PA7GPP FOUR THE MICIGAN DILYV FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1949 The City Editor's SCRATCH By AL BLUMROSEN THE DAILY survey which appears on the front page today should shock no one. The facts have been plain on campus for a long time. But I can almost hear some fraternity men screaming that we had no business unearthing this particular set of statistics, and some independents screaming that we are touting the rule of the fraternities over the campus. So we had better take them one at a time and see what the score really is. FRATERNITY MEN have no complaint coming. The mere fact that they con- trol on the average of 77 per cent of each campus organization certainly casts no bad reflection on them. In fact it makes them look pretty good, when compared with the members of The Daily's club of last year, the Student Apathy Club. One of the not-too-happy features of this set of Statistics is that it may lead to ru- mors that certain fraternities -try to perpetu- ate themselves in certain organizations-but you have to show proof before you start slinging this kind of accusation around. AS for the independents-well,'let's face it. If they can't do more than blow off steam before campus elections, they might as well close up shop. But my colleague across the page does a thorough analysis of their activities. rrO DEAL with the mass of enraged peo- ple, both Greek letter and independent, who will undoubtedly converge on The Daily offices today will be very interesting. We will simply tell them that we picked out this set of facts because they are pertinent to the present situation on campus. We felt that a few facts should be inserted into the mass of words that IFC' and AIM have been throwing around for weeks. We have presented the facts. The campus is completely free to draw whatever conclusions it desires from these facts. [CURRENT MOVIES] At the State .. . THIEVES' HIGHWAY, with Richard Conte, Lee Cobb, and Women.- LIKE YOUR MEAT RARE? Try this; it's raw. There's a great deal of entertainment val- ue in the portrayal of human violence. When convincingly presented, it affords the audi- ence a primative enjoyment which most people seldom experience. "Thieves' High- way", whatever its shortcomings in other matters, does a good job of bringing human violence to the screen. The general effect, while lightened with a happy conclusion, leaves the movie-goer exhausted, with a long series of fist fights, stormy love scenes, bludgeonings, stormy love scenes, dramatic car crashes, stormy love scenes, and a final knock-down-drag- out battle between trucker Richard Conte and gangster-fruit broker Lee Cobb. The two first hook horns in Conte's at- tempt to revenge his father, who has lost his legs as a result of Cobb's unscrupulous greed. Conte in his turn is battered and rolled by Cobb henchmen, meanwhile ally- ing with former Cobb employee Valentina Cortesa, who is the most blatantly sexy fe- male to hit the screen in a long time. The crash of the partner's car, and the ultimate fist-fight between Conte and Cobb are the most impressive sequences in the film, nearly equalling the violent drama in "The Champion". The basic plot, the char- acterizations, and the technical cohesiveness of the film are somewhat spotty; neverthe- less, "Theives' Highway" packs a terrific emotional punch for anyone who has two hours to spend away from the books. -Fran Ivick At the Michigan .. EASY LIVING ...Victor Mature, Lizbeth Scott, and Lucille Ball. PURPORTING to be a "story of profes- sional football," this picture ingeniously manages to run its dull course without a single decent football shot. It is the half-baked story of pro-hero Victor Mature (really a wonderful fel- low, kids love him, his teammates adore him, even his best friend's wife is crazy abut him), and his twin troubles, a bad heart and a likewise wife. Lizbeth Scott, the wife, pitches all of hub- by football stars earnings into an interior decorating business in an effort to keep from being just a dull Mrs., but alas as two of the other characters in this opus re- mark, she has no talent. As the film de- velops it is quite likely that you will agree. Lucille Ball, a victim of unrequited love, and Sonny Tufts, the best friend, also wan- Grads' Vote THE 6,426 STUDENTS in the graduate schools of the University can wield a lot of power, but they are barely noticeable in many student affairs. And one of the big reasons they are such a tiny voice is that most of them don't know they can take an active part in undergraduate life. Not only can they hold office in such organizations as Student Legislature and The Publications Board, but they can vote for candidates dunning for these offices, in addition to the Athletic Board. In fact the only candidates they cannot vote for are J-Hop hopefuls whose election is con- fined to juniors. If all the graduates, who include law stu- dents, medical and dental students and other post-professional persons, would vote in the elections Monday and Tuesday, Stu- dent Legislature