SCRATCH PAD See Page 4 In rgaizaion La test Deadline in the State A61? :43 a t t 0' CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LX, No. 47 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS On Campus V.. ~- a'a T ............. h:. ys InOrganizations .~ v ;~ 4 Truman MVay Use Labor Law in U.S. Coal INDEPENDENT AFFILIATED AFFILIATED INDEPENDENT * * * * Daily Cartoonist Gunhard Oravas' conception of the independ- ent-affiliated survey shows the campus population (left) with in- dependents making up 85 per cent of the student body and affil- ates 15 per cent. On the right is the makeup of the "typical" * * campus organization according to the survey, with independents holding 23 per cent of membership and affiliates looming over them with 77 per cent. Affiliates Have Majority in 'U' Groups ______ ~~~~~~4 ____________________ Affiliated men and women hold an average 77 per cent of the po- sitions in 19 influential and hon- orary campus organizations ac- cording to a Daily check of mem- bership files. The survey, taken because of the recent AIM-IFC electiontime z ccontroversy, covered groups en- gaging in a broad range of ac- tivities and having various meth- ods of acquiring members. THEY WERE chosen either be- cause they exert an influence on student life or because member- ship in them is much sought after. Affiliated students, with 3,- 146 members, constitute 15 per cent of the University's 20,618 enrollment. They hold a majority of posts Biske Pace 0eat Ohio'_Rally The kick off for the season's final football weekend will take place at 7:15 p.m. today at the "Beat Ohio State" pep rally at south Ferry Field. The rally will set a spirited pace for the eve of the game to decide the Big Ten Conference cham" pionship. * * * "Automatic" Jim Briske, na- tionally noted Wolverine place kicker of the '46 and '47 football seasons, will be the featured speak- er at the rally. The East and West Quad bands will recruit students from all points on campus and lead them to the Union steps, the gathering point for all rally- bound students, by 7:15 p.m. The University marching band will head the torchlight parade down State street to south Ferry Field. After the rally, students will have plenty of time to get to the Varsity Night show, John Zabriske of the Wolverine Club pointed out. Meanwhile, Dave Pease of the Varsity committee announced that contributions for the pep rally are still needed. Student response has not yet produced sufficient funds to cover the cost, he said. Money from women's residences may be turned in to the Merit Tuitorial office in the League. Donations from men's houses will be received by Mrs. Alice K. Rey- nolds in the Office of Student Affairs, according to Pease. Trm a n l- in 16 of the groups checked, while BUT IN THE current student independents predominate in the Legislature race, 31 of the 58 can- other three. didates are independent. Org anization Sttattis tics MEMBERS AFF. IND. 1. Michiganensian................26 77% 23% 2.SL..........................50 60 40 3. Men's Judiciary ................. 7 43 57 4. Women's Judiciary .............10 70 30 5. Union Executive Council ........15 87 13 6. League Council .................21 71 29 7. Wolverine Club .................35 43 57 8. Michigamua...... .............20 75 25 9. Druids .........................17 88 12 10. Triangles ....................... 9 67 33 11. Vulcans ........................21 76 24 12. 1949 J-Hop Committee .......... 9 100 0 13. Wyvern Officers ................ 4 75 25 14. Engine Council Officers .......... 4 75 25 15. Engine Senior Officers ............4 100 0 16. LSA Senior Officers .............4 100 0 17. Forestry Senior Officers5.........5 60 40 t 18. BusAd Council ..................12 75 25 19. Michigan Daily ..................43 42 58 Average 77% 23% Total U. of M. enrollment: 20,618 Total membership of fraternities & sororities: 3,146 Percentage of affiliated students at U. of M.: 15% 'U' GRAD WILL MC: Radio ComedianLe To Spark Vasiy Niglt However, in the contest forC nine places on the 1950 J-Hop Committee, 29 of the 30 candi- dates are affiliated, and three of the four candidates for Board in Control of Intercollegiate Att. letics are fraternity men. The eight candidates for Board in Control of Student Publications are split evenly, four being in- dependent and four affiliated. The cards on file in the Office of Student Affairs were used in the survey to determine the affili- ation of organization members. Membership lists were also ob- tained from that office. World News Round-Up By The Associated Press ST. LOUIS-- A beaming vice- President Alben W. Barkley arriv- ed late yesterday for his wedding at 12 noon today to the comely widow he has courted diligently since they first met last July. * * * PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia - Fifteen members of the, now- outlawed National Socialist Par- ty-the party of the late Ed- uard Benes-were disclosed last night to have been arrested in the Communist-led government's campaign to wipe out political opposition. * * * SL Sets Up Integration' Committee Group To Help Foreign Students By PETER HOTTON Student Legislature last night unanimously passed a resolution to set up a Human Relations Com- mittee as a part of the Michigan Plan toward the elimination of discriminatory attitudes and in- ter-group friction on campus. The Committee, conceived and proposed by Legislator Tom Walsh is to be composed of the presidents of