THE MIHIGCAN 1 IUL FRrDAY, NOVEMBER; 11, 1949 N FRIDAY, N4)VEMBER 11, 1949 : itoa 6 Mote 3 By LEON JAROFF A MORNING newspaper looks toward an election night with anticipation-and apprehension. With an early morning deadline and an opportunity to carry conclusive election news hours before competitors can, the position of the morning paper seems highly enviable. Then why the apprehension? A quick glance at some o the morning papers of November 3, 1948, is enough to provide the answer. The Chicago Tribune, on that fateful morning, startled its readers with a banner reading "Dewey Defeats Truman" splashed across its front page. Later in the day, a picture showing the same front page in the hands of a beaming President Truman, was reprinted all over the world. It still comes back to haunt the Tribune. A Detroit paper which showed more discretion than the Tribune by holding open its front page for later election re- turns was nevertheless embarrassed by its editorial page which referred to "President Dewey" and explained the qualifications of his Cabinet. Even The Daily, which refused to go out on a limb, finally gave up at 6:30 a.m. and came out with an inconclusive headline reading "Democrats Out In Front." Armistice Day THE GREAT WAR that ended 31 years ago today has been largely forgotten. Like all wars, it has found its place among history books, where its terrible drama and tragedy has been reduced to a few graph-covered pages. It wasn't really a spectacular war, as modern wars go, because it was fought largely in trenches and foxholes, with none of the glamor of dive bombers and "armored spearheads." In fact, two of its more awful features, to the American doughboy anyway, were cooties and mud. But to the world it meant over nine mil- lion dead loved ones, and 21 million men wounded, many never to recover. Since then, another generation has fought another war, on the whole, more glorious and more frightful. But it was' fought with a cynicism unknown to the world of thirty years ago, with a feeling that this second conflict was not a war to end all wars. And for years, the day set aside to celebrate the great armistice has been marked by resignation to future wars. If Armistice Day is worth saving, it is worth more than the usual cynical obser- vations; we, would save with it some of the spirit of thankfulness and faith in the future that characterized its first celebra- tion. Otherwise, it will mock the struggles of the past, and condemn all optimism for the future. -George Walker. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PETER HOTTON IT HAPPENS EVERY NOVEMBER IUCKILY, not every election proves so - disastrous for the morning press, but there is always enough doubt to provide some trying moments and shattered nerves. Last Tuesday was no exception to the rule. While election news from all over the nation poured in to The Daily, the cum- bersome Detroit election machinery had accounted for only a tenth of the city's. mayoralty vote by midnight. Although, the scattered results indicated that there was a trend toward Cobo, Edwards could by no means be counted out of the race. There was nothing to do, of course, but make up the remainder of page one and wait for news from Detroit. As The Daily's 2 a.m. deadline approached, the Cobo votes began to pile up, but not quite enough to establish his victory. Time wore on and The Daily's election night staff began to exchange nervous glances. Shortly before 2, word came from the Edwards campaign headquarters that an important statement would be made with- in a few minutes. To experienced political observers, as well as those on The Daily, this could mean only one thing-Edwards was preparing to concede. After a hasty conference, it was decided to extend the deadline until Edwards made his statement. EXTENDING THE DEADLINE EXTENDING a deadline is not something done lightly on any newspaper. It can result in late delivery to homes and news- stands and costs the newspaper a substaA- tial amount in overtime pay to its lino- typists and makeup and press men. But here was important news which was scheduled to come in almost im- mediately. It would have been a disser- vice to the readers to pass it by. There was still no news from Detroit as the hands of the clock in the city room showed 2:10 and then, 2:20. Finally, at 2:25 a.m., it was decided that there had been a false alarm; that no statement would be forthcoming for some time. Latest Detroit returns were substituted in the space that had been left for Ed- ward's statement and The Daily went to press. At 2:30, George Edwards announced that he had conceded the election. Bicycle Hazard E E i Artificial Issue AT A TIME when the phrase "bloc vot- . ing" is considered ungentlemanly in pol- itics AIM has come up with something en- tirely new-"representative" voting. According to AIM's vice-president Mary Failer "more effective representation will lead to better student government." This all sounds