would have a bigger stu- dent representation. With this bigger back- ing, the Legislature would have a stronger hand in its battle for a bigger voice in both student and administration affairs. Last year a voting booth was put in the Law Quad, and only 200 votes were re- ceived here. But anyone can vote, and voting places this year will be as con- venient as possible. Booths will be set up at the Law Club, Union and League, Angell Hall, Bus Ad School, Engineering Arch, General Library, Waterman Gymn and Couzens' Hall, and, on Tuesday, at the Women's Athletic Build- ing. --Peter Hotton Camnpus Kygmy A CAMPUS COUNTERPART to the Kig- mies (cartoonist Al Capp's rotund little beasts which love to be kicked) has been found. Any person or organization on campus, nowadays, who happens to be feeling in an aggressive mood just steps up and takes a boot at "those dirty, discriminating fra- ternities," or better yet, at its "antedilu- vian" committee, the IFC. It's great fun, and if you haven't done so yet, try it. The AIM has, the Young Pro- gressives have, the CED has, in fact, anyone who's anybody around the University has gotten in several good licks. By doing this we can drive affiliates back into a shell and force them to defend prac- tices which they otherwise might reject. We can humiliate, antagonize and embarrass them. Let's not have anyone offer any con- structive criticism. Let's not try to under- stand the fraternities' discrimination prob- lem, which happens to be a problem of our whole society. Let's agitate. Everyone line up for a chance to assault discrimination. We don't have any preju- dices, let's give it to the fraternities, but good. -Rich Thomas Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff md represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE THOMAS Giten late By LEON JAROFF WHEN THERE is griping to be done, you can't beat the campus Independents. Never off guard for a moment, the typi- cal Independent can be relied upon to spot any infringement of his rights and tell the world about them in no uncer- tain terms. But when he has a concrete opportunity to improve his lot, the typical Independent is conspicuously absent. When campus organizations call for new membership, the Independent discovers that there is some undone homework or a new movie in town. When all-campus elections are held, the Independent usually waits until the last moment to vote (if he considers voting at all) and then decides that it is more impor- tant to finish that last hand of bridge. * * * THE DAILY'S SURVEY THE INDEPENDENT-Affiliated survey which appears on the front page of to- day's Daily indicates that the Independents reap what they sow-23% of the member- ship of the average influential campus or- ganization. It is hardly difficult to predict the re- action of many Independents to the sur- vey. There will be grumbling, vague com- plaints about "bloc voting," and uncom- plimentary remarks about Greek-letter groups. But, if past records are any indication, the reaction will fizzle out at this point. The great blanket of apathy will again descend upon the quadrangles and the women's resi- dences. A striking example of the Independents' indifference occurred this week when the East Quadrangle conducted a political "rally" during which various candidates for election introduced themselves and their platforms. Of the 1600 men in the Quadrangle, ap- proximately 50 attended the "rally." Many of these confessed later that they felt ill- at-ease-outnumbered as they were by the candidates. u FOR THE BEST? MEANWHILE, the fraternities and sorori- ties are moving quietly and efficiently to get out their vote. Rumor has it that there will be some "bloc voting" among the affili- ated houses and that, in general, affiliates are being urged to vote for affiliates. But perhaps it is for the best. Even the most diehard Independent must admit that, without their affiliated members, a large number of campus or- ganizations would fold like wet paper bags. Independents had better brace themselves for quite a beating next Monday and Tues- day-or turn out in droves to express their will. In any event, there will be no excuse on Wednesday morning for the Independent who discovers that affiliated candidates have swept the elective offices, scratches his head and blankly inquires, "Wha' hoppen?" "What Say We All M~ove Into The 20th Century?'