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November 27, 1949 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State







Will Discuss
Defense Plant
U.S. Leaders Fly
To Paris Parley
top military planners took off for
Paris last night aiming at swift
final agreement on the Western
world's Strategic Plan for defense
against Russia.
Secretary of Defense Johnson
and Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will
present the plan to the 12-nation
Atlantic Treaty Military Commit-
tee. Bradley is chairman of the
* * *
ACCOMPANIED by staff aides,
Bradley and Johnson boarded a
special air force transport at Phil-
adelphia immediately after watch-
ing the Army-Navy football game.
Johnson also is due to visit Ger-
many while on the continent.
Informed officials said that
the military plan due to be
adopted covers at least five types
of defense tasks to be undertalk.-
en by one or more of the 12
member nations.
The primary task of the United
States will be to maintain and de-
velop its A-bomb air force. for in-
stant emergency use wherever
AGREEMENT on a grand strat-
egy will clear the way for full de-
livery of a billion dollars worth of
arms from the United States to
Western Europe pending some
technical agreements.
It is expected that the first
arms shipments will cross the
Atlantic by or soon after the
first of the year.
The Military Committee is sched-
uled to meet in Paris Tuesday and
go over the draft of the strategic
plan which it has had developed.
The Defense Committee will then
meet for the same purpose on
BOTH JOHNSON and Bradley
are counting on quick action be-
cause of the spade work out of the
In the meantime, it was learn-
ed, President Truman this week
released the first few million
dollars of Arms Program funds
to be spent in readying equip-
ment for quick shipment to Eur-
Neither the Strategic Plan nor
the Defense Treaty itself provide
the answers to some of the relat-
ed high political-military issues
which are now being secretly de-
bated in defense and foreign mn-
istries in many of the Western
Chinese Reds
Arrest Ward's
Consular Aide
ese Communists have struck again
at Angus Ward's consulate staff
at Mukden.
This time his top aide has been
seized in connection with "spying
charges." The State Department
at once ordered "the strongest pro-
test" to Chinese Red Chiefs.
THE ARREST of Vice Consul

William N. Stokes came without
warning and with stunning impact
at a time when American officials
felt the worst was over in the!
Ward case.
The State Department's action
was not enough for Rep. Judd
(R-Minn.), a member of the
House Foreign Affairs Commit-
tee. lie suggested the blockade.
"We should have begun a Naval
blockade a year ago when they
first started this line of action,"
said Judd, a former medical mis-
sionary in China. "Failing this, we
should have mobilized the forces
of world opinion - something we
didn't trv until a few dav ago."

* * *
Sha ofIn TGiveii *RTG **'

* * *

Iran Desires

* * *

* * *

* *

-Daily-Alex Lmanian
LEADERS CONFER-Gov. G. Mennen Williams discusses the
University with the first member of royalty to visit the campus,
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, as they enter the Gen-
eral Administration Building. The Shah's impressions: "It's
Johnson Calls Lilient ha
Ringleader of Atom Plot

win C. Johnson (D-Colo.) charged
last night that David E. Lilienthal
is the ringleader in a "nefarious
plot" to give Great Britain the
secret of an American super atom-
ic bomb.
Johnson asserted that working
with Lilienthal, retiring chairman
of the Atomic Energy Commission,
are "certain politicians, scientists
and publications in this country."
All of them, Johnson said, are
"actively engaged in a conspiracy."
THE SENATOR also linked the
Washington Post to "this unwise
scheme." He made his charges in
a letter to the Post replying to a
Post editorial critical of him.
Johnson made the letter public.
Lilienthal could not be reach-
ed for comment.
The Post article concerned a
Johnson television broadcast in
which he discussed super atom
bombs. The newspaper had said
that Johnson was the first person
officially ' placed in the Atomic
Energy Program to say what he
* * *
IN A STATEMENT last night,1
the newspaper said the Johnson
letter failed to require revision of
its earlier article. Johnson con-
tended he spilled no secrets.
Johnson's accusations came
after a high government official
had said privately that the Sen-
New Violence
in Colombia
BOGOTA, Colombia--(P)-The
funeral of the slain brother of the
Liberal candidate threatened to
become the focal point of a new
explosion in Colombia's bloody
presidential election today.
Vicente Echandia, brother of
Dario Echandia, was killed with
two other Liberals in a police
shooting Friday night.
* * *
THE LIBERALS, who have no
hope in the election because they
have withdrawn their candidate

