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November 24, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-24

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Tapping Time
AND ONE DARK night the heavens parted.
Down came the manifold host of mys-
tics, each clad in the sign and garb of
his particular cult. Down to the campus
came they and raised a great clamor to the
ocal Nimrod's.
It was tapping time once more for the
University's honoraries.
Ferreted from their reluctant hiding, the
wheels rolled eagerly to the altars, forges
and bonfires where they performed the oc-
cult rites of their proposed order. They
were immersed in enchanting fluids, graced
with becoming monikers and clubbed with
all manner of lethal devices.
The earth echoed and the heavens re-
sounded with the thump of backslapping in
the rarified air of the upper altitudes. A
night and day were spent in encomiums.
Now the ordeal is over. The chosen
march forth with badges gleaming and
are easily recognized by the great works
their societies perform. The campus sa-
lutes them:
Vyizzderzomanimorhorsizazzezd and e r ar -
-Rich Thomas

School Spirit

Problem Child

NOW THAT a good old-fashioned brand of
Rah-rah, complete with all sorts of ral-
lies and contests, has been somewhat pre-
cariously established at the University, we
can await the appearance of another Grip-
manish demagogue to sow the seeds of an-
other, and better, crop'of school spirit.
That most students learned of Rah-
Rah's revival with the same enthusiasm
with which they greet the announcement
of another bluebook might have indicated
a widespread regard for the more serious
aspects of education at this University.
But when the Daily launched its "If I Were
Dean" contest, designed to channel a con-
stant undercurrent of criticism into a con-
structive course, little-4almost nothing--
Now Michigan students can look at the
athletic inferiority of such a school as
Harvard with justified disdain, but when
it comes to genuine school spirit that in-
stitution puts Michigan to shame.
Not that the campus at Cambridge is the
scene of frequent pep meetings or tugs-of-
war; Harvardites care less for beanies and

Washington Merry-Go-Round



WASHINGTON-It looks as if President
Truman would soon have one of his
former assistants whom he didn't particu-
larly like, back in Washington-this time in
the Senate. He is William Benton, former
Assistant Secretary of State, who will prob-
ably be the new Senator from Connecticut
following the retirement of GOP Sen. Ray-
mond Baldwin on January 1.
Gov. Chester Bowles has virtually decid-
ed to appoint Benton, a Democrat, to Bald-
win's seat.
Benton, who had the difficult job of set-
ting up the State Department's new propa-
ganda office, pioneered the Voice of Amer-
ica radio program. He also went in for an
art exhibit, which was sent to various for-
eign countries, and it was this which got
him in the hair of his chief in the White
Truman didn't like modernistic art, and
didn't hesitate to say so. In fact. he took the
trouble to write Benton a confidential letter
describing modern art "as merely the vap-
orings of half-baked lazy people.. . . There
is no art at all in connection with the mod-
ernists, in my opinion," Truman told his
BENTON also had a tough time with cer-
tain Congressmen, especially penny-
pinching John Taber of New York, who cut
he heart &ptc jji W rptons. Ir js in-
teresting to note, however, that Congress
later came round to the realization that Ben-
ton's propaganda program was one of the
most important things the State Depart-
ment was doing.
Despite this, General Marshall, on becom-
ing Secretary of State, asked for Benton's
resignation, and the tough-talking former
advertising executive retired to Connecticut
where he kept busy with the Encyclopedia
Britannica, which he owns, and Muzak, the
company which pipes music into hotels and
restaurants all over the United States.
If Governor Bowles carries through his
present intention of appointing his close
friend to the Senate, Benton will now vote
on the appropriations of State Department
officials who once conspired to fire him.
However, Benton bears no grudges, and
when the Democratic Party was having a
tough time raising money in 1948, he came
through with a contribution for the Presi-
dent who once eased him out of Washing-
* * * *
THE MORMON CHURCH has adopted a
Thanksgiving Day idea which larger
church groups, or even those affiliated with
no church, might want to adopt.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
When the National Interfraternity Con-
ference holds its annual meeting this week,
the eyes of a great many Americans will be
watching it. For this organization will be
discussing the question of discrimination.
The Dartmouth Interfraternity Council has
now urged that "a real step" be taken to-
ward abolition of restrictive clauses. Other
stands against racial discrimination have
recently been taken by fraternity groups on
many campuses, including 'Michigan, Wis:
consin and Swarthmore. We applaud the
students who are fihting tht artificial and
unwanted restrictionsimposed on them by a
tradition that is as unworthy as it is un-
--The New York Times

