PAGE EIGITT, TIE MICHIGAN DAILY STTWT AV, NOITMP.M. 13, 1949 NYAGE EIGHT SUNDAY. NOVEMIUEU 13, 1949 FACULTY FOR KNOWING: Prof. Lobanov Brings Drama to History By NANCY BYLAN A believer in emphasizing the drama of human life is Prof. Lo- banov-Rostovsky of the history department. In his courses in Russian and Balkan hository, he always tries to highlight the dramatic elements of the material. This is part of his aim to deliver clear and in- teresting lectures. THE TEACHING of history in- volves a question of balance, he said. You have to know what is important and what is secondary, and when to bring in the latter. Sometimes one anecdote is more revealing than a whole discussion, he explained. Prof. Lobanov finds that a time element forces him to fol- low somewhat the same sched- ule in his courses each year. But there is always room for change of emphasis, he added. Some years he stresses the Asia- tic aspects of Russian history and other years he emphasizes the European influences. Attendance at his classes always stays at about the same level, he said. The political climate does not effect enrollment, for the in- creased desire of some students to know more about Russia is count- erbalanced by the increased an- tagonism of others toward all things Russian, he explained. "THE HISTORICAL approach is =of definite value in understand- ing the conduct of Russia today," Prof. Lobanov declared. Russia's behavior is a fusion of the new ideology and the old trends, which can be traced back to early days. All the larger universities have courses in Russian history today, -Daily--Burt Sapowitch RUSSIAN HISTORIAN-Prof. Lobanov-Rostovsky of the history department looks up from his desk, where he plans his courses in Russian and Balkan history about Russia. and works on his latest book * * *# Prof. Lobanov remarked. It is becoming a definitely establish- ed field, rising from an impetus which began in the 1920's as a result of significant events in Russia, he explained. He himself began UCLA's course in Russian history, and taught there from 1930 until he came to the University in 1945. * *I * AT PRESENT he is chairman of a committee integrating all University courses concerning Rus- sia, in such fields as language, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 7) I Mixer at the Foundation, 7:30-111 p.m. Refreshments. All graduate students invited. U. of M. Hot Record Society: There will be no jam session as scheduled, there will be a regular record program instead in the League Ballroom at 8 p.m. Every- one is invited. Coming Events La P'tite Causette Monday, 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan Lea- gue. Sociedad Hispanica. Social Hour. Mon., Nov. 14, 4-6 p.m., Interna- tional Center. Refreshments. UWF: Forum and discussion. Union, Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m. Topic: "England and World Federalism." Premedical Society: Joint meet- ing with the Medical Roundtable at 8 p.m., Tues., Nov. 15, Rm. 1200 (formerly Rm. 151). old Chem.j Bldg. Speaker: Dr. E. E. Payne of Parke Davis & Co. Movies will be :hown on the first cases treated vith Chloromycetin, the life of Louis Pasteur, and Koch's discov- 3ry of the tubercle bacillus. Sociedad Hispanica will present i movie, "Doude Mueren las Pala- ras" (Spanish dialogue with Eng- ish titles), Tues., Nov. 15, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mem- oers will be admitted on payment of only the tax on presentation of their membership cards at the box office. All seats are reserved. Hiawatha Club: Notice of change of meeting date-the meeting will be held on Wed., Nov. 16, rather than on Monday as previously an- nounced. Meeting of the American Phar- maceutical Association, Student Branch. Wed., Nov. 16, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1300 Chem. Bldg. Film "To- ward Better Pharmacy." All mem- bers urged to attend. literature, art, geography, history and political science. This pro- gram was begun two years ago as part of an increasing empha- sis on regional studies. Prof. Lobanov especially urged more people to study the Russ- sian language as a "tremendous clue to understanding the Rus- sian people." Although Russia has a strong personality of its own, there is no great mystery to the Russian character, Prof. Lobanov declared. "The outstanding mistake people make in going to Russia is that they seek differences instead of a common denominator." He particularly condemned those writers "who go to Russia prepar- ed to find Cro-Magnons and write something falsely picturesque and ultra-dramatic." The average Russian is some- what like the average American, he said, and denied the theory that the so-called "Russian cli- mate" has molded a strange, unapproachable national figure. Prof. Lobanov planned to be a diplomat, the traditional profes- sion of his family, but he finds a close correlation between the teaching of historical material and the practical application of it in diplomacy. HE HAS a colorful and dramatic history of his own. He belongs to an old Russian family descend- ed from the first ruler of the first Russian state. Born in Yokohoma of a Russian father and a Greek mother, he was educated in Russia and France