PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21; 1949: PAGE FOUR SUNflAY, NOVEMBER 2Z. it~9~ U I I fA rwitop j dote { , By LEON JAROFF ONE OF THE OLDEST traditions at the University is the annual battle between the administration and the student body over the scheduling of classes on the Friday and Saturday immediately following Thank- sgiving. But, through the years, despite the al- most solid opposition of students and fac- uJ.ty, the administration has stood resolute, secure in its knowledge that Education and Reputation were being furthered. We must all admit that Reputation has been furthered. And interested persons outside of Ann Arbor, like the members of the State Leg- islature in Lansing, probably believe that the cause of Education has been furthered. But we in Ann Arbor know better. Anyone who attended a post-Thanksgiving Friday or Saturday class at the University must have recognized it for what it was - a complete farce. If anything is gained during one of these class sessions, it is 53 minutes of sleep. NOTHING VENTURED INSTRUCTORS, facing half-filled and quarter-awake classes, make feeble at- tempts to foist knowledge upon their resent- ful charges while students, unprepared to a man, try vainly to keep awake. Qccasionally a compromise is reached and the topic of conversation, switches to turkey or football. But more sensible in- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writ ers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DOLORES LASCHEVER ROLLING STONES ... by Harold Jackson That Fateful Friday .. . WE FIRST wrote the following impressions of the Friday after Thanksgiving two years ago. In the intervening time we have seen nothing to change our opinion of that loathsome day one iota: "Discords and sour notes were universal as only the valiant returned to face the University's academic music. "The return of the faithful began late Thursday afternoon and continued all night. "Despite sunlight, long and lifeless faces supported by upturned coat collars were visible everywhere as students with eight o'clocks tramped through the chilly dawn with.the ringing exhuberance of a Georgia chain gang. "A sharp biting wind was nature's reward for devotion to higher learning and all morning long she bounced stinging, powdery snow off pale faces and red noses. Great inky overshoes slogged through slushy sidewalks and from four to six feet above them chins were high but spirits low. "In classrooms, turkey-stuffed carcasses were eased tenderly down on hard benches. Bleary eyes watched dully as vitamin- packed instructors alertly checked the roll and knifed smart "ah-ha's" at yawning, empty seats. "Most students agreed that the tattered threads of education weren't picked up too successfully. Only a token grab at them was apparently made by many, for by nightfall Ann Arbor's outskirt roads were again clogged with students heading back "over the hill" and back to that half-finished tur- key." They Ain't So Dumb ... O exceptions to the traditional pro- fessorial dryness are the history depart- ment's Drs. Slosson and Aiton. Take, for ex- ample, their recently expressed attitudes toward examinations. Slosson: "An essay question on a test is like an accordian. It can be expanded or contracted at will, and the chief component is-wind." Aiton: he didn't SAY anything. He report- edly wandered into a proctorless examina- tion, calmly took out a pair of binoculars, and began scanning the room to "reinforce" the honor system. * * * Seeing Freddy Home ... A RECENT University alumnus named Fred is convinced that the next time he gets married-it will be in Eastern Siberia well away from his fraternity brothers. Fred invited all his Ann Arbor buddies to Detroit for the wedding last weekend and was pleased by the way they enjoyed themselves drinking toasts to the bride and serenading the newly-weds. But he was not pleased when the good- natured brothers followed them to the Hotel Statler, tricked the room clerk into revealing Fred's room number, and spent ,he entire night partying in the hall and pounding on his door. structors, realizing the futility of it all, de- cide beforehand that classes will not meet during these days. What does the administration say in the light of these oft-repeated facts? One of its chief arguments is that the faculty would be "loathe" to further reduce the number of teaching days. Yet most faculty members admit to their students that this is nonsense since nothing is ac- complished on the post-Thanksgiving Fri- day and Saturday, anyway.