PAGE FOUR TIE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEAMEIt 1 , 1919 I,: CED & 'Communist - Fronts' ROLLING STONES . ..,by Harold Jackson Exploration DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A BAD MISTAKE in strategy is being made by a number of sincere anti-Com- munists, who find themselves unable to sign the CED's currently circulating petition. Their stand, they explain, prevents them from supporting a group of which the Young Progressives are members. Nevertheless, they express sympathy with the Committee's at- tack on questions about religion, race and ancestry, which now appear on some Uni- versity application forms. But whether the Progressives are or are not, either deliberately or naively, a Com- munist-front group, is in this connection logically irrelevant. In any case, these anti- Communists are merely hindering their own cause. For our society must offer its people not merely anti-Communism, but more and better democracy. Negativism alone is not enough. It is gratifying, for example, that the people of Harlem-who never were permit- ted a decent glimpse at American democracy in action-had the good sense to kick Com- munist Ben Davis out of his job as a New York City Councilman in the recent elec- tions. In this, they were influenced by Davis' conviction in the Communist trial. But we cannot expect enterprises like the trial to take the place of badly needed re- forms forever. Plainly, the toleration of abuses - democracy's failure to maintain its flexi- bility and satisfy men's increasing de- mands for greater social equality and justice-themselves encourage the growth of deceptive and totalitarian dogmas such as Communism and fascism. The issue is not sympathy with one or another of the Committee's member or- ganizations. The issue concerns the ability of American society to constructively meet the challenges not only of rival ideologies, but also of its own weaknesses. We must not let the uncritical orthodoxy that today passes as effective anti-Commun- ism blind us to the most powerful weapon of all-an improved democracy that has more meaning for more people. We appeal, therefore, to all groups and individuals of whatever background, to unite in a great campus-wide, non-parti- san effort to wipe out admissions discrim- ination at Michigan wherever it is found, and to support the CED in its more par- ticular criticism of the medical school's inexcusable treatment of minorities. These are the aims of the Committee's petition. The fight is both vital and diffi- cult. The signatures of all who agree are now urgently needed. -Al Silver Bloc Voting DURING THE last few Student Legislature campaigns the very words "bloc voting" have become synonymous with the worst kinds of political evil. And as the campaign progresses, groups such as IFC and AIM volley back and forth on this issue with charge, denial, counter- charge, re-interpretation, closed policy meetings, open indorsements and on ad in- finitum. But what these and other groups fail to realize is that on a campus this size, the only possible kind of voting is what they disdainfully label "bloc voting." Students live in groups and participate in extra-curricular activities in groups. Thus, members of the same group-whether it is a dorm, fraternity, League or Union commit- tee, or athletic team-know the same people, and after a time usually tend to form the same opinions of these people. It is only natural, therefore, for groups --whether organized for political purposes Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL BRENTLINGER -*A Necessity or not-to support the same candidates. And it seems to us that the members of the various groups living and working with a particular candidate are actually the best qualified to judge whether or not he would make a good legislator. If some members of the group don't thins% the candidate qualified, no amount of co- ercion can force him to vote contrary to his opinion. The secret ballot used in SL elec- tions assures this. Therefore it is not the bloc voting sys- tem as such that politico groups should be fighting, but one outcome of bloc voting: the blind trading of bloc votes. On this issue we are in wholehearted agree- ment with AIM, IFC and other campaign- ing groups. There is no easier way to make a sham of the election system than a "you- vote - for - our - candidate-and-we'll-vote-for- yours" arrangement. The recently-innovated system of open houses, candidates' rallies and dinner- time talks is a constructive step toward eliminating this. But the blasts against the whole system of bloc voting are meaningless, hypocritical and unnecessary. Despite all efforts to the contrary, voting in blocs is both inevitable and intelligent in a University of this size. -Roma Lipsky Friendly Persuasion .. . ONE MAN who attended the Big Pan Hel Ball Friday night is now a great booster of direct mail advertising, and here's why: Herb had been wining, dining, coffeeing and movieing one girl rather regularly this semester and expected to be invited to Pan Hel. When the days grew short and no bid came, he decided he'd invested too much time and money to leave mat- ters up in the air. So he launched a barrage of post cards, each addressed to her personally, and, read- ing