The Mormons are doing without one full
meal at this time of the year and donating
the amount they would spend for that meal
to someone who cannot afford a Thanks-
giving dinner. In many cases they are giv-
ing the money to the Community Chest.
Behind this Mormon gesture is not only
the idea of helping one's fellow man, but
also the idea that the hunger pangs of one
who goes without a meal makes him think a
little more about the sufferings of others.
* * *
MOST PEOPLE have the idea that diplo-
macy is something to be left to those
trained in foreign languages, international
problems, and the niceties of the social sa-
lons. But 24 Negroes from Howard Univer-
sity have just done a great thing for their
country by touring Scandinavia to counter-
act Paul Robeson's propaganda.
The 24 colored students had been study-
ing dramatics at Howard, and after a clerk
from the Norwegian Embassy saw their pre-
formance, he suggested that they visit Nor-
way. With a little help they made the trip,
and started off by presenting Henrik Ibsen's
"Wild Duck" right in Isben's Norwegian
Robeson, traveling through Scandinavia
a few months before, had told how Ameri-
can Negroes were downtrodden, lynched,
and =uidernourished. Many believed him.
Therefore, when the Howard University
students arrived, they played to full houses,
many in the audience curious to see just
what kind of culture could come from the
American Negro.
The result was enthuisastic acclaim from
Oslo dramatic critics. According to "Mor-
genbladet:" "The acting was honest and
straight-forward with an air of sincerity."
"Verdens Gang" added: "The visit proved
that the 'colored' Howard University has a
literary interest and generally cultured stu-
dent milieu on a plane which any Euro-
pean or other university has reason to envy."
From then on, the Negro students played
before sellout crowds. They attracted so
much attention, in fact, that they were in-
vited to tour Denmark and Sweden-where
they met the -same enthusiastic reception.
Now they are winding up performances in
the American zone of Germany, have been
asked to fill engagements in France and Hol-
Though unknown and unappreciated in
their own country, these young Negroes have
scored a triumph abroad-not merely for
their acting but, more important, for their
people-to-people diplomacy.
* * *
WALL STREET bankers are in for a big
brushoff when Cameron S. Cobbold,
president of the Bank of England, visits the
U.S.A. early next month for a discussion of
world trade and monetary problems.
In the past, Montagu Norman, Lord Cato
and other Bank of England tycoons always
dealt directly with Wall Street when they
had business in the United States. They ig-
nored Washington except for social teas.
However, the British government has in-
structed Cobbold to give Wall Street bankers
the go-by on this trip and do his talking
with the Federal Reserve Board in Wash-
ington. He will make only a token, cour-
tesy call in New York after his business in
Washington is finished.
Federal Reserve insiders report that the
British banking official is not coming
here for another handout for his govern-
ment, but to exchance ideas on how to stim-
ulate trade by a freerer exchange of curren-
cy and of private investment capital be-
tween the U.S. and Great Britain.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

bonfires than do the students at this Uni-
But long before The Daily ever dreamed
of its contest, Harvard students, showing
genuine concern for the quality of educa-
tion they were getting, formed a special
committee within their Student Council to
study the grand question of how a Univer-
sity should be run.
This year the committee published the re-
sults of their efforts in a small, well-writ-
ten, and incisive pamphlet. The most star-
tling thing they reported was the interest
with which the student body greeted the
project. Of 200 questionnaires sent out by
'the committee, 150 came back, most of them
fully answered, and filled with serious in-
telligent answers.
What the questionnaires discovered is
not startling. The students blasted the
lecture system, condemned many examina-
tions as "bear traps," and bemoaned the
size of classes. But throughout their criti-
cism, they avoided mere bitter griping in
favor of intelligent appraisal and helpful
ideas, even displaying strong approval of
some phases of their education.
All this effort, and it was a sizeable proj-
ect, is apparently within the realm of the
Cultural and Educational Committee of the
Student Legislature. But that group has
busied itself this semester with the heavy
problems of Rah-Rah, the maintenance of
the student expert system, and the regula-
tion of campus posters.
What this University needs is a body of
20 or more students, well-equipped with
time and energy, to set about with a proj-
ect that will report what students think
about the University and how it could be
This committee could arrange open for-
ums, prepare questionnaires, meet with the
administration, talk with teachers, work in
a hundred different ways toward the im-
provement of education, both liberal and
technical, at the University.
It's hard to believe that there aren't 20
students out of the 20,000 enrolled here
who give a darn for the state of their Uni-
Life for many a future student here could
be a lot better if a few students would aban-
don disinterest, apathy, extreme devotion to
their studies, or whatever you want to call
this Michigan attitude, and start to exam-
ine the real problem of University life, which
is getting an education.
If nothing happens, as is very probable,
everybody can reiterate his faith in our fine
football team, discuss the prospects for next
year, and start making plans to send his
sons -to Harvard, where school spirit finds
expression in some thing more valuable
than tugs-of-war.
-George Walker
The Amercan
W HAT AMERICA does, not, of course, in a
moment, but with incredible rapidity, is
to obliterate distinctions. The Scotchman,
the Irishman, the German, the Scandina-
vian, the Italian, even, I sppose, the Czech,
drops his costume, his manner, his language,
his traditions, his beliefs, and retains only
his common Western humanity.
Transported to this continent, all the
varieties developed in Europe revert to the
original type, and flourish in unexampled
vigor and force. It is not a new type that
is evolved; it is the fundamental type,
growing in a new soil, in luxuriant profu-
Describe the average Western man and you
describe the American; from east to west,
from north to south, everywhere and always
the same-masterful, aggressive, unscrupu-