very nice, but Failer adds to it his own interpretation of representative voting: And better representation would be achieved if students would vote for candidates who live near them." By this roundabout method Failer has us right back where we started, unless the AIM now has some more evil definition of bloc voting, like "what the fraternities do." The fact is that a few politicos, and not the students in general, are trying to find a basic difference between inde- pendents and affiliates on which to wage an election fight. It is a sad commentary on the condition of the Legislature if this is the only campaign issue. We must certainly doubt the existence of these fraternity independent differences when we consider the past record of the SL. The question of discrimination brought a split in the SL last spring, for example, along prejudice lines rather than along lines of housing arrangements. In a legislature that was more than half af- filiated the anti-discrimination measures were: 1-Introduced by the NSA Committee, which had an affiliated chairman and a membership which was half affiliated. 2-Turned over to a special discrimina- tion committee headed by then vice-presi- dent John Ryder, a fraternity man. 3-Finally passed in the SL by a vote of 27-17, in which the opposition included both independents and affiliates. We could go on to mention any num- ber of other SL measures in which there has been no split along housing lines; but the AIM vice-president cannot show us any vital issue on which they did. In short, I do not believe that the stereo- typed fraternity man which the AIM heads are attacking actually exists. Some frater- nity men have a lot more in common politi- cally with some independents than they do with their own fraternity brothers. The bonds of the fraternities are sup- posed to be social fellowship; we are not being asked to vote someone into mem- bership in the Thank God It's Friday Club, but rather into the political frater- nity of government where ideas and abili- ty, not sociability, are the deciding factor. If AIM, IFC, and the other political ac- tion groups would concentrate on getting good people for the jobs rather than setting up these artificial issues the hopes they ex- press for better student government could become an actuality. -Don McNeil. CURRENT MOVIES] At the Michigan . . THE DOCTOR AND THE GIRL . . Glenn Ford, Gloria DeHaven, and Janet Leigh. R EAL DEVOTEES of this particular kind of art may find that they miss the soap commercial that ordinarily precedes the opening scene. , Others, myself included, will discover that it is possible to miss Doctor Kildare. The picture is concerned with the meta- morphis of two medical men who are, deficient in the humanity it takes to make a doctor. It only takes Glenn Ford about fifteen minutes to shed the role of Young Doctor Snob, but his papa, Charles Coburn is a .tougher nut to crack, and it takes the entire sloppy ninety minutes to do the job. The Girl in the horrible misnomer that serves for a title is either Janet Leigh, a poor thing who lands Ford from a sick bed and humanizes him, or Gloria DeHaven, Ford's wilfull baby sister, who asserts her independence by managing to die on the operating table - of illegitimate childbed fever, I think. From the title one might suppose this to be a comedy. It is not either by accident or intent. It is a dull tract glorifying the medical profession. The theory behind this type of film is simple. If it's got doctors and operations, it's got to be good. -Kirk R. Hampton. * * * At the State . .. JOHNNY STOOL PIGEON, with Howard Duff, Dan Duryea, and Shelley Winters. A TALE of the T-Men which makes only slight pretense to be a dopumentary, this movie has several deficiencies but is, nevertheless, an entertaining film. Largely responsible for its entertain- ment value are Convict Dan Duryea and Shelly Winters, who plays her usual role of the lovable but trampish girl-friend. The plot and situation are standard fare: faced with the problem of tracking down a large organization of dope smugglers and peddlers, the un-inspired T-Man Duff turns Eight O'Clock DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A ROUND the noon hours, any time of day, for that matter, the University's student body on wheel and foot is going to and from classes. This is a simple fact of which many of Ann Arbor's automobile drivers seem to be ignorant. Several bicycling students of late have been involved in accidents which could easily have been averted by a little more care on the part of the drivers. As a student, bicycle rider and prospec- tive statistic, I submit this plea to the automobile drivers for more caution when driving near the campus. -Rich Thomas. ettei TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhichsare signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste wilt be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Armistice Day . .. To the Editor: THIRTY-ONE