- F-t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN O CG' : ' . ' . , 100, a XetteJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters whichsare signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publicationat the discretion of the editors. Continued from Page 2 Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Epsilon Pi Alpha Kappa Kappa Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Sigma Phi Delta Chi Delta Sigma Delta Delta Sigma Pi Delta Tau Delta" Greene House, E. Q. Kappa Nu Lambda Chi Alpha Lloyd House Michigan Christian Fellowship Phi Alpha Kappa Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Kappa Tau Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Delta Phi Sigma Kappa Pi Lambda Phi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Stevens House Tau Delta Phi Tau Epsilon Rho Theta Chi - Theta Xi Triangle Williams House Winchell House Zeta Beta Tau Zeta Psi Sunday. Women's Physical Ed. Club The Highway Planning Com- misssion of Harrisburg, Pennsyl- vania has a need of civil engineers with at least eight years of civil engineering experience, four of which may be substituted by a civil engineering degree. The work will be of about six to eight months duration.. The Oak Ridge National Labor- atory of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is interested in reviewing applica- tions for employment.Students with B. S. degrees in Metallurgy and who are in the top 15% of their class may apply. For additional information please contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Building. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Rob- ert Warren Stevens, Economics; thesis: "Partial Equilibrium in the Theory of International Econom- ics," Sat., Nov. 19, 105 Economics and Panhellenic should not waste any time. Last spring the past president of Panhel called a meeting of house presidents and interested persons to discuss the question. I attended this meeting, where varying sentiments on these mat- ters were aired, although nothing was decided as to future policies of Panhel. However, the meeting was a start. I should like to know that more meetings of this nature are being held. -Virginia I. Beabes, '49 Bldg., 9 er. a.m. Chairman, C. F. Rem- ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEAReSON Bankruptcy .. . To the Editor: IN EXPLANATION to the Bus Ad Students who have wondered why the Bus Ad School is spon- soring a Bankruptcy Ball on the hobo theme rather than the tra- ditional Capitalists Ball: 1-As a warning not to fall into the depths of insolvency-it can happen to you. 2-As an incentive to hit those bluebooks-after Friday nite, of course. 3-And after disregarding the first two points to show you just how it feels to be a bum! -Lillian Bartlett. 'Arbitrary, Officious..' To the Editor: THE UNIVERSITY Admiis- tioknbhas been frequently at- tacked because of its excessively paternalistic attitude in regulat- ing the lives of its men and women students. But like a row of for- bidding stone monoliths impervi- ous to rational considerations, they have swept all opposition aside. Monday morning two students were expelled from the university on the grounds that two women students were found in their rooms. It was learned in the course of the proceedings that the inci- dent was innocent in character. During the disciplinary commit- tee's proceedings, one of the two students was castigated in a man- ner which showed a complete lack of respect for the student and his personal situation. The punishment invoked - in- volving social disgrace and the dis- organization of the students' lives, may have grave consequences for them, and istcompletely out of keeping with the offense commit- ted.Recently, when a number of fraternity men were guilty of the same act, no action whatsoever was taken against them as indi- viduals... 'This is not the only gross in- justice. It - must be known to everyone on the campus that such unauthorized mixed parties take place everyday. The rule has no place in an adult community - within the framework of a society which loudly proclaims that the individual must be answerable only to himself in his private life. This principle is based on the sound idea that our people are capable of assuming responsibility for their own acts. But if the rule is to exist, it should be enforced in such a man- ner that a few people are not made the scapegoats for the group as a whole. But there is a deeper issue at stake. This issue is the deplorable failure of the University Adminis- tration to recognize its obligation to promote student welfare-be- yond thef negative and punitive measures it takes. In this case, one of the students is subject to psy- chological strains which make his expulsion from school a serious at- tack on his welfare. The least that could be expected of the disciplin- ary committee would be an in- quiry into the probable effects of expulsion. Is it University policy to injure a student in his effort nt wholesome adjustment? their brilliant political maneuver in transforming the campus fight against discrimination into a po- litical football. Apparently they have learned their lesson in prop- aganda well. Unite the majority with ill feeling against the minor- ity through the use of a contro- versial subject, and then channel the majority's action along a di- rected line. What more noble sub- ject could be used than discrimi- nation in uniting the majority of independents against the minority of fraternity men in order to win support for independent candi- dates? After all, bloc voting may be an insufficient method of pack- ing the Student Legislature. Cer- tainly recent European history offers an excellent example