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November 28, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-28

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Latest Deadline in the State






Students Launch Phoenix Campaigi



- - _ _ _ I

* * *

Poll Reveals
Students Like
U EduCation
'Average' Student
Satisfied Here
Most students are well satis-
fied with the education they're
getting at the University, a Daily
spot poll taken last week indicates.
A team of Daily tryouts asked
more than 300 students what they
thought about the University, how
it compared with similar schools,
how well it was preparing them
for jobs, and how well they
thought it equipped them for life
in a democracy.
ANSWERS ranged from extreme
dissatisfaction to enthusiastic ap-
proval, but most replies revealed
that the "average" student is
fairly contented with his educa-
tion here.
Many of the students volun-
teered pet gripes and sugges-
tions; almost none of them re-
fused to answer the questions.
Here's how the 300 answered
The Daily's four questions:
1. How do you describe the
quality of education you are re-
ceiving at the University?
1. Poor ...........6.5%
2. Fair ...........16%
3. Good...........57%
4. Excellent ......20.5%
2. Do you think the faults of
the University are characteristic
r of most large state supported
institutions or peculiar to the
University of Michigan?
1 Found in most large
universities ......84%
2. Found only in the Uni-
versity of Mich. . .16%
3 How well do you think the
education you receive here will
prepare you foryourvocation?
1. Not at all ......13%
2. Fairly well ......47%
3. Very well........40%
4. How well do you thing the
University is preparing you to
contribute to and enjoy the
benefits of a democracy?
1. Not well .........15%
2. Fairly well ......50%
3. Very well .......35%
Not designed as a scientiftc poll,
The Daily's survey was meant only
as a random check of student
opinion. Pollsters stationed them-
selves along the Diag and other,
busy campus walks, interviewing
students without consideration of
their class, school, or sex.
SOME OF THE students refused
to answer the questions on the
grounds that the poll was ill-
timed, claiming that they couldn't
give intelligent opinions so soon
after mid-semesters.
Many of the interviewed at-
tacked bluebooks, grades, and
the other traditional trappings
of education. Other answers
were unique.
"The presentation of courses is
terrible," one student commented.
"They (professors) kind of scare
the wits out of you-a sort of
terrorism. They patrol exams to
stop cheating, but the exams are
so long there's no time to cheat."
* * *
ANOTHER: "If people think
that MVIichigan is no good, they
should try a few other schools I
could name."
Many students criticized the
counseling system, suggesting that
academic counselors should be
given more time to spend in coun-

One student confessed that "it
is far too easy for any ignoramous
to slip through and gain a de-
gree. It is my opinion that if the
faculty really knew the poor atti-
tude of a number of their students
and what very little actual know-
ledge some students were acquir-
ing, there would be far less grad-
uates from an institution which,
in reality, has all the potentiali-
ties of being a truly fine school."
"The correlation between lec-
tures and recitations is very
poor," another student re-
One student proposed that
grades be only "satisfactory" or
Hasty Work. Stonas

UN Could Settle
Disputes-Bunc e

Goal To Set


* * * *
Benefit WSSF Drive Today
Ticket sales will continue today for the Arts Chorale's first pre-
sentation of the year, at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, as part
of the World Student Service Fund's 1949-1950 drive.
Under the leadership of Prof. Maynard Klein, the 160-member
student group has been rehearsing for nearly two months in prepara-
tion for its first campus appearance.
* * * *

