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November 11, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-11

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Latest Deadline in the State





Ruthven Asserts
'U' Cost Too High
Says Restriction of Education Will
Lead to Federal School Controls
Daily City Editor
Fees for Michigan residents at the University are too high, Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven told the 32nd annual meeting of the Uni-
versity Press Club of Michigan last night.
President Ruthven justified the changes made to non-resident
students and said they may even be increased, but "only with due re-
gard to possible effects on the composition of the student body."
PROPERLY QUALIFIED in-state students have a right to attend
publicly supported schools in their states, while for out-state students
attendance is a privilege, Presi- * * *
dent Ruthven told the 50 editors
and reporters.
Branding the movement
toward higher fees in state sup-
portedauniversities as, "Un-
said that the trend would lead
to "the more rigid restriction of
advantages of higher education
to the privileged groups."
And this "will just as certainly
lead to Federal subsidies and fed-
ea ral control," he pointed ou

state institutions of higher learn-
ing should charge no fees to in-
state students and the control of
education should remain in the
Preparation of youth for citi-
zenship in a developing democ-
racy should be accepted as a
public responsibility at both pre
college and college level, he as-
Using the University as an ex-
ample of the trend toward higher,
fees, President Ruthven said that
in 1929, students contributed 20,
per cent of the operating costs
while this year they will pay 40 per
UP TO NOW, any courageous,
reasonably ambitious and quali-
fied boy or girl has been able to
find or earn the funds necessary
to finance a college career in state
schools, President Ruthven said.
* "We have come to the point
where a student cannot be self-
supporting because he cannot
afford to spend the time neces-
sary to secure the required
"Our country will always need
all the trained minds that can be
produced," President Ruthven
stressed, "and ability of mind is
neither directly nor indirectly re-
lated to the financial standing of
the individual."
Suggests IRA
Check Views
Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb, of
the sociology department, last
night asked the Inter-Racial As-
sociation to look at its own atti-
tudes in their fight against dis-
"Racial prejudice is found among
people on two levels: the peren-
nial griper and the person who
uses prejudice to satisfy personal
frustrations," he said.
* * *
PROF NEWCOMB led the group
in analyzing its own social norms
in relation to the problem of dis-
crimination. Members of the group
felt that "possibly we get a per-
sonal satisfaction in feeling that
we are on the right side."
In terms of this analysis, Prof.
Newcomb pointed out that there
is a wide conflict between those
who wish to fight prejudice
openly and those who want to
let the issue alone."
"I suggest that this group at-
tempt to take an objective view
of the discrimination problem. By
objective I mean using our whole
intelligence instead of emotional
feelings in determining what is

SWorld News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
MANILA - President Elipidio
Quirino slowly increased his lead
in Tuesday's presidential election
to more than 258,000 votes, but
has not yet claimed victory.
WASHINGTON-The govern-
ment yesterday approved export
of 40,000 barrels of aviation gas-
oline to Yugoslavia-the latest
U.S. move to bolster Marshal
Tito in his scrap with Russia's
BOGOTA, Columbia-The Con-
servative government clamped a
heavy army and police guard on
Columbia last night, calling for the
Nov. 27 election to be held as
scheduled. President Perez de-
creed the state of siege Thursday
after the Liberal-controlled Con-
gress threatened to impeach him.
* * *
NEW YORK-Andrei Vishin-
ski declared before the UN that
the Soviet Union is using atomic
energy for vast mountain build-
ing and desert watering projects.
Elsewhere, he accused the west-
ern powers of trying to freeze
atom bomb stockpiling to pre-
serve America's lead over Rus-
* * *
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man yesterday reaffirmed his de-
votion to the bi-partisan foreign
policy; declared he knows of no
more atomic explosions in Russia
since the one announced weeks
ago, and said there will be no
change in the price of gold.

