PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1949 PAGE FOUE SUNDAY, NOVEM1~ER 20, 194~I The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD By AL BLUMROSEN THE FOOTBALL SEASON ended yester- day, and those students who had fresh- man seats for the last two months in the stadium can look forward to at least getting into the coffin corner next fall. And a new crop of freshmen can prepare to look around the goal post at their foot- ball team. * * * rfHIS IS a sad and, I'm afraid, typical com- mentary on some of the activities of the athletic department of this University. Re- liable stories have been circulating to the effect that far too often, the athletic plant is operated more as a business proposition and less in the interests of the students. I realize that the officials down there are facing strong pressure from the alum- ni and other influential sources in re- gard to the football ticket situation. But their solution to the problem has shoved students around to the point where the freshmen are lucky if they can see thirty minutes of football during the se- mester. A DECENT SEAT AT A MICHIGAN FOOTBALL GAME IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT, FOR SEVERAL THOUSAND STUDENTS. IN EFFECT, this says that part of the student body is NOT AS IMPORTANT TO THE UNIVERSITY, as certain alumni and important outside people. Without a student body there would be no University. Student players make up the football team. The students, before anyone else, are entitled to decent seats at the games. This is not intended to slight in any way the magnificent support that the strong alumni and other groups have given to the University, but I think the alums themselves would be the first to say that students come first at their University. Therefore, Messrs. Crisler and Weir, when you get around in your own quiet way to make out the seating arrangements for next fall, why not give the students their due and let them watch the game from the sidelines, instead of the end zone. Some of them might be interested in the University too. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JIM BROWN Work Program IT SEEMS, although the University re- sides in the center of a Republican stronghold, that campus authorities have set up a small-sized WPA of their own. Each spring squads of grounds men descend upon the campus with hoppers full of grass seed, organic fertilizer, and hearts full of hope. They rake, level, plant their seeds, and erect signs and bulwarks against the mighty Philistinian horde which comes down from the hills each day. And they fertilize. The gentle earth while, mighty sun does rain obliges, and is flowery and even the students its work well, the in no time at all verdant. For a cooperate. Then comes fall. The student decency to the new sprung grass disappears with the warm summer and once again the campus walks become as cowpaths of the pasture. Perhaps this metamorphosis has taken its place as a permanent process in the natural cycle. Perhaps also the University will run out of money and the dole will cease. And just possibly someone will think of walking on a sidewalk. -Rich Thomas. MERRY-GO-ROUND: Chin g's Blast By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Fed eral Conciliation Chief Cyrus Ching really cut loose at John L. Lewis in a private chat with the mine operators who were stood up when Lewisgduckeda scheduled conference on settling the coal conference. 'What right has he to keep us waiting here at this critical time and say that he will set the date for a meeting at his con- venience?" exploded Ching. "In my opinion, that is unnecessary and unforgivable ar- rogance." "I want to see the coal strike settled permanently, so we can return to a normal economy," said the conciliation boss. "The miners are entitled to know where they stand. So are the industries which need coal. So are the people. This temporary return to work is no solution." What Ching meant was that the rail- roads would not go to the expense of putting strike-sidetracked trains back into service if they had to yank them off the rails again on December 1. Also, steel com- panies and other industries needing coal couldn't plan ahead with Lewis's work- again, strike-again shenanigans. ROILING STONES ... by Harold Jackson Long Live 10 Cent Programs,.. BEFORE THE last fullback falls "off the wagon" and King Football officially re- tires for another year, we'd like to pay tri- bute to those great campus capitalists-the students who furnished us with 10 cent foot- ball programs. Promoted by half a dozen different stu- dent companies and many hundreds of glib-tongued hawkers, the midget pro- grams this fall had their biggest season in three years. And many thousands of fans were able to keep track of the players without investing 50 cents in the glossy bundle of campus scenes and Chesterfield ads the University palms off as programs within the stadium gates. It was to beat down the University's program price that Dick Hait and Al Beattie originated the 10 cent program- which