WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1949 ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY r .. . N THE SPOT By ROG GOELZ Associate Sports Editor (Todayls Column was written by Bill Brenton, Night Editor) WHAT PLAYING THE nation's top team means to the rest of the schedule was further emphasized last Saturday when Michigan State's Spartans dropped a 25-20 decision to thrice-whipped Oregon State. That result only added more fuel to the patent Big Ten com- plaint of why Conference teams won't schedule Notre Dame. As Purdue head coach Stu Holcomb and Michigan Freshman mentor Wally Weber put it at Monday's Chicago Herald-American Quarter- back meeting, "Preparing for Notre Dame and a Big Ten scheduld at the same time is too much of a task." With no rigorous Conference slate to meet year after year and no stringent Big Ten regulations to follow, the Fighting Irish come up with one of the nation's top elevens nearly every season. Forsaking possible national ranking, Big Ten clubs, how- ever, seek the glory of a Conference crown and the now-added prestige of a Rose Bowl berth, instead. The pattern of post-Notre Dame letdowns has existed year after year for Conference members. As Coach Weber pointed out, Michigan defeated the Irish 32-20 in 1942, but were so spent they lost their next game to Ohio State, 21-7. Last year, Purdue readied for six months to meet the Leahymen, lost 28-27 in a hard-fought game, and t proceeded to drop five of their next eight games THIS SEASON THE after-Notre Dame casualty list is really im- pressive. Indiana's Hoosiers took a 49-6 pasting from the Irish in their season's opener, then absorbed a 46-7 shellacking from Ohio State and lost two more before coming back to upset Pittsburgh. A fair Washington eleven lost 27-7 to the South Benders and on the following Saturday dropped a close one to mediocre Oregon State. After being drubbed by Stanford, they recovered to give California and Southern California close battles, and two weeks ago beat Oregon. Tulane and Purdue did win immediately after playing the nation's leaders, but they met weak Miami and Auburn, And, Purdue's score was 14-0, while Tulane squeeked by an unimpressive Auburn club, 14-6. Then, came Michigan State. The Spartans gave Leahy's boys their toughest game; yet missed blocks and tackles, sputtered on offense and were generally futile against an inspired but average Oregon State club the next week. Three Conference schools met the Irish this year. But, all three either are or have been Conference doormats. Indiana is a miserable last. Purdue is next to them. And Iowa, after starting on its way to Agood year, faltered in mid-season. T'S NOT THAT THE Big Ten is afraid of Notre Dame. The league's stronger members have held their own in past Irish en- counters, but time and again, it has cost them Conference crowns. As Iowa's Athletic Director Paul Brechler hinted, it is the national polls that have caused the recent desire for a through and through rugged schedule. Students and alumni, hungry for a "place in the sun," look' at Notre Dame as the ladder. Many, however, miss the forest for the trees. The object, Conference heads agree, should be neither national championships nor Rose Bowl fame, but the Conference title itself. Newman, Williams, Chi Psi Win --4 Turkey Feast To Fete Ten Top Harriers The first ten varsity and fresh- man distance runners that covered a snow-swept one and two-thirds mile cross-country course yester- day earned the right to attend a turkey dinner in their honor. Coach Don Canham will act as host at the annual affair which will be held at the Union this Sun- day evening. * * * IN ADDITION to this year's first ten place winners, the ban- quet will honor Herb Barten, Eck Koutonen and Ed Ulvestad, all of whom set new varsity records in their track and field specialities during the past year. Barten ran a record-shatter- ing 1:50.4 half-mile last June in California, and Koutonen set a mark of 48 feet 82 inches for the running hop, step and jump in Oslo, Norway while on a post- Olympic tour last summer. In clearing the bar at 13 feet, four inches, Olvestad set a new varsity pole vault record last spring to earn a place at the ban- quet table. THESE MEN, along with Don McEwen, who last week set a new varsity and Conference record for four miles, will receive engraved trophies in recognition of their performances. McEwen led the field across the finish line yesterday in rec- ord breaking time of 7:20. Be- hind him were Shel Capp, Aa-. ron Gordon, Delance Hyde, Ray Ruff and Bruce Vreeland, run- ning in that order. The other four men to finish in the first ten places were Garth Kirkendall, Buzz Guise, Bill Hick- man and Charlie Whiteaker. Playwrights See Us: Dramatic Myths of the Modern Stage" (il- lustrated), Professor George R. Kernodle, School of Fine Arts, University of Iowa; auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. 