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November 24, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-24

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See Page 4





Latest Deadline in the State


Soviet Union
Hits Chinese
UN Delegates
Calls Nationalists
NEW YORK-(A)-Rassia called
the Chinese Nationalist delegation
a bunch of pygmies yesterday and
said Moscow no longer recognizes
their right to represent China in
the United Nations.
Andrei Y. Vishinsky, Prime Min-
ister Stalin's top diplomat, told
the 59-nation General Assembly
the Nationalists here couldn't rep-
resent China even if they wanted
to because-he said-350,000,000
of China's 450,000,000 people have
recognized the Communist regime
headed by Mao Tze-Tung in Peip-
CHIEH-HOU KAN, personal ad-
visor to Li Tsung-Jen, acting
A president of Nationalist China who
now is in British Hong Kong,
angrily replied that Russia had
perpetrated serious international
crimes in China.
He told the Soviet foreign
minister that God and the con-
science of the world will indict
Russia even if the Nationalists
lose their seat at the U.N.
The heated exchange occurred
at Flushing Meadow as an offshoot
of debate on proposals for banning
atom bombs and for control of
atomic energy by international
The Russian and Chinese
spokesmen made their statements
against the backdrop of two im-
portant political developments in
China; (1) the Nationalist gov-
ernment's decision to abandon
Chungking, and (2) the Commun-
ists' release of Angus Ward,
American consul-general at Muk-
den, and his staff from prison
under a deportation order.
w t 4
VISHINSKY touched off the
fireworks here when, in the middle
of a long speechion atomic energy,
he shouted that Russia does not
regard "the Kuomintang delega-
tion",as te legal Chinese sPOtes-
This was interpreted as indi-
eating that the Soviet Union will
play a leading role in the im-
pending battle to get the Chi-
nese Communists a big power
seat in the U.N. Satelite Poland
already has indicated it will take
an active role in this fight.
When Vishinsky completed his
speech, Kan demanded the floor.
He shouted nervously: "Mr. Vi-
shinsky, your mere wish will not
put the Chinese Communists in
<. our seats in the Assembly."
VISHINSKY and his seven-man
delegation laughed out loud as
the nationalist spokesman con-
"If your wish were law then 80
re- rent of + delegate in the
assembly would be unseated."
Battles Shake
Panama City
PANAMA - (P) - A gun battle
between students and national po-
lice flared last night at National
University and first reports said
two policemen and two civilians
were wounded.
It was the second successive

night of violence in Panama, where
two men have laid claim to the
* *' *
T HE UNIVERSITY is situated
at the boundary line of Panama
and the Canal Zone, which is un-
der United States jurisdiction.
Some students escaped from the
police fire by jumping out of win-
dows and taking refuge in the
Canal Zone.
Police claimed the students
opened fire first. There was no
word on whether any casualties
had occurred inside the Univer-
sity building, where possibly 50
students were lodged.
The police laid siege to the
building and made no attempt to
smash their way inside.
Earliter armed national police
had succeeded in breaking up a
student mass meeting in the heart
of Panama called in protest
against "military dictatorship."
* * *
AMIDST general unrest stem-
ming from fear of renewed blood-

Winning Grins

L ethal

Quits AEC Post,





-Daily-Wally Barth
B. S. Brown smile asthey hear of their election in a list of eight
candidates. Nearest competitor to the trio was nearly 800 ballots
* * * *
GroupsSplit Election Posts

Election post mortems reveal
15 independent and 13 affiliated
candidates elected to Student
Legislature's 28 seats after a hec-
tic night of ballot-counting afterj
the second day of campus voting.
Because of a reduced election
quota used by SL officials in their
own special version of the Hare
Proportional Representational
System, the 28th candidate was
elected at 3 a.m.
* * *
REGULAR quota would have
been 240, but SL member Tom
Walsh and Duane Nuechterlain re-
duced it to 210, which would have
been the quota after several
counts. Main advantage to the re-
duction was quicker election of
candidates . and more sleep for
The proportion of affiliated
students was close to that of the
independents who were elected.
Thirteen out of 27 affiliates got
in; 15 out of 31 independents
made it.
A tie for ninth place in the
J-Hop election necessitated a com-
mittee of 10 persons.
After an affiliated candidate's
election to the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics, a mob
from the East Quad, sponsors of
the only independent board candi-
date, who cane in a close second,
heckled the winner's fraternity
members and marched through'
the house in a riotous but good-
natured protest. No one got hurt.
. * * *
MOST OF THE women candi-
dates had to leave early to meet
late permissions, so counters and
supporters of those who were
elected serenaded them at the
dorms at 3 a.m.
East and West Quad candi-
dates paced the election among
dormitory hopefuls for SL. Six
candidates out of 10 from West
Quad were elected while five out
of nine from East Quad got in.
An East Quad man, Gordon
MacDougal, came in in sixth place
among elected candidates. Mac-
Dougal also had the support of
the Young Progressives. He is
president of the YP.
* * *
well in comparison with Young
Republicans, whose president came
in 12th in the race. The Young
Democrats' president did not run.
Women's dorms didn't fare
so well. The two small dorms,
Helen Newberry and Martha
Cook, were the only ones to
elect candidates.
Stockwell, New Women's Dorm
and Jordan Hall all ran candidates
who lost the count.
In the J-Hop race, Rostom
Tandourjian, only independent
running, came in second, less
than 55 votes behind winner Ned