lous, egotistic, at once good-natured and
brutal, kind if you do not cross hire, ruthless
if you do, greedy- ambitious, self-reliant, ac-
tive for the sake of activity, intelligent and
unintellectual, quick-witted and crass, con-
temptuous of ideas but amorous of devices,
valuing nothing but success, recognizing
nothing but the actual, Man in the concrete,
undisturbed by spiritual life, the master of
methods and the slave of things, and there-
fore the conqueror of the world, the unques-
tioning, undoubting, the child with the
muscles of a man, the European stripped
bare, and shown for what he is, a predatory,
unreflecting, naif, precociously accomplished
G. Lowes Dickinson
"The Divine Average"
IT IS DISTRESSING to contemplate the
fact that, despite the universal depen-
dence on the lecture system, the real key-
notes to education-learning to think, learn-
ing to read, and learning to work efficiently
in groups-are aims that are achieved less
in the lectures than anywhere else.
-From "Harvard Education 1948,"
published by a special committee of
the Harvard Student Council

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Representative Judic?
To the Editor:
said in a letter to The Daily,
"Women's Judiciary Council is
empowered to enforce only those
regulations made by the Board of
Women Representatives, and is di-
rectly subordinate to them." This
board, according to the letter, is
made up of the presidents of every
women's housing unit on campus.
As president of one of these hous-
ing units I would like to say that
I had not heard of the Board of
Women Representatives until it
was mentioned in her letter. If the
House Presidents are responsible
for such regulations as sign-out
sheets, punishments for latenesses,
etc. why are such questions never
brought up at the House Presi-
dents' Meetings, or our approval
never asked for such measures?
Miss Trapp also stated that this
group better represents the women
on campus than does the SL. She
has perhaps forgotten that a num-
ber of women on campus do not
live in organized houses with
a house president, but are still sub-
ject to Judiciary rulings. These
women are only represented
through voting for SL candidates.
If.the Women's Judiciary Coun-
cil is really interested in being
representative, they might do well
to look to the SL.
-Alice Scott
* ** *
Law Coeds *. *
To the Editor:
NOTED WITH interest and ap-
t sproval Les Hull's statement in
Thursday's Daily that he wonders
why women enter our Law school,
and his sympathy for the poor
little tyros that have time for only
"one date per weekend." Les, old
boy, you're on the right track, but
haven't you overlooked some-
thing? Judging from the coeds
currently meandering through
Hutchin's hallowed halls, if any
have been able to entice a man
into spending one evening per
YEAR with them, they have dis-
played a cleverness which should
make snap work out of any law
curriculum in the country.
-Charles L. Dutchess
To the Editor:
A MR. LES HULL in The Daily
insinuates that women enroll
in the Law School to provide them-
selves with more dates-or some
such nonsense. Indeed . . . what
admirable specimens of manhood
these lawyers must be in order to
tempt mere girls to run the gamut
of jurisprudence on the off chance
that they might have the pleasant
company of one of these superior
men. It is no small value Mr. Hall
attaches to himself. Since we
didn't experience such rare thrills
in lit. school, Mr. Hall ought to
trot himself out and let us have a,
good look at him. Then we'll know.
what we're going to school for. I
don't believe I've noticed Mr. Hall,
in class...
It seems to me, that women's
motives for going to Law School1
may be said to be much the samec

