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November 12, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-12

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-_- , --


Conservative CED

UNLESS THE Committee to End Discri-
mination limits the activities of its mem-
ber organizations CED may lose in its fight
for student support and organizational uni-
For example, recently the Young Pro-
gressives distributed a pamphlet which
made it seem that a supporter of CED is
also behind YP. The pamphlet made the
CED seem a member of YP rather than
making it clear that YP is merely a mem-
ber organization of the CED.
Committee to End Discrimination's work
against discriminatory questions on Univer-
sity application blanks has been done in
a very sensible manner. In doing its best
not to antagonize any individual or group
of individuals on campus, CED has been
very wise.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Many refuse to engage in activities-
having any flavor of political partisanship.
Their aim is not to be used for political
Organizations which are labelled as propa-
gandist, political or radical are limited in
their appeal to the general public. Groups
receiving support largely from professio-al
"liberals" do not inspire the participation
of conservatives. It must be remembered tLY(it
conservatives ultimately determine the pol-
icies of many institutions; the activities of
the CED and similar organizations all over
the world are directed toward participation.
of such institutions.
CED has been acting in a most con-
servative manner. It is this type of action
which the University student will support.
The fine work of CED may be seriously
hampered by YP's action at a time when
it is in the midst of an all-out campaign
for student support.
CED can only be respected by University
students when its own member organiza-
tions respect it.
-Leah Marks.


Welfare Trend
A T MIDNIGHT Tuesday night, a radio
commentator who had just finished a re-
capitulation of election results said that
the nation had again taken a definite step
toward "the left."
He pointed out that exponents of the
"welfare state" had won a big victory on
the New York senatorial race, where Gov.
Lehman emerged on top.
Even the re-election of New Jersey's Re-
publican Gov. Driscoll was said to follow
the same pattern, since Driscoll is con-
sidered as a very liberal Republican.
It looks as if the commentator was
right. We have taken another leftward
stride. We are getting closer to the many
countries which live under Socialist gov-
This may be good. It may mean that the
"common man" will shortly live a more
full and abundant life than he ever lived
It may be that more social security, more
government-offered "welfare" and more
governmental regulation of economic life
is very necessary in this modern world, so
troubled by its complicated economic, so-
cial, psychological and political problems.
But the fact that the "welfare state"
may very well be a necessity is most dis-
turbing to me.
Need for a welfare state would seem tq
arise only because most men are incapable
of taking care of their own needs. If this
were not so, why would we need to worry
about more social security, about free medi-
cal service, about governmental interven-
tion in so many phases of economic life?
Whether this weakness of man as an in-
dividual springs from his own puniness,
or whether it comes from the faults of our
social and economic system, it is equally
disturbing. Either way, it casts grave doubts
as to the value of man as an individual.
But whether or not we are disturbed by
such flights into the realm of philosophy,
we do have to live, and we have certain
responsibilities to other men. We can
hardly stand by and let people suffer
just because they are ineffective.
If the welfare state can operate so that
all people can live at a reasonably com-
fortable level, then I suppose we should
accept it for what it is in spite of the
philosophical problems it creates.
--Paul Brentlinger.

"Where Are'WeNo i ?



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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