to draw from of discrimination be- ing used successfully to first unite and then guide the actions of the masses. It matters little that fra- ternities are doing a good job of fighting discrimination, the im- portant point which was realized was that fraternities are national organizations with each indivdual chapter being limited in its sphere of authority, making revisions of policy a slow and cumbersome process. Consequently, fraternities were an excellent choice to use as pawns in their Machiavellian brand of the game of politics through which absolute control of the Student Legislature might be accomplished. It is evident that the AIM's logic is irrefutable. Some fraternities have discriminatory clauses, therefore all fraternities are undemocratic, and since the Student Legislature must be a democratic body, it must be com- posed only of AIM endorsed can- didates. Again, congratulations AIM Executive Cabinet. Your sin- cere regard for the welfare of the University of Michigan is truly commendable. -Otto Reisman IFC Action To the Editor: I HAVE BEEN following with in- terest The Daily's coverage of the activities of the Interfratern- ity Committee on Discrimination. In one of the recent issues I note that the proposal offered by this committee to work in indi- vidual houses for removal of fra- ternity's discriminatory clauses by putting pressure on the national organizations will be referred to the houses on the Michigan cam- pus. I am hoping that the majority at least will approve this motion which Dick Morrison, '5d, has in- troduced. Though the approval of this motion alone certainly doesn't guarantee that great re- sults nor rapid progress will be made in eliminating these dis- criminatory clauses from fraternity constitutions as it will depend on the hard work of individuals, I still believe that a step is being made in the right direction. While on this subject, I suggest that the Panhellenic organiza- tion at Michigan might take a cue from their male counterparts and begin a campaign for the same purpose. Although the Panhellenic group of which I was a member during my years at Michigan does not have any discriminatory clauses Doctoral Examination for John Robert Beyster, -Physics; thesis: "An Experimental Study of Beta- Gamma and Gamma-Gamma An- gular Correlations," 2 p.m., Fri., Nov. 18, East Council Room, Rack- ham Bldg. Chairman, M. L. Wied- enbeck. Events Today Wesleyan Guild: 8 p.m., Hay- ride. Meet at the Wesleyan Lounge. Westminster Guild - Harvest Party: Church recreation hall at 8 p.m. Wear old clothes. B'nai B'rith Ililel Foundation: Friday evening services followed by a talk by Dr. Mischa Titiev of the Anthropology Dept. on the "Racial and Cultural Implications of Judaism." 7:45 p.m. SRA Coffee Hour: will be held 4:30 to 6 p.m., Lane Hall. Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m. Tea and Open House for all students and their friends. 8 p.m. Hayride for all members and guests. Lutheran Student Association- Party, 8:30 p.m. at the Student Center, 1304 Hill. Please bring used or new clothing, non-perish- able food, or money contribution, to be used in packing boxes for Germany. Film Program for students,. fac- ulty, and the a general public. Farmer-Fisherman - Norway and Ports of Industrial Scandanavia- Sweden: 4:10 p.m., Kellogg Audi- torium, sponsored by the Audio- Visual Education Center and the University Extension Service. No charge for admission. University Choir: Full rehearsal today 3-4 p.m. Bring money for Brahms collection. Exhibit halls of the University Museums will be open to students and the public, 7 to 9 p.m. Motion pictures: "Reproduction among Mammals" and "Our Animal Neighbors," 7:30 to 8up.m., 3024 Museum. German Ooffee Hour: 3:15-4:30 p.m., League Cafeteria. All stu- dents and faculty members in- vited. All Graduate students are in- vited to attend the Turkey Trot, a mixer dance, 8:30 to midnight, Rackham ballroom. Refreshments. Coming Events Wesleyan Guild: Sat., 5:30-p.m., Hamburg Fry in the Pine Room. Saturday Luncheon Discussion will meet at 11:30 in Lane Hall. Res- ervations can be made before 6 p.m., Fri., at Lane Hall. Scalp and Blade: Buffalo and Erie County Students: There will be a meeting of Scalp and Blade Fraternity on Sun., Nov. 20, at 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3A Mich. Union. Sigma Alpha Iota: Pledging will take place Sun., Nov. 20, at the home of Mrs. Lucking in Barton Hills. Actives will meet at the League at 7 p.m. Pledges will meet at the League at 7:30 p.m. Trans- portation will be provided. The Cercle Francais: Next meet- ing, Mon., Nov. 21, 8 p.m., Michi- gan League. Group photo of mem- bers to be taken for the Ensian. Songs; coffee. Faculty and mem- bers cordially invited. tr. g~tt tI1 Reply to Silver , R LOS ANGELES-While President Truman has been preaching civil rights for the South, he has practiced exactly the same kind of vote discrimination toward groups of Young Democrats as he has criticized in southern States. The national convention of Young Dem- ocrats in Chattanoogathis week illustrates this vote discrimination, and also high- lights the fact that the Young Democrats, once a live.