4:15, p.m., Thurs., Nov. 17, Rackham Amphitheater. Academic Notices; English Department Preliminary Examinations for Ph.D. candidates will be held in 364 School of Busi- ness Administration, Nov. 23 and Three I-M Grid Losers Fail to Score in Playoffs Robert Owen, Hayd As Muddy Field Slo Last night under the lights at mud covered Wines Field, Chi Psi, Williams House and The Newman Club copped the 1949 I-M touch- football titles. All three teams blanked their opponents as Chi Psi edged Theta Chi, 6-0, Williams beat Hayden. 6-0, and The Newman Club romped over Robert Owens, 19-0. FOR THE CHI PSI club, it was the passing of Roy Nelson that turned the trick to gain the edge in the annual fraternity grid play- offs. The first half was a see-saw battle in which both teams spend more time trying to gain control ofrthe ball than to gain yardage. The only scoring threat came on the second play of the game when Amato Contino of Theta Chi threw a 30 yard pass to John Wither- spoon in the end zone. But Wither- spoon couldn't hang onto the slip- pery ball and the pass went in- complete. In the closing minutes of the fourth quarter, Roy Nelson inter- cepted a Theta Chi pass on hi own 20 and raced down the side- lines to the opponent's 40 yard stripe. After three pass plays, the Chi Psi's had a first down on the Theta Chi 20. On the next play, Nelson dropped back and tossed to Tom Osborne in the end zone for the winning tally. Theta Chi broke up the pass intended for the extra point. * * * - CO-ORDINATING a smooth passing attack with some fine open-field running, The Newman Club garnered its second consecu- en, Theta Chi Defeated ws Championship Play tive Independent touch-football championship by whipping Robert Owen Co-operative House, 19-0. Russ Kavanaugh, Newman Club left halfback, scored the first touchdown on the third play to put his team ahead 6-0 at the quarter. Vic Fryling re- turned an Owen House punt 45 yards early in the second stan- za for the second tally and Bob Smith notched the extra point. Fryling drew last blood by run- ning back an intercepted pass thrown by Owen's Sam Dudley 30 yards for the final TD. The New- man Club had won five straight SPORTS BOB VOKAC, Night Editor M' Defenses Groomed for Grid Climax Only three days remain before Ohio State's Buckeyes meet the Wolverines at Ann Arbor this Sat- urday. Wes Fesler's Bucks will be here with blood in their eyes and the aroma of roses in their nostrils. * * * SATURDAY'S GAME, the last' of the season for both clubs, will be the clincher in more ways than one. For the Wolverines, a victory will mean their third successive Big Ten Crown. And if the Buck- eyes win the contest, they are sure to clinch both the Conference crown and a Rose Bowl bid. Michigan Coach Bennie Oos- terbaan is pushing his team right down to the wire with no let-up before the all-important season finisher. Defense was the keynote at' yesterday's practice ascMichigan prepared for the Ohio club which currently rates first, statistically, in the Big Ten on offense. * * * ' PASS DEFENSE was the first item on the Wolverine agenda yes- terday. Later in the afternoon, the Michigan defense was pitched against the Buckeye single wing offense with the Jayvee squad running through the Ohio State plays. Halfback Leo Koceski is sche- duled to see action on Saturday. But defensive end Bob Hollway is definitely out. Offense guard Al Jackson, who is nursing an injured leg, will probably be un- able to play against the Buck- eyes. The game is likely to turn into a passing duel with Ohio's ace passer, Pandel Savic, matched against Michigan's Chuck Ort- mann who has been the victim of hot and cold receivers all year. Irish, Retain Poll Lead; Cadets Drop to Fourth NEW YORK-(AP)-Notre Dame, Oklahoma, California and Army continue to be the only regulars in college