and received his degree at the Ecole Libre des Sciences in Paris. He fought with the Imperial Russian Guards in 1914. While he was in Salonika, news of the revolution broke up his unit, and he joined the French army. List b tudent Candidates For Election (Continued from Page 1) Coleman, '51; Tom Cramer, 51BAd; Richard Creal, '52. Lawrence DeVore, '51; Wil- liamDuerr, '50E; Barbara El- liot, '52; Robert Ernstein, '50; Eliot Gerber, '52; Edmund Gib- bon, '52; Charles Good, '52E; Joe'Gross, '52E; Walter Hansen, '50; Chuck Hattaway, '52; Sally Hughes (Grescham), '52A; Jean Iglauer, '51. Howard Johnson, '51; Jack Jones, '53; Earl Keim, 51; Dorothy Kline, '52; Cal Klyman, '51; George Kozonis, '51;, Mary- Louise Lacy, '51; Jacob Lazar, '50; Richard Lee, '51E; Ed Lewinson, '51; David Litowsky, '52; Gordon MacDonald, '52; Ned Miles, '51E; Arnold Miller, '51; Jo Misner, '50. Quent Nesbitt, '50BAd; Myron Nichols, '54; John Nuehard, '52; Walter Obbereit, '51E; William O'Dell, '52E; Dolores Olsen, '50; Jerome Porter, '52; George Qua, '52; Tom Rice, '50BAd; Herbert Silverman, '52; Irving Stenn, '52; Joanne Stoller, '50; Chester Szemblorski, '51. Dwight Vincent, '52; Robert Vogt, '51E; Tom Walsh, '51L; Nancy Watkins, '52; Joan Young. '52; Dorianne Zipperstein, '51. * * * J-HOP Committee petitioners are: Joan Broomfield, Nan Byrnes, Janet Dewey, Jean Dickie, Mar- garet Donavan, Diane Faulk, Beverly Fullerton, James Foster, Robert Garfink, Bart Grimes, Judd Heinemann, Ned Hess, Rollene Jackson, Robert Johnson, Karol Kerr, Dean Luse, Ann Maurer. Paul McCracken, Douglas Mooney, Charles Norwood, David Pease, Mary Lou Porter, Patrick Ross, Dick Sanders, Jean Schutt, Rostom Tandourjian, Lindy This- ted, Ellen Van Wagoner, Bill Wells, George Wolf. Running for Board in Control of Student Publications are: Richard Allen, B. S. Brown, Spec.; Jim Jans, Grad.; Dick Morrison, '50; Lloyd Putnam, Paul Rider, Potsy Ryan, Grad.; Tom Walsh, '51L. Candidates for Board in Con- trol of Intercollegiate Athletics are: Cal Klyman, '51; Jim Loprete, '51; Jim Mitchell, John Powers, '51E. Haghg To Lecture Here on 'Messiah' Prof. Harold Haugh, of the mu- sic school, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Musical Language of Handel's 'Messiah'," 4:30 p.m. today at the Memorial Christian Church. Prof. Haugh will emphasize sig- nificant points in the score by playing sections of the recordings and singing some of the solo parts. By ROZ VIRSHUP A multitude of sins is covered by the classification of radio pro- grams innocently tagged "audience participation." Tune in at the right time-al- most any time of night or day- and you can hear Joe Yuk ponder- ing the question "who was the first man to balance a potato chip on his left small toe." In the background one can hear the sublime music of silver dollars falling into a bucket. * * * PERHAPS THEN if Mr. Yuk is of low intelligence and muffs the question, we can hear him pay for his ignorance and are treated to the joy of hearing cream pies plop against his unsuspecting face. This, while the audience rolls in the aisles and a voice gleefully queries "aren't we devils?" And then there are the pro- Today's Programs grams where we are lucky enough to discover what it sounds like to dial a telephone as Mrs. Harried Housewife is given an opportunity to leave the dishpan, pick up the phone and give the name of the celeb- rity loudly snapping bubble gum. Guess the song, movie, height, weight, angle of elevation, bird call and you too may rent a warehouse to store your prizes valued at 27,000 grey hairs. * * * A RECENT followup on a win- ning contestant showed that after winning over $20,000 worth of prizes she was left several dollars and a good deal of sleep in the red. The pending FCC case which would do away with the give-away offers only a faint ray of hope. Its legal position, which terms give-aways illegal lotteries, seems tenuous. Then too, if their posi- tion is upheld, loop holes of one kind or another by the networks would probably be found. Whether Joe Yuk is attempting to dynamite the safe, or Mrs. Housewife is getting her big chance to win two white elephants -and swoon over the air-this is supposed to be radio entertain- ment or education or what have you. What HAVE you? That's a good question. By DAVE THOMAS Faculty members at Ohio Statet University took a long look at the< comic strip pages last week andt came up with some solemn warn- ings. After due meditation, three pro-l fessors contacted by the studentt paper laid asidte their learned tones and discovered that theref was more to cartoonist Al Capp'st rascally little Kigmies than meets the eye. * * * THEY PROFESSED to see psy-i chological overtones in the anticsi of the bald-bottomed Australian relative of the Shmoo. A psychologist pointed outc that the little animal fitted in beautifully with the agressionl hypothesis. "If you're frustrated, and nowa-3 days who isn't," the psychologist reasoned, "you do one of three COLLEGE ROUNDUP: 'Audience Participation' Tags Used toCover-Up Radio Sins things: hurt yourself, try to hurt the thing that's frustrating you, or else hurt something innocent- that's Kigmyism." A POLITICAL scientist agreed. He saw the Kigmy