The Independent slate of B. S.
Brown, Tom Walsh and James P.
Jans won for Board 'in Control of
Student Publications. Jans, the
third hghest, was slightly less than
800 votes above runner-up Dick
Morrison, IFC Vice-President.
Following is a list of SL election
winners. Bold-face names are in-
cumbents. Successful candidates
are listed in order of election. The
second column shows the number
of first place votes for each candi-
date, while the last column shows
the count on which the candidate
was declared elected.
Dorianne Zipperstein, 279, 1st
Bill Duerr, 225, 1st
Quentin Nesbitt, 224, 1st
Jack Armstrong, 209, 3rd
Nancy Watkins, 195, 8th
Gordon MacDougall, 1M, 15th
George Qua, 188. 17th
Irving Stenn, 164, 17th
Edwin Lewinson, 151, 18th
Bob Vogt, 184, 19th
Tom Walsh, 130, 21st
Dave Belin, 171, 21st
Cal Klyman, 145, 23rd
Keith Beers, 124, 23rd
Ned Miles, 133, 25th
Ea l G. Keim, 166, 25th
Nancy Coleman, 105, 26th
Don Abramson, 138, 27th
Arnold Miller, 166, 27th
Walter Oberreit, 149, 27th
Tom Rice, 140, 27th
Tom Cramer, 1?9, 28th
Larry Devore, 142, 29th
Jo Misner, 115, 29th
Walt Hansen, 115, 29th
Sally Hughes (Gresham), 99, 30th
Hank Wilson, 137, 30th
Howard Johnson, 115, 30th
J-Hop winners follow. The first
figure shows first place votes, the
second the total number of weight-
ed votes each candidate received.
Ned Hess (Chairman), 145, 4,355
Rostom Tandourjian, 226, 3,808
Joan Broomfield, 71, 2,880
Paul McCracken, 50, 2,777
Janet Dewey, 57, 2,749
Mary Lou Porter, 46, 2,699
Ellen Van Wagoner, 60, 2,682
Nan Byrnes, 63, 2,616
Ann Maurer (tie), 60, 2,600
Dave Pease. (tie), 48, 2,600
* * * ..
Bold-face names are winners in
the Board in Control of Student
B. S. Brown ................3,268
Tom Walsh ................3,250
James P. Jans ..............2,898
Dick Morrison ..............2,115
"Potsy" Ryan ..............1,686
Richard Allen..............1,625
Paul Rider .................1,521
Lloyd Putnam .............795
Bold-face name is the winner in
the race for Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics.
Jim Mitchell ..............1,969
Cal Klyman ................1,776
John Powers ...............1,638
Jim LoPrete ...............594

Ward Freed,
Ordered Out
Of Red China
Consul Workers
Also Deported
Consul General Angus Ward, held
for a month in a Communist jail
at Mukden, China, has been re-
leased and ordered to leave the
country, the State Department an-
nounced yesterday.
Four consulate employes jailed
with Ward also were freed. A
Communist "people's court" con-
victed them along with Ward but
decreed that they too be deported.
THE STATE Department, which
has indignantly denounced the
treatment of the American official
as "barbaric," immediately relayed
instructions to Ward to get out
of Mukden and bring his entire
staff with him-"forthwith."
This latest action in the sen-
sational case which has attract-
ed world attention came with
lightning speed after the 56-
year-old diplomat himself re-
ported that his four weeks im-
prisonment had ended in a
Communist conviction and de-
portation order.
He added that he and the four
consulate employes arrested, held,
convicted and ordered deported
along with him were able to be
"up and about." All have returned
to their homes in the consulate
compound in Mukden, he said
w * *
WHILE TOP State Department
officials felt that their first ob-
jective had been gained with the
physical freedom of the five men
from prison, they were maintain-
ing an anxious watch of incoming
telegrams for first word that the
Communists actually are making
arrangements to get Ward and
his people out of town.
There are 12 American offi-
cials and at least two Europeans,
Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Shiro Tat-
sumi, the Japanese wife of a
Japanese-American employed by
Ward. The Tatsumis are report-
ed to have four children with
them in Mukden.
The first big break in the case
since the consul general was ar-
rested on October 24 came in mid-
morning yesterday when the State
Department announced it had re-
ceived word that the Communists
had finished their trial of Ward
and his associates and that they
had been released from jail. Ward
immediately telephoned American
Consul General 0. Edmund Clubb
at Peiping and Clubb rushed a
dispatch to the State Department.
Important details of the inter-
national incident remained to be
filled in. Ward hasn't had a chance
to tell his side of the story. The
Communists charged him with
beating a Chinese employe of the
consulate. State Department offi-
cials have insisted that the charge
was trumped up.
Hold Card Party'
A "card party" will be given by
SRA-WSSF from 7 to 10 p.m. to-
morrow in Lane Hall at which the
guests will sort some 10,000 "rail-
road" stubs in preparation for the
spring fund drive by WSSF.
In addition to the sorting, square
dancing, singing and the downing

of refreshments will be in order,
Wym Price, president of WSSF,
announced yesterday.

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
TASTY TURKEY-A roast young torn turkey was caught in this condition in the League's kitchen
late last night, preparing for his role in today's Thanksgiving Day festivities. The turkey has been
dressed up by League cooks especially for holiday diners. Some 41,000,000 turkeys were available
this year for winter eating. (See other turkey picture, Page. 3.)
* * * * * * * * *

Tables Tu.
Thousands and thousands of
turkeys breathed their last during
the past few days in order to grace
huge platters as the nation cele-
brates Thanksgiving Day today.
Cooks from Maine to California
have been utilizing all their mental
resources to dress up the huge
gobblers so that they look as good
as they taste.
IN AN EFFORT to learn howt
the turkeys themselves felt about
this business of having big
Thanksgiving dinners, The Daily1
sent a reporter to a local turkey.
farm to observe their reactions.
But by the time The Daily got1

rned on Gobblers

to the farm, only thirty or forty
gangling gobblers were wander-
ing around the lot. The rest,
some 400, had already gone to
meet their doom at the market
The remaining turkeys were
quite youthful, having been born
just last September. They were
quite content as they romped,
around a big pasture field and fed
on delicious grainy turkey mash.
* * *
THEY SEEMED completely ob-
liviou> to the fate of their 400
colleagues. They also seemed to
be unaware of what lies in store
for them next Thanksgiving Day,

Rebel Wartfare in Philippines
Halted by Two- ay Truce
MANILA-(')-A two-day truce province and a Nacionalista strong-
was reported early today to have hold.
halted fighting between govern-
ment forces and rebels south of NACIONALISTA Party officials
Manila. Press reports said 29 men in Manila denied Laurel followers
were known to have been killed in were involved in the uprising as
the two-day battle. such. There was widespread re-
The truce reportedly was ar- sentment in the province at the
ranged by Gov. Feliciano Leviste conduct of the election, they said,
of Batangas province where the 1 but insisted the party would seek
fighting has raged in the moun- redress through peaceful means.
tains near Batangas City. He was
said to have dealt dir()ctly with Quirino yesterday described
officials in charge of Philippine' the situation in Batangas as
constabulary units which have "very serious" and said it might
been battling the dissidents. be "an organized effort to upset
* * the government." He expressed
IN MANILA, however, Brig, confidence, however, that the
Gen. Alberto Ramos, chief of the rebels would be suppressed.
constabulary, said no truce had Quirino also was confronted
been sanctioned by him. He said 'with the resignation of former
he had no report of any negotia- President Sergio Osmena from the
tions to halt the fighting. Philippine Council of State in pro-
But Manila newspaper cor- test to the administration's handl-
respondents in Batangas report- ing of the recent Presidential elec-
ed firing ceased last night. They tions.
said the known dead numbered * * *
27 constabulary troopers and two MANILA'S Mayor Manuel de la
rebels. They estimated many Fuente requested citizens to stay
more dissidents had been killed off the streets after 8 p.m. Fears
and the bodies removed., were expressed in some official
The Batangas governor belongs quarters that the armed outbreak
to the Nacionalista Party of Dr. 60 miles to the south might spread
Jose P. Laurel, who lost the Nov. to Manila.
8 presidential election to President Quirino reported the Philippine
Elpidio Quirino. Na cion alis t as army had joined the constabulary
have charged the election was in the battle against an estimat-
marked by fraud, irregularities and ed 600 dissidents. Artillery was
intimidation by government po- brought up against the rebels, who
lice. Batangas is Laurel's home ( had mortars and machine guns.

when they, too, will tickle the
palates of gourmets throughout
the state.
An Associated Press report
early this month said that this
year's turkc'y population would
be much greater than that of
last year, thereby reducing prices
on America's favorite holiday
However, June Smith, proprietor
of the turkey farm visited by The
Daily, said that California's fail-
ure to produce turkeys in the
quantity expected had caused a
last-minute shortage of the big
Consequently, mid-west growers
did quite well with their turkeys
this year, Smith said.
* * *
TOTAL TURKEY population was
still quite large this year. A re-
cent U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture forecast said that around 41,-
000,000 birds would be available for
holiday tables this year.
This means that America has
just about as many turkeys as
France has people.
But when the typical American
sits down to his typical turkey
dinner today, he will have little
concern with statistics on turkey
He will only say, "Mmmm .
what flavor !"
Happy Thanksgiving!
IWorld news
By The Associated Press
Ralph J. Bunche, former United
Nations mediator in Palestine, is
being boomed for the post of am-
bassador to Russia, according to
the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Bunche will speak Monday at
Hill Auditorium in the Oratori-
cal Lecture Series.
* * *
BONN, Germany -- Details of
the new agreement between
West Germany and the Big
Three Western Allies, which in-
clude mutual concessions, are to
be announced at 11 a.m. today.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Amtorg, Soviet
trading agency, was fined $10,000
yesterday for violation of the f or-
eign agents registration act, but
was excused from paying it.
* * *
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina-
A two-man Congressional com-
mittee seized control of the busi-
ness offices of the three remain-
ing independent newspapers and
the Communist organ La Hora
here yesterday.
Committeemen said they were
seeking to learn whether money
was paid the newspapers by a

Truman ok's;
Successor Not
Nominated as Yet
Lilienthal, the foe of extereme se-
crecy on the atom, yesterday re-
signed as chairman and member
of the Atomic Energy Commission
-partly, he said, in order to speak
out "with a greater latitude."
President Truman accepted the
resignation, effective Dec. 31, with
the "utmost regret." He named
no successor foi the commission,
which holds powers almost u -
paralleled in democratic gvern
* * *
BUT MR. TRUMAN voiced con-
fidence that "should the exigencies
of the public interest demand".-
presumably, if a war crisis comes
-Lilienthal would stay his de-
In Congress, starting point of
most of the Lilienthal battles
that have splashed controversy
over the front pages, there was
regret at his departure and
praise for his career, but it was
not unanimous.
Now 50, Lilienthal sprang into
the public eye as chairman of the
Tennessee Valley Authority. On
Oct. 28, 1946, he was appointed
chairman of the Atomic Energy
Commission. He stayed there three
action-packed years, climaxed by
last summer's investigation Of - a
charge of "incredible mismanage-
ment" in AEC.
A MAJORITY of the Senate-
House Atomic Committee cleared
the agency of this accusation,
made by Sen. Hickenlooper (Rep.,
Iowa). Yet Mr. Truman may have
had it in mind in today's letter to
Lilienthal, released at the White
"You have indeed, through
almost 20 consecutive years of
public service in tough pioneer-
ing jobs--always under pressure
and often 'under destructive
criticism-earned the right to
retire to private life."
Lilienthal only last month urged
that this country "stop this sense-
less business of choking ourselves
by some of the extreme of secrecy
to which we have been driven."
* * *
HE URGED broader sharing of
atomic information with the Brit-
ish and Canadians, in the interest
of speedier atomic development.
His appeal did not check a new
drive in Congress for atomic se-
curity, spurred by the Russian
atomic explosions.
In his message to the White
House, a letter obviously talked
over with Mr. Truman in advance,
Lilienthal made it clear he is
quitting public service but not pub-
lic affairs.
* * *
SENATOR Hickenlooper, whose
charges against Lilienthal and
AEC included not only misman-

agement but security flaws and
the loss of a quantity of uranium
from a laboratory, commented last
"I look forward to a new stim-
ulation in our atomic program,"
Hickenlooper issued his state-
ment at Des Moines. He noted that
he called for Lilienthal's resigna-
tion last May, "in the best inter-
ests of our atomic program."
"At the outset I stated that I
had no personal animosity what-
soever toward Mr. Lilienthal," the
Senator said. "I have long been in
disagreement with his policies as
chairman of the Atomic Energy
Commission and I have been of the
sincere opinion that these policies
have not produced the vigorous
development of our atomic pro-
gram that we must have in the

U.S. Says Sittler Faces Deportation in '50


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AvgOC.TATR Ranrptarv (1pnrga I

I iffle~r wc~ f4, iness in the e

f"Sittler is mighty lucky to beI

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