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November 10, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-10

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The IFC's Chance

ONE OF THE most powerful forces in
Greekdom, the National Interfraternity
Council, will meet at Washington D.C. this
month and will undoubtedly consider the
question of discriminatory clauses.
A little background investigation of
this organization, which includes repre-
sentatives from each campus IFC and
most national fraternities, indicates how-
ever that any constructive answers out
of this group would be startling to say
the least.
At its last meeting, the NIFC passed a
resolution encouraging the elimination of
discriminatory clauses but adding "The wis-
dom or desirability of social considerations
affecting membership, including religious,
racial or national qualifications are the con-
cern of the fraternity itself."
Another resolution said that "An in-
dividual member may cast his vote upon
discriminatory considerations, when con-
sidering a candidate for membership. He
may concede or refuse to concede to the
opinions or even the prejudices of his
fraternity brothers."
In addition, the group voted 25-12 against
eliminating clauses which bar negroes,'and
it is significant to add that not a single

Negro fraternity has been
membership in the NIFC.

admitted to

Yet, despite what would seem like the
overwhelming attitude of the NIFC, nine
college IFCs, members of the New Eng-
land Regional IFC, have endorsed a re-
solution to that National Council calling
on the fraternities to drop their discrimi-
natory clauses.
It would be a strong answer to the doubt-
ing Indepedent thomases on the Michigan
campus if our own IFC were to send dele-
gates, instructed to work and vote for the
proposal of the New Englanders.
For the national fraternities will be repre-
sented at this conference by that group
which the undergraduate chapters complain
is the source of all their difficulties-the
alumni. -
This is an excellent chance for our
IFC, operating as a group, to by-pass the'
slower method of work by individual
chapters of these fraternities, and face
the alumni with their arguments.
It would be an expression of IFC's deter-
mination to act on the ideals it has thus
far only said it supports.
Don McNeil.

+ Arr.iĀ®riRT

THE EXHIBIT of Contemporary American
Painters that opened Monday at the
University Art Museum, in Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, is a rather good sampling of the
kind of painting that is being done in our
country today; some of the finest examples
available are shown. The canvasses arej
about equally divided between selections
from the Cranbrook Museum and an ex-
hibition circulated by the Museum of Modern
Art in New York and seem to give emphasis
to the younger men who have emerged
within the last few years. Nevertheless,
most of the more prominent trends are
For example, Reginald Marsh, one of
the old-timers, shows us the beach at
Coney Island, with all its lovemaking inj
one tangled but healthy mass. The gen-
eral style was developed in Italy more
than 30 years ago. Marsh hasn't changed
it much, except in subject matter. This
is one reason why some people will love
it and others hate it.
In the furthest wing of the opposing camp
are, of course, the non-objectivists. Prob-
ably one of the most subtle colorists in this
group is Theodore Stamos, a 27-year-old
New Yorker, whose splotchy, microbe-like
forms seep across the eerie shallows of his
Dorothea Tanning belongs to the Sur-
realists, who tell us their dreams with a.
skilled, almost-photographic realism and
a Freudian vocabulary. In her painting,
" irthday," Tanning shows us a rather
handsome woman, with a skirt of moss
and growing branches, poised at a vista
of half-open doorways that stretches out
into a hollow infinity.
And grand old John Marin is here too,
with a completely personal interpretation
of cubism. This time it is another of his
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

great watercolors of "Lower Manhattan,"
with all the explosive violence and peculiar
poetry that many have found in New York.
Doris Lee's "The Fisherman's Wife" is
in that pseudo-primitive tradition that has
been so popular here ever since Grandma
Moses became successful.
Carl Zerbe's "Chandelier," on the other
hand, strikes me as an extremely intelli-
gent and sensitive use of distortion. A
collection of incongruous and rather self-
consciously arty still-life objects rests on
a table level with the floor; but the
gaudy, overly intricate chandelier trips
backward into space, as does the whole
back wall, so that the degenerateness of
the subject-matter is re-enforced by the
disintegration of space itself.
All of the paintings are technically ma-
ture in terms of the stage they represent,
and most of them are good. They are, in
fact, a sampling of the best that is being
done in America today. But none of them
is great. There is, it seems to me, no great
American painting. Because, in the pro-
foundest sense, there is no American paint-
There is, of course, painting of typical-
ly American scenes and subjects. But in
all great schbols of painting, reality,
either material or spiritual, is modified
by the peculiar style and rhythms of the
.artist which in turn reflect the beliefs of
the region of which he is a part. That
universals are also expressed is of course
true. But American art uses an Italo-
French Academic style to review American
genre, or, in the more intellectual level,
an Italo-French Surrealism to express
Freudian universals, or an Hispano-
French extreme abstractionism to convey
the artist's.
Perhaps there is no confidence in
America's cultural maturity. Perhaps the
position of the artist in American society
is so insecure that he cannot identify him-
self with it. Perhaps there is no longer any
genuine agreement among Americans on
what they themselves believe. In any case,
American painting, when it is not an art
of escape, is a lonely, rootless art.
-Robert Enggass,