representative campus groups and several faculty members. It is designed to provide "a systematic evaluation and development of methods by which interested stu- dents can broaden their knowl- edge and understanding of persons outside their own groups." * * * THE LEGISLATURE also unani-. mously approved a report by the Committee of 13 suggestions for action by interested individuals and groups to promote social con- tact, the most effective method by which to foster the purposes of the Committee. The suggestions provided that: residences should be en- couraged to invite foreign stu- dents to dinner on a personal acquaintance o r invitational basis. Organized houses should be en- couraged to include one or two foreign students at their "foreign language tables" to participate in foreign language practice sessions. LANE HALL inter-cultural re- treats and other group retreats should be expanded, taking advan- tage of the University's Fresh Air Camp facilities. "International tables" should be established at the Union and League where American and for- eign students can meet infor- mally. Foreign students should be en- couraged to participate in intra- mural sports. American students should be en- couraged to form teams to play soccer and other sports played by foreign students here. * * * THE COMMITTEE suggested a possible reorganizations of the In- tramural Athletic League on an all-campus basis where games could be played between more fra- ternities and independent teams rather than on a strict housing basis. Better sportsmanship in these intramural games should be en- couraged by the winner invit- ing the loser (or vice versa) over for refreshments after the game. A sub committee should work with the International Center and the University to develop better mixed housing for foreign stu- dents. * * * THE COMMITTEE will assist the National Student Association in developing tours of the mid- west area for Michigan foreign students. The Committee also urged all campus organizations to examine their own activities with a view to working with other groups. THE SHAH ARRIVES-The Shah of Iran and a smiling Pre Truman leave National Airport in a White House automob the visiting ruler arrives in Washington for a month's state The 30-year-old monarch will visit Ann Arbor next week. * * * * Shah of Iran to Arrit In Ann Arbor Nov. 20 By JIM BROWN Mohammad Pahlavi, youthful Shah of Iran who arrived i ington Wednesday on an official state visit, is scheduled toa Ann Arbor on Nov. 26. He will visit his brother, Mahamoud Pahlavi, who is enrolle University. DR. FRANK ROBBINS, Assistant to the President, said y that an official welcome for the Shah is being planned by 1 versity but that final details are still being worked out. Meanwhile, in Washington, the Associated Press reporte the 30-year-old Iranian monarch launched his month-long Dispute Blasts Jailing Of Diplomat In Mukden To Call for Tax t Hike Next Year By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Truman promised yesterday to use the Taft-Hartley club in the soft coal dispute-but only if an emergency would arise and if 380,000 soft coal miners again walked out at the end of John L. Lewis' truce on December 1. * * * THE UNITED Mine Workers' chief last week sent 'his men back to dig coal for three weeks more after a 52-day strike. Mr. Truman, at his news con- ferencg, ruled out appointment of the kind of factfinding board sident .he named in the recent steel dis- e sour pute. It had power to recom- mend a settlement outside the labor law. Turning to foreign affairs Presi- dent Truman denounced as out rageous the imprisonment of American Consul General Angus S Ward by the Chinese Communists at Mukden. HE HAD JUST spent 70 minutes this morning reviewing with Sec- .n Wash- retary of State Acheson the State arrive in Department's developing stop- Communism program for the Far ed in the East. Out of that meeting, to whch Acheson took all his top . Var esterday Eastern policy makers, came an the Uni- announcement of projected ac- tion in the immediate futuze. 'd that The announcement disclosed: good- That Ambassador Philip C. Je- States sup, Acheson's trouble-shooting a frank diplomatic ace, will make an on- an aid. the-spot survey of conditions in dinner the Far East. He will leave the hours his United States in late December, Ar. Tru- begin his work in Tokyo, and re- ndence," turn home by way of India and n needs Pakistan. d hopes Returning to the domestic scene, tion and President Truman told newsmen ture." that his government budget for uneasy 1950-51 will be a tight and honest , already one, but inlicated once again that an assis- he will call for a tax increase to countries avoid deficit. 