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November 22, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-22

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Latest Deadline in the State







U.S. Calls for
Help To Free
Angs Ward
Seeks Protests
From 30 Nations
United States yesterday asked 30
nations-including Soviet Russia
-to join in bringing pressure on
the Chinese Communists to free
American Consul General Angus
Ward and his stafffromaa Muk-
den jail.
An unprecedented personal
appeal for urgent concerted action1
was sent out by Secretary of State
Acheson over the weekend to the
Foreign Minister of every country
with representatives in China.
THE NEW step, announced by
the State Department, was taken
amid a mounting outcry for the use
of force if necessary to free the
consular officials, who were jailed
four weeks ago on charges which
the United States has denounced
as "trumped up."
Officials said Acheson's per-
sonal appeal was without diplo-
matic precedent. It went out Fri-
day night, a few hours after
President Truman called the
treatment of Ward an outrage.
Meanwhile in Hongkong, well-
informed quarters speculated
yesterday that the ailing Li
Tsung-Jen might form a third
Chinese government and seek
American aid in opposing both
the Communists and Generalis-
simo Chiang Kai-Shek.
ACHESON'S move posed a direct
test of the attitude of Soviet Rus-
sia and of four other Soviet bloc
countries to which his message was
Some diplomatic officials
voiced the suspicion privately
that Russia as the princible
backer of the new Chinese Red
regime may have instigated the
Ward incident as a blow to
American prestige.
"As a matter of urgency," Ache-
son asked each Foreign Minster to
"express to the highest Chinese in
Peiping through such channels as
may be available to you the con-
cern which your government un-
doubtedly feels" over the treat-
ment of Ward.
Acheson declared the Commu-
nists' action is "in direct violation
of the basic concepts of interna-
tional relations which have been
developed throughout the cen-
Libia Receives
UN Approval
Of Sovereignty
Dispose of Former
Axis African Colonies
NEW YORK-()-The United
Nations Assembly voted over-
whelmingly yesterday to make a
sovereign nation of Libia, the big-
gest colony of the African empire
lost by Italy in war.
Libian independence will be ef-
fected not later than 1952 under
the binding decision left to the UN
under terms of the Italian Peace
* * *

THE ASSEMBLY voted also--
over bitter Ethiopian protests-to
send Italians back to Africa as
trustees for 10 years over Italian
Somaliland, and set up a UN com-
mission to decide within a year
what to do with Eritrea.
The final vote on the three-
point program for disposal of the
old Italian colonies on the Medi-
terranean, Red Sea and Indian
Ocean coasts of Africa was 48 to
1, with nine countries abstain-
* * *

An Editorial...
Today you will largely determine the course your
student government will take during the coming months.
For you cannot be heard on individual issues as
they arise. You can only vote once, at the election today,
to get people who represent your point of view.
Whether or not you vote, the people to be elected
today will represent you on many issues, from football
seating to University regulations and discrimination.
: g * :
Yet only 4,000 students took five minutes yesterday
to vote; even if this trend continues today and breaks
previous voting records, the voice of the student body
will have been chosen by only one-third of the electorate.
Everyone is eligible to vote, including students in
the graduate and professional schools.
Even if you only vote for one candidate, you will
register your opinion-an opinion which is needed by
your student government.
Today is your last chance to take your part in the
student government, whose decisions will powerfully af-
fect your college life.
The place to speak is at the ballot box.
* :c .* .!
Vote for your student government before 5 p.m.
-The Senior Editors.
,Chambers Labels Hiss
S tooge for Communists

Reports Say
Dawson Held
From Post
Lewis Blocks His
Election to Board
By The Associated Press
reportedly blocked the seating of
former Federal Judge Charles I.
Dawson as the coal operators'
trustee of the Miners' Welfare
Fund at a stormy three-hour ses-
sion yesterday.
The three trustees--Chairman
Lewis, Dawson and Senator Styles
Bridges (R-N.H.)-refused to talk
about what went on at the bitter
meeting. Dawson had sought to
succeed Ezra Van Horn as the
operator representative. Van Horn
recently resigned.

4,000 Count
In FirstDay
Vote Runs Under
Last Year's Total
Winter in all its Ann Arbor
guises failed to keep voters from
the polls yesterday as an estimated
3,500 to 4,000 students cast their
ballots in the all-campus elections,
several hundred less than last year.
Shivering students, some scru-
tinizing Dailies and others admir-
Cold weather will drive vot-
ing booths indoors at the Union,
League, BusAd Building, Angell
Hall and General Library.
Booths still outside will be at
the middle entrance to the Law
Club, Engineering Arch, Wat-
erman Gym and Women's Ath-
letic Building.
Polls will be open from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
SL will broadcast interviews
with election officials between
11:00 and 11:30 p.m. today over
WHRV. Final election returns
will be aired at 12:30 p.m. to-

vote of the coal
signed the 1948-49

elected by a
operators who

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Whittaker Charn-
bers pictured Alger Hiss yesterday
as a Communist stooge, a liar and
a spy for the Russians.
* * *
CHAMBERS,, the government's
chief witness in Hiss' second per-
jury trial, testified that the hand-
some, 45-year-old defendant:
1-Went to work in the Jus-
Druids Strike
In DeepNight
Druids, sons of magic
Foretellers of the future
Judges-very knowing, wise-
The fires in the stonehenge
Are set alight
With flames to heaven raised;
Look upon thy awenyds,
Called from out thy mighty
The uninformed who would
seek thy light,
Hence to thy oak grove-
There to test their worthiness
With eyes to heaven raised,
Invoke a blessing from the
Perpetuate thy heroic deeds,
Keep ever bright thy burning
The glory and wisdom of
knights of old,
Stalwart DRUIDS, true and

tice Department andlater <in the
State Department at the behest
of a Communist underground
2-Turned over State Depart-
ment documents to a Soviet spy
ring at regular intervals as late
as 1938; ,
3-Entertained Chambers in
his home nearly a year after the
last date on which Hiss says the
two men met.
Meanwhile in San Francisco,
the government's much-heralded
"Sunday punch" witness took the
stand in the Harry Bridges perjury
trial yesterday, but he had no
sooner testified that he once
joined the Communist Party than
defense objections blocked further
testimony for the day.
THE WITNESS, through whom
the government has said it expects
to establish Bridges' entrance into
the Community Party, was John
H. Shomaker, 46, of Menlo Park,
Calif., former aide of Bridges and
once a local officer of Bridges' CIO
Longshore Union.
Also, in New York, Russian en-
gineer Valentin A. Gubitchev, af-
ter months of insisting he wouldn't
hire a lawyer, had one today-a
former American military govern-
ment attorney in Germany.
Meanwhile the U.S. Court of Ap-
peals denied an application by his
co-defendant, Judith Coplon, for
a stay of their spy conspiracy trial
set to start today.

That pact expired June 30,
and Bridges has refused to vote
to use any welfare royalties-
estimated at $13,00,000 - col-
lected since that date.
The votes of Lewis and Bridges
would nullify each other on the
board on any issue involving the
recognition of Dawson as a mem-
ber. Some observers speculated
that Lewis may have decided
Dawson would line up with Bridges
and refuse to allow pensions or
welfare benefits from the $13,-
Other news on the labor front
Householders and industries in
the Eastern United States today
were busy buying up coal due to
fear the miners might resume,
their strike November 30.
* * *
COAL PILES are reported low
in several Eastern states but there
is no panic buying. Dealers are
able to allocate coal first to those'
in greatest need.
All the nation's 400,000 soft
coal miners now are working.
But John L. Lewis' current con-
tract maneuvers have them slat-
ed to stop at the end of the
Meanwhile in Washington, ex-
pansion of the Bell Telephone
System's pension plan for work-
ers was challenged today by the
CIO's Communication Workers
Union because, the Union said, it
was done outside collective bar-
An optimistic note also was
sounded in Washington where the
Commerce Department said busi-
ness was good in October despite
the steel and coal strikes and that
there are signs it will be better in
the months ahead.
Illinois Student
Found Dead
CHAMPAIGN, Ill.-(P)-A 21-
year-old University of Illinois stu-
dent was found dead today in a
cemetery where authorities said he
had shot and killed himself after
a broken romance.
James Robert Edwards of Cam-
paign had entertained Jane Dut-
ler of Streator, a student at Illi-
nois Normal University in Bloom-
ington, at the U. of I. homecoming
celebration in Champaign over the
Coroner Don Wikoff said the
young woman told him she broke
off their engagement during her
visit. The coroner said Miss Dutler
told him Edwards threatened to
kill himself as he put her on a bus
for Bloomington yesterday.
After reaching Bloomington, she
telephoned Edwards' parents in
Champaign and told them what he
had said.
Attends AVC Me4t
Paul Malkus, Grad, will leave
Thursday to attend the national
convention of the American Veter-

A special convocation honoring
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of
Iran, will be held at 11 a.m. Sat-
urday in Rackham Lecture Hall,
University officials announced yes-
His appearance will mark the
first visit by the ruling head of a
national state to the University
,&* *
partment schedule for the Shah's
tour, released yesterday, indicated
that he may address the convoca-
The Shah and his party, in-
cluding Iranian governmental
officials, U.S. State Department
attaches and press representa-
Shah Uses
Wrong Text
In UN_ Talk
NEW YORK-(A')-The Shah of
Iran, ruler of 16,000,000 subjects,
made a human mistake yesterday.
He started on the wrong speech for
the UN General Assembly and
laughingly admitted as much in
a news conference afterward.
The Shah was introduced by
Carlos P. Romulo, Assembly Presi-
dent. The Persian monarch start-
ed off reading a text, then paused,
fumbled in his pocket and pulled
out another text.
Several in the crowded chamber
laughed. He opened the new text,
said, "I thank you with a full
heart.. ." and was off on the right
speech, one of several he had for
different occasions on his first full
day in New York.

tives are expected to arrive in
Ann Arbor at 10:30 a.m. Satur-
After being received at the Ad-
ministration Building by the Board
of Regents, President Ruthven and
other representatives of the Uni-
versity; the party will proceed to
the Rackham Building for the
WITH President Ruthven pre-
siding, a brief address will be given
by Prof. George G. Cameron,
chairman of the Department of
Near Eastern Studies, who recent-
ly returned from Iran where he
made new interpretations of the
famous inscriptions of King Da-
Following a luncheon at the.
Union, the Shah will meet with
his brother, Prince Mahmoud
Reza Pahlavi, a senior in the
School of Business Administra-
tion, and 13 other Iranian stu-
Sphinx Grabs
Once again the Pharaoh has
commanded his legions to cross
the great desertand invade the
land of the barbarians to pick
slaves for the Pharaoh's court.
Once again the East has learned
to fear the Pharaoh's might.
Once again the ignorant stand
in awe to await the Pharaoh's
wisdom upon the return of his
mighty legions.
All the world will speak when
the legions return, but the Phar-
aoh and his court will keep silence
before the Sphinx-for in silence
there is wisdom.

To Honor Shah of Iran
At Convocation Saturday

Says Work
In Germany
GJus t Begun'
DETROIT-(AP)-The job of im-
planting democracy in Germany
has only just begun, former Gov-
ernor Murray D. Van Wagoner
said yesterday, and some form of
foreign aid still will be required
after the scheduled expiration of
the Marshall Plan.
In his first public speech since
returning from two years as mili-
tary governor of Bavaria, Van
Wagoner declared that "for the
good of our own hides, we must
stay, in Germany" until it is "the
kind of country that will promote
the purposes of peace."
* * '.
HE QUALIFIED this by saying
the occupying powers should limit
themselves to "reduced forces and
reduced authority."
"The Marshall Plan in Ger-
many has worked out beyond our
expectations," Van Wagoner de-
Declaring that there are "no
easy or quick answers to Ger-
many,"pthe former governor said
the hope of a new Germany de-
pends on the new generation which
never was a part of the Hitler
Youth Movement. He said this
might take 20 years under our
continual guidance.
Pollock Slated
To GiveTalk
Prof. .James K. Pollock of the
political science department will
give the dinner address at the an-
nual meeting of the Western Po-
litical Science Association Friday
at the University of New Mexico.
He will speak on "The Future
of Germany and Western Europe."

-Daily-Wally Barth
LAST SPRING WAS NEVER LIKE THIS-Students try to handle ballots with numbed hands' as
they cast their ballots in 30-degree weather at 10 a.m. yesterday at the Engineering Arch. "Voters
had it easy," moaned the three booth attendants. "We had to stay there an hour." Left to right
they are: Dorothy Howard, '53; Lorne Norton, '52E and Harold Sherman, '50E.

ing candidates' pictures on the
Student Legislature Board at the
Diag, bore the first real wintry day
of the season to give their ballots
to ruddy-faced box attendants.
WEATHER WAS reported to be
only "slightly warmer" for today,
and most of the voting boxes will
be placed indoors.
Promptly at 5 p.m. yesterday,
a University truck made thO
round of the polling places, fol-
lowed closely by the campus po-
lice who kept a wary eye on
the boxes until they were locked
up in the office of Student Af-
fairs for the night.
In addition to the police pro-
tection, other precautions were
made to insure a "regular" elec-
tion. Last year three candidates
were disqualified because of a
stuffed ballot box.
* * *
at 6:30 p.m. in Rm. R and S of
the Union. Candidates and spec-
tators are welcome to come, ac-
cording to elections chairman Bill
Clark. Counting is expected to
continue until "at least" 4:30 a.m.
All students who volunteered
to count ballots are requested to
report at 6:30 p.m. at the Union,
according to SL member 'Jim
Yesterday several Daily report-
ers tried to vote twice and were
caught in the act. Voting workers
advised one staffer to try to
straighten her trouble out at Elec-
tion headquarters at the Union.
ALTHOUGH NO dirty work
could be done, The Daily found
that it was comparatively easy to
transfer non-transferable ID
Generally the entire vote was
biggest at the "Big Four" loca-
tions at the Union, Angell Hall,
General Library and BusAd
School. Just at 5 p.m. Couzens
Hall got its biggest rush when
several hundred nurses off duty
came in to vote.
Election officials warned that
all ballots handed in without ID
cards were declared invalid, and
emphasized that students who
didn't have their ID cards punch-
ed could replace their invalidated
ballots by voting again today.
Because of bad weather, stu-
dents may take ballots home or
indoors to mark them.
SL member Storrie gratefully
acknowledged the services of all
organizations which provided vol-
unteers to man voting places for
the two days of elections.
To avoid further voters' con-
fusion, The Daily makes three
corrections of names for the
On the ballot "Barber" Elliot

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
OTTAWA, Ont.-Justice R. L.
Kellock, appointed special royal
commissioner, reported yesterday
that the captain and owners were
at fault for the disaster to the
Great Lakes Steamer Noronic,
which burned at her Toronto dock,
Sept. 17, with a loss of 118 lives.
He ordered Capt. William C.
Taylor, 66 year-old master of the.
Noronic, to surrender his Master's
certificate for a year, and the
Canada Steamship Lines, the own-
ers, to pay the costs of the inves-
*, * *
preme Court yesterday ejected
an appeal by the fugitive Ger-
hart Eisler, reputed former No.

will face prison if he ever re-
turns to the United States.
* * *
OSLO, Norway - A searching
force of 1.500 prepared to launch
new efforts at dawn today to find
a missing plane with 28 Jewish
refugee children feared to have
crashed in wild forest and lake
country of southern Norway.
Discovery of a burned out signal
flare raised hopes last night that
some of those aboard the plane
may have survived, but no trace
was found by searchers.
WASHINGTON - British Field
Marshal Montgomery said yester-
day he sees no immediate threat
of open conflict erupting in Eu-

-- i

Spivakovsky to Present Concert Today

Tossy Spivakovsky will play
eight violin works in the third Ex-
tra Series Choral Union concert at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Opening the program will be
"Adagio" by Mozart, "Chaconne"
by Bach, and the Sonata in D mi-
nor by Brahms.
* * *
FOLLOWING THE intermission,
Snivakovskv will nlav Rathaus'

Tschaikowsky will conclude the
Spivakovsky was born 39 years
ago in Odessa, Russia. When quite"
young, he was taken to Berlin,
and studied the violin under Ar-
rigo Serato and Willi Hess.
He made his debut at the age
of ten and was acclaimed as a
HE PLAYED with all the major

New York premiere of the Bela
Bartok Violin Concerto with the
Later he repeated his perform-
ance in San Francisco, giving the
West Coast premiere of the work
with the San Francisco Orchestra
under Pierre Monteux.
LAST SEASON, Spivokovsky
played the biggest successful con-
cert tour since the days of Elman








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