THE PROGRAM will feature works by Palestrina, Bach, Brahms,
as well as several spirituals, including "Joshua Fit the Battle of
Jericho" and "Were You There."
Praetorius' "Sing We Now With One Accord," Jacques Fevre's
"Love Me Truly, Sheperdess," and "Rise Up My Love, My Fair
One," by Helly Willan are in-
cluded in other choral works to
be sung.o
Organized last year at the re-
quest of literary college students
seeking an opportunity to sing s I V
standard choral works, the Arts r
Chorale has grown from a group
of about 40 literary students to analc
all campus group, 160 strong, in- tungh ing
cluding students from nint colleges
and .schools of the University.
By The Associated Press
WITH PROCEEDS from ticket Desperate Chinese Nationalist
sales going to the WSSF drive for defenders checked the Red rush
funds to.aid needy students over- on Chungking less than 20 miles
seas, the return from the sale of from the city gates, the Chinese
six tickets could furnish an Aus- Nationalisthgovernment announc-
trian student with hot breakfasts ed last night.
for one month, while one month's The reprieve will give the few
treatment in a Tuberculosis sani- top officials still in Chungking
torium can be furnished from the time to fly tomorrow to Chengtu.
returns of 60 tickets. That city, 170 miles to the north-
Lending their support to the west, will be the government's
promotion of the program are next stopping place.
WSSF Drive Chairman Wym
Price, Arts Chorale-WSSF Drive MEANWHILE a second Ameri-
Chairman, Nancy Watkins, Arts can ship reported being shelled
Chorale Publicity Chairman, Myra and damaged by Nationalist war-
Hahn, and Ann Watermanne, ships in the Yangtse River near
Usher Chairman. Communist-held Shanghai.
Tickets will be on sale today . All persons aboard escaped in-
until 5:00 p.m. in the Administra- jury.
tion Building and in the League, As far as is known, Generalis-'
priced at 50 cents. simo Chiang Kai-Shek still is in


Lecture .. .
The Palestine situation was part
of a pattern of United Nations in-
tervention in every trouble spot in
the world, Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
told a Hill Auditorium audience
last night.
By its action in Palestine and in
other tense international incidents,
the UN has given ample demon-
stration that it can solve any sort
of dispute, the head of the UN's
Trusteeship Council and former
Mediator in Palestine declared.
* * *
"THERE IS NO difference of
any kind between states or people
in the world today which cannot
be settled by peaceful means,"
Bunche said.
He called the cessation of the
Palestine war and the partition
agreement eventually reached
"A UN effort and success-not
an individual effort."
At the same time, he paid high
tribute to his predecessor as UN
mediator in Palestine, Count
Folk-Bernadotte, who was assas-
sinated in the summer of 1948.
* * *
NEVER WAS there a more
courageous o r internationally-
minded man," he said.
Bunche described the four-
week truce negotiated by Berna-
dotte in June 1948 as a "brilliant
and ingenious piece of work.
That four-week period effective-
ly stopped a war, which if con-
tinued, would have involved
more than just the Jews and
In describing the peace and par-
tition meetings which the United
Nations sponsored at Rhodes,
Bunche said the biggest problas
faced by UN mediators concerned
personal relations.
"Questions of substance never
reached the point where delegates
threatened to leave, but this did
happen on questions of human re-
lationships between the Israeli and
Arabic delegation."
Stressing the importance of the
UN in the world today, Bunche
outlined the international organi-
zations' purpose as one of pre-
serving present peace by effective
intervention in world trouble spots,
and building a firm foundation for
future peace.
Round- Up
dent Philip Murray yesterday key-
noted the founding convention of
the new CIO Electrical Workers
Union with an hour-long blast at
Communism. He pledged the full
weight of the CIO to aid the new
organization which officially calls
itself a right wing union. The CIO
president served notice that other
left wing unions may be ousted
from the CIO, as was the United
Electrical, Radio and Machine
Workers of America.
* * *
neering plan for a plant de-
signed to create the scarce
atomic materials that make the
A-bomb explode has been put
on paper, the Atomic Energy
Commission s a i d yesterday.
Lawrence Hafstad, a top AEC
scientist, hailed this as "the big-
gest forward step in peacetime
application" of atomic energy.
* *. *
ALBANY, N.Y. - A New York
supreme Court Justice yesterday
declared unconstitutional t h e
Feinberg Law prohibiting employ-
ment of Communists in the state's
public school system.

