PAGE "OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1949 rAGE FOUR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1949 New Voting Plan FOLLOWING nearly every campus election during the past few semesters the highly intricate Hare System of proportional voting which is used in the SL elections has been under fire from individuals and groups in all sections of the campus who feel that it does not adequately express the desires of the voters. Partially in answer to this criticism Stu- dent Legislature last Wednesday night voted to experiment with a new system of preferential voting in the coming J-Hop election. Under the new plan students will vote for nine candidates with numbers in- stead of X's as they have done in the past. A number one vote will count 10 points, a number two vote nine points and gradu- ated on down to one point for a number 10 vote. It is generally agreed that the new plan is a definite improvement over the old sys- tem which left the door wide open for block voting. For previously it was possible for a group to trade their J-Hop votes NINE TIMES with other groups in exchange for first place votes for their SL candidate. While it is true that groups can still trade blocks of votes under the new system, the votes which they trade will not all carry the same weight and the value of block trades will diminish rapidly. The principal objections to this gradua- ted point system of voting have come from students who feel that the Hare System should be applied to both the SL and the J-Hop elections. They argue that in this way groups would be able to trade fewer votes since there is no POSITIVE assur- ance that anything but the first and pos- sibly the second place votes will be count- ed in the voting. While there is some validity in this ar- gument, the proponents of the Hare System are over-looking the opportunity the J-Hop election will give the SL to experiment with a new voting system. And since it is agreed that the graduated point system is a definite improvement over the old J-Hop voting plan, the campus cannot help but benefit by the experiment. - Jim Brown r EURINt MOVIE] At the State.. . THAT MIDNIGHT KISS, starring Kath- ryn Grayson and Jose Iturbi, THIS IS A MUSICAL, and it won't set the world a-rage or on fire. But it is full of good music, warmth and laughter (as a musical should be) and it is good. With a host of personable people, and a good directorial touch, this encore of the I-want-to-sing-in-the-opera plot (in a tenor range, this time) turns out to be good enter- tainment. Funnymen Keenan Wynn and Jules Munshin vie with each other for laughs, and Munshin turns in two of the best satirical routines on the temperamental tenor and the choreographic conductor we've witnessed for a long time-short of the Marx Brothers. Seeing to it that there's plenty of music and singing is Katherine Grayson-looking well-dressed and cupid's bow-ish-Jose Iturbi-managing to make the music come out of the mouths of the two young Ro- mantics, and Mario Lanza. And around to keep things going is Ethel Barrymore, who is a grandmother-who- wants - her - granddaughter - to - sing - in - the opera, and J. Carrol Naish playing the Ital- ian tenor who could use a Dubarry Success Course around the waist. Phoebe S. Feldman. Editorials Published in The Michigan Daily ale written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only.. NIGHT EDITOR,: DOLORES LASOHEVER At the Michigan ... TOKYO JOE, with Humphrey Bogart and a corps of lesser-knowns. A sluggish melodrama with overtones of propoganda, "Tokyo Joe" centers on the ac- tivities of ex-Army man Bogart in occupied Japan where he tries to win back his di- vorced wife while smuggling Communist tub- versives into the country. Basically, the movie is a feeble attempt to duplicate "Casablanca"; the details are different, and the polish of the earlier picture is lacking, but it's the same old story done in a sloppy manner with no Ingrid Bergman to spice it up. The movie follows Bogart from the dis- covery that his ex-wife is happily married to an occupation official, through encounters with various types of Japanese, to his final and fatal entanglement with a group of smugglers to protect his child, whom the ex- wife is rearing. Bogart does a fairly capable job of acting out a fairly lousy script, whereas the other actors dazedly wonder through the picture, looking like they knew the words but never heard the music. After sitting through 90 minutes of this, about the only conclusions the movie-goer can reach are, one, that the movie is paltry entertainment and, two, that there are Good Japanese and Bad Japanese, which the occupation forces are treating accord- ingly. After seeing this earth-shaking drama, it is advisable to stay for the excellent Disney cartoon-it might restore one's faith in the cinema. -Fran Ivick MATTER OF FACT: Six and 25 By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Lest everyone forget the changed world we are living in, it might be wise to begin each day by repeating, "Six and 25 make 31, and 25 makes 56." The incanta- tion will have meaning, for these figures are the best available estimates of the annual Soviet production of atomic weapons. In other words, if the intelligence ex- perts have calculated correctly, the Krem- lin will posssess a stockpile of six atomic bombs by September, 1950; of 31 by Sep- tember, 1951; and of 56 by September, 1952. Forecasts like this must of course be tak- en with a grain of salt, even when they emanate from authoritative sources. All that can be said for these figures is that they re- present the best guess available, concerning the most critical single factor in the grim timetable of world events. As such, however, these figures must be taken very seriously indeed, until more dependable data have been secured.. The meaning of the figures is simple and obvious. Within two, three, or four years, depending on the caution of their military planners, the masters of the Kremlin will have a sufficient stockpile of atomic weapons to begin bullying the na- tions of Western Europe. Not long there- after, if the Soviet war planners can meanwhile solve the problem of an attack at such long range, their stockpile will al- so become a threat to the United States. On the brighter side, the analysts have only one contribution to make. It is prey dicted that ore shortage will halt Soviet manufacture of atomic weapons at the end of about six years. The Kremlin's stockpile will then consist of approximately 130 bombs. Unfortunately, this hopeful theory is strongly disputed by the same realistic minority of analysts who insisted that the Soviets would produce the Beria bomb at a relatively early date. But it is as foolish now to rest our hopes on a supposed limitation of Soviet raw material sources, as it has proved foolish already, to say that "Russia will never get the bomb because the Russians haven't got the know-how." The grim truth is that a situation carl easily be imagined, in which the Kremlin will gain the mastery of Eurasia without ex- pending a single atomic bomb. For if our allies overseas feel that we in the United States are too feeble to succor them, they will not stop to count whether the Soviet stockpile is fifty bombs, or a hundred, or two hundred. The weaker among them will come to terms. The stronger will find them- selves outflanked. Such are the risks in-, volved in policy of weakness, which is ex- cused on the ground that the richest nation in the world is too poor to afford an ade- quate national defense. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Ia ette' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. . I "Let's Offer 'Em A Gold Watch For 50 Years Service" music DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Inside reason why John L. Lewis is trying so desperately to settle with the coal operators is that his United Mine Workers union is torn with rank-and. file revolt. Many coal miners deeply resented Lew- is' offer to contribute funds to CIO steel- workers from the