years ago today a world anarchy came to an impasse only to erupt again in 1939 in its greatest fury. Today the anarchy of the past is still with us - only in a sub- dued yet more ripened and more explosive form. Today the Russians accuse us of planning to wage war against them - so they arm to defend themselves from us. Today we accuse the Russians of planning to wage a war against us - so we arm to defend our- selves from them. Today Russia and the United States desire security - so today each arms and promotes the other's insecurity. Today nations spend billions for weapons of destruction while mil- licks of people face death by star- vation. Today the world is ill - yet neither of the existing doctors can treat the patient adequately with- out destroying themselves and the patient. Today the economic systems are destined to be tested on the bat- tlefield - instead of in the eco- nomic field. Today we tell Europe it must unite - avoiding the real fact that it is the worldhnot Europe alone which must unite if it is to continue to exist and progress. Today Russians and Americans spend their time searching for areas of disagreement. Today their object is to find ways of disagreeing so as to hast- en chaos - not ways of agreeing so as to hasten progress. Today one who proposes world peace and progress through world government is an idealist and one who defends anarchy is a realist. Today we are living in a world of social and economic revolution amidst a world of political an- archy. Thus today we MUST have a political revolution if we are to satisfy the needs of the social and economic revolutionists, if we are to satisfy our and their legitimate quest for the right to live in peace, the right to enjoy social and eco- nomic, as well as political secur- ity. Today world government is nec- essary and today world govern- ment is possible. If you don't be- lieve the latter, challenge and per- suade the world peoples and their leaders to try to make itpossible. We are not too early, but if we don't hurry, we unquestionably will be too late. Millions have not died in want so that we -might dedicate our- selves annually to promote war. They died so that we (Yes, you and Me) might have an opportun- ity to work for peace. We be- trayed them once, must we do it again? , ON THE campaign in support of their pro- gram to remove "questions relating to race, religion, or nationality and requests for a photograph" from applications to schools of the Uni- versity. This campaign consists of petitions signed by University stu- dents in agreement with the pro- gram of the Committee. Almost coincidentally the Young Progressives of America at the University instigated a similar campaign of pamphlets which pre- sent the issue, state the plan (pre- sumably the plan of Y.P.A.), and request the reader's support of the Committee to End Discrimination. At the bottom of the page is a coupon-form reply - this is to be filled in by the reader (name, ad- dress, etc.) following the state- ment, "I am interested in the Young Progressives of America." I would like to register a minor protest. I feel, as do many stu- dents at the University, that the aid offered by the Y.P.A. places a stigma on the cause presented. (This stigma is not necessarily in- herent in the group or in its work; it arises in the unfavorable reac- tions to the Y.P.A.) It should be made clear to careless readers that merely because Y.P.A. presents the same stand as that of the C.E.D., the ONLYconnection between the two is Y.P.A.'s membership, as a separate campus organization, in the Committee. The C.E.D. is working through the student body and not through a selective group, it is working in the interests of the students and not in those of a political party, and the program was neither initiated by nor con- ducted by the Y.P.A. It would be a major tragedy to destroy the work already accom- plished by the Committee to End Discrimination because of volatile reactions to another, unassociated group; we should not lose sight, through a misunderstanding, of the strides being made by the C.E.D. Barbara A. Johnson Book-.Byers NOTHING MARKS the increas- ing wealth of our times and the growth of the public mind toward refinement, more than the de- mand for books .. . No subtle manager or broker ever saw through a maze of fi- nancial embarrassments half so quick as a poor book-buyer sees his way clear to pay for what he must have . y r Where is human nature so weak as in the book-store! -Henry Ward Beecher, in The Star Papers THE VERY cheapness of litera- ture is making even wise peo- ple forget that if a book is worth reading, it is worth buying. No book is worth anything which is not worth much; nor is it serv- iceable until it has been read, and re-read, and loved, and loved again; and marked, so that you can refer to the passages you want in it. -John Ruskin, in "Sesame and Lilies" (Continued from Page 3) 16, 1521 E. Engineering. Applica- tion blanks available