Interview - .
Dr. Ralph J. Bunche yesterday
shied away from answering ques-
tions concerning recent rumors
that he Will soon be appointed U.S.
ambassador to Russia.
In an interview held at the Un-
ion shortly after his arrival in Ann
Arbor, Bunche, chief of the UN
trusteeship Council and former
UN mediator in Palestine declared:
* * * . .
"I READ OF SOME new disposi-
tion of my body every day. The
power of the press is important,
but the power of appointment still
rests with the executive branch of
the government."
(Most recent reports concern-
ing a new post for Bunche have
come from the Philadelphia In-
quirer, which quoted "sources
close to the Government" as fa-
voring Bunche for the position.)
Bunche sandwiched his Ann Ar-
bor appearance in between com-
mittee meetings at Lake Success.
He arrived here by plane late in
the afternoon, and flew back to
New York immediately following
his Hill Auditorium talk last night.
* * *
JUST BEFORE he left the UN
headquarters yesterday, he had
been attending a meeting attempt-
ing to iron out the political status
of South West Africa.
"The present government of
that territory-the only man-
dated area that has not yet been
given independence or placed
under trusteeship-wants to be
left to administer the mandate
without interference," he ex-
Debate on the issue has been so
heated that the case will probably
be turned over to the International
Court, Bunche said.
Report Soviet
Zone Disaster
Kills 2,000
BERLIN-(P)--Unconfirmed re-
ports of a disastrous fire and ex-
plosion in a Soviet Zone uranium
mine which caused up to 2,000
deaths were published yesterday
in Western Berlin.
The British-licensed Telegraf,
with Socialist Party underground
sources in the Russian Zone, said
the fire broke out in the Johann-
georgenstadt mine, deep in Sax-
ony's Erz Mountains, 150 miles
south of Berlin.
A SIMILAR report was broad-
cast by the American Radio Sta-
tion RIAS which said it came
through "reliable" channels. Its
sources listed the number of dead
in the "hundreds."
U.S. Army intelligence sources
said they had not thus far heard
any report of an east zone mine
The Telegraf's toll figure of 2,-
000 lives would make it the great-
est mine disaster in German his-
tory. A coal mine at Kamen, in
the Ruhr, blew up in 1946 with a
loss of 418 lives.
In the Johanngeorgenstadt dis-
aster only 300 miners were saved
from a normal shift of something
less than 2,500, the Telegraf said.
The mine and nearby workings are
reported to employ more than 5,-
The fire broke out Thursday, ac-
cording to the Telegraf, when worn
insulation on electric cables caused
a short circuit. It spread to three
uranium workings and set off an
explosion of a dynamite dump.
Most of the miners, the paper
said, were trapped and were suffo-
cated from poisonous gases and
smoke or burned to death.

-Daily-Alex Lmanian
student Phoenix chairman
Under grad
Leaders Get
An energetic group of under-
graduate IFC leaders, which
brought about introduction of the
anti-bias resolution passed by the
National Interfraternity Confer-
ence last weekend, later won for
undergraduates a voice and pow-
er in next year's convention.
This was revealed yesterday by
Jake Jacobson, '50, IFC President,
who attended the NIFC conven-
tion in Washington, D.C.
* * *
THE PRIVILEGE of introducing
motions was denied the under-
graduates this year by unani-
mous vote of the Conference's 58
voting members, representing 58
national fraternities. These repre-
sentatives were all alumni.
The undergraduates, with
their power on the floor thus
limited to discussion, weredcon-
sequently forced to seek out a
voting member to introduce the
anti-bias resolution they draft-
ed in a rump caucus. Jacobson
was a member of this caucus.
Alexander Goodman of Balti-
more, a member of Phi Alpha fra-
ternity, agreed to introduce the
motion. The motion, reworded by
the NIFC resolutions committee,
passed by a vote of 36 to 3, with
19 fraternities abstaining.
THE REWORD ED resolution
recommends that member frater-
nities of NIFC consider the di-
crimination question in the light
of prevailing opinion, and take
such steps as they may elect to
do away with bias clauses. It
notes that many member fra-
ternities have no bias clauses in
their constitutions.
Following official adjourn-
ment of the convention, those
undergraduates who had formu-
lated the anti-bias motion met
again and completely revised the
organization of their section of
the conference.
The nation's local IFC's will
form five districts, the undergrad-
uates decided. Each district will
hold a convention of its member
IFC's next spring.
A workshop of IFC heads will
be held during next year's NIFC
convention. The NIFC will allow
this workshop to present resolu-
tions on the flooras a group,
Jacobson said.
Adoption of the complete reor-
ganization plan by NIFC's Execu-
tive Council is certain, according
to Jacobson. He pointed out that
several Executive Council mem-
bers were present at the reor-
ganizational meeting.
"I was very pleased with the
action taken by the convention on
the problem of discrimination,
and with the plan for reorganiza-
tion of the undergraduate part of
the conference," Jacobson de-


