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November 18, 1949 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-18

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rnIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1949

See Victory
As Approval
Of Fair Deal
Dems Will Push
Plans, Says Prof.
Results of the recent elections
will be interpreted by the Truman
administration as an endorsement
of the Fair Deal, according to
Prof. Thomas S. Barclay, visiting
professor of political science from
Stanford University.
"The administration will no
doubt proceed to press strongly its
progress in the second session of
the 81st Congress," he said.
"GRANTS to organized and re-
lentless minority pressure groups
will be especially emphasized," he
The bitterly controversial civil
rights program, federal aid to
education and medical care will
be important matters for con-
sideration, Prof. Barclay point-
ed out.
"In many cases in the north and
the east, the alliance of the Demo-
cratic Party with organized labor
seems strengthened."
THIS WILL be a significant fac-
tor in preparation for the 1950
Congressional elections, Prof. Bar-
clay said.
"The Truman policy will con-
tinue the existing agreement
with labor and other urban
groups, and will attempt to gain
as much, support from agricul-
ture as possible," he commented.
"This strategy presents a diffi-
cult problem-for the Republicans."
* * *
a special effort to regain in 1950
the 47 congressional districts lost
to the Democrats last year, Prof.
Barclay said.
"These districts were lost by a
margin of only five per cent of
the total vote," he said.
"Spirited contests for the U.S.
Senate will also be waged in ap-
proximately twelve states," he add-
Prof. Barclay has actively par-
ticipated in state and national
politics for the last twenty years.
New Officers
Saulson, Gripman
Named toTop Posts
Appointment of 13 students in
the campus NROTC program has
been announced by Capt. H. B.
Wheeler, USN, of the NROTC de-
Stanley Saulson, '50, has been
named Battalion Commander.
* * * ~
Officer is Bill Gripman, '50E,
while Stanford Crapo II, '51; Rob-
ert Isaacson, '50 and Richard Gres-
la, '51, have been appointed first,
second and third company com-
manders, respectively.
Platoon commanders appointed
include Richard Hall, '50; Frank
Murphy, Jr., '50; Bill Upthegrove,
'50; Frank Dennis, '51; Carl Ucht-
mann, '50; Walter Gibbs, Jr., '50;
Addison Kermath, '50 and James

Butler, '50.
Knit Neckties
The supremacy of the argyle
sock in the realm of hand knit
objects is being overshadowed by
the new idea of hand knit neck-
ties. A pattern may be worked in
making the ties as interesting to
spend spare moments on as the
conventional diamond sock.
Read and Use
Daily Classified Ads
earnings on our




Theme Criticized

Challenging the "foolish myth"
that man and nature are enemies,
Prof. George R. Kernodle, of the
University of Iowa's School of Fine
Arts, yesterday called on future
dramatists to show man in a new
relation to nature.
Playwrights of the last 50 years
have taken their cue from Dar-
winism, he said - they have writ-
ten plays about people who try
in vain to escape from the hope-
lessly tangled web of their envir-
IN A RACKHAM Amphitheatre
lecture he cited Gorky's "The
Lower Depths," O'Neill's "The Ice-
man Cometh," and Galsworthy's
"Escape" as examples of this idea.
But nature is not necessarily
opposed to man, Prof. Kernodle
said. "Actually, you can find as
much evidence of kindness in
nature as you can of t'ooth-and-
claw strife."
He emphasized the need for "an,
orientation between man and na-
ture" in order to obtain "a new
realism" in the arts.
,. * *
A FEW PLAYS and playwrights
have begun to reverse the domi-
nant pessimistic trend of 20th
century dramatic thinking, he de-
William Saroyan, "a deeply
philosophic and religious per-
son," has showed that man's
dreams are important, and that
"what he dreams he can create."
'"Tobacco Road' is a wise play,
because it reinforces man's sense
of belonging to the earth - al-
though it demonstrates that he is
not equal to nature."
* * *
"AND 'THE Male Animal' shows
it takes real courage and depth
of human resource to survive as an
individual today."

* * *

. . . discusses drama
* * *
But by and large, 20th century
plays have told of man's frus-
tration and defeat in the fight
for his dreams against the cold
realities of life, Prof. Kernodle
The dramatic myths of the "lit-
le man" or "moron" and the "ape
man," much used in plays of the
1920's and 30's, grew out of this
general theme.
HE EXPLAINED that, as sym-
bols, they represent those men
who lose their individualism in the
vastness of today's great city life.
As samples, Prof. Kernodle cited
the glorification of the "little
man" in "Of Thee I Sing" and the
characterization of the "ape man"
-the "little man who learned to
bite back" - in plays like "The
Petrified Forest" and "Of Mice
and Men."