thusly: "Dear Sorority Girl: This is to inform you that Pan Hel Ball is being held again this year and we hope you will attend, preferably with a date. Sincerely, the Com- mittee." Herb refuses to claim the cards turned the trick, but it is a matter of fact that after receiving five of them, she did invite him to go. "And what's more, if she hadn't," says Herb, "the last card would have been in red." A Treasury of Faces .. . ALMOST UNNOTICED by the paradeof youth, excitement and hilarity along busy Hill Street each football Saturday is a smallish stoop-shouldered old man in an ancient overcoat. He stands in the same spot each week -just off the sidewalk before a large gothic fraternity house. He wears a life- less hat and has a sagging gray mustache folded back against his wrinkled face. And every so often one of the many visitors to that fraternity house will recog- nize the old gentleman, stop to shake his hand and chat a moment before rejoining family or friends. Occasionally a car will dam the flow of Hill street traffic and despite horns of protest the driver will get out to greet him. For the old man was the porter at this fraternity thirty '.years ago, before it moved to its present site from State Street's old fraternity row. He's never been inside the new house, and consistent- ly turns down invitations to inspect it. To him a football Saturday means not a game and cheering but the thrill of watch- ing-with eyes that grow bright when they ponder the past-for the faces of men he once knew. * * * One of the Gang ... JIM DANGL was all dressed up in a suit and tie when we met him on campus this week. We assumed he was on his way to Detroit but he said he was just going to class. "I'm in a grad school class," Jim ex- plained. "I have to get dressed up like this because I haven't got a bald head and a wedding ring." Bottomless Business . . IF THE concessionaire who rents seat cush- ions to football fans who can't stand two hours on the stadium's hardwood seats thinks he has an original idea, he's crazy: The Finn tried that business two years ago. Egged on by a local saloon owner who had been stuck with several hundred sur- plus parachute seats, the Finn offered to peddle them as seat cushions at $1 a throw. Arriving at the stadium at 10:30 one Sat- urday morning with a crew of four, the Finn deployed his salesmen and mentally began adding up the profits. The five of them hawkel and hawked in the boiling sun for over three hours, but when they finally got back together they discovered they'd only sold THREE cush- ions. "Ya see, Clint," the Finn later told the saloon owner, "the bottom's fallen out of the seat cushion business." MERRY-GO-ROUND: Anti-T'rust Probe By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - With Congress absent and little news competition on Capitol Hill, the press for some reason has pretty much glossed over the scorching, no-holds- barred attack on big business monopolies staged by Congressman Celler's House Judi- ciary Committee. Newsmen especially ig- nored the testimony of T. K. Quinn, former chairman of the General Electric Finance Company, who vigorously attacked the press for hushing up antimonopoly news while playing up A & P chain store advertisements. The former big-business executive, who quit "because of my convictions" kept Chairman Celler on the- edge of his chair with such blunt comments as: "If Congress doesn't curb monopoly now, we will wake up very soon and find ourselves in a complete Socialistic society ... Congress must take a resolute hold of these run-away monsters . . . unless the government steps in we, the people, are doomed." "Stalin," said Quinn, "could take lessons" from our own corporation overlords. "Stockholders of General Electric and Gen- 4.- s2$ or ettepoi TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. MATTER OF FACT by STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-According to all reports, Admiral Forrest Sherman has taken hold remarkably quickly in his new role as Chief of Naval Operations. The preliminary house-cleaning is well under way. But to understand the enormous difficulties which still confront him and Secretary of the Navy Francis Matthews, it is necessary to examine some of the inner history which led-up to Sherman's replacement of Admiral Louis Denfeld. For this inner history reveals the ruthless determination of the rebellious admirals, under the leadership of Admiral Arthur Radford. And no one doubts that the admirals are still rebellious. * * * T HE EXTRAORDINARY lengths to which the rebels were willing to go were first demonstrated at the beginning of October, when Matthews called a meeting of the top Pentagon admirals in his office. The meet- ing- was attended by Matthews, Denfeld, Admiral John Price, Vice-Chief of Naval Operations, who was Radford's chief Penta- gon ally, and most of the department's high-' est ranking officers. Matthews told the admirals that, he and Denfeld had been conferring with represen- tatives of the House Armed Services Com- mittee, which had been hearing the false charges of corruption in B-36 procure- ment. Together they had decided to bring the hearings to a close, on the grounds that further testimony would endanger the national security. NEXT DAY stories appeared in the press describing the meeting in detail, and implying that Matthews was trying to stifle the Navy. It was soon established that one of the pro-Radford group at the meeting had turned the information over to "OPS- 23," the section then covertly fighting unifi- cation, and OPS-23 had passed the story on, to the press. As was intended, this device forced re- consideration of the decision. On the afternoon of Oct. 3, Matthews, Denfeld, Admiral Radford (who had arrived in Washington) and a few others met with Moto ,, nkc t ti tiw.u irarv ... Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Vinson. Matthews again recommended on secur- ity grounds against public hearings, and Denfeld joined him. Radford, breaking open- ly with his two chiefs, violently objected. Again the rebels seemed to have lost. * * * NEXT DAY, the Crommelin letters were handed to the press. There is not the slightest doubt that these letters were pre- pared in advance for precisely such an even- tuality. Matthews, to whom the letters were ostensibly addressed, read Denfeld's endorse- ment for the first time in the papers. Den- feld has expressed completely contrary opin- ions to Matthews a few weeks before, when Matthews had recommended him for re- appointment. It soon transpired that Den- feld's signature had been obtained by the pro-Radford men on his staff, and that he had no idea of its significance. At this point, Matthews decided that the time had come to assert his authority. He and Defense Secretary Louis Johnson went to the White House on Oct. 5, and asked for the authority to replace Denfeld, and to use strong measures to bring the re- bellious admirals into line. Meanwhile, the Crommelin letters had had the effect intended. In a secret vote, the Armed Services Committee showed a majority of one for public hearings. By this time the situation in the Navy Depart- ment was such that the Radford group of admirals simply by-passed their civilian chief, refusing to consult him on their testimony before the Committee. Denfeld did agree to work with Matthews on his testimony, yet Matthews in he end read Denfeld's statement, siding squarely with the Radford rebels, in a press release. Moreover, this inner history of the affair demonstrates that it was more than a mere honest difference of opinion. It was a covert revolt, not only against unification and the Joint Chiefs of Staff strategy, but against the constitutional principle of civilian con- trol of the armed services. QHERMAN's APPOINTMENT does not end the matter. Matthews, a stubborn man, is determined to do the impossible, and re- Irresponsible f To the Editor: SERE HAS been much mouth- 1 ing in The Daily of late re- garding ways to make the Student 1 Legislature more effective. Read- ers have been subjected almost weekly to the opinions of The t Daily's editorial staff, and almost daily to the opinions of the of- ficers, functionaries, and flunkeys of the IFC and the AIM. It would seem, then that The Daily is sincerely interested in ways to improve the efficacy of the SL; yet when said paper is of- fered a perfect chance to do some- ' thing constructive, it completely muffs the opportunity. I refer to the short article in Thursday's Daily to the effect that the CED anti-bias referendum was kept off the ballot by the SL by a vote of 21-16. The Daily did not see fit to print the names of either the 21 or the 16. Precisely how does The Daily expect effective and a; pPnssible 4tudent government, if The Daily fails to tell its readers how the legislators are voting? ,On the, one hand we have Daily editorials', piously instructing its readers to vote for candidates on the basis of what the candidate stands for; on the other hand we have The Daily arbitrarily refus- ing to tell its readers what the candidates do stand for. Granted that anyone, even The Daily, can make a' mistake, such palpable in- consistency between word and act is completely inexcusable, and represents a type of irresponsible journalism that, The Daily could well do without. -Morton L. Simons. Co-op Bookstore . . . To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to thank Mr. Charles R. Carlton for his very provocative letter concerning the co-op bookstore. Your letter, Mr. Carlton, contains a few miscon- ceptions that I would like to clear up for your benefit and the bene- fit of the whole campus. When we' undertook the project two years ago we had to concern ourselves with the feasibility of starting a co-op bookstore here in Ann Arbor. The Student Legisla- ture contacted many co-op book- stores throughout the nation, got their opinions and information about their systems. We also asked for information about their capi- tal, how it was raised and from whom. Data was also compiled concerning the co-op stores which have been tried on other campuses and failed within the last few years. In other words, a detailed study of the situation was made before any report was presented. The difficulties to be encoun- tered centered about two things, capital and competition. The lowest estimate of the amount needed to start a book- store on this campus was fifty thousand dollars. Because of the large number of students on cam- pus and the diversity of courses