dent campaign.
Another purpose of the stu-
dent campaign, besides raising
funds, is to acquaint the stu-
dents with the scope of the
Phoenix Project both for their
own benefit and so they may ac-
quaint the public at large with
the Project's aims, Lubeck said.
A third purpose of the drive is to
serve as stimulus for the general
alumnus campaign. A fine stu-
dent showing will tend to increase
alumni donations, Lubeck added.
* * *
Phoenix Project is a unique re-
search plan into the peacetime
uses of atomic energy which Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven has
called "a project bigger than the.
.University itself."
It will study both scientific
and social implications of atomic
energy and will embrace almost
every department of the Uni-
The total campaign fund, goal
is $6,500,000. This fund will be used
both to sponsor research projects
over the next ten years and to
construct a Phoenx Project build-
ing, which will house laboratories,
a library and an auditorium.
* * *
THE NATIONWIDE special gifts
drive of the Phoenix Project drive
is now under way, as are a number
of Project-sponsored research
Structure of the student cam-
paign consists of an executive
committee, four special purpose
committees and the solicitation
Heading the executive commit-
tee is Lubeck, drive chairman. The
executive committee also consists
of the drive's vice-chairman and
three members-at-large.
The four committees are pubci-
ty, features, personnel and speak-
* * *
LUBECK WAS appointed early
this semester to his post by the
Phoenix Project National Execu-
tive Committee, but the other
members of the executive commit-
tee and the four special purpose
committees will be selected from
students who petition for them.
The publicity committee will
handle all publicity and the fea-
ture committee all special events,
Lubeck revealed.
The personnel committee will
take charge of getting student so-
licitors and handling other per-
sonnel problems, Lubeck said.
The speakers committee will
send student speakers to student
groups and other groups, Lubeck
Men Needed
For Michioras
Michigras needs men.
Michigras is the traditional big-
time carnival which springs up on
campus from time to time in the
It was last presented in 1948,
and will appearragain on April
21 and 22 at Yost Field House,
complete with a myriad of booths,
shows, rides and concessions.
* * *
BUT RIGHT NOW, men are
needed to plan the details of the
mammoth spectacle.
Nine important positions are
open to male students, accord-
ing to Jan Olivier, '50, and Bill
Petersen, '50, co-chairmen for

High forCampus
Personal Soliciting To Begin Next
Fall by 1,500 Volunteer Workers
The student campaign of the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project,
termsd by its chairman, Mary Lubeck, '51, "the greatest responsibility
ever given the students of the University" opens today.
The goal of the campaign will be between $100,000 and $200,000
which is several times greater than the largest previous student drive.
An army of 1,500 student campaign workers will personally solicit
every University student next fall, Lubeck said.
First STEP in the drive is the announcement by Lubeck of the
opening of petitioning today for 12 leadership positions in the stu-