WASHINGTON-On Wednesday morning,
after Herbert Lehman had knocked the
tar out of John Foster Dulles in the New
York Senatorial contest, one of Governor
Thomas E. Dewey's ablest henchmen
summed up his conclusions:
"It kind of looks this morning as
though they liked the welfare state," he
said wryly, but without any noticeable
The lack of gloom may be simply ex-
plained. For the odd fact is that the sad
fate of Dewey's friend and protege, Dulles,
is likely actually to strengthen Dewey's in-
fluence in the Republican party. This is
because the nature of Dulles' campaign for
the Senate thoroughly exploded the charge,
hurled at Dewey by the Republican right
wing, that his "me-tooism" in 1948 cost
the Republicans the White House.
* * *
THERE WAS NOT the slightest taint of
me-tooism about Dulles' campaign. Indeed,
Dulles took a stand well to the right of
Senator Robert A. Taft. He was both more
specific in his denunciations of the Truman
administration and all its works, and more
conservative, than any Republican candi-
date in a great industrial state in recent
history. Moreover, this was a result of his
own decision.
Dewey at first counselled Dulles against
running. He told Dulles that he feared
the campaign might destroy Dulles' fu-
ture usefulness-which itself suggests
that Dewey does not regard his own poli-
tical career as at an end. When Dulles
nevertheless decided to make the race,
Dewey promised him all-out support, on
the understanding that Dulles would be
his own political strategist; Dulles would
"do it his own way," taking whatever
stand he saw fit on the major issues.
The result was a neat demonstration of
everything Dewey said in his famous Lin-
coln's Birthday speech, in which he chal-
lenged his "me-too" critics to carry any in-
dustrial state in the union on a back-to-
McKinley platform. The further result has
been to weaken the position of Dewey's
enemies in the Republican party.
WHERE DOES this leave Dewey? Among
his intimates, Dewey still talks of forsaking
politics once and for all when his present
term as governor ends next year, and mak-
ing some money in law practice. But Dewey
has politics in his blood, perhaps more
strongly than any other man in public life'
Moreover, there will be very heavy
pressure on him to run for governor again
next year. Senator Irving Ives is the only
other strong Republican candidate visible.
The Republicans will badly need a strong
candidate in this key election, and Ives'
Senate term does not expire until 1952.
If Dewey runs and wins, he will control
the New York delegation to the Republican
Convention in 1952, and he will be in a
strong position to influence the conven-
tion's outcome. It is entirely improbable that
Dewey himself will be a candidate for nomi-
nation again. There is only one other road
open to a really important political future
for Dewey. This is to be, not king, but king-
maker, by backing the successful candidate.
* * *
THE LEADING contender at the conven-
tion is likely to be Senator Robert A. Taft,
since the labor groups have failed to find
a strong progressive candidate to oppose
Taft in the Ohio fight next year. Taft is the
hero of the Republican party's powerful
anti-me-too faction, which so dislikes
Dewey. Moreover, this is true not only be-
cause of Taft's domestic views, but because
of his foreign policy stand as well

have themselves indicated a growing inter-
est in domestic politics and foreign policy.
* * *
THERE IS NO USE speculating so far
ahead about the result of this complicated
political equation. But the fact remains that
a finish fight between the Republican par-
ty's me-tooers and anti-me-tooers is now
clearly in prospect. The further fact re-
mains that the defeat of his friend Dulles
has actually strengthened Dewey's position
for this fight. And it is certainly a reason-
able bet that Taft and his Mid-West sup-
porters on the one hand, and Dewey, Eisen-
hower, and their East Coast admirers on the
other, will play a leading role in the coming
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Washington Merry-Go-Round

EN ROUTE through Midwest-On Armis-
tice Day at Hays, Kansas, yesterday, I
relaxed from the alleged crouching position
under the cabinet table to tell something
about people-to-people friendship.
I hope tolerant readers will forgive me if
I devote a second column to the manner in
which the American people, with no prompt-
ing and little encouragement from their gov-
ernment, have become, in effect, 'their own
What our diplomats and our military
don't seem fully to realize are the following
fundamental truths about human nature:
You can put all the arms in the world in
Europeans' hands, but that doesn't neces-
sarily make 'em fight.
You can send food and Marshall Plan
money to Atlantic Pact nations, but they
don't particularly appreciate it if it lacks
the human touch.
We can keep on building A-bombs and
70 air groups and even giant airplane car-
riers until our pockets are empty and the
American people are bled white. But this
won't prevent war unless the people of
Europe-especially those behind the iron
curtain-are so friendly toward the Ameri-
can people that they oppose war.
Now in this columnist's opinion, the most
optimistic development in the world today
is the fact that the American people, tired
and discouraged as some of them may be,
are still working at wooing friends on a peo-
ple-to-people basis.
lines, but man's groping efforts toward
peace don't. Sometimes they don't even
make the inside pages of the big newspapers.
Nevertheless when the Junior Chamber of
Commerce at Charleston, W. Va., adopts a
plan to bring 20 European young men to
West Virginia for one year of employment
and study, it's news-important news.
It's also news when the national head-
quarters of the Junior Chamber writes the
State Department proposing that it fi-
nance the trip of 100 young Russians to
study in the United States.
This is news first because it takes consid-
erable courage to make such a proposal. It
might be misinterpreted as pro-Communist
by some people But the young businessmen