ator's discussions of atomic wea-
pons on a television program
were a big factor behind Presi-
dent Truman's crackdown on
talk about defense secrets.
Mr. Truman Friday ordered At-
torney General McGrath to tight-
en the safeguarding of atomic and
other security information. The
President's action is understood to
have been directly mainly at John-
son, a member of the Senate-
House Atomic Energy Committee.
RCA Records
Selling Well,
Dealer Says
Hardly the underdog, RCA Vic-
tor's 45 RPM speed record sales
are on a sharp incline, according
to Phil Diamond, Liberty Street
record merchant.
Sales in his store show that Co-
lumbia's LP's are outselling 45s by
less than two to one, as compared
to the 15-to-one figure quoted in
yesterday's Daily.
*' * *
"THE REPORTED battle be-
tween the speeds is actually over-
emphasized," Diamond added.
Such competition exists in all in-
dustry and usually leads to a
better product."
Although the LP's maintain
steadily high sales, the many
advantages of the 45s-storage
convenience, individual popular
music and constant tone quality
of the short record-make it a
strong competitor in the music
platter market, he said.
It is actually difficult to compare
the savings of each speed since
the length and type of musical
entertainment varies, but both are
cheaper than the standard 78s,
the record dealer said.

World Peace,
Ruler States
Cameron Gets
Iranian Award
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah
of Iran, received the honorary de-
gree of Doctor of Civil Law yester-
day at a special convocation held
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven pre-
sided over the meeting which em-
phasized the cultural ties between
Iran and the University.
THE SHAH was welcomed by
?rof. George Cameron, of the
Oriental languages and literature
department, and was presented
with the honorary degree by Prof.
John G. Winter of the Latin de-
/ The Shah in his response
praised the University's research
and teachings on the history of
Iran. The ruler of the rich oil
country which borders southern
Russia also made a plea for
world peace.
"Iran desires nothing so much
as to live in peace with her neigh-
bors, for without peace, we can-
not accomplish our aims to im-
prove the health, educational and
living standards of our people,"
the Shah said.
WITHOUT ANY previous pub-
lic announcement, the Shah then
presented Iran's Order of Homay-
oun to Prof. Cameron in recog-
nition of his work in deciphering
the inscriptions of King Darius on
Mount Behistun in Iran.
"I am deeply appreciative of
this great award but I feel it is
not for me alone but for the
University of Michigan as well
which shared in my work," Prof.
Cameron said.
* * *
LATER, at a press conference,
commenting on a Tehran report
which stated that measures taken
against the Iraquai subjects in his
country had affected the Jews,
the Shah declared, "Racial dis-
crimination has never existed in
Iran and never will."
Of the 1,500 Iraquis now in
Iran, all but 30 are of the Jewish
faith. The Israeli government
has accused Iraq of mistreating
Jewish residents, forcing them
to emigrate to Iran.
The Shah said he knew nothing
of this and pointed out that his
country had no relations with
* '4 *
THE SHAH also had no com-
ment on a report that the Moscow
radio recently had been inciting
Iranians to revolt during his tour
of the United States.
Reporters also asked the Shah
whether he would consider mar-
rying an American woman. (He
was divorced last November from
Empress Fawzia, sister of King
Farouk of Egypt.)
"The question of nationality is
not one you consider ahead of
time. Moreover, you don't regard
a women specifically like an ob-
ject," the Iranian ruler said.
Bahram Shahrokh, a Tehran
spokesman and Director General
of propaganda said, "We hate to
throw the Jews into the lion's
cage, but we are forced to take
action to defend the rights of
300,000 Iranians in Iraq."