13i partisarnsh ip
THE RECENT Senatorial election in New
York threw the spotlight on our foreign
policy. John Foster Dulles' supporters
claimed that it was essential for the ef-
fective continuation of the bipartisan for-
eign policy that he be elected to the Senate,
These statements illustrate the great im-
portance given to biparsanship in the con-
duct of foreign affairs. Yet there are many
reasons for seriously questioning the pri-
ciple of bipartisanship.
The bipartisan foreign policy is undemo-
cratic, for two reasons. First, the American
voter has no chance to pass judgement on
it since both major parties support it. The
citizen who happens to disapprove of our
present strategy abroad has little choice but
to support candidates who disagree with
him. His only alternatives are to back minor
party candidates who cannot possibly win,
or not to vote at all. Thus our foreign policy
is not subject to control by the people
through the ballot.
Second, a premium is placed on con-
formity. Those who oppose the foreign
policy are vilified and labeled Commu-
nists or fellow travelers. A striking il-
lustration of this fact is furnished by the
calumnious attacks on Henry Wallace
during the 1948 election campaign.
The bipartisan foreign policy is also un-
satisfactory because it does not fulfill its
major objective of taking foreign policy out
of politics. A vivid proof of this is the vio-
lent criticism by the Republicans of our
present attitude toward China. The Re-
publicans claim that they were not con-
sulted in the formulation of our Chinese
policy. This shows that so-called bipartisan-
ship could easily flame into bitter political
In reality the policy might fail. Those
members of Congress who are against
certain aspects of our foreign policy do
not dare to openly oppose it. Therefore
they seek to make the policy ineffectual
by slashing its appropriations to the
danger point under the banner of econo-
my and balancing the budget.
Another practical danger is that unwisd
measures could be passed in an atmosphere
of crisis; legislation relating to foreign pol-
icy does not undergo the critical scrutiny
other bills do.
Finally, there is no party responsibility.
Since both parties support our foreign pol-
icy there is no one party to take the blame
in the event that that policy turns out badly
and there is no party with an alternative
In short, the bipartisan conduct of for-
eign affairs is both undemocratic and in
effective. The time has come for a re-
evaluation of the principle of bipartisan-
-Joe Tannenbaum.
At Lydia Mendelssohn ..
pRESENTING a somewhat sugar-coated
picture of post-war Berlin, "Somewhere
in Berlin" nonetheless offers American mov-
ie-goers some interesting things to think
The picture deals primarily with the
hordes of German children who have noth-
ing to do except play among the bomb
rubble and stir up mischief. They are not
the brutal, hungry little scavengers pic-
tured in newsreels of scarred Europe; in-
deed these children are exceedingly gentle
considering the conditions of their lives.
They get into the usual boyhood scrapes

and their pranks are no more dangerous
than those of slum children anywhere.
Fortunately for the youngsters in "Some-
where in Berlin," they come into contact on-
ly with very understanding adults. However,
I do not think it is reading too much into
the picture to say that incipient militarism
and violence can be seen in some of the
children. One wonders what would have hap-
pened if the older people had not been en-
dowed with almost saintly understanding
of the trials of boyhood.
We are reminded in the film that the
returning German soldier faces the same
problem of rebuilding his life as was faced
by our own returning veterans. But in
Germany they must often rebuild their
homes and businesses too. A little of the
bitterness and futility which must fill such
men is shown, but like everything else, it
is toned down to the point where you can
not help thinking the picture is primarily
for American consumption.
Most of the characters exist in an aura of
benevolence and goodness which doesn't
quite square with human behavior under
conditions of deprivation. I can't bring my-
self to believe that these are really the con-
ditions in Berlin today; but there are ele-
ments of truth in some of the characteriza-
tions. If you're going to swallow it, take
more than the proverbial grain of salt.
--Fredrica Winters
....All There Is in .Livia '
"THE RIDERS in a race do not stop short
when they reach the goal. There is a
little finishing canter before coming to a
standstill. There is time to hear the kind
unin f rin ris a nd fn Znv T1 fn nnwf',Z caif