in 1079 E. E. See the Aero bulletin board for in- terview schedule. Correction: Abe-) Construction Company of Dayton, Ohio, will in- terview February graduates of the Architecture and Architectural Engineering schools with B.S. or M.S. degrees at the Bureau of Ap- pointments Mon., Nov. 14. Inter- ested students call at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Building, for further in- formation. Their interviewing day has been changed to Mon., Nov. 14 (instead of Nov. 9). The S. S. Kresge Company will be at the Bureau of Appointments, Nov. 17 to interview students grad- uating in February, 1950, for their Management Training Program. Make appointments for interviews at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. The.United States Civil Service Commission announces examina- tions for Geologist, Highway Engi- neer'Trainee, Highway Engineer, and Highway Bridge Engineer. The Civil Service Commission of Detroit- announces examinations for the following positions: Senior Assistant Architectural Engineer, Senior Assistant Civil Engineer, Associate- Civil Engineer, Senior Associate Civil Engineer, Senior Assistant -Electrical Engineer, As- sistant Mechanical Engineer, and Assistant Structural Engineer. Additional information may be obtained at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. A c'demlic Notices Doctoral Examination for James Edward Gearien, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "Derivatives of Quinoline-3-Carboxylic Acid and Benzo (f) Quinoline-2-Carboxylic Acid," Fri., Nov. 11, 2525 Chemis- try Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Doctoral Examination for Charles Balch Hicks, Education; thesis: "The Technical Business Vocabulary of General Business Education," Fri., Nov. 11, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, J. M. Trytten. Law School Admission Test: Candidates taking the Law School Admission Test, Nov. 12 are re- quired to report to 100 Hutchins Hall, 8:45 a.m., Saturday for the morning session. The afternoon session will begin at 1:45 p.m. Can- didates must be present at both sessions. Sports Instruction for Women: Women students who have com- pleted their physical education re- quirement may register as elec- tives in physical education classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- day mornings, Nov. 14, 15, and 16 in Barbour Gymnasium. Concerts Faculty Concert: "Die Winter- reise" (The Winter's Journey), a song cycle by Franz Schubert, will be sung by Leslie Eitzen, soprano, at 8:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 13, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mrs. Eitzen will be accompanied by Mary Fish- burne, also a member of the School of Music factulty. The public is invited. Carillon Recital:- Prof. Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 p.m., Friday. Minstrel Boy, The Valley Lies Smiling, Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms; Prelude 7, Meno mosso from Scherzo, Op. 37, Marche Funebre by Chopin; a group of popular songs of the First World War, and will close with Victory Rhapsody for large caril- lon by Prof. Price. Events Today Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m., Tea and Open House for all students and their friends. Westminster Guild Interna- tional Party: Entertainment lead by foreign students. 8 p.m. in rec- reation hall. Wesleyan Guild: 7-11 p.m. Open House for all students. Refresh- ments. Christianity vs World War III: Discussion meeting, 5 p.m., Con- gregational-Disciples Guild House. Hillel Foundation: Friday eve- ning services, 7:45 p.m., followed by a program presented by IZFA. Everyone invited. Visitors' Night, °Department of Astronomy: 7:45 p.m., Angell Hall. Dr. D. B. McLaughlin will give a short talk entitled "The Nature of Stars" in 3017 Angell Hall. Fol- lowing the talk the student observ- atory, fifth floor, Angell Hall, will be open for observations with the telescopes provided the sky is clear. Children must be accom- panied by adults. International Center Weekly Film Program for students, fac- ulty, and general public. Tropical Lowlands-Brazil and Horsemen of the Pampus-Argentina, 4 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Sponsored by the Audio-Visual Education Cen- ter'and the Extension Service. No admission charge. German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30 p.m., League Cafeteria. All stu- dents and faculty members invited. Hlawaii Club: Business meeting, Club Room, Union, 7:30 p.m. C. E. D. Committee to End Dis- crimination: 4:15 p.m., Union. Coming Events Wesleyan Guild: Hamburg Fry after the game Saturday. Saturday Luncheon Discussion: 11:30. Guest speaker: John Cole- man, University of Toronto. Res- ervations for lunch must be made biy 6 p.m., Friday. Postgame Hotdog Roast at the Presbyterian Church. All invited. Inter Arts Union: Meeting, Sun., Nov. 13, 4 p.m., League. Room will be posted on the bulletin board. Economics Club: 7:45 p.m., Mon., Nov. 