrated newspaper that offers you a wealth of background material for your studies-"exclusives" about subjects you are studying-and at a special low rate. Full-page daily features on vital topics-from China to labor unions-are rich theme sources .. . good for that "plus" mark on exams, too. The latest word in scientific discoveries is also a regular Monitor specialty. A special "Washington Letter" in the Saturday Magazine Section; widely quoted, forthright editorials; up-to-the-minute re- views on books, art, theater; a business page and the literary Home Forum page, are some exclusive Monitor benefits for you to enjoy and use every day. Take advantage of the college offer today. Only $6.50 for 9 months or $3 for 3 months. This offer lasts until November 15. BUY, any article you wish!