* * *

* *

Campus Coeds Please Shah

, _

"It is always pleasant to see
beautiful flowers in the winter-
time," the Shah of Iran declared
yesterday when asked for his re-
action to University coeds.
Sleekly dressed residents of1
Stockwell Hall were treated to tea
with the Iranian ruler yesterday

afternoon when he visited the1
women's dormitory as part of his
campus tour which also included
the Business Administration Build-
ing and the West Quadrangle.
* * *
THE SHAH was accompanied
on his tour by his brother, Prince

Mahmoud Reza
a student in the
istration School.

Pahlavi, who is
Business Admin-

GI Bill Hit As 'Extravagyant,
Effort To BuyVets' Votes'

-Daily-Herb Harrington
SUBJECTS MEET KING-Iranian students meet their king, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, cent-
er, in the lounge of the West Quadrangle. The Shah also visited with his brother, Prince Mahmoud
Reza Pahlavi, right, who is also a student here. The lounge was filled with American students, anx-
ious to meet the Iranian monarch. After this meeting, the Shah made a tour of the campus with his

* * *

The GI Bill of Rights was criti-
cized as "the most extravagant
program of veterans' benefits any
country has ever had" by Fred
Maytag II, president of a house-
hold appliance factory.
Maytag spoke yesterday before
the 24th Annual Michigan Ac-
counting Conference.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Government
trouble shooters were reported
moving fast yesterday in an effort
to revive contract talks between
John L. Lewis and the soft coal
operators before the present strike
truce runs out next Wednesday.
PRAGUE-Four Czechs accus-
ed of spying for the U.S. were
sentenced to death and 16 others
drew prison terms yesterday.
** *
LONDON-American labor lead-
ers admit they are here to see that
a new international labor group
bars Communists from member-
American delegates include AFL
President William Green and
Vice-President William Doherty
and Walter Reuther, president of
the CIO-UAW.

HE CALLED the bill an effort to
buy veterans' votes by promising
"unattainable economic security."
The craving for security will
lead to the loss of economic and
political freedom for which the
veterans fought, he warned.
"Too many of us are willing to
accept the ideas of anyone who
offers a short cut to security, fail-
ing to recognize the incompati-
bility between freedom and secur-
"THE ONLY MAN who has real
security is the man in the peniten-
Maytag attacked socialized
medicine as a move towards a
"welfare state" that would des-
troy the initiative of the medical
"We have fewer persons per doc-
tor than any other nation," he
"SOCIALIZED medicine would
destroy the system that made this
Gov. G. Mennen Williams was
guest of honor and gave the
opening speech at the confer-
Other speakers were Prof. Fred
M. Taylor, of the School of Busi-
ness Administration; J. Harold
Stewart, president of the American
Institute of Accountants; and
Prof. David Himmelblau, of the
accounting department at North,
western University.

Miss Muriel Efty, resident di-
rector of Stockwell, described
the Shah as "an extremely gra-
cious guest as well as a very in-
teresting one."
"There were stars in each girl's
eyes as she was introduced to the
Shah, who warmly shook hands
with each one," Miss Efty confid-
* * *
THE SHAH also met with Iran-
ian and American students in the
Main Lounge of West Quadrangle.
As he conversed with each stu-
dent in Persian the Shah showed
marked interest in his subjects'
academic lives.
Joyce Ford, '53 and Beverly
Brown, '53, two Stockwell coeds,
adequately summed up the Shah's
and Prince's visit to the dormitory
in a single word, "Wow!"
Arrests Grow
WARSAW--(A)-Poland round-
ed up a group of Frenchmen and
France deported nine more Poles
yesterday in the eye-for-an-eye
struggle set off by the arrest of a
French consular attache in Po-
land last week.
EACH NATION accuses citizens
of the other of spying.
Diplomatic circles here view
the chain reaction with some
alarm. They say the affair
might easily get out of hand and
snap diplomatic relations be-
tween Paris and Warsaw.
The Polish Foreign Ministry an-
nounced the arrest of Antoine Bo-
itte, French Vice Consul in War-
saw, in reprisal for the French
arrest Thursday of Joseph Czecz-
erbinski, the.Polish vice consul at
Lille. Police picked up Boitte at
4 a.m.