included an editorial blast at of- ficial rates-in 1947. They averaged 5,000 sales for the first two games, and then came strong University pressure to quit their business, augmented by some unusually inspired police inter- ference for "selling on sidewalks." But Hait and Beattie just calmly stepped back off the sidewalk and went on, selling. As their success continued, new- companies were formed, and midget pro- grams sales have been increasing ever since. Last fall the University program price fell to 25 cents, presumably as a result of the student competition. But the loss of profit must have been too much to swallow, because the official price was jacked back up to half a dollar this fall. And we have it unofficially that busi- ness this year was NOT good. So here's hoping there are twice as many midget programs sold next fall. Few tears will be shed if the 10 cent program eventual- ly completely wipes out the age old Uni- versity custom of gouging its students and alumni with 50 cents worth of nothing- printed on fancy paper and marked OFFI- CIAL. ** Of Books and Bustles . .. PROF. GLEN McGEOCH likes to recall a parallel drawn by an old German pro- fessor during a lecture on the relationship of styles in clothes and moral attitudes. 'Women's bustles and novels by Sir Walter Scott are very much alike," the old gentle- man observed. "They both are superstruc- tures of ornament based upon foundations of stern reality." Alumnus fort to keep abreast of it? I don't know Mr-Putnam's associations, nor hoW od he is, but I think he fails to recognize that on the col- lege level we can expect a stu- dent whw is willing to run for of- fice to be responsible enough to consider the welfare of the entire student body rather than that of a handful of old buddies. -Marlin Demlinger. . * * * To the Editor: THE CANDIDATE for the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions who -wrote a letter to this column~y-sterday is using faulty "Logic. I maintain that experience with the student publications is ex- cellent background for service on the Board. I repeat that the best jobs in the past have been done by men with experience. The candidate was courteous enough to admit that he had erred in one of his earlier accusations, but he failed to mention that he had said that the practice of re- signing from publications staffs to run for the Board was common this year, and that he was mis- taken on that point too. This candidate also implies that I possess 'undesirable associa- tions" which would "color" my thinking. I object to that vicious charge. The asociations I have would be employed as impartially as possible for the improvement of the publications. Incidentally, if I were to show partiality, as the candidate sug- gests, there are always ten other Board members ready to vote me down. But I emphasize, that would not be necessary. -B. S. Brown. To the Editor: LET ME BE BOTH brief and blunt. One Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications candidate is running on a platform that he is "impartial, experienced, and un- obligated." In bragging about his total lack of contact or experience with the publications involved, this young man implies ,that all persons with such contacts are liable to have had their thinking colored on such important issues as editorial appointments. If this individual follows the pattern of campaigners in the past who have cited their total ignorance as a prime qualifica- tion for the office, I suggest that we can reasonably imply that he is interested in imposing ideas on the publications either of his own or of whatever group he may hap- pen to represent. Turning for a moment to the other extreme (two columns far- ther to the right that is), we find a chap named MacDougell charging that the "Michigan Plan" on dis- crimination as passed by the NSA and as functioning here is ade- quate for Mississippi but not Michigan. Extremist emotional allegations of this type can best be refuted by a rational evaluation of the entire situation which is, difficult to pre- sent in a letter. One dormitory has invited the two of us over to debate the issue at length. If any other campus groups are sufficiently concerned, I believe that we can provide an interesting session. --Tom Walsh. The Daily's Survey... To the Editor: WHAT IS The Daily trying to prove? We grant that the pub- lished statistics concerning the membership of organizations are probably valid for those groups tabulated, but what is the pur- pose of the article? We hope you were trying to mobilize the inde- pendent vote. However, it seemed as though you were trying to re- activate forces for another "Greek-Independent war." The women of the League, through their Panhellenic and As- sembly Associations, have con- tinuously striven for cooperation between affiliated and indepen- dent students, and have been very successful in accomplishing this goal. There is absolutely no an- tagonism between the two groups, and we resent any implication or agitation of such a controversy. Leadership