4,010,000 The President was asked what he thought of a suggestion by k-haired Senator Douglas (D., Ill.) that eful of 4,500,000,004 be lopped off next backing year's budget. Why wasn't that done in the last session, Mr. Truman wanted L1IS to know. He said he sent Congress a tight budget, but it returned one .jid exceeding his figures. brouhth SL To Probe Lawyers Filch Giant SlideRule The supposedly extinct feud be- tween lawyers and engineers, came to sudden life last night when a band of lawyers abscounded with the engineers giant slide rule. An anonymous lawyer phoned Al Forman, publicity director of the Slide Rule Ball, last night and informed him that the slide rule had been taken from the office of the 'Technic' and was now at the Law Club. * * * THE STUDENT challenged For- man and all engineers to,.;"try and get it." An attempt was made last year to nab the slide rule but alert engineers nipped the plot by posting guards in the 'Tech-I nic' office. In 1947, the lawyers were more successful and held the slide rule in custody for two days, then, a group of 'vigilantes' from the En- gineering College, discovered it in a fraternity house. "We'll have the slide rule back by Saturday night, in time for the Slide Rule Ball, if we have to search every room in the Law Club," Forman promised. > will tour of the United Wednesday night witha bid for increased Americ Speaking at a state which followed by a few h arrival from Tehran in N. man's plane, 7 the "Indepe the Shah said that Ira American friendship an for "even closer cooperal: intensified help in the fut His oil-rich nation, an neighbor of Soviet Russia is receiving some America tance. Iran is one of 14c sharing in the U.S. $1,31 arms-aid program, The handsome, dark Shah is reported hop further U.S. militaryl however. Surgery Fa To SaveCl A six-day-old baby, from Milwaukee for a th a-half hour operation Tue a "dead-end" esophagus, University Hospital yeste The baby, Timothy Alla was operated on by Dr. Haight, of the medical sch eonnected the infant's in esophagus with the sto that for the' first time h have been able to take f mally rather than by inje The exceedingly delicat tion and the fate of th baby has attracted nation terest.- I- Robrt Q. Lewis, University alum- nus and nationally-known CBS radio comedian, will start things rolling as master of ceremonies of the annual Varsity Night show at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi- toriom. Topflight professional and stu- dent entertainment has been slat- ed for the program which is tra- ditionally sponsored by the Uni- versity Bands. * * * PROFESSIONAL acts will be presented by Margaret King, ac- cordianist from Detroit, and ven- triloquist Fred Maher with help from his wooden "companion," Skinny Dugan, Several selections by the Uni- versity Concert Band, under the direction of Prof. William D. Ravelli, will highlight the stu- dent contribution to Varsity Night, Included among the band nu'm- bers will be "Sounds from the Hudson" with Charles Kirsch as cornet soloist, "Michigan in Re- view," and "Under the Big Top" with John Carroll, as circus barker. ** SAN FRANCISCO - The jury was chosen yesterday to try CIO Longshoreman Leader Harry Bridges, who is accused of per- jury and conspiracy to defraud the government at his 1945 naturaliza- tion hearing. * * * NEW YORK - It took less than two hours yesterday to pick a federal jury for the second perjury trial of Alger Hiss, a former ace of the U.S. State De- partment. * * * NEW YORK - Judith Coplon, 28-year-old former government employee, neared trial yesterday Ion spy conspiracy charges as Fed- eral Judge Sylvester J. Ryan pre- pared to clear the deck of pre-trial motions. .v .'Rights Battle Seena t YDConfab By The Associated Press A battle over President Tru- man's civil rights program ap- peared certain to erupt on the floor of the National Convention of Young Democratic Clubs at Chattanooga, Tenn. orougn ree-and- esday for died at erday. n Roche, Cameron hool, who complete mach so he would ood nor- ~ction- te opera- te young -wide in- ' Entrance Applications r .! 1 1 i BATTLE OF THE BANDS: Michigan Vs. OSU in 3-Ring Circus A Student Legislature commit- tee will attemnpt to learn why questions concerning race, religion and national origin, plus requests for pictures, should not be re- moved from University entrance' application blanks. Meeting last night, the Legisla- ture set up the committee to con- fer with deans of the various U(.'ni- versity schools over the questions which "give persons belonging to minority groups a feeling that they are being discriminated against," according to Legislator Jim Jans. * * * THE LEGISLATURE was told the University "highly favors" the faculty evaluations made by stu- dents last fall, and will continue them again next spring. The Legislature voted to set up a committee to study possible curriculum revisions and use of a substitute marking system in the University. Another committee was author- ized by the Legislature to set up a program similar to the Oxford nlan of debate, authorizing the ROBERT Q. LEWIS ... emcees Varsity Night * * * the Rainbow," and "Old McDon- ald." Announcing a "practical sell- out" yesterday, Don Lewis, student business manager of the Univer- sity Bands, said that the few re- The University Marching Band will lock horns with the Ohio State Band tomorrow afternoon in the second annual "Battle of the Bands." The famed "Battle" began last year when University students, in- censed by an article appearing in Life Magazine which cast dispar- aging remarks on the Wolverine band, began a spontaneous cam- students and organizations all over campus. Before the avalanche of "Bandwagon" contributions had been halted, $2,157 had been collected and the band was on its way to Columbus for the gridiron clash with the Buck- eye band. After the game, newsmen called 44-.. "Raffia of ,flip n.n~d-vA, na ri w- the spirit of 1776, a circus band, a Dixieland band and the Sousa band. The Wolverine band will an- swer the challenge with a three- ring circus. Opening with a "pa- rade of the artists," University twirlers, tumblers, and trampo- line artists will be in action in- side the rings. Af+or nontininz a inaplr and I i1 I I I 11 t ., - - i °