14, Rackham Amphithea- tre. Dr. Wolfgang F. Stopler, Department of Economics, will speak on "Incomes, Exchange Rates, and the Dollar Shortage." Graduate students and staff mem- bers in Economics and Business Administration, and other inter- ested persons invited. Cleveland Club: Any member who would like transportation to and from Cleveland over Thanks- giving in the bus sponsored by the club please contact Elaine Madden 2-6419 or Dave Baird 3-4141 by Mon., Nov. 14. U. of M. Hostel Club: Nov. 1.2-13, Hikers Camp-Out in Brighton Recreation Area. Bring sleeping bag, tents. Phone Bernard Judwig, Ty 68348, Detroit. Nov. 12-13, Work Holiday Week- end at Harmony Valley Youth Hostel to help finish new bunk room in barn; also Hiking. Call Dick Hudson, TW34420, Detroit. Premedical Society: Members who signed for hospital tours scheduled for 10 a.m., Sat, and Sun., Nov. 12 and 13. Meet in main lobby of University Hospital. Tours limited to members. C1I4' 43I I .V ,. is A Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON j AYS, KANSAS-An old French boxcar ends its journey in Kansas today. It has crossed one ocean, carried troops to a score of battle fronts and toured every county in Kansas. No one in France, when they went to all the work of loading up this boxcar, with 48 others, for their friends in America, ever dreamed what would happen when the cars arrived. It has been nine months now since the French people sent their boxcars to the peo- ple of America, but the echoes of friend- ship are still reverberating through big city libraries and small country schools, or car- ried in exhibits throughout the state. Wis- consin, like Kansas, has mounted its car on a trailer, and it is still touring every county; and, after this tour is over, Wisconsin plans to box the French gifts and send them out on a five-year program of display in indi- vidual schools. Yet Wisconsin is supposed to be a German-American state. The most significant part of this whole story is that almost no one of th'e many mil- lions of Americans who contributed to the Friendship Train two years ago this month had any idea it would be reciprocatad. It was hoped, of course, that American generosity would be appreciated-though there were even some skeptics as to that. But no one had the remotest dream that several million of the French people would make the great effort to load 49 boxcars with all sorts of paintings, statues, keep- sakes and heirlooms-some of them price- less-to send to the American people. Ra an ,. A ..n'- r f nn +T' n y ,a ,nc +i- - ple are determined that there shall be no more war. And they know that when they merely trusted diplomats. in the past, we have had wars. Therefore, individual Americans, tired as some of them are, are quite willing to help the diplomats. That's why there have been so many Care packages sent to Europe. That's why sev- eral million letters deluged Italy during its elections and helped win the battle for de- mocracy. That's why 20,000,000 Americans contributed to the friendship train. And that's why every American was pleased and delighted when the people of France unex- pectedly showed their appreciation by send- ing us their Merci Train. So perhaps the basic thing to remember about the two trains exchanged between the French and American people is that it is not difficult for people who know each other to live in peace with each other. France has weathered a Napoleon, a great revolution, the crash of many republics, but still the people of France remain our friends-because we know each other. The governments which sign treaties come and go, but the people who enforce treaties go on forever. Of course, I am chiefly paid to pry into cabinet meetings and report on closed-door sessions, so this may be boring to some peo- ple. But anyway I'll try tomorrow to report on what a great many Americans are doing individually to help win the peace. (Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Correction Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen............City Editor Philip Dawson..Editoria-. Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner...........Associate Editor George Walker ........ Associate Editor Don McNeil............Associate Editor Alex Lmanlan......Photography Editor Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz. Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed. Joan King .................Librarian Allan Clamage...... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson..Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspape All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-clamsmall matter. Subscription during the regular school year by catrier, $5.00, by trail, $0.00. x x ,A . --Irvin J. Robinson CEDYPA*.. . To the Editor: RECENTLY the Committee I to .n r End Discrimination started a year by catrier, $5.00, by mail, *6.OO. BARNABY MY FAIRY GODFATHER! Behind that DOOR! 3C mOr 7 ] Haha! Don't let that noise I ,--; ---. _