mated clothing workers has established a
factory in Italy to demonstrate American
mechanized methods to Italian workers. Irv-
ing Brown, A. F. of L. representative in
Brussels, has done more than many Ameri-
can ambassadors to give European labor
leaders a true picture of American democ-
Again, American Airlines selected 30 key
newspapermen from key European countries,
even including iron curtain Finland, and
took them on a complete tour of the U.S A.,
all expenses paid. U.S. mayors, governors,
and cabinet members were delighted to co-
' * * *
THE ABOVE examples of individual Ameri-
can initiative are a mere cross-section of
a great story that would take many columns
to tell.. Scores of towns and even villages in
the U.S.A. are adopting or cooperating with
cities in Europe. Butler County, Kansas, is
working with Beaugency, France; Neosho
County, Kansas, with Zevenbergen, Holland;
Monroe, La., with Ingolstadt, Germany;
Greensburg, Kentucky, with Staltach, Ger-
many; and Worthington, Minn., with Crails-
heim, Germany.
A total of 200 American towns and cities
are cooperating with European cities through
writing letters, exchanging students, books,
magazines and relief supplies-as one im-
portant part of the energetic drive of the
American people to be their own ambassa-
dors and thus make sure that peace is here
to stay.
HARDBOILED General Joseph McNarney,
who wields the economy ax for Secretary
of Defense Johnson, tore up his prepared
speech and spoke off the cuff the other
day at Camp Lee, Virginia.
"I have in my hand a fine speech the
ghost writer wrote for me," McNarney
Then, with an appropriate gesture, he
tossed it aside and launched into an im-
promptu talk on economy.
Afterward, McNarney invited his lis-
teners to ask questions about the economy
"Why don't you get rid of your ghost
writers?" came a voice from the rear.

Bicycle Hazard .
To the Editor:
THE SMALL editorial on "Bi-
cycle Hazard" in Friday's Daily
prompted me to call the local po-
lice to find out what the traffic
rules for bicycles are. I was told
that the same rules apply to all
wheeled vehicles operated on the
streets, whether automobiles, bi-
cycles, or motor scooters.
In particular, bicyclists as well
as motorists must stop for all stop
signs, yield the right of way to an-
other vehicle approaching from
the right, make proper hand sig-
nals when stopping or changing
direction, and yield the right of
way to pedestrians at the cross-
walk. Fines for violations of these
rules are from three to five dol-
As a frequent pedestrian and
driver through the East U-South
U intersection I am continually
appalled by the way bicycle riders
ignore the stop signs on each cor-
ner at rush hours. If they are in-
volved in an accident as a result
of their own carelessness, the bi-
cyclists have no recourse against a
motorist, but may be fined instead.
Mr. Thomas and some of his fel-
low cyclists are living in a glass
-Thomas A. Hunter
* * *
Ruthven's Speech . .
To the Editors:
CONCERNING President Ruth-
ven's statement in yesterday's
Daily, I would like to comment:
1) In contradiction to President
Ruthven, my L. S. & A. Announce-
ment states on page six; "Attend-
ance at the University of Michigan
is a privilege, not a right," indi-
scriminately of in or out-of-state
2) If "our country will always
need all the trained minds that
can be produced," then why dis-
criminate financially against out-
of-state students?
3) Any change making attend-
ance even more difficult for out-
of-state students can only lower
our scholastic standard, narrow
our social and political outlook and
lessen the quality of our football
-Arthur Hecht
* * *
Refusal to Extradite .. .
To the Editor:
Williams for refusing to extra-
dite an escaped convict from Geor-
gia. The governor said that the ex-
convict, on whom a life sentence
had been passed for first degree
murder, had "served nine months
of imprisonment under extremely
bad conditions."
Gov. Williams added that the
ex-convict "has paid a penalty for
his crime not contemplated under
our Constitution and that he
should not be returned to Georgia
for further punishment." The
crime, by the way, apparently was
that of accidentally killing his
sister with a shotgun.
Former Gov. Ellis Arnall de-