as a manifesta- tion of what he called "scape- goatism." "Let's realize," he plead- ed, "that there are no Kigmies in the world upon which to vent our frustrations." From the University of Cincin- nati comes word that Michigan is the fifth largest state university in the country. California, Min- nesota, Illinois and Ohio State ranked ahead of Michigan in that order according to the annual college enrollment statistics re- leased by Raymond Walter, presi- dent of the University of Cincin- nati. California is credited with 43,359 students. And almost every one of them was stirred to violent protest last week when the university issuedt a new set of liquor regulations. At the Los Angeles campus mock liquor sales were held on frater- nity house lawns and students1 wore black arm bands to class. t * * * CAMPUS LEADERS complained that it would only drive drinking underground.1 The same situation applies at Brown University where the ad- ministration has just announced that all bars must be removed from fraternity houses. The student council replied with a set of their own suggestions. When these were refused by the university, a referendum was pre- sented to the student body. Oddly enough only 78 students had the termerity to oppose 1,224 of their fellows and back the administra- tion. ALSO from Brown comes word that the senior class would like to give the school $75,000 as a going-away present. This could be accomplished, according to class officers, by every student buying a $1,000 life insurance policy. SRA Leaders To BeTrained The Student Religious Associa- tion will begin a Leadership Train- ing Program at 7:30 p.m. tomor- row in Lane Hall, to further de- velop leadership in student relig- ious groups on campus. The program is made up of a series of four weekly meetings, which will deal with the problems and techniques of leadership sig- nificant to student religious lead- ers. * * * THE SERIES will include an orientation to SRA and its con- stituent groups, and will discuss the campus, its organizations, and issues. The last two meetings will deal specifically with parliamen- tary procedure and techniques of committee organization and oper- ation. According to Barbara Yale, of the Lane Hall staff, this program is more or less a pilot program for a series the staff hopes to begin this spring, with all campus par- ticipation. Comie StripsInterest OSU Professors . Crib To Tour Law Library The Michigan Crib, pre-Law students' society, will make a tour through the Law School library tomorrow afternoon and evening. Divided into two sections, one at 4:30 p.m. and the other at 7:30 p.m., Crib members will meet in the lobby of the Law School lib- rary. Frank F. Reed, of the Publicity Committee, urged all Crib mem- bers to attend. "HOLD-TITE" Strapless IT HOLDS ... AND HOWI t "HOLD TITE" STRAPLESS BRASSIERE by n* 7a#e No straps . . . but no magic, either! Maiden Form's "Hold- Tite" Strapless Brassiere holds firmly and securely in place ... because its flexible stays are set in on the keystone-arch principle! With all-elastic back White Satin with Nylon- Marquisette . $3.50 8 Nickels Arcade * Music. 3 p.m. WKMH-New York Phil- harmonic, Leopold Stokowski, con- ducting, William Kapell, soloist. DeFalla's "Nights in the Gardens of Spain." Tschaikowsky's Sym- phony No. 5, premiere of Revuel- ta's "Sensemaya." Drama ... 1 p.m. WWJ-Eternal Light, Margaret Webster in "Emma La- zurus." 6 p.m. WJR-Family Hour: "Farewell to Arms" with Jane Wy- man. Television . . . 7:30 p.m. CBS-TV-This is Show Business with Juanita Hall. Comedy .. 7 p.m. WJR-Jack Benny pro- gram with guests Ronald and Bo- nita Coleman. S * as each Sa r,4 '-r SUIT YOURSELF-from our complete collection of suits, for business - for school, -for dress-up. Tweeds, Gabar- dines, Wool Crepes, Wool Flannels and Sacony Fuluras . . . from $25 TOPS EVERYTHING-our "little coats" -designed with you in mind! "Timmie tuff" lined,, Alpaca trimmed or downy Angora wool . . . in your size, in your color. Just 16.95 to 35.00 DAYTIME and DATETIME-fine gabar- dines and wools are exactly right. One and two piece styles in soft pastels and bright colorful hues. Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 20. Budget Dresses from 5.95 Better Dresses from 16.95 IT'S DRESS-UP-TIME-Rich Brocades, Satins, Taffetas, Crepes and Matlasses flatteringly designed with open neck- lines, plunging necklines, little sleeves, strapless frocks with tiny jackets, circling skirts and slim-slim skirts. Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 20. Budget Dresses from 8.95 Better Dresses from 16.95 I 9flI~Ux From Sun-Up to Moon-Down You're on the go-for you we have a complete wardrobe of wonderful - wearables at little prices. 1 i -. 1 < ,: s :ti New and wonderful textured leather, good and grainy, especially designed by T & C to go with the textured woolens and tweeds that are big news for campus and career wear. Low-heeled, comfort- able, and excellent value. Station wagon: spice or dark brown scotched leather. 7.95 you and make you feel completely enticing, Shocking Dusting Powder... deliciously pink...scented with Shocking perfume. And Shocking Cologne, double-strength ...its lasting !,'~ I -ra l r vv