Steel Strike
Ending Seen
As Imminent
Lewis Ignores
Mediation Meet
By The Associated Press
The great 1949 steel strike ap-
peared on the verge of complete
settlement yesterday, but John L.
Lewis snubbed government efforts
to end the soft coal dispute.
The nation's labor force, mean-
while, see-sawed between a return
to work in coal mines and steel
mills and new layoffs on steel-
starved industries.
* * *
THESE WERE the major devel-
1-Lawyers for the giant U.S.
Steel Corp. and the CIO United
Steel-workers worked throughout
the day polishing up a proposed
pension and insurance agreement.
The negotiating teams of the Com-
pany and Union will study it today.
One source who wouldn't permit
use of his name said the agreement
may be signed Friday. "It's the
Bethlehem Agreement here, too,"
he said.
2-Lewis' 380,000 miners
streamed back to the mines un-
der a three weeks' strike truce,
but the Mine Union Chief him-
self failed to show up for a point
coal operator-union conference
in Washington. He sent a curt
message to Federal Mediation
Chief Cyrus Ching saying he
would be there Mondaysinstead.
Ching, miffed by Lewis' rebuff,
replied he had other things to
on Monday.
3-A shortage of steel hit the
auto, electrical appliance and
farm equipment industries. Sev-
eral companies announced layoffs
or production curtailments until
steel supplies are built up again.
*. * *
THERE WERE indications that
purely legal aspects were the only
points left for settlement in the
U.S. Steel Strike.
There was a report that the
Union had turned down a pro-
posal of the Wheeling (W. Va.)
Steel Company, which employes
12,500, because it failed to fol-
low the Bethlehem Pattern.
Lewis' exact whereabouts were
unknown. He declined to say then
whether he would attend Ching's
mediation conference called for
the following day.
Chest Closes
Although today is the last day
personal solicitations will be made
for the Ann Arbor Community
Chest of 1950, checks will continue
to be accepted.
Seventy per cent of goal of
$151,000 has already been com-
pleted, according to Paul H. Proud,
Jr., chairman of the fund raising
Of the University quota, more
than 77 per cent has been collect-
ed, Prof. A. F. Neumann, of the
law school, has announced.
Fraternities which have contrib-
uted are Alpha Phi Omega, Zeta
Phi and Sigma Chi. Contributing
sororities are Alpha Phi, Delta
Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta and Al-
pha Epsilon Iota.

Dean Kenis ton Suggests
Student Ai on Courses
Student participation in the improvement of the literary college
curriculum was suggested by Dean Hayward Keniston yesterday.
Declaring that the administration and faculty of the college would
welcome constructive proposals from the student body on curriculum
questions, the dean noted that it would be "fortunate" if there was
some sort of organization to facilitate such expression.
DEAN KENISTON'S remarks came in a statement he released on
the grading philosophy of the literary college.
The statement was in response to a series of letters to the editor
which appeared recently in The Daily concerning the grading system
in the College of Literature Sci- ,

ence and the Arts.
The text of Dean Keniston's
statement follows:
"It is gratifying to find that a
number of students in the literary
college are interested in the kind
of education they are getting. The
evils in education that beset us to-
day, mass grading, mass examina-
tion, and mass accumulation of
credits, are not peculiar to Michi-
gan-they are the' inevitable out-
come of our democratic system of
mass education. And they have
been rendered more acute by the
bulge in numbers during the last
four years.
* * *
"THE VERY FACT that we must
provide a training program for
students of every kind of interest
makes it imperative that the indi-
vidual student must assume a
larger responsibility for working
out his own educational salvation.
"The rating of individual per-
formance is a part of our Ameri-
can competitive system, and all
through life a man's perform-
ance will be evaluated, no mat-
ter what his profession or career.
Not even professors can escape
"No one believes that a grading
system can be anything more than
a rough device for comparing the
performance of one student with
another's. And nothing in the sys-
tem requires that the achievement
of grades should be the unique or
the chief goal of a student's ef-
"'The fundamental motivation of
a student should be a real desire
to learn. The effectiveness of this
motivation is usually reflected in
the grades which he receives in his
* *. *
"NO COLLEGE CAN undertake
to 'give' a student an education
The most that it can do is to pro-
vide him with opportunity and en-
couragement in getting an educa-
tion. To this end it can and should
provide competent, even stimulat-
ing teaching, personalized coun-
seling, and adequate library and
laboratory facilities.
See STUDENT, Page 6
ro i - A'_,-

BRITISH AIRLINER-Britain's Bristol Brabazon, giant 132-ton airliner claimed to be the world's
largest, cruises over the English countryside. Taking five years to construct, it was built at an
estimated cost of $24,000,000. The craft has eigh t 2,500 h.p. engines, a wing span of 230 feet and a
fuselage of 177 feet. Small twin-engined plane above shows comparative side.