serves credit for abolishing Geor-
gia's famous chain gangs, but ap-
parently Siberia still has nothing
on us when it comes to brutality
in penal institutions, especially in
that section of the country where
state's rights are more highly
thought of than human rights.
For all we know, Sinclair Lewis,
"Ann Vickers" probably depicts
one of the more humane prisons
of the South.
As in the days of the run-away
slaves, justice consists not in re-
turning those unfortunates down
the river, but in shielding men
who have received "cruel and'
unusual punishment" for real or
imagined crimes and who may be
expected to cherish their newly-
won freedom.
-John Neufeld
Misunderstanding ..
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to correct a couple
of misunderstandings that have
arisen during the open houses for
Student Legislature candidates.
The first misunderstanding con-
cerns the SL's investigation of the
feasibility of starting a coopera-
tive bookstore. It has been said at
these open houses that the SL has
shelved the Cooperative Book Store
without -adequately studying the
Actually the Campus Action
Committee of the SL has for two
years been conducting an exten-
sive investigation of the feasibil-
ity of- opening a cooperative book
store. Managers of book stores at
Michigan State College, U. of Illi-
nois, and U. of Wisconsin have
been personally interviewed; let-
ters have been written to some
thirty-five institutions requesting
information on their book stores.
Reams of material outlining req-
uisites of a successful book store
have been gathered.
It was on the basis of these, facts
that the Campus Action Commit-
tee recommend to the SL that it
shelve the cooperative book store
as being presently unfeasible, but
that it continues studying the
It has been said at these open
houses that the SL should approve
displays and posters for the Diag-
onal,arather than having them all
approved by Dean Walter. The fact
is that the SL does approve diag
posters and displays. The Better
Business Bureau of the SL has pre-
pared a set of criteria which such
advertisements must meet. If
displaysmeeting these criteria are
presented to the BBB in the Office
of Student Affairs between the
hours of 4 and 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday, they will be ap-
-Quentin Nesbitt
Student Legislature
LADY ASTOR, who never got a
reputation for being mealy-
mouthed on any subject, has now
taken a position on sex. Briefly,
she is against it. She says, "I do
not believe young people are sexy.
They are perfectly natural and can
take . . . sex . . in their stride,"
from which we gather that Lady

Publication in The Daily Official
fBulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1949
VOL. LX, No. 42
Women students living in League
Houses: Room and board pay-
ments for the second half of the
fall semester are due to the house-
mother on Nov. 14.
Approved Organizations:
The following organizations
have registered with our office
and may be added to the list of
Approved Student Organizations
for 1949-50.
American Institute of Chemical
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers-American Institute of
Radio Engineers
Hiawatha Club
Kindai Nihon Kenkyu Kai
Michigan Singers
Social Research Club
Ullr Ski Club
The Wm. S. Merrell Company,
Cincinnati, Ohio, will be at the
Bureau of Appointments to inter-
view students in the following
fields: medicine, but not an M.D.,
graduate, business administration
pharmacy graduate, chemistry
graduate with some college chem-
istry, commerce graduate with
some college chemistry, arts and
science graduate with some col-
lege chemistry. Openings are in
sales, advertising or merchandis-
ing. For additional information,
call the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Building.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tions for Geologist, Highway Engi-
neer Trainee, Highway Engineer,
and Highway Bridge Engineer.
The Civil Service Commission of
Detroit announces examinations
for the following positions: Senior
Assistant Architectural Engineer,
Senior Assistant Civil Engineer,
Associate Civil Engineer, Senior
Associate Civil Engineer, Senior
Assistant Electrical Engineer, As-
sistant Mechanical Engineer, and
Assistant Structural Engineer.
Additional information may be
obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
Economics Club Lecture: "In-
come, Exchange Rates, and the
Dollar Shortage." Associate Pro-
fessor Wolfgang F. Stolper, De-
partment of Economics. 7:45 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 14, Rackham Amphi-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Har-
lan Murray Hungerford, English
and Education; thesis: "The Verb
Head Construction and its Modi-
fication Patterns in Present-Day
English, with Special Reference to
Astor has some sort of idea that
sex is unnatural.
In opposition to Lady Astor's
views we can think of no more
authoritative words to quote
than those of Josiah Mason
Ward, who was city editor of
the Denver Post. In "Timber
Line" Gene Fowler tells how a
cub reporter once brought Ward
a report of scandalous goings-
on. "Son," Ward said, "this
thing has been going on for
thousands of years, maybe mil-