"And So You Have This Feeling Of Being
'Not Wanted' "
- 1
- '-~
'fie lnaily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in, length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from1 publication at the discretion of the
editors. ___te__


(Continued from Page 2)
Acid," Fri., Nov. 11, 2525 Chemis-
try Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, F. F.
Doctoral Examination for
Charles Balch Hicks, Education;
thesis: "The Technical Business
Vocabulary of General Business
Education," Fri., Nov. 11, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 3
p.m. Chairman, J. M. Trytten.
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 10, 247
W. Engineering. Prof. C. L. Dolph
continues his talk on "Theory of
linear prediction."
Transfinite Numbers Seminar:
3 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 10, 2014 An-
gell Hall.
Mr. Seymour Ginsburg will con-
tinue his talk on the recent re-
sults in the Arithmetic of Alephs.


Mating Calls ,. .
To the Editor:t
N TUESDAY'S Letters to the
Editor column there was a com-
munication from the President of
Delta Gamma sorority which de-
plored the conduct of the East
Quadrangle residents during a.
pinning serenade.
Now we in the East Quadrangle
have nothing against pinnings or
serenades except when they both
occur at once directly across the
street from us at 11:30 on a night
before a school day.
These are the days of mid-se-
mester examinations, and when we
in the East Quadrangle want "fine
singing" at 11:30 at night we'll
turn on the radio.
We "East Quadders" also sin-
cerely hope to maintain the friend-
ship that has existed between Del-
ta Gamma and the East Quad-
rangle, so for that reason I would
suggest that the sororities along
I ill Street exchange their mating
calls with the fraternities out in
the arboretum or some other suit-
able place.
Harold L. Ward
* * *
Carg Sellout .
To the Editor:
IN REFERENCE to J. M. Clark's
letter in yesterday's Daily,
wherein he contends that the Gar-
goyle will not sell out again for
another 26 years - what are his
-Joe Stone
* * *
USSR News...
To the Editor:
IN YOUR Saturday issue I have
read the quotation from the
"Nation" concerning the foreign
correspondents in the U.S.S.R. The
author of the quoted article says,
"The government of the U.S.S.R.
shall let some American and other
foreign correspondents in U.S.S.R.
A group of objective correspond-
ents - says the author - will
write about the positive sides of
the Soviet life and will counteract
the Hearst-like reactionary jour-
But I, a member of a most op-
pressed by Russian Bolshevish's
nations -- a Ukrainian who lived
for two years in a Soviet-ruled
country, Eastern Galicia in the
years 1939-41, am sure that the
author is wrong. These state-
ments might be true in a demo-
cratic country whose government
needs nothing to keep secret.
But the Soviet government fears'
the objective correspondents, be-
cause it knows that to write only
positively about U.S.S.R. can only
be done by a communist-minded
correspondent, who offers the
truth and objectivity to his Krem-
lin bosses, or a correspondent who
sees only the things shown to him
by agents of Inturist, a Soviet
traveling agency for foreigners.
The really objective correspond-
ent, who will have the opportuni-
ty to move free i-n the entire U.S.-
S.R. will see and find out quite dif-
ferent things. We will see the life
in the U.S.S.R., will hear from the

eye witnesses about the compulsory
:ollectivization and its victims -
these millions of the Ukrainian and
other farmers who died from fam-
ine or were compulsory displaced
wo concentration camps for slave
labor in woods, mines and great
zonstructions of Sovietic Asia,
where they died from famine, dis-
ases, malnutrition, frost, and mal-
He will hear about millions of
inhabitants of the Ukraine, Baltic
Countries, Crimea, Republic of
Volga - German and others -
displaced or murdered in Katyn,
Winnitzn and other places for
their love to their native coun-
tries, faith in God, freedom and
private enterprise.
He will hear about cruel liquida-
tion of the Ukrainian Orthodox
church in East Ukraine and about
a no less cruel liquidation of the
Ukrainian Catholic Church in
West Ukraine in the years 1945-
He will hear more similar things:
This is the reason why the Soviet
government does not like the for-
eign correspondents.
-Dr. Roman Weres
THE CAMPAIGN to substitute
socialism for communism as
"the great menace" in American
politics, which began immediate-
ly after Governor Dewey's defeat
in November, 1948, is being accel-
Senator Taft, in "Collier's,"
warns that "we've gone about
as far as we can go' in the di-
rection of the enervating wel-
fare state.
Speaking in Los Angeles, Rep-
resentative Ralph W. Gwinn of
New York somberly informed a
luncheon group that "there are
ten or twelve men in the House
of Representatives who have con-
cluded that the fight against so-
cialism has been lost.
The only hope is to take the
issue back to the folks at home
and to rally for another battle."
Rear Admiral Leslie E. Gehres
(ret.) believes that the threat of a
Labor-Socialist government is a
greater menace to the United
States than are the Russians with
their atom bomb.
Then there is the national ad-
vertising program of the Insti-
tute of Life Insurance, in which
rugged American workers are
praised for having rejected all
efforts of the welfare state to
assist them.
The high priests of "public re-
lations" have spoken: the menace
for 1950 is socialism.
-The Nation
South Africa, milked a full-
grown lioness in order to win the
hand of his beloved. He did a hard
and hazardous thing. Nevertheless,
he should feel glad that he does
not live in the United States.
Suppose he were an Ameri-
can and the father of his girl
asked him to do something real-
ly difficult and dangerous, such
Settling a coal strike.