-wire, progressive organization, in many states has become a Charley McCarthy for Democratic bosses some- times bought and paid for. The throttling of Young Dems is not ev- erywhere Truman's fault. But definitely at Truman's doorstep can be laid a flagrant case of vote denial-this one in California. In that state the Young Democrats of California, Inc., has disintegrated into a group of about 100 jaded party hacks who, in effect, have sold the letterhead of their organization to any political faction that would reward them with jobs. When Da- vid Price and Edwin T. Thayer of the Cal- ifornia Young Dems were given jobs by George McLain of the California Old-Age Pension Group, the Young Dems promptly lent their letterhead to promote McLain 's old-age pension plan. As a result, a rival group of Young Dems -"The California Young Democratic Clubs" has mushroomed up to 4,000 members, in contrast to fewer than 100 members for the old regulars. And on July 8, the new group officially applied for recognition by Wash- ington. Their application was signed by Mrs. Edward Heller, Democratic National Com- mitteewoman; James Roosevelt, National Committeeman; and Oliver Carter, Califor- nia Chairman of the Democratic State Com- dues is supported by the State committee- men and gets official recognition. But in the case of California, the White House mysteriously intervened. Perhaps, however, it wasn't so mysterious. For Matt Connelly, secretary to the Presi- dent, got a phone call from George Luckey, California cattleman friend of Mr. Truman's, asking that the new Young Dems not be recognized. This was on July 8, and the application of the new group has cooled on ice until this week. Roy Baker, national chairman of the Young Dems, has ordered recognition of the new California group. Bill Boyle, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, had promised recognition on Sept. 14. The Los Angeles County Central Committee voted 189 to 1 for recognition. But, thanks to White House intervention, 100 old and shop- worn "Young Dems" continued to represent the entire state of California until this week, while 4,000 new members remained out in the cold S* * - MERRY-GO-ROUND - THE TWO GREATEST entertainment pal- aces in the world are controlled by go- ernment officials. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer owns a majority interest in Coney Island, and Ambassador to Egypt Stanton Griffis acquired control of Madison Square Garden in 1933 . . . . The Interstie Commerce Commission kept its tongue in cheek when it ordered the railroads to c~t down passenger service by 25 per cent on coal burning lines. What the railroads didn't realize is that the Commission over-stepped its authority. The law under which the order was issued limits the Commission's Emer- gency powers to freight carriers . . . . The To the Editor: R. AL SILVER espouses the struggle against discrimina- tion, warns the well-intentioned not to be side-tracked by the neg- ativism of anti-Communism and then goes on to present anti-Com- munism as a MODUS VIVENDI. Unfortunately for certain indi- viduals, the Communists, their "fronts" and a long list of mis- guided individuals and organiza- tions, sometimes involving most of the United States; seem to con- cern themselves with basic prob- lems of discrimination, housing, peace, etc. These avowed aims are, topara- phrase Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and other self-styled custodians of li- beral thought, just a means of promoting the -cause of the Soviet Union (radio program, "Meet the Critics") Mr. Silver applauds the people of Harlem for having "the good sense to kick Communist Ben Da- vis out of his job as a New York City Councilman in the recent elections". Apparently the people of Har- lem had had the bad sense pre- viously to elect and re-elect Davis. They had been misguided by such trivialities as rat holes (housing), jobs for "qualified personnel" (discrimination) and other things not worth mentioning. If only somebody had been there to teach them what every news- paper editor knows as gospel truth, they would have risen up in pa- triotic wrath and sent Davis back to - Moscow. If I too, may presume to speak of "man", allow me to say that social inequality and injustice breed, not labels, the meanings of which are no longer clear to the :,. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staf Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor Al Blumrosen............City Editor Philip Dawson...Editorial-, Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner...........Associate Editor George Walker ........ Associate Editor Don McNeil............Associate Editor Alex Lmanian.. Photography Editor Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goeiz.....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed. Joan King................Librarian Allan Ciarnaie.. Assistant Librarian I