in activities is granted to those who have the time and make the effort, regardless of their housing situation. In fact, the League especially encourages In- dependent women to join organi- zations. The members of campus organi- zations are either elected demo- cratically or chosen democratical- ly, and if the independents are in- terested in raising their "percent- ages," there is nothing stopping them. Last year's J-Hop Commit- tee was 100% affiliated, yet only one out of the thirty candidates running this year is independent. How can you expect the percent- ages to be different? We might also add that the se- lection of organizations for the survey left out many groups such as SRA and IRA, which might re- flect a dfiferent percentage. It is also obvious that the honor so- cieties would duplicate the statis- tics since the members are selected from the leaders of the organiza- tions. Your caricatures certainly did not typify the attitude at Michi- gan. -Jody Johnson, League Council, Student Legislature, Mortarboard -Pat Lewis, League Council, Central Pep Committee, Scroll wr Xette TO T HE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters whichsare signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publicationrat the discretion of the editors. v ' 4 Elections .. . To the Editor: LLOYD PUTNAM, in describing the qualifications of a student Board member places great em- phasis on impartiality, experience and non-obligation. Fine. But while Mr. Putnam agrees that these are the qualities the voters should look for, he seems to feel that experience can be overlooked. It's possible that I've mis-read Mr. Putnam, for by his own word, he is a writer full of subtle implica- tions, but I am very curious what sort of experience he means the student candidate to have. He questions the practice of electing students who have had any prac- tical experience on publications, and I suppose, then, Mr. Putnam means that wide contact with hist fellow. students is experiencer enough.t But to get anything done for1 the students on any controlling1 board you've got to have studentc members who are informed, who< have something more than vague, theoretical knowledge, who have,1 in other words, the kind of prac-i tical experience that will makei them useful.t Mr. Putnam makes a dangerous assumption. He assumes that be-i cause a student has been a mem-t ber of a publication he is,, there-c fore, bound and sworn to do all he can to help his "boys." Isn't it posible that a former publicationsc member is capable of objectivity,1 that instead of being out of touchc with student opinion, he makes a 1 very determined and successful ef- U; _____________ 58 SL Candidates State ositionsin Electi )n Race (Continued from Page 3) Sally Hughes (Gresham) 52Arch 1. Yes; 2. IFC; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6. No opinion. I have always had a great interest in student government and would like an opportunity to serve the student body as a legis- lator. I feel I have gained a good knowledge of the part SL plays in campus life and would carry out my duties as a legislator to the best of my ability. *Jean Iglauer, '51 1. Yes; 2. SL; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. . There should be a larger per- centage of women on Student Leg- islature who have active exper- ience in campus activities. Be- cause of this outside interest a greater percentage of students can be better represented. Through this larger representation there will result a stronger liaison be- tween legislature and student in- terest. Howard Johnson, '51 1. No; 2. IFC; 3. No; 4. No; 5. No; 6. No opinion. I am running for re-election to SL because I believe student gov- ernment can be of great service to the students, and that we should not quit the job until that goal has been accomplished. * Jack Jones, '53 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. No opinion; 6. Yes. I am interested in the Student's welfare at Michigan. I shall act on the following issues: (1) Revival of faculty rating lists. (2) No more talk but ACTION on the establishment of a stu- dent co-operative bookstore. (3) The use of a deodorant on manure around women's dormi- tories in the spring. (4) ORGANIZED rah-rah and school spirit. (5) Long Thanksgiving week- >Q *Dorothy Kline, '52 1. Yes; 2. IFC; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5. No opinion; 6. Yes. Student Legislature should as- sume a more important role in government on this campus. I feel that it's my duty to help expand the powers of this organization afd increase its effectiveness. Cal Klyman, '51 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6. Yes. To continue working on the Stu- dent Legislature's Human Rela- tion Committee that is attacking the problem of discrimination and further endeavor to make the campus a more agreeable place to live. George C. Kozonis, '51 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No opinion; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6. No opinion. Michigan students have viewed their