Student Recital: Edward Trou-
pin, violinist; will present a pro-l
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of1
Master of Music at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., Nov. 10, Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Mr. Troupin is a pupil
of Gilbert Ross. Program: works
by Beethoven, Bach, Piston and
Ravel. The public is invited.
Events Today '
Delta Sigma Pi presents Joseph
P. Wolff, Commissioner of Build-
ing and Safety Engineering, De-
troit, speaking on "Management's
Responsibility for Safety in In-
dustry." 8 p.m., 130 Business Ad-
Michigan Actuarial Club: Open
meeting, 3 p.m., 2013 Angell Hall.
Mr. John Morrow and Mr. Charles
W. Knowles, district managers of
Prudential Life Insurance Com-
pany will speak on industrial and'
group insurance.
La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, League.
Student Science Society: 9 p.m.,
2033 Natural Science Building. All
prospective members invited.
International Center Weekly
Tea: 4:30-6 p.m., for all Foreign
students and American friends.
Michigan Crib: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Guest
speaker: Mr. Edward N. Barnard,
well-known trial lawyer from De-
troit. Reception after the meeting,
Rm. 3R, Union.
Hillel Social Committee: Meet-
ing, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3K, Union.
Final arrangements for this Sat-
urday night's big dance. All wel-
Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m.,
League. Discussion: Poetry of e. e.
Inter-Racial Association: Meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Union. Prof. T. M.
Newcomb will speak on "The Psy-
chology of Group Prejudice."
Hillel--I.Z.F.A.: Hebrew class,
8 p.m., League. Everyone welcome.
American Society of Civil Engi-
neers: Student Chapter will hold
a joint meeting with the chapters
of Michigan State, University of
Detroit, University of Toledo, and
Wayne University, 8 p.m., Archi-
tecture Auditorium. Speaker:
Franklin Thomas, A.S.C.E.'s na-
tional president.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Ski pics.
Everyone welcome.
Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents: Meeting, 4 p.m., Lane Hall.
All groups participating in D.P.
Student program are asked to have
their representatives present.
Student-Faculty Hour: 4-5 p.m.,
Grand Rapids Room, League. Hon-
oring the history dept. Refresh-
Giving a simple explanation of
the basing-point muddle.
Persuading Congress to pass a
realistic program for the support
of farm prices.
Getting unification in the arm-
ed services.
Detective Saved Lincoln
A Chicago detective, Allan Pink-
erton, saved Abraham Lincoln
from an earlier assassination.
And the Other End?
The "bitter end" was originally
nautical lingo, applied to the end
of a ship's cable.