as those of the men, whose pur-
poses range from the noblest to the
moldiest. We don't set ourselves
up as martyrs -in -skirts-to -the
law, but, by George, anybody who
'has ever seen much of the inside
of a casebook will understand what
I mean when I say I RESENT that
man's attitude.. .
And, if Mr. Hall should ever
stoop so low as to succumb to the
horrible desire of wishing to have
a date (of all nasty things to want
to do in one's spare time) may I
suggest that he try enrolling in the
Philadelphia Medical College for
Women. After all, if you can get
a high enough ratio, what else can
-Diana Constand
* * *
'U' Discimination...
To the Editor:
TN WEDNESDAY'S Daily, there
appeared a column containing
University Official's answers to in-
quiries dealing with admission ap-
plication questions. The music
school was blatant eough to state
that the questions regarding race
and photograph were used to pro-
vide discriminatory housing for
students! This is not merely con-
doning the practices of discrimi-
nation but is in effect, aiding and
encouraging the very practices
that the student body wishes to
The official from the music
school, Prof. O. J. Stahl, said that
"these questions are used by ad-
ministrative officials to provide
housing. Some landladies won't
take certain students so there is
no point intsending any and all
students to them." Has there ever
been a more pronounced approval
and submission to prejudice? It
must be admitted that the profes-
sor did mention that such ques-
tions could be obtained after the
student had been admitted to the
school. This is the evident solu-
tion to press for a removal of dis-
criminatory questions from all
University applications.
The Health School Dean stated
that the questions of Race, etc. are
used for placement purposes. In
other words, they're used for dis-
crimination in hiring!
Can these men belong to the en-
lightened intellectuals who con-
tinually proclaim the virtues of
democracy to their students while
at the same time denying their
fundamental rights? All interested
students should write to these men
demanding the removal of such
undemocratic questions!
-Hy Bershad
To the Editor:
IN LAST Wednesday's Daily there
appeared an article whichi
stated the views of two deans con-
cerning discriminatory questions
on application blanks to their
schools. In denying the use ofJ
these questions for the purpose of]
admissions they in effect admitted1
that such questions were used in1
one case for housing, and in an-;
other case for job placements!!
Most students will be abhorred
by this most candid admission of
discriminatory practices at a sup-


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1949
VOL. LX, No. 52
University Convocation: A pub-
lic convocation \vill be held in the
Rackham Lecture Hall at 11 a.m.,
Saturday, November 26, in con-
nection with the visit of His Maj-
esty, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi,
Shah of Iran, to the University. A
section of the auditorium will be
held until 11 o'clock for members
of the faculty; academic costume
will not be worn and there will be
no academic procession save for
posedly free institution. If the
purpose in asking a student's race,
religion, nationality, photograph,
etc., is to maintain a system of se-
gregation in housing or to further
a "white-gentile only" policy for
job placements, then it's high time
such questions were removed from
each and every university applica-
tion blank.
The absurdity of defending dis-
crimination in admissions to the
various schools by practicing dis-
crimination elsewhere apparently
went over the head of the above
mentioned gentlemen!
Student groups such as the
Committee to End Discrimination,
the Student Legislature, The Mich-
igan Daily and every concerned
student on campus should demand
the end of all questions used for
discrimination and call for an in-
vestigation into the policy on
housing and job placements in ef-
fect now at the University of
-Al Lippitt
* * *
Pocr usies ***
To the Editor:
IN THE Nov. 12 Daily, I note that
Prof. Clare Griffin of Bus. Adm.
School said, before the Univ. Press
Club, that "The main difference
between the United States and
England is our emphasis upon
competition." It seems to be im-
plied that this accounts for the
difference in economic approaches.
I think that another, perhaps more
important and more basic, basis
for this difference lies in the re-
cently changed status of British
imperial relations. The 50 million
people in the United Kingdom
have incurred a sharp diminution
of colonial markgets and imports.
Their own land cannot support
their people. A long run solution
may lie largely in reducing popu-I
lation through birth control and
migration to less populated areas
of the world. Short run solutions
seem to lIe in either military con-
quest or a more co-operative socie-
ty. Attitudinal values and the
state of depletion of available re-
sources with regard to the former,
tend to rule out other attempted
solutions than that of forming a
co-operatiye society. This, the
British seem to be trying. This is
a most difficult task, given the
comparatively crude and centric
social orientation of Western man,
A.D. 1949.
However, Prof. Griffin, I do be-
lieve that it behooves us not to
place a near absolute faith in what
has come to be considered the
"classical" doctrnes of Free En-
terprise and Competition. The in-
ter-related whole of people and
environment changes constantly.
Free Enterprise will no more be a
permanent solution than will be
Communism. Theocracy, the con-
cept of a flat world, groups of peo-