TIop Lawyer
Says Juries
In Danger'
Trial by jury is definitely in
danger of being lost according to
Mr. Edward N. Barnard, prom-
inent trial lawyer.
Speaking before the Michigan
Crib last night at Kellogg Audi-
torium, Barnard declared that
"lawyers no longer have much
voice in the election of jurors."
* * * .
"JUDGES HAVE taken over this
responsibility" he told members
of the pre-Law students society.
"Today's practice of permit-
ting a case to be tried with only
ten or eleven jurors is endanger-
ing the jury trial" he added.
Stressing the importance of di-
versified study, Barnard said that
"an understanding of ballistics,
medicine and engineering are es-
sential to the lawyer of today."
* * *
knowledge equal to that of the
man on the stand regardless of
his occupation."
Barnard stated that over-con-
fidence, lack of sincerity and
improper personal habits are
detrimental to all lawyers.
He emphasized the importance
of observation in the court room.
"A lawyer must remain con-
stantly alert, watching every
movement of the judge, jurors and

Successor May Be
Oscar L. Chapman
White House Press Official Reveals
Action 'No Surprise' to Truman
WASHINGTON-RP)-Julius A. Krug announced his resignation
yesterday as Secretary of the Interior amid signs that he and Presi-
dent Truman had fallen out.
Krug informed reporters that he was quitting about Dec. 1. A
half hour after this word was given to newsmen, Krug's letter of
resignation was received by the President.
ALTHOUGH WHITE HOUSE aides said the letter was couched
in "friendly" terms, they indicated that the President was displeased
because Krug had given the news out before notifying him,

Bias Clause
Plan Stirnied
In IFCMeet
Measure To Go
Before Houses
IFC House Presidents last night
tabled a motion calling for even-
tual suspension of any campus
fraternity that refuses to work
for removal of bias clauses from
its national constitution.
Dick Morrison, '50, Chairman of
the Interfraternity Committee on
Discrimination, introduced the
motion. He said it merely requir-
ed houses to put some pressure on
the national fraternities to re-
move discriminatory clauses.
* * *
JAMES WELDON, JR., '51, Pres-
ident of Kappa Sigma, criticized
the motion, saying, "We are in
effect admitting that there is
something rotten in the frater-
nity system, which I personally
cannot see."
A suggestion was brought up
that IFC, to avoid further campus
pressure on bias clauses, fight to
remove zoning restrictions pre-
venting Negro and Jewish frater-
nities from building houses in cer-
tain sections of Ann Arbor.
* * *
ADOULPHUS P. Thompson,
Grad, replied to the suggestion. He
is President of Kappa Alpha Psi,
a fraternity without a house.
"We Negroes are getting tired
of hearing that you'll get us
houses anywhere we want,"
Thompson said. "We'll be able
to get a house where we want it
when we have the money.
"But you fellows are all missing
the boat. Discrimination in this
country is a bigger thing than you
fraternities realize," Thompson
"Either you do want to pass this
motion or you don't," Thompson
declared. "Be above board about
this thing. Don't try to fool any-
Jake Jacobson, '50, IFC Pres-
ident, explained after the meeting,
"It is natural that the fraternity
house presidents would want to
table this motion, a big issue that's
going to affect the fraternity sys-
tem very much. They want to
discuss the matter with their

Informed officials said they
understood the President and
Krug had not seen eye to eye on
certain matters, including the
method of obtaining Congres-
sional appropriations for big
reclamation projects in the
There were reports that the
President had sent "rather sharp"
letters to Krug in recent months,
complaining that the secretary
was bypassing the Budget Bureau
and going directly to Congress
with requests for appropriations.
ly is expected to be Oscar L.
Chapman, Underspcretary of the
Interior for 13 years. The 52-
year-old Chapman is one of the
longest-serving New Deal ap-
pointees. He is a Virginia native
who came here from Denver.
Krug, now 41 and the young-
est member of the cabinet, said
to reporters, "I am leaving. I
have been wanting to leave for
a long time."
Charles G. Ross, Presidential
Press Secretary, disclosed that
Krug's action was no surprise.
"The President has known for
some time that Krug has been
considering this step," Ross said.
private business.
It is known that the Secretary
has not been too happy about
his job since the 1948 election.
He was criticized by some party
officials who contended he had
not busied himself enough for
Truman in the election cam-
Krug took his post in March,
1946, at the age of 38. He suc-
ceeded Harold L. Ickes who split
with Truman after the President's
attempt to appoint Edwin L.
Pauley as Undersecretary of the