Corning Events
Westminster Guild Interna-
tional Party: 8 p.m., Fri., Nov. 11,
church recreational hall.
Coffee Hour: 4:30 to 6 p.m., Fri.,
Nov. 11, Lane Hall Library.
Hillel Foundation: Friday eve-
ning services, 7:45 p.m., followed
by a program presented by IZFA.
Everyone invited.
Economics Club: 7:45 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 10 and 11, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Dr. Wolfgang F. Stolper,
Department of Economics, will
speak on "Incomes, Exchange
Rates, and the Dollar Shortage."
Graduate students and staff mem-
bers in Economics and Business
Administration, and other inter-
ested persons invited.
American Association of Uni-
versity Professors, Michigan Chap-
ter: Meeting, 6-8 p.m., Fri., Nov.
11, Dining Room of the Faculty
Club, Union Cafeteria. Dinner
portion of meeting begins at 6 p.m.
Program and business portion of
the meeting, 7-8 p.m. Address:
"Academic Freedom in the State
Universities" by Hon. Ora Wil-
dermuth, Chairman, Board of
Governors, Indiana University.
Hon. Alfred B. Connable, Jr.,
member of the Board of Regents,
University of Michigan, will in-
troduce the speaker.
Members of the faculty who are
not members of the chapter are
Film Program for students, fac-
ulty, and general public. Tropical
Lowlands-Brazil and Horsemen
of the Pampus-Argentina, 4 p.m.,
Fri., Nov. 11, Kellogg Auditorium.
Sponsored by the Audio-Visual
Education Center and the Exten-
sion Service. No admission charge.
Cleveland Club: Any member
who would like transportation to
and from Cleveland over Thanks-
giving in the bus sponsored by the
club please contact Elaine Madden
2-6419 or Dave Baird 3-4141 by
Mon., Nov. 14.
Physical Education - Women
Students: Registration for the
next eight weeks' classes in Phy-
sical Education will be held in the
fencing room, Barbour Gymna-
sium, as follows:
Fri., Nov. 11, 7:30 a.m. to 12
noon and 1 to 4 p.m.
Sat., Nov. 12, 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., Fri., Nov. 11, League Cafe-
teria. All students and faculty
members invited.
U. of 1K. Hostel Club:
Nov. 12-13, Hikers Camp-Out in
Brighton Recreation Area. Bring
sleeping bag, tents. Phone Bernard
Judwig, Ty 68348, Detroit.
Nov. 12-13, Work Holiday Week-
end at Harmony Valley Youth
Hostel to help finish new bunk
room in barn; also Hiking. Call
Dick Hudson, TW34420, Detroit.


Washington Merry-Go-Round

AWTASHINGTON-Resignation of isolation-
ist insurance man James Kemper as
treasurer of the GOP national committee
was dressed up in a high-sounding smoke-
screen about foreign policy in order to
cover up a bitter personal GOP feud. Ac-
tually, his resignation was handed in one
hour aftr Guy Gabrielson of . New Jersey
became the new national chairman last Au-
gust, but it was agreed to delay the an-
nouncement until the political horizon was
Kemper's exit puts the spotlight on
some red faces and raw nerves inside the
GOP committee, which probably will be
smoothed over now that he is out. Al-
though Kemper talked big about lack of
founds in the GOP treasury, real fact is
that he was never much of a money-
raiser. The best GOP money-raiser was
the man Kemper and Dewey ousted as
GOP national finance chairman after
the 1948 convention-Walter Hope.
Hope, an able New York lawyer, learned
of his resignation by reading it in the morn-
ing papers, and his friends claim that the
shock was responsible for his death a
month or so later. Hope left in the trea-
sury a surplus of $800,000 after the Phila-
delphia convention.
He was replaced by Bourbon Prince
Harold Talbot, eager aspirant to the
court of St. James, whose family had al-
most ordered their clothes for their pre-
sentation to the king-when they heard
the news of Dewey's defeat. Between

ferences. The same night, however, Talbot
dined with an oil executive who reported
back to the new GOP chairman that Talbot
had begun his attack all, over again.
WHILE THE U.S. Steel Corporation was
using its influence against a settlement
of the strike, it was also trying to increase
its tremendous hold on the steel industry
through the U.S. government.
Its latest proposed acquisition is a
government wartime shipyard at Orange,
Texas, which it plans to convert into a
factory for making steel pipe for the oil
industry. The shipyard was purchased by
U.S. Steel's wholly owned subsidiary,
Consolidated Steel, upon whose property
the yard was built. Then alert Herbertj
Bergson, head of the Justice Department's
Antitrust Division, ruled that this would
increase U.S. Steel's monopoly position
and would be against the best interests of
the U.S.A.
However, this didn't please Congressman
J. M. Coombs and other Texas politicos who
thereupon pushed a resolution through both
houses of Congress authorizing the ship-
yard facilities to be sold to U.S. Steel.
Once before, Congressional and White
House pressure was used to increase U.S.
Steel's hold on the industry. After the
war, when the government advertised its
Geneva, Utah, steel plant for sale, once
again the Justice Department's Anti-
trust Division ruled that any sale to U.S.
Steel would be against the best interests

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............City Editor
Philip Dawson.......EditorlaV Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George walker........Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate EItor
Alex Lmanian.....Photography Etor
Pres Holmes........Sports CO-Editor
Merle Levin .......... Sports, Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King....................Libra limA
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manaer
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi....... Advertising Maager
Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Pres
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newsp~pE
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at AImr
Arbor, Michigan, as second-clai mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail. $6.00.




What's that knocking,
Mr. Sparks? The
mike's picking it p

Oh! Ha! Ha! So you come from
Brooklyn, do you, Mr. Glofz?

WHO TH Bea5itkid! What's

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