football's first ten. For the first time in weeks, though, there's a change in their order with Oklahoma and Cali- fornia moving ahead of Army, which lost the grip it has held on second place since Oct. 10. * * * THE BLACK KNIGHTS of the Hudson lost favor in their narrow escape at Philadelphia last Satur- day when they squeezed past Penn, 14-13. They fell to fourth. Notre Dame's Irish, who haven't been threatened in first place since the second week, sol- idified their position by subdu- ing North Carolina with a strong last half spurt, 43-6. Frank Leahy's Marvels received 140 first place ballots from the 162 sports writers and broadcasters who participated. They rolled up 1,592 points. BOWL-BOUND Oklahoma, 27-7 winner over Missouri, gained 15 first place votes to finish second games before last night's contest and had been scored upon only by the Foresters. * * * IN THE RESIDENCE hall play- offs, Williams House successfully defended its title against a fight- ing Hayden House club, 6-0, in overtime play. The game was played mainly between the thirty yard lines, with both teams throwing a flurry of passes but to no avail, as tough defenses and the weather combined to hamper aerial activity. Late in the third quarter Wil- liams advanced to the 28 yard line where its attack stalled, and on fourth down All-dorm star Bob Fancett tried a field goal that was wide. The only other scoring at- tempt of the game was a fifty yard field goal attempt by Wen Vander Klipp of Hayden that was blocked in the fourth quarter. In the overtime, Hayden could make only one yard in three at- tempts and on fourth down Pierre Miller of Williams intercepted a pass for a twenty one minus yards for Hayden. In their four plays, Williams made six yards, to emerge champions and stay undefeated since mid-1947. AP Tally 1. Notre Dame (140) 1,592 2. Oklahoma (15) 1,298 3. California (5) 1,252 4. Army (1) 1,130 5. MICHIGAN 768 6 Rice 566 7. Ohio State 486 8. Minnescott 428 9. Virginia (1) 276 10. Southern Methodist 194 The Second Ten-11. Kentucky, 150; 12. Stanford, 105; 13. Louis- iana State, 87; 14. Dartmouth, 75; 15. Baylor, 64; 16. Maryland, 52; 17. Cornell 49; 18. Michigan State, 46; 19. and 20, Tulane and Santa Clara, each 44. -- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Alpha Epsilon Pi Graduate School Student Coun- cil School of Dentistry, Jr. Class -Newman Club Pi Lambda Phi Stockwell Hall Women's Physical Ed. Club Saturday. Acacia Alpha Delta Phi Alpha.Epsilon Pi Alpha Kappa Kappa Alpha, Kappa Psi Alpha Sigma Phi Delta Chi Delta Sigma Delta Delta Sigma Pi Delta Tau Delta. Greene House, E. Q. Kappa Nu Lambda Chi Alpha Lloyd House r Michigan Christian Fellowship Phi Alpha Kappa Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Kappa Tau Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Delta Phi Sigma Kappa Pi Lambda Phi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Tau Delta Phi Tau Epsilon Rho Theta Chi Theta Xi Triangle Williams House Winchell House Zeta Beta Tau Zeta Psi Sunday. Women's Physical Ed. Club The Civil Service Commission of Detroit announces an examination for Junior, Intermediate and Sen- ior City Planner. Filing period: Nov. 7 to Feb. 1, 1950. Additional information may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lecture University Lecture : "As Our 30; and in 76 School of Business Administration, Nov. 26 and Dec. 3. Doctoral Examination for B. L. Shanthamallappa, Education; the- sis: "A Plan for the Development of Vocational Education in the State of Mysore, India," 9 a.m., Thurs., Nov. 17, East Council Room, RackhamBldg. Chairman, Thomas Diamond. A.E. 160 Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed., Nov. 16, 1504 E. Engineering Bldg. Mr. E. Migotsky will speak "On (Continued on Page 6) U U 4' 4 J 'e &e6 // !<. e~/ee6~ a -<'?,i [ oppo Aw ON no sm IN FORMAL WEAR This new collegiate shawl collar tuxedo has much more than meets the eye! Natural shoulders, generous lines and lightweight fabrics make it as comfortable as a sport coat and slacks. You'll rhumba in ease-and look like you stepped right out of Esquire. I mm EM ME WITH SMOKERS WHO KNOW...IT'S All Models $45 and up BY RUDOFKER Yes, Camels are SO MILD that in a coast-to-coast test of'hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels - and only Camels-for 30 consecutive days. noted thronat 11 I KNilj- U%E*U'% - 11U I I 9r