Williams Hit
For Refusing
Georgia Official
Blasts Governor
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA-The Attorney Gen-
eral of Georgia yesterday called
Michigan's Governor G. Mennen
Williams a violator of his oath
and a turncoat on constitutional
These and other similarly harsh
views were expressed in a letter by
Attorney General Eugene Cook of
Georgia to his state's governor,
Herman Talmadge.
CQOK'S DANDER was raised
by refusal of Williams t
return to Georgia an escaped Ne-
gro slayer, Sam Bearden, Thurs-
William had said 'that "cruel
and unusual punishment" in
Georgia is in violation of the
Federal Constitution.
"It is apparent that Bearden was
convicted under circumstances
that in this state would have re-
sulted at the most in a charge of
manslaughter," the governor said.
* * *
BEARDEN WAS convicted on a
first degree murder charge and
sentenced to life imprisonment. He
testified that before his escape he
was subjected to "cruel and unus-
ual punishment" and showed
scars on his body to substantiate
his story.
Williams said that in refusing
the extradition he was following
the decisions of previous Michi-
gan governors and of the gov-
ernors of other northern states
including Massachusetts and
New Jersey as well as the Fed-
eral Supreme Court.
Georgia's Attorney General
asked Talmadge to take up "this
flagrant and unconsionable viola-
tion of the principles of comity"
with the Southern Governors'
Conference in Biloxi, Miss., Nov.
* * *
preme Court decision last Monday
refusing freedom to another
escaped Negro convict who, like
Bearden, claimed mistreatment in
"Considering the fact that Mich-
igan has been the scene of the
bloodiest race riots in contempo-
rary history, and the further fact
that the Negro population in the
metropolitan cities of Michigan is
crammed into segregated and un-
sanitary slums, it ill befits Gov-
ernor Williams to accuse the State
of Georgia of denying its Negro
citizens 'fair treatment'," he wrote.
houses Alter
SL Schedule
Several additions have been
made in residence open houses for
Sigma Phi, and not Sigma Chi
as erroneously stated in The Daily,
will hold its open house at 7:15
n im- Nrn 17

Rally Support
Sought by SL


Student Legislature has issued
an appeal for "token" donations
for the last pep rally of the year
to be held next Friday before the
Ohio State game Nov. 19.
Dave Pease, fund-raising chair-
man, said that the support by
the students could make or break
the rally. "The Ohio State game
will decide Michigan's fate in the
Big Ten this year, and the rally
may very well decide the margin
of victory."
* * *
SL IS AIMING at a minimum
of $2 from every residence division
on campus, from fraternity to
coop house, to raise the $75 neces-
sary to put on the rally. Individual
groups will be solicited.
"All we need is a nickel or so
from each student," Pease said.
The Legislature, which has fi-
nanced all previous pep rallies,
felt that a rally is a service to
enough students to warrant finan-
cial backing by the entire student

Political Clubs To Enter
SL Election Campaign

Three campus political groups
will enter the Student Legislature
election campaigning with candi-
date endorsement, but no group
plans to run a complete slate.
Young Progressives, Young
Democrats and Students for Dem-
ocraticaAction will take an off i-
cial stand on individual candi-
dates, chairmen of the groups re-

only one member is a candidate
but other students in the run-
ning would be endorsed on a
party line.
Students for Democratic Action
plans to support four candidates,
all members of the local group, ac-
cording to Dave Babson, chair-
'Tavntintr .Pnihlran mm t

Armistice Celebrations to Be Quiet

Except for the veterans' services.
Ann Arbor will celebrate a quiet
Armistice Day today.

erty St. but construction diffi-
culties forced the delay in occu-
nvi-rth -w nm

The unique organization was
formed after the first World War

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