** *
For. Phoenix
Drive Starts
Petitioning for 12 leadership po-
sitions in the student campaign of
the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix
Project opens today, Campaign
Chairman Mary Lubeck, '51, re-
Petitioning closes Saturday. Pe-
titions may be obtained at th Of-
fice of Student Affairs, 1020 Ad-
ministration Bldg., where they are
to be returned when completed.
ONLY STUDENTS who expect
to be enrolled at the University
next year-1950-1951-are eligible
to petition, Lubeck said, because
the drive continues through the
spring of 1951.
Positions will be awarded by a
committee consisting of Lubeck,
Mary Riggs, chairman of the.
Women's Judiciary .Commttee
and Robert Shepler, member of
the Men's Judiciary Committee.
Basis for selection, according t
Lubeck, are organizational expe-
rience, leadership ability and in-
* * *
ANNOUNCEMENT of positior
winners will be made public at aT
undetermined future date.
The following are the 12 lead-
ership positions and their duties.
They, plus campaign chairman
Lubeck, form the Student Exec-
utive Committee of the student
1) Vice-chairman-Assists the
chairman in his executive duties.
2) Chairman of the publicity
committee-Supervise the e:ten-
sive publicity of the campaign.
3) Chairman of the features
committee-supervise the plan-
ning of the several special events
to raise funds and publicize the
4) Chairman of the Personnel
Committee-Supervise the selec-
tion of solicitors and other per-
sonnel ,
5) Chairman of the speakers
committee-Supervises a commit-
tee of student speakers who will
speak on the Phoenix Project to
various student and adult groups
bers - 6) - 9) - supervise the
planning and enactment of solici-
tation of the students within their
respective areas.
6) Chairman of men's dorms
7) Chairman of women's dorms
8) Chairman of fraternities
(also includes sororities)
9) Chairman of other students
10) to 12) Members at large-
to take on special assignments and
generally participate in the Exec-
utive Committee's work.
Committee chairmen-numbers
2) to 9) above-are both members
of the committee they head and
the Executive Committee.
MSC Accepts
gan State College yesterday ac-
cepted a gift of $32,500 from th
Carnegie Corporation of New Yor
toS. ~v-iin nan a.pn. vngmm rcpnfl

B ig 3 Begins
Mapping West
Defense 'Are'
PARIS - (A') - The Big Three
soldiers of the West yesterday
started mapping a 3,500-mile de-
fense arc across Europe from the
Norwegian Arctic to the Aegean
The chiefs of staff of the United
States, Britain and France met in
the first of a series of sessions to
complete a unified defense plan for
the 12 nations of the North Atlan-
tic Pact.
nounced from Frankfurt, Ger-
many, that U.S. Gen. Thomas T.
Handy, 58-year-old veteran war
planner, will be chief of the billion
dollar American arms aid program
in Europe. He is now commander
of U.S. forces in Europe with head-
quarters at Heidelberg.
At the same time U.S. Defense
Secretary Louis Johnson declar-
ed on arriving in London that
U.S. forces in Germany are
"ready for any emergency that
might be thrust upon them."
Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chair-
man of the U.S. joint Chiefs of
Staff, presided at the meeting of
the chiefs of staff.
THE ACT OF Congress setting
up the military aid program saidl

Chungking directing the city's
defenses. Planes wait at the air-
port to take him and other lead-
ers away.
High quarters predicted Chiang
would resume the presidency in
Nationalist China's bleak hour if
acting President Li Tsung-Jen re-
fuses to return. Li, who has split
with Chiang, is in Hong Kong.
Chiang sent two emissaries to
Hong Kong to talk with Li.
BEFORE THE government re-
portedly checked the Communists,
reports reaching here said the
Nationalist defenses had been
(An Associated Press dispatch
from Formosa said in this con-
nection that the Communists
fought into the suburb of South
Springs, 12 miles from the city
proper, but were driven out.)
Confusion spread through this
wartime capital at the news the
Communists were near. Roads
were black with refugees fleeing
the city.
Most shops were boarded. Own-
ers feared looting by civilian mobs
or by Nationalist troops. Soldiers
moved in and out of the city.
There was a crush of military traf-
fic in the streets.

Billboard Poll Shows RCA Sales Rising Steadily

By ROZ VIRSHUP cate by any means that the 45 sys-


for the week of November 10 rep-I

were 219 three-speed phonographs,

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