Each Chapter
Will Make
Own Policy
National Group
Reverses Stand
In an abrupt reversal of a prev-
ious stand, the National Interfra-
ternity Council yesterday urged
college fraternities to erase from
their charters any racial or relig-
ious bars to membership.
According to Associated Press
dispatches, just 24 hours after the
discrimination issue had been ruled
off the conference program, a.
anti-bias resolution was brought to
a vote and passed, 36 to 3. Nine-
teen fraternities abstained from
MICHIGAN IFC President Jake
Jacobson, Dean of Students Erich
k. Walter and Associate Dean Wal
ter B. Rea attended the confer-
ance which was held in Washing-
ton D.C. 3
As it turned out, the only de-
bated issue was whether the
resolution should be voted on in
the sharp language proposed by
Alexander Goodman of Balti-
more, a member of Pi Kappa
Alpha, or a milder, redrafted
version produced by the resolu-
tion conuittee. The commit-
tee's resolution won.
Goodman's proposal called for
the "repeal and abolition" of any
constitutional provision or by-la
which "discriminates against an
college student because of his re-
ligion, race, color or creed."
* * *
THE VERSION finally adopted
recommends that fraternities
which restrict membership "to a
sectional or religious or other qual-
ifying group . . . take such steps
as they may elect to eliminate
such selectivity provisions."
The statement issued by the
conference which is composed
of representatives of 58 national
fraternities emphasized that
many fraternities have no such
barriers. Also the conference
declared that it has no author-
ity over the rules of the affiliated
fraternities, and that member-
ship questions are strictly mat-
ters for the individual national
fraternities to decide.
The resolution, therefore, Is
purely advisory.
On Friday, the second day of the
three-day conference, the retiring
chairman had officially declared
the discrimination issue dead, but
an energetic undergraduate move-
ment caused a reversal of policy on
the final day of the meeting.
* * *
a group of colleges and universi-
ties in the Northwest section of
the country and several Big Ten
schools, including Michigan, held
a rump caucus and drew up the
Since the students had no
vote at the conference, they gave
the resolution to the official na-
tional fraternity delegates who
brought the issue to the confer-
ence floor.
This undergraduate movement
started at a meeting of the North-
eastern Regional Interfraternity
Conference more than two months
ago, when nine of the 14 repre-
sentatives attending voted to re-
commend that the National Con-
ference take action on the dis-
crimination question at the Wash-
ington meeting.

* * *
Morrison, local IFC vice-president
called the move a definite step
"The NIFC has completely ful-
filled its obligation to the under-
graduate fraternity man in re-
commending the removal of dis-
criminatory clauses," Morrison
"A big job remains to be done
by the individual fraternities
which have restrictive clauses," he
continued, "and the local IFC's can
supply the most effective aid to

Palestine Mediator Bunche Will Speak Tomorrow

. o

* *




UN mediator and chief of the
trusteeship division Dr. Ralph
Bunche will talk on United Na-
tions Intervention in Palestine at

In December of 1947, Bunche
was appointed principal secre-
tary of the United Nations Pal-
estine Commission.

His doctorate thesis, in politi-
cal science comparing the rule
of a mandated area (French To-
goland) with the government of

He set a record in attendance
at international conferences, tak-
ing part in nine during a four
year period.

....... ..... ..

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