- * * * . DISCRIMINATION? THE ADMINISTRATION further states that an extended Thanskiving weekend would "discriminate" against the student who could not go home because of cost or distance. Picture, if you can, a giant protest rally held by these students to protest the an- nouncement of a long Thanksgiving week- end. Other administration arguments against the extended weekend fall equally flat. Whatever the administration decides, it should act quickly to prevent the recur- rence of the shameful imitation of edu- cation so noticeable on Friday and Satur- day. If it cannot see its way clear to add a day-and-a-half of vacation to the University calendar, the administration should take concrete steps to see that the days are well- used. Attendance of both faculty and stu- dents should be enforced and penalties in- flicted upon those who do not comply with the rulings. Of course, it would be so much easier to open the floodgates. Academic Blot r HE INK MANUFACTURERS' lobby prob- ably forms the most potent campus pres- sure group today. But the group is so well organized and operates so subtly that the average student is completely unaware of its power. This semester, as in almost every semes- ter in the University's history, the 11W lobby has succeeded in attaining its little known ends--dispensing huge quantities of their backers' product throughout the pages of mid-semesters. Now the naive student generally regards the mid-semester as a contemporary off- shoot of the Medieval torture device. He in- dignantly maintains that they are inflicted by a sadistic faculty or an administration bent on keeping him out of harm's way through piles of busy work. So the "borderline case" or the average student relaxes his educational efforts long enough to assimilate huge quantities of insignificant details and immediately dispenses them with the proper variety of blots and crossed out passages in the quiz- book. It is unfortunate, of course, that the stu- dent who needs a boost more than any other gets this slap in the face just as he is begin- ning to grope his way around in a course. Perhaps he will eventually flunk out of school-the innocent victim of a force he could not comprehend. The wise student sees midsemesters for what they generally are, but realizes that there is little he can do against the power- ful IM group. So he, too, slows the pace towards his educational goals and sub- mits to an hour of writing which seldom produces more than an ink-stained fore- finger. But he gets revenge after a fashion-he chooses his words economically and does not dot his i's.--Jo Misner Bill Mauldin MATTER OF FACT by JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-The behind-the-scenes story of Clark Clifford's impending departure from the White House is the same dreary story that has ended with the departure of so many other able, badly needed men from the government. The simplest way to summarize it is to say that the Clifford family cannot, or at least will not, eat roots. Until Clifford volunteered for naval duty in 1943, he had been a successful young trial lawyer in St. Louis, making somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000 a year. As a naval lieutenant (jg), he made $200 a month. Even after his wife and three daughters had made considerable reductions in their scale of life, most of the Clifford savings went dur- ing the war. * * * * THEN Clifford's former client, Jake Vardaman, called him to Wash- ington just as the war ended, to serve as assistant naval aide at the White House. Before long, Clifford had moved on to the more import- ant tasks of Presidential speech-writer and political adviser. Since the job was very big, it seemed worth sticking to. The Cliffords sold their peasant house in St. Louis, and spent the proceeds. Even so, with a salary of $12,000 a year, no perquisites, and three daughters to educate, the Cliffords found that the house money did not last long. By the beginning of 1948, Clifford therefore was forced to begin borrowing from an older friend in St. Louis who had taken an interest in his early career. Since then, the borrowing has con- tinued, until the debt is now considerable. At the same time, one daughter has entered college, and another has reached college age. For all these reasons, Clifford told the President he would have to return to private law practice immediately after the election in November a year ago. He only stayed the extra year in response to the President's request, and in order to finish organizing a staff that might carry on his work. There is no conceivable reason why the richest country in the world cannot pay its public servants adequately. Whether they be great wartime administrators, like John McCloy, or Presidential staff officers like Clark Clifford, it is shabby that able men should, be forced to leave our government because they have been forced to run into debt. It is also fantastically uneconomical, because the able men are inevit- ably replaced by less able men. And there is no worse folly than giving big jobs to little people. * * * * SUCH is the obvious moral of Clifford's departure. His going also hes current political implications, which are less apparent but still vastly significant. In the plainest terms, Clark Clifford is the sole con- vinced Fair Dealer among the President's immediate councillors. And what may happen to the Fair Deal after Clifford has been replaced is anybody's guess. Certanly the President's right-wing cronies will now attempt to alter Truman's course. Most probably, the President is too deeply committed to change at this late date. Thus ructions are to be anticipated, while the Fair Deal continues. On the other hand, even if the loss of his political strategist does not mean that the President will try a new strategy, there is another vital fact that must be faced. You can agree with Clifford or disagree with him. But at a minimum, he is intelligent and competent. Men of his calibre are uncommon around Truman. And the departure of Clifford must therefore be considered, again at a minimum, as another stage in the increasing mediocrity of this Administration. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) "It started when he seen a picture of one of them big wide Hollywood beds." TO THE E DITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Something for the Birds A T LONG LAST something has been done for the caged birds of America. They are latest in the ever-growing list of groups, causes and events to be commemor- ated by the dedication of a week in their honor. At least, so we are informed by an or- ganization calling itself the National Caged Bird Committee which has just con- cluded the celebration of the First Annual National Caged Bird Week. Now one may well ask if there is any harm in remembering the contributions which our little feathered pets make to the break- fast table and the Sunday morning organ hour, by dubbing a week after them. On the surface the answer seems to be no. After all the cats have a week and so do the dogs. Business women are at present com- memorated every year for seven days and even a long-slumbering Englishman, named Guy Fawkes is venerated by English moppets every Nov. 5. Why therefore shouldn't caged song birds have a week to be remembered by? There is no reason at all, except that the whole business seems to be getting out of hand and caged birds seems like a good place to call a halt. After all, we have just finished with American Education Week and American Art Week, and it was only a month ago that we were celebrating Better Parent- hood Week. Religious Education Week rolled to a halt only seven weeks ago and not too far in the background are the em- bers of the last national Fire Prevention Week. If this trend is allowed to continue un- checked it is not difficult to envisage a time when everything from penned aardvarks to pet zuisins will have its own special week, necessitating no doubt some adjustments in the calendar. -Dave Thomas ON THE WashingtonT Perry-Go-Round wITere nW PEARtSON WASHINGTON-Now that loquacious Sen- ator Ed Johnson of Colorado has dis- cussed various atomic matters on television, it is possible to speak frankly about the awe- some race to develop death by the atom. Although the United States now has an A-bomb many times more powerful than that dropped on Hiroshima, never- theless it is true, as Senator Johnson says, that scientists are working on a bomb more ' devastating than anything so far conceiv- ed by the mind of man. This is a hydrogen bomb. The present A- bombs are made of plutonium. But hydro- gen is what makes the sun burn, and a hy- drogen bomb would literally burn up large portions of the earth's surface. One difficulty in making a hydrogen bomb is producing the detonation instru- ment to make it explode. This will require unheard of heat, and it looks as if about the only thing that could make a hydro- gen A-bomb explode is the present plu- tonium A-bomb we have today. Another important chapter in death- deal- ing which scientists are working on fever- ishly is the nature of the nucleus of the atom. Today, only a small portion of the potential energy in the atom is used in the current atomic bomb. However, scientists now expect to achieve sufficient understanding of the nature of the atom to enable them to double and triple the explosive power of the bomb without increasing the amount of plu- tonium required. Finally, American scientists have develop- ed instruments to detect radiation which are so sensitive they can pick up traces of an atomic explosion at a distance up to 10,- 000 miles. In fact, following the test explo- sions at Bikini, physicists at Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca N.Y., were able to detect radia- tion from the explosion in the clouds above Ithaca. * * * DEMOCRATS VS. DEMOCRATS POLITICAL OBSERVERS who watched the recent convention of Young Demo- crats at Chattanooga came to the conclu- sion that the real problem faced by the Democrats is not the Republicans but the basic split within the Democratic Party. This spit - over civil rights - tore the Young Democrats just as bitterly at Chat- tanooga last week as it did the old Demo- crats at Philadelphia in 1948. The only difference was that Young Democrats from Mr. Truman's home state used the methods of his old friend, Tom Pendergast, to try to kill any support for Truman's civil rights. Jim Meredith and young State Senator Wilson Gilmore, both of Missouri, were among the leaders and at one time the Young Democrats of Cali- fornia were actually threatened with being ousted if they insisted on fighting for civil rights. Another anti-civil rights battler was Bill Primm, son-in-law of the late senator Josiah Bailey of North