ple believed devoutly in these
ideas, even as today they hold oth-
er values. Let us fit our values to
the world, rather than attempt to
fit this rapidly changing world
into a rigid Procrustean bed of any
--Hal Lester
Campus Kygmie .*.
To the Editor:
WISI: to thank Rich Thomas
fore his excellent editorial in
which the IFC was referred to as
the campus Kigmie. From the sta-
tistics published in the same issue
of The Daily it was noted that af-
filiated students are definitely a
minority on campus. This, rMr-
haps, could explain the bitter at-
tack s on the IFC. That's the
trouble with being in a minority
around here. We're always being
picked on and segregated-even
from joining various social organi-
zations. Heh, Mr. Thomas.
-Irwin J. Steinhardt

the group occupying seats on the
Fulbright Applications and sup-
porting credentials are due no lat-
er than December 1 in the offices
of the Graduate School. This date
will not be extended. Application
blanks are now available in 1008
Rackham Bldg.
The Michigan Civil Service Com-
mission announces an examination
for Special Education Teacher.
The work will be with the mental-
ly retarded or the socially malad-
justed. Closing date for applica-
tions, Dec. 14, 1949. For further
information call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments. 3528 Administration.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri.,
Nov. 25, 4:15 p.m., Observatory.
Speaker: Dr. Yngve Ohman,
Stockholm Obseivatory. Subject:
Recent Solar Research.
Events Today
The International Center Thurs-
day Tea will be omitted because of
Coming Events
Exhibits in the University Mu-
seums Building will be open to
students and the public Fri., Nov.
25, 7 to 9 p.m. Natural History.mo-
tion pictures: "Seashore Oddities"
and "Fertilization," 7:30 p.m., 3024
Westminster Guild: Open house,
8:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 25.
SRA Intercultural Retreat: Pine-
brook Farm, November 26 and '27.
Leave Lane Hall at 2:30 Satur-
day. For reservations call Univer-
sity Extension 2148.
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy: Fri., Nov. 25, 7:45
p.m., Angell Hall. Dr. Carl A.
Bauer will give a short talk enti-
tied "The Panorama of the Uni-
verse" in 3017 Angell Hall. Fol-
lowing the talk the student ob-
servatory, 5th floor, Angell Hall,
will be open for observations with
the telescopes, provided the sky is
clear. Children must be accom-
panied by adults.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2
p.m., Sat., Nov. 26, League. Room
will be announced on the League
bulletin board.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., Fri., Nov. 25, League Cafe-
teria. All students and faculty
members invited.
Graduiate Outing Club: Swim-
ming and sports at the IM build-
ing, Friday. Bring gym shoes. Meet
either at Rackham, 7:15 p.m. or at
the IM building, 7:30 p.m.
Recreational Swimming-Women
Open swimming at the Union
9-11 a.m., Sat., Nov. 26.


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jarof............Managing Editor
Al Biumrosen.............. City Editor
Philip Dawon.....EditorialDirector
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merie Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goeiz.-Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach. .Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King ...................Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... .Business Manager
Dee Nelson .. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff'..Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler.....Circulation Manage!
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
ffle Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all other
matters hereintare also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
ArborrMichigan, as second-clas mail
Subscription during the regular school


year by rnwrier. $5.00. by mail. 86.00.

ll never eat another
Flabbergasty as long -

Hey! We found the truck.
Crahed;ino a tre e

Oh no you,
Godathe r

don't! Your imaginary Fairy
;sn' ri ;-nc fn ivn .v :tit i

What a fiasco that broadcast was!
t grir nrme.nu -F ht;aea n- h eI..n liHhnt .


Mr. O'Malley! Gosh, I was afraid iaybe
vn.. nnf b.... wa n ila fr....rs ca

I -N J
There l was, manipulating that truck

dark in that terrible old house-


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