'U' Doctors
Get Cancer
Study Funds
Two University Hospital doc-
tors received grants for cancer
research totaling $13,748 from the
National Cancer Institute, the
U.S. Public Health Service has re-
They are Dr. H. Marvin Pollard,
internal medicine specialist, who
was granted $5,000 and Dr. A.
Bunsen Lerner, dermatologist,
granted $8,748.
* * *
DR. LERNER will conduct re-
search in the metabolism of the
melanoma tumor, which is often
a very malignant growth.
Melanoma tumors may arise
in any body cell which produces
melanin. Melanin is the pig-
ment which colors the skin and
Dr. Pollard was out of town and
not available for further infor-
mation on the nature of his re-
search project.
* * *
THE RESEARCH grants are
part of a program through which
the National Cancer Institute has
given $907,212 to hospitals and
colleges in 21 states.
Much of the research provided
for by the grants concerns the re-
lationship of cancer and hor-
mones, the chemical substances
which regulate body growth and
functions and which are involved
in a large number of human dis-
[Dormitory News]
EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors to
What's up in the Dorms should con-
tact Martha Bazar at The Daily or
4007 Hinsdale House.
Though they aren't all 'Younger
Than Springtime', everyone will
enjoy an 'Enchanted Evening' at
Stockwell's fall formal, tonight.
Al Rice and his orchestra will
transport the couples to the primi-
tive South Pacific.
Men will be presented with
rare, exotic buttoniers, and if
they don't want to leave singing
'This Nearly Was Mine', they
had better take heed. Flowers
will be permitted.
The men of Greene House and
their dates will take to the "hills"
tomorrow night for an evening of
square dancing.
One of the merry Green moun-
taineers, John Shlee, will do the
A genuine 'still', imported for
the occasion, will impart a special
flavor to the ginger ale and
doughnuts, and a prize will be
Five Win 'Slide
Rule' Contest
The names of the five winners of
the Slide Rule Ball contest have
been announced by the dance's
publicity committee.
They are: Laurence Meisner,
'52; Bill Flinn, '51 Arch.; Nancy
Taylor, '52; Yolanda Gramaticoff,
'50; Irwin Drut, '53E. They have
been given free passes to the ball.
Debaters On Tour
The University Varsity Debate
Squad will give an exhibition de-
bate at 8:30 a.m. today in Grosse

Pointe High School.
The direct election of the Presi-
dent will be the topic of debate.
Robert Russell and Victor Glad-
stone will support the affirmative.
The negative will be argued by
John Madden and Leonard Whitt-




A N G L E R' S PR I Z E --Crew members assist in boating
a 383-pound tuna taken by Thorvald Sanchez of Cuba on the
opening day of the International Tuna Match at Wedgeport, N. S.'

F A S H 1ION' S S L E E V E - Jean Desses, designer, fea-
tures leg o' mutton sleeves cut off at the top for a bare decolletage
in this honey-colored satin evening sheath shown in Paris.

'U' Museum Begins Weekly
Evening Showings of Exhibits


University Museums Building
will be thrown open to the general
public from 7 to 9 p.m. today, in-
augurating a policy of weekly
night showings for the institution's
The plan has been designed to
accommodate those who cannot
visit the Museums during the day,
Lewis B. Kellum, chairman of the
Profs. Named


- - ;

To Committee
Three University faculty mem-
bers were named yesterday to a
19-member commission appointed
by Gov. G. Mennen Williams to
study the problems of sex deviates.
They are: Prof. Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky of the School of Educa-
tion, Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the
sociology department, and Dr.
Ralph D. Rabinovitch, chief of
the neuropsychiatric institute.
The group will study the ade=
quacy of present state laws cov-
ering sex criminals and suggest
IFC Talent Show
To Hold Auditions
Auditions for the IFC Talent
Show will be held from 3 to 5
p.m. Nov. 21, 22 and 23 in Rm.
3C, Union.
Dick Tinker, '52A&D, IFC Pub-
licity Chairman, asked yesterday
that anyone interested in par-
ticipating in the show attend the
tryouts on one of the above days.


Museums Operating Committee,
said yesterday.
'i * *
AS A FEATURE of the eve-
ning hours, he announced thatj
natural history motion pictures
will be shown at 7:30 p.m. each
week in Rm. 3024 of the Museums
The two 10-minute shorts to be
shown tonight are "Our Animal
Neighbors" and "Reproduction
Among Mammels."
Coast Game
To BeWired
Cal, Stanford Alumni
To Hear Grid Tussel
California and Stanford alumni
will have an opportunity to view
the "big game" by direct wire to-
morrow at the Pan-Anerican
Room of the Book Cadillac Hotel
in Detroit.
Local alumni groups have
leased a wire to bring the Cali-
fornia-Stanford game which will
probably determine the western
Rose Bowl contestantstothis area.
* * *
THE GAME broadcast will be-
gin at 4:30 p.m. Alumni and their
friends are invited to come early
and watch the Michigan-Ohio
State game over television.
There will be a 50 cent admis-
sion charge.
Robert Hunter, 19925 Hoover
Rd., Detroit, may be contacted for
more information.

PR I N C ESS DINES OUT - Princess Margaret Rose
and the Marquess of Blandford dine at the Dorchester Hotel,
London, before attending the annual charity Hallowe'en Ball.

'1 ' S CU OLD I N S I UDE-A completed car undergoes an
extreme weather test at Morris Motors plant, Oxford, England,
where it is prepared for export by that dollar low country.

--Nick Wall, 41, winner of two
Santa Anita Handicaps, is back
at Tanforan track, Cal. He suf-
fered twelve broken ribs and
punctured lungs in a 1946 spill.

T H R E E- W H E E L E D F I R E E N G I N E -This three-wheeled Tokyo motorcycle fire
engine is one of several which operate in .the city, working as well as full-sized machines.




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