Carolina, formerly with the Democratic National Committee. Primm, to- gether with retiring president Roy Baker of Texas, stacked key committees with civil- rights opponents and it took a vote on the floor of the convention to overrule them. Primm actually advised the Michigan Young Democrats: "If you won't stay away from civil rights, it's going to hurt the future of Governor G. Mennen Williams," while he told the California delegation: "You lay off civil rights or we can still keep you from get- ting your charter." (Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) If I Were Dean .. - To the Editor: \ 'HAT'S THE matter with the college education of today? To sum it up in two simple Ameri- can words-it stinks! Plagued by drunken brawls, sex-minded youths and an era of athletic monsters one rarely reads of the prowess of scholastic achievements usually indicative of past college per- formances. A few colleges in the United States have managed to emerge unsoiled by this dilemna of hypo- critical arrogancy. The University of Chicago, under the stern guid- ance of Dr.'Hutchins, broke from this trend in 1941 and has done a wonderful job in the defeatism of delinquency vs. education. Do you need proof of the tremendous ad- vance this institution has attained in the annals of scientific and literary research? Think back to the four year era of your college training. Did you read books or wonder who you were going to date the coming weekend? Was your research in laboratories or in arboretums? Can you point with pride to one thesis that helped advance any educa- tional theory whatsoever. Is this the kind of flamboyant fling your children will enjoy? I dare say not. One hears the words "socialized medicine" spoken much too care- lessly and with ever growing ease today. I am certainly not an ad- vocate of this theory but if it is to comeswhy not socialized educa- tion first? Who are we to decide which minds are to be trained and which aren't? Is an education based on the size of pocket book our parents have or is it not true that in this free democratic gov- ernment all humans are endowed with an equal chance of self pre- servation and promotion of their own powers of achievement? Millions of dollars each year are being tossed recklessly into the hands of ungrateful youths who do not realize until too late what is required of them to merit this wealth. A pitiful number of under- privileged are held back precious years because of financial draw- backs. Enough of these under- privileged youths could be found in one month to fill the largest university in the United States. What a pity one must starve these minds behind a shovel and broom while the defunct social climbers are behind a Cadillac or a girl. We are no longer capable of coping with the simple machinery of yesterday, idling in neutral through a debauched educational system. You have heard this phrase used time and again in the past in one form or another. Well, hell! You and I can do something about it now. Think, talk, act and sleep on the idea of a free, unbiased world that was created 173 years ago. It's rotting under our feet and we are encom- passed in its weak structure. Are you able to discuss intelligently the atomic theory, Babson's eco- nomics or the latest development To the Editor: TAKING THE DAILY at its word, I would like to put on paper some organized, and some unor- ganized, criticisms of this Univer- sity. The administration has ex- pressed the hope that the opin- ions sent to The Daily will pos- sibly be helpful. I am afraid that nothing in the letter could pos- sibly be useful in forming Univer- sity policy, because I am con- vinced that the ills of Michigan E (and other universities) are in- herent in their structure. In the first place, the Univer- sity must be put in the proper context. All universities are busi- nesses in a capitalist economy. This means that they must both convince the consumer of the worth of their goods, and must compete. The important fact to note here is that while most other businesses sell tangible goods, the ones sold in the university are intangible. I think that a great many of the evils of the schools can be traced to this fact. The, administrative routine of the school is mainly concerned with giving a sem- blance of tangibility to their wares. Thus has developed the system of grades, credits, diplo- mas; and the technics of examina- tions, attendance and assign- ments. While knowledge can not be put in a show window, an en- graved piece of paper saying BA can. Along with this is the fact that the university is not ruled by edu- cators, but by business men. This really is rather peculiar. A Uni- versity seems to be the only enter- prise in which the board of dir- ectors cc not necessarily experts in the cominocuty to be merchan- dised. It is in line with the above, and with the general anti-intel- lectual myth of America that pro- fessional educators are command- ed by men whose qualifications are that they belong to the politi- cal party in power and that they are a success in some other field. The ideal system, from my point