lions. You may write books at-
tacking it; you may create plays
condemning it; you may call out
the armies of the Lord, as well as
of the United States Govern-
ment, to suppress it-but son,
mark my word, you never will
succeed in making it unpopular
with the masses."
And that goes for Lady Astor,
too, even though we regard her as
one of the most indefatigable of
her-if she will pardon the hor-
rid word-sex.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
THE 50,000 letters to Judge
Harold R. Medina from every-
where. The community letter
from the little town of Leslie,
Mich., which two-thirds of the
citizenry turned out to sign. They'
are all heartening just from a
warm human standpoint, coming
as they have to commend a weary
judge for a job well done.
-Christian Science Monitor.

the Marked Infinitive and Single-
Word Adverbs," Sun., Nov. 13,
1522 Rackham Bldg., 9:30 a.m.
Chairman, C. C. Fries.
Law School Admission Test:
Candidates taking the Law School
Admission Test, Nov. 12 are re-
quired to report to 100 Hutchins
Hall, 8:45 a.m., Saturday for the
morning session. The afternoon
session will begin at 1:45 p.m. Can-
didates must be present at both
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: Mon., Nov. 14, 3 p.m., 3001
AH. Mr. Davey will finish "Con-
tinued Fractions," and Mr. Cross
will discuss their application to
the separation of roots.
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 14, 1300
Chemistry. Speaker: Allen Filbey.
Topic: The Copolymerization of
Maleic Anhydride and Monoole-
Mathematical Logic Seminar:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 14,
3217 A.H. Mr. Thompson will
speak on the application of recur-
sive functions to the theory of
diophantine equations.
Concert: The University Musi-
cal Society will present Italo Tajo,
distinguighed bass of the Metropo-
litan Opera Association, in the
fifth Choral Union concert Wed.,
Nov. 16, 8:30 p.m.
A limited, number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Events Today
Congregational - Disciples
Guild: Fireside, 7:30-9 p.m., 438
Maynard St. Prof. John Coleman,
Dept. of Mathematics, University
of Toronto, will discuss "The Task
of tIe Christian in the Univer-
Westminster Guild: Hot dogs
and cider after the game.
Periodical Society: Members
who signed for hospital tours
scheduled for 10 a.m., Sat. and
Sun., Nov. 12 and 13, meet in
main lobby of University Hospital
today and Sunday. Tours limited
to members.
Coming Events
Hillel Foundation: Graduate
Mixer at the Foundation, Sun.,
Nov. 13, 7:30-11 p.m. Refresh-
ments. All graduate students in-
U. of M. Hot Record Society: 8
p.m., Sun., Nov. 13, League Ball-
room. Live jam session. No admis-
sion charge.
United World Federalists: Semi-
nar-Functional Federalism, 6:30
p.m. Sun., Nov. 13, 530 Thompson







Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
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Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian.. Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
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Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor
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Joan King................Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
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Subscription during the regular school
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