offered, a large inventory would be essential if a real service were to be done. If we stocked books for only a few courses, we would be of little value to the student body, and the savings offered to each individual student could only be very small. This brings up the question of raising capital. The best way sug- gested was to sell shares in the store to students. This would mean that about $2.50 would have to be collected for every student on campus. The enterprise would be an experiment, and we could not honestly guarantee the stu- dent any return on his money. We could not even guarantee that his money would be returned. Con- sidering these things, the average student would probably be some- what wary of investing. . Now we come to the subject of competition. I'm sure that there are few people who come to Ann Arbor who are not immediately impressed with the power of the local bookstores. They control the most important . leases in town; they print many textbooks them- selves; they are old, established firms and are very strong finan- cially and politically. So you see, Mr. Carlton, all is not milk and honey. Most co-op bookstores are either university sponsored or were started long ago when competition was weak and little capital necessary. The successful co-ops started on, a small scale and grew with their universities. I'm sure you can see that our situation in Ann Arbor is quite different. I can well understand your de- sire for a co-op bookstore, Mr. Carlton, and I am sure it is shared by everyone in the Student Legislature and by most people on campus. The legislature, did, how- ever, vote unanimously to drop the new-textbook store because it was "not feasible at this time." The question is by no means closed. We will continue to work on some alternative plans which either overcome or avoid the dif- ficulties I have mentioned. Any constructive sugestion for solving constructive suggestion for solving welcome. At this time the Cam- pus Action Committee is consider- ing a co-op supply store and an enlarged book exchange. I want to assure you that killing my own pet project did not give me plea- sure, but sometimes you just have to face the facts and act accord- ingly. -Hugh W. Greenberg Campus Action Committee. Color Line .. . To the Editor: FOOTBALL ENDS next week and basketball takes over at the U. of M. Are we going to have a good team and win back the Big 9 crown we relinquished last year? Having a good team means put- ting top campus material on it. I doubt whether we're going to have the best players if we re- strict Negro participation. Our basketball team has never played a Negro, yet several have played professional ball after leaving Michigan. Indiana broke the color line in the Big 9; surely we can do the same. There are some good players going out for the team this year. Let's not lose games by dis- qualifying men because of color. -Gordon MacDougall. (Cqutinued from Page 2) ination for the position of Zone Deputy Collector - Office Auditor in the 7th Region only. For addi- tional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Bldg. Interviews: Mr. C. C. LeVene, Douglas Aircraft Company, Santa Monica, California, will interview Senior and Graduate Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering stu- dents; also some advanced degree men (M.S. and Ph.D. candidates) in Physics, Electrical and Civil Engineering, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 14, 15, and 16, 1521 E. -Engineering. Application blanks available in 1079 E. E. See the Aero bulletin board for inter- view schedule. University Community Center. Willow Village. Sun., Nov. 13, Village Church Fellowship (Interdenominational). 10:45 a.m. Church Service; 4:30 p.m. Study and discussion; 5:30 p.m. Pot-luck supper. Mon., Nov. 14, 8 p.m. University Wives' Club (All Village wives are invited to become members if they are employed by the University, or if their husbands are faculty or other employees.) Program by the church choir. Tues., Nov. 15, 8 p.m. Bridge Party. Everybody invited. Wives' Club nominating committee. Wed~ Nov. 16, 8 p.m. Creative Writers. Beginners' bridge. Cer- amics. Thurs., Nov. 17, 8 p.m. Ceramics. Choir. Water-color and textile- painting. Cooperative Nursery Board. Sun., Nov. 20, 6 p.m. Village Church Fellowship Pot-luck Sup- per. Families invited. International Center Weekly Cal- endar: Sun., Nov. 13, 8:30 p.m. Sunday Nite Snack; 7:30 p.m. World Af- fairs Roundtable, Discussion on Germany; entertaining 15 visiting German lawyers. Mon., Nov. 14; 4 p.m. Sociedad Hispanica. Social Dancing and dis- cussion; 7 p.m. Numa Club social (Wives of the Lions). Tues., Nov. 15, 4:30 p.m. Ameri- can Etiquette Class, 7:30 p.m. Rus- sian Circle; 8 p.m. Medical Round- table (Rm. 151 Old Chemistry Bldg.; Dr. E. H. Payne of Parke Davis, lecturer), movies. Wed., Nov. 16, 7:30 p.m. Bridge instruction. Thurs., Nov. 17, 7:30 p.m. Polon- is Club. Fri., Nov. 18, 8 p.m. Instruction' in Ballroom Dancing. Sun., Nov. 20, 6:30 p.m. Sunday Nite Supper (typical Persian sup- per); 8 p.m. World Affairs Round- table Discussion by Prof. Geo. G. Cameron on Persia followed by film and slides. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Har- lan Murray Hungerford, English and Education;'thesis: "The Verb Head Construction and its Modi- fication Patterns in Present-Day English, with Special Reference to the Marked Infinitive and Single- Word Adverbs," Sun., Nov. 13, 1522 Rackham Bldg., 9:30 a.m. Chairman, C. C'. Fries. Organic Chemistry Seminar: 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 14, 1300 Chemistry. Speaker: Allen Filbey. Topic: The Copolymerization of Maleie Anhydride and Monoole- fins. Mathematical Logic Seminar: Meeting, -7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 14, 3217 A.H. Mr. Thompson will speak on the application of recur- sive functions to the theory of diophantine equations. Mathematics Orientation Semi- nar: Mon., Nov. 14, 3 p.m., 3001 AH. Mr. Davey will finish "Can- tinued Fractions," and Mr. Cross will discuss their application to the separation of roots. Bacteriology Seminar, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 10:30 a.m., Rm. 1520 East Medical Bldg. Speaker: Dr. Walter r J. Nungester. Subject: Some Tech- niques for Studying Resistance to Bacterial Infections. Concerts Carillon Recital: Prof. Percival 1 Price, University carillonneur, 7:15 i p.m., Monday. Program : Three Irish Airs : The c Minstrel Boy, The Valley Lies i Smiling, Believe Me If All Those i Endearing Young Charms; Prelude s 7, Meno mosso from Scherzo, Op. 37, Marche Funebre by Chopin; a group of popular songs of the First World War, and will close with Victory lon by Concert: The University Musi- cal Society will present Italo Tajo, distinguished bass of the Metropo- litan Opera Association, in the fifth Choral Union concert Wed., Nov. 16, 8:30 p.m. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Faculty Concert: "Die Winter- reise" (The Winter's Journey), a song cycle by Franz Schubert, will be sung by Leslie Eitzen, soprano, at 8:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 13, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mrs. Eitzen will be accompanied by Mary Fish- burne, also a member of the School of Music faculty. The public is invited. Stanley Quartet: The second program in the current series of concerts by the Stanley Quartet will be presented at 8:30 pm., Tues., Nov. 15, in the Rackham Assembly Hail. Among the com- positions to be played by the Quar- tet is one by Walter Piston, en- titled "Quintet" for piano, two violins, viola, and cello, which was commissioned by the University of Michigan, dedicated to the Stanley Quartet and Joseph Brink- man, and first performed by thew in Ann Arbor on August 2 of this year. Mr. Brinkman will again ap- pear with the group in this pre- sentation. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall: Contemporary American Painting, through Nov. 27, week- days 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today Lutheran Student Association: 5:30 p.m., supper. 7 p.m., Meeting and a movie shown: "Like a Mighty Army," by Cathedral MIms of United Lutheran Church. Unitarian Student Group: 6:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian church. John Morris, chairman of group, will lead discussion on the topic: "God-Retreat from Responsibil- ity?" Refreshments and social ac- tivities. Westminster Guild: 9 a.m.--Cof- fee and rolls. 9:30 a.m. Sunday. moning seminar in religion. 5:30 p.m. Fellowship supper. Following the supper, the Wesleyan and Rog- er Williams Guilds will join the Westminster Guild at 6:45 p.m.. to hear Dr. Stanton Lautenschlag er, missionary to china, speak on "China Crisis." Lutheran Student Chapel: Gam- ma Delta, Lutheran student club: supper and program at 5:30 p.m. A talk by the pastor on "The Christian Youth Goes Courting." Congregational-Disciples Guild: Supper at 6 p.m. at the Congre- gational Church. Mrs. Alma Polk (Continued on Page 7) ffir4igalt Eallg _t Rhapsody for large caril Prof. Price. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan. under the authority of the Board in Control Of Student Publications. Editorial 'Staff Leon Jaroff............ Managing Editor Al Blumrosen ............ City Editor Philip Dawson ....... Editortap Director Mary Stein .............Associate Editor Jo Misner.............. Associate Editor George Walker ......... Associate Editor Don McNeil ............ Associate Editor Alex Lmanian...... Photography Editor Pres Holmes .......... Sports. Co-Editor Merle Levitt ........... Sports, G9-Editor Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady ........... Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed. Joan King ............. .Librarian Allan Clamage...... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manages Dee Nelson.. Associate Business .Manages Jim Dangl........ Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff....... Finanee Malinger Ralph Ziegler...... Circulation ManageY Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated '' Prei s The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it of otherwise credited to this newspa All rights of republication of all matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at /lion Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular sahoa3 year by cartrier, $5.00, by snail, $6.00. s BARNABY Now fell me, Mr. Glofz- :-What And THE MI L :1 IERE, Mr. Glotz, you have your [Pretty dull program so for, Barnaby--- ,;