of view, would be a university consisting of buildings, libraries and other equipment, autonomous faculty and anyone who wanted to come and study. The students would be free to stay as long as they chose, and to leave when they chose. Recruits for the fac- ulty would be chosen by the fac- ulty, prerequisits being knowledge of a subject and the ability to teach it. The University would be government supported, but would not be under government control. Many problems would be over- come by this system, not the least of which is the ambiguous notion of "democratic education," which is rapidly becoming equivalent to no education at all. I think that the number of students would be radically reduced, as soon as pros- pective students learned that all they would get out of attending is knowledge. Such anomolies as 97,000 seat stadiums used nine times a year, coupled with overcrowded class rooms, housing problems and de- plorably low salaries would no longer exist. The need for such stadiums would vanish when the need for publicity that goes with competition and the need for pri- vate investors no longer existed. But anyone following this line of reasoning can see the conse- quences. I think it makes a good parlor game to enumerate the changes that would ensue. The game might even have an educa- tive function. -David Segal To the Editor: HAVING spent five semesters in literary college, I feel rea- sonably well qualified to say that its problem (and there is a very definite one) is not in its depart- mental programs, but in the atti- tudes of the students themselves. A large percentage of students in lit school can be divided into two groups on the basis of class- room attitude: those who are working for the grade and those who are partially to totally apath- etic. Unfortunately, many students who would prefer to approach their courses with a healthy, in- telligent seeking state of mind, are swept into an attitude of cyni- cism by the winds of conformity. (It is too bad that the term "eager beaver" has acquired such an un- favorable connotation, being so aptly descriptive of the ideal characteristics of a genuine stud- ent.) Fortunately, there will always be a group, in any college, who want above, all else to learn. If only this group were in the majority at the literary, 'college, the problem would inidoubtedly cease to exist. Since iy transfer to the School of Music, it has been a constant source of pleasurable astonish- ment to. observe its totally differ- ent atmosphere. The relationships of students to each other and to1 members-of the faculty, and facul- ty members to each other, are characterized, both during and af- ter school hours, by the under- standing and congeniality one would normally expect to find only on suimer vacation. Certainly music students are not basically different from lit school students. They can't be con- sidered more fortunate simply for being musicians. Presumably, ev- eryone is studying what he is by preference over anything else. The biggest question, of course, is "what can be done?" Quite frankly, I don't know, but I do care, because, after all, it is pri- marily a students' problem. My heartfelt sympathies to Dean Keniston for having the thankless job of changing people. Perhaps he should assemble the psychology department and march on Burton Tower. At least that would make The Daily, which is probably more than this letter will do. -Dave LeClair t gat Rat only a Yes, system stink! in cancer curement? There are few who can. readers, our educational of today certainly does -Wm. C. Emory, '47 * * * Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by studente of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Edito. Al Blumrosen.............City Editor Philip Dawson..E.....Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner..............Associate Editor George Walker ........ Associate Editor Don McNeil.. Associate Editor Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady............Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed. Joan King.......... Allan C amage ...Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson..Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff... Finance Manager Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manages Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Pres the Associated Press is exclusiveli entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it o otherwise credited to this newspape All rights of republication of all Othes matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann, Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier. $5.00. by mail, $6.00. 10 1 BARNABY rarnaby, is there any of your turkey left? A qizzawd or an You had tickets for TWO turkeys dinners. Didn't you eat them? You mean McSnoyd, the Invisible Leprechaun? = T hose two free tickets he gave me were for LAST YEAR'S As long as I missed a real Thanksgiving dinner, we'll make this occasion as Here are some old newspapers. I learned to fold paper hats in kindergarten- And when your family paused to count their blessings, I presume they were