THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEM-ER 23, 1949 ', I U SKY TO SALT MINE: Ups, Downs of Testing, RaysTold byScientists ELECTION SCENES Cosmic Ray research has its ups and downs according to University physicists. From a height of 50,000 feet up above the earth to a depth of 1100 feet down into the earth, research- ers are measuring the amount and intensity of Cosmic Rays. * * LAST APRIL, ten high altitude, Speech Dept. Will Present Religious Play, "Family Portrait" has been chosen by the speech department as its second production of the fall season. The drama will be presented Nov. 30 to Dec. 3 at Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. WRITTEN by Lenore Coffee and William Joyce Cowen, "Fain- ly mPortrait" gives a picture of the family of Jesus and the effect .on them of his departure from home and crucifixion. The play was first produced at the Morosco Theatre in New York with Judith Anderson in the leading role of Mary. It was highly praised by the critics for its "honest 'andstraightforward simplicity, tenderness of feel - ing," its "fresh and poignant sig- nificance' and its "moving ex-' pression Hof truth and beauty." In order to create a familiar and contemporary feeling and to re- move the play from the usual stiffness of religious dramas, the speech department will present "Family Portrait' in a modern set- ting, approximately the 19th cen- tury. DIRECTING THE play will be Prof. Valentine Windt, who recent- ly returned from Broadway, where he directed the production of "Twelfth Night" which originally appeared in Ann Arbor in last spring's Drama Festival. "Family Portrait" was given in 1939 by the speech depart- ment, Prof. Windt also directing this earlier production. Mail orders for the play may be sent to Play Production, Lydia. Mendelssohn Theatre. The box office will open Nov. 28th. School with a History The Sorbonne, founded in the thirteenth century, is the college7 of science and letters at ,the Uni-I versity of Paris.1 hydrogen filled balloons were re- leased by Prof. William Nieren- berg of the physics dept. Attached to a special contain- er on the balloons were photo- graphic plates which recorded the traces of the rays. The bal- loons were equipped with instru- ments designed by Prof. H. R. Crane of the physics depart- ment, which maintained a steady altitude. Only one of the balloons re- leased were recovered, the others are believed to have been carried by the wind and sunk in Lake Erie, according to Prof. Nieren- berg. A WEATHER beaten container and balloon were found on a mountainside near Mahaney City, Pennsylvania, some time last month. Barely legible on the side of the container were the words "University of Michigan." The finder of the balloon wrote the University telling of its location. But before he received an an- swer from the University he sent the materials to the Brookhaven Laboratory at Upton, N.Y. This caused further delay, but the plates and instruments are now in Prof. Nierenberg's posses- sion. A group of graduate students working under' the supervision of Prof. Wayne Hazen of the physics department descend 1,1000 ft. into a Detroit salt mine to record the rays. A WILSON CLOUD chamber which photographs the streaks caused by the rays and a Geiger counter are used in this project. Ony one out of ten thousand rays which hit the earth have enough energy to penetrate to the depth of the cave, according to Prof. Hazen. Accounting Group To Confer Here The 24th annual Michigan Ac- counting Conference will be held Saturday under the sponsorship of the School of Business Admin- istration. Principal speakers will be J. H. Stewart, president of the Ameri- can Institute of Accountants; Prof. Clare E. Griffin, of the School of Business Administra- tion; Richard B. McEntire, com- Imissioner on the Securities and Exchange Commission and Fred Maytag II, president of the May- tag Co. -Daily-wally Barth CAMPUS COPS SAFEGUARD BALLOT BOXES-Campus police Ike Slander, nearest truck, and Harold E. Swoverland, on his left keep a wary eye on Assistant to the Dean of Students John Gwin, laboriously dragging a ballot bax out of a University truck. He is assisted by SL member, Pris Ball. Legislator Jim Storrie, far right, carries a calculator, one of three borrowed from the Bus Ad School to be used during election ballot counting at the Union last night. (See story page 1.) Law School Men To Enter Bar Contest Three University law students will participate in a moot court competition sponsored by the Ju- nior Bar 'Activities Committee of the Association of the Bar on De- cember 1 and 2 in New York City. The students, Gywnne Myers '50L, Richard Conn '50L, and Gor- don Boozer '50L, will leave for New York by plane on November 30. THIS IS the first time the Uni- versity Law School has been rep- resented at the New York compe- tition, according to Prof. Charles W. Joiner, of the Law School. "If the program is successful, it will be continued with win- ners of the Junior Case Clubs arguments representing the Law School in the future, Prof. Joiner said. Leading students from 17 law schools will argue on an elimina- tion basis in four rounds of argu- ments covering two days. * M . * THE UNIVERSITY team will meet representatives of Albany Law School in the preliminary rounds. The caz u : argue involves constitutional questions raised by a confession obtained from the defendant while he was al- legedly detained illegally by the police. other schools participating in the competition are Yale, Colum- bia, Cornell, Fordham, New York University, University of Chicago and Pennsylvania. Anthropologists To Attend Conference Four graduate students and two faculty members of the anthrop- ology department will attend the annual Plain Archeology Confer- ence at Lincoln, Nebraska Thurs- day through Saturday. Prof. James B. Griffin and Prof. Albert C. Spaulding will present papers at the conference. Students participating in the conference are Glenn Kleinsasser, Edward G. Skully, Steven G. Wil- liams, and Wilfred D. Logan. High School Meet High School students from all parts of Michigan will attend the fifth annual Michigan High School Conference Dec. 9 here. The conference will consider problems of student self-govern- ment. Familiar buckets of shiny zinc will greet students and Ann Ar- borites at their favorite street cor- ners next week as the annual Gal- ens Christmas Drive gets under way. Some 30,000 tags will be sold on Dec. 2 and 3 by members of Gal- ens, an honorary medical society, to provide for the needs of the children at University Hospital. * * * A SPECIAL Christmas program, with gifts for hospital children, will be sponsored with the proceeds of the drive. Also, the drive will contribute funds to support the Galens workshop at the hospital. This shop provides recreation as well as instruction in many arts and Dorm Honors SarahAng~ell Women living in Sarah Caswell Angell House honored the name- sake of their dormitory with a spe- cial dinner last night. Special guests were President Alexander G. Ruthven and Prof. F. Clever Bald, who related inci- dents recorded in the diary of Mr. Angell. Mrs. Angell was the wife of James Burrill Angell, president of the University, 1871-1909. crafts for children who are pa- tients at the hospital. Galens' Christmas tag day drives have been an Ann Arbor tradition since 1927. EACH YEAR the buckets are manned by members of the medi- cal society so that expenses can be kept to a bare minimum. "This year, a local printing shop is printing our 30,000 tags absolutely free," Bill Newlander, '50M, said. "We hope to hold our total expenses under $50." Last years drive netted more than $5,000-all from the sale of tags. * * * NEWLANDER stressed the fact that the Galens drive aids hospital children during the entire year, through the craft hop and the in- struction in arts and crafts which it offers. Its immediate purpose, how- ever, is to provide a pleasant yuletide season for the children, many of whom have to spend Christmas far from home. Displays will appear in the win- dows of the Ann Arbor Trust Building as well as Wahr's and Kresge's on State Street, and they will show how Galens' drive funds are spent. i .1 I BUCKET BRIGADE: Galens Open Annual Christmas Drive Dec. 2 4 --- Ev ans Slippers H AND TURNED v"2 fr60 IU'Professors Support Fight On Deportation, Prof John F Shephard, of the psychology department, and Le- roy Waterman, professor emeritus of Semitics, have joined a list of 108 sponsors of a National Con- ference Against Deportation Hys- teria. Sponsored by the American Committee for Protection of For- eign Born, the conference will be held December 3 and 4 in Detroit. PROF. WATERMAN explained that the conference is designed to focus public attention on the "ten- dency of the Justice Department to deport anyone who has a taint of Communism." "The Committee hopes to se- cure the full benefit of the Am- erican court system for foreign born persons who may be un- justly treated by the Justice De- partment," he said. The committee grew out of the Wcrkers' Defense League which helped provide equal justice for workers, for example Negro la- borers who might get into trouble in the South, he added. THE COMMITTEE has been in existence for at least five years, Prof. Waterman estimated. He has supported the group for the past two years, he said. Prof. Shephard first heard of the group a few months ago when the committee asked him to serve as a conference sponsor. SA Plans Gala Weekend Thanksgiving breakfast and an intercultural retreat Saturday and Sunday at Pinebrook farms will highlight weekend activities plan- ned by the Student Religious As- sociation. A complete Thanksgiving break- fast, open to the general student body, will be served for 35 cents at 9 a.m. in Lane Hall's Fireside Room. Reservations can be made by calling Lane Hall by 5:30 p.m. today. Those attending the intercultur- al retreat will leave Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m. Saturday and return Sunday afternoon. Joanne Smith of the Lane Hall staff advises stu- dents attending to bring plenty of warm clothing and blankets. Reservations for the retreat, which costs $2.50, will be accepted today at Lane Hall. That's My Pop The face of Matthew in de Vin- ci's "Last Supper" has the profile of Leonardo's father. -Daily-Carlyle Marshall ELECTION BROADCAST-On the spot coverage of ballot count- ing at campus election headquarters in the Union is afforded by the speech department's daily news broadcast over station WHRV as Tom Cramer, second from left, interviews John Ryder, left, Stu- dent Legislature president, Ginny Bauer, SL publicity director, and Peter Hotton, Daily reporter, extreme right. The recorded in- terview will be broadcast at 12:30 p.m. today, along with a sum- mary of final returns. Early returns were broadcast late last night direct from the Union. NAVION NAVIGATION: Flight Training To Augment AeroEngineeringCurriculum e A new flight testing program has been added to the curriculum for aeronautical engineers at the University. The course will instruct students in the methods and equipment us- ed to gather data during airplane flights, has been supplemented by the purchase of a used North American Navion plane. The plane has a 185 horse- power engine, tricycle retract- able landing gear, radio compass, standard two band transmitter and receiver, and can carry four persons, including a pilot. Special instruments have been installed to enable the students to ing ground preparations," ac- cording to Prof. Emerson Conlon of the aeronautical engineering department. "The students will spend from one to three hours in the air on test flights. Besides flying time, the students spend one afternoon a week calibrating and installing instruments, and analyzing data obtained in the air," he added. 'Citizen Kane' To Be Shown 30c PER BENDIX LOAD SOAP IS FREE 30 MINUTES FOR YOUR ENTIRE WASH check propeller characteristics, "Citizen Kane" will be the next best climbing speed, stability and presentation of the Arts Cinema power determination. Also a pho- League. to-recording device has been in- The movie, which stars Orson stalled to obtain data used in Welles, will be presented at 7 and computing the airplane perform- 9:30 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and ance Sunday in the Architecture Audi- torium. Advanced ticket sales will "At, the present time, sections be held today, Friday and Satur- will be limited to six students clay from 2-6 p.m. in the League which will allow each student to lobby. be aloft with the pilot on three According to Art Moskoff, man- to four tests during the semes- ager of the Arts Cinema League, ter. Each student will be res- the movie tells the life story of ponsible for planning about ten William Randolph Hearst, famous flight runs and the correspond- newspaper tycoon. - - - - ARE YOU STAYING IN TOWN THIS. WEEKEND?. i::.': .l.'4tis "':3J:! CHEER UP! CRANBERRY BAIL }I 1i I "v'' , * * - , -I Here's your Clue to Smart r :. -: 1 r . 1 ,,,a; _ . .: ;; f , ; ; ; E,; _, 'i . . ,. 1 in '50? a Banking . .. In mellow tan leather with long Saturday L ITNIIIN Night, Nov. 26...9to12 #. wearing comfortable soles. It comes in twn wIidh an 1I nto ci7i31 ;- Round trip, . via steamship SH O 0 P. BANK by MAIL RAITRIIM . .1