Student Legislature with considerable apathy. Verification of the above is relatively simple. Look at the number of students voting in past elections. Thus, I desire to be elected to the SL with the hope that I may encourage greater student participation in legislative affairs. *Mary-Louise Lacy, '51 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. I have followed SL's progress with great interest and ultimately concluded that I would like to take an active part in its work. Too many of us are inclined to gripe about campus issues and otherwise do nothing about them. Serving on SL seems to be by far the best way to get the wishes of our fellow students to the fore where they may be heard and, when passible, acted upon. Jacob Lazar, '50 1. No opinion; 2. No opinion; 3. No opinion; 4. No; 5. Yes; 6. No opinion. My desire to serve on the Stu- dent Legislature stems from the hope of seeing student government at work and being a part of the * * * * Question The Daily asked the 58 Student Legislature candidates six ques- tions pertaining to campus issues as a part of its election survey. Their answers appear below with their statements on what they will do on Student Legislature if elcted. 1. DO YOU THINK discriminatory clauses should be removed from fraternity and sorority constitutions? Yes, no, no opinion. 2. Do you feel that IFC, SL or a combination of the two groups should take the initiative in removing discriminatory clauses from organizational constitutions? IFC, SL, combination, no opinion. 3. Do you think a definite time limit should be set for an organization to remove discriminatory clauses from its constitution at this time? Yes, no, no opinion.r 4. Do you favor more representative students on the Student Affairs Committee? (Present ratio is seven students to six faculty and administration members. Students are two Student Legislators and one each from the Daily, Union, League and Women's and Men's Judiciaries.) Yes, no, no opinion. By "more representative students" the question means students who are more representative. 5. Do you favor the present Hare System of proportional representation in Student Legislature elections? Yes, no, no opinion. 6. Do you support the purpose of the CED in working for removal of questions relating to race, religion and national origin and request for pictures (which may be construed to be discriminatory) from University admission application blanks? Yes, no, no opinion. STARRED CANDIDATES are those who have participated in SL's highly recommended training program. weight in administrative circles that it should. In order to achieve fully its goal of student govern- ment, it must display a high de- gree of responsibility in those areas in which it is now operating. Jack Neuhardt, '52 1. Yes; 2. IFC; 3. No; 4. No opinion; 5. No opinion; 6. Yes. Since I came to the University of Michigan, I have acquired an earnest desire to participate in stu- dent governmental activities. I be- lieve there are certain matters on campus, such as the discrimina- tion problem, which demand im- mediate action, and it is my in- tention to see that these "sore spots" receive further investiga- tion and action. Nick Nichols, '52 1. Yes; 2. No opinion; 3. Yes; 4. No opinion; 5. No; 6. No opin- ion. It is my desire to represent those voting for me and stand firmly for their desires, regardless of the Legislature's attitude. By proving that the Legislature is representa- tive of the campus as a whole, I, with others, hope to see the Board of Regents take prompt and fav- orable action on our suggestions. *Walter Oberreit, '51 E 1. Yes; 2. IFC; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. The Student Legislature should serve as the co-ordinating element between the student body and the University Administration. It is my desire to actively contribute to this work. William O'Dell, '52E 1. Yes; 2. IFC; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. The gap between the students and the faculty here at the Uni- versity of Michigan is very wide and is growing wider. I would like to serve on the SL in order to help shorten this gap and also to en- courage student participation in campus activities. Delores N. Olsen, '50 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3.Yes; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. As n, member of the Student *1 campus for improving conditions SOCIAL AFFAIR: for the student body, and I want to be a part of realizing these po- tentialities. - O * George Qua, '5228JH p 1. No opinion; 2. IFC; 3. No; AT-g, - 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. No opinion. F or IE D As a member of the Student Legislature, I would work for a student bookstore, a better under- Twenty-nine Junior hopefuls are standing between affiliated and in the race for J-Hop Committee independent men, and a continua- - the power behind the Uni- tion of the school spirit program versity's social affair of the year.E set up this year. Nine positions are open, withf voting restricted to Juniors, whol Tom Rice, 5 OBAd will vote by the "weighted" sys- 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No; tem: 10 points for first place tol 4. Yes; 5. No; 6. Yes, one point for tenth place. The Student Legislature is the * * * official spokesman for Michigan CANDIDATES ARE: students; it is the one body that Joan Broomfield, Nan Byrnes, can initiate and act on matters that concern the University and 4 Yes; 5. No opinion; 6. Yes. the student body as a whole. The .y desire to serve on the Stu- Legislature can be effective in dent Legislature is based upon the these and other functions only as wish to magnify the voice of men long as it is strong. I would like and women on campus, regardless to help maintain and increase thisaofaitonaprogre ha been strength. of affiliation. Progress has ben stregth.made in increasing the rights and Herbert Silverman, '52 privileges of students and I will 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No continue in that direction. opinion; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. Dwight Vincent, '52 I desire to serve on SL for one wgtVnet 5 main reason, and that is to repre- 1. Yes; 2. IFC; 3. No; 4. Yes; sent the independents on campus. 5. Yes; 6. Yes. SL at the present time has a large I would like to serve on the Stu- number of fraternity men in it, dent Legislature in order to bring who mostly represent the fratern- toward ti's body, new and crea- ities and because of this they do tive ideas:that will aid in expand- not express the views of all the ing its- agvities and develop more students. Since this campus is interes 2. the function of such an made up of mostly independent organization here on campus. students, I think it is only right *Robert S. Vogt, '51E that independents represent them. 1. Yes; 2. IFC; 3. No; 4. No; *Irving Stenn, '52 5. Yes; 6. No. 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. Yes; My desire to be a member of SL 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6.;Yes. stems from a sincere desire to During my first year at college make the life of the student as f my interests familiarized me with enjoyable as possible in a social various activities on campus. These and economic way. I believe that; interests have been resolved into;a this can ._be accomplished only sincere desire to participate in the through a strong student govern-' Student Legislature at the Uni- ment. versity. Such an opportunity, if Tom Walsh, '51L - afforded, would be an honor and 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No; allow me to utilize my past ex- 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. perience, and ambitions in regard As an incumbant I believe that to student government. my experience as a Legislator and rs Hope )ance Posts Janet Dewey, Jean H. Dickie, Mar- garet Donavan, Diane Faulk, Bev- erly Fullerton, James Foster, Rog- er K. Garfink, Bart Grimes, Judd Heinemann, Ned Hess. Rollene Jackson, Bob Johnson, Karol Kerr, F. Dean Luse, Ann Maurer. Paul McCracken, Douglas P. Mooney, Charles Norwood, Dave Pease, Mary Lou Porter, Pat Ross, Jean Schutt,- Rostom Tandourjian, Lindy Thisted, Ellen Van Wagon- er, Bill Wells, George Wolf. 'M u 4 anwB att *Edwin Lewinson, '51 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. As a member of the Student Legislature, I hope to work on hu- man relations, on the Purchase Card System, on student rights, and on other phases of the pro- gram of the NSA. In this way, stu- dents at the University are brought closer to their fellow students throughout the country. David Litowsky, '52 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No; Yes; 5. No; 6. Yes. I am interested in the activities of student government and feel I may have some constructive ideas regarding the functioning of the University. Gordon MacDougall, '52 1 Ye- 2. Conmhinatinn; 3. sin, I have seen possibilities of fur- thering the students' positions through the SL; furthermore, I feel I can best support the conser- vative element on campus through the SL. *Arnold Miller, '51 1. Yes; 2. No opinion; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. No opinion; 6. No opinion. I wish to serve on Legislature in order to provide better student government and a better under- standing between independent and affiliated students. We must bind together in a single functional unit in order to provide a smooth working, efficient Student Legis- lature. Jo Misner, '50 1. Yes; 2. Combination; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by studenti of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in ContrWl of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.......... Managing Editor Blumros..City Editor Philip Dawson.........ditorialDirector Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner...........Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil............Associate Editor Alex Lnanian......Photography Editor Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed. Joan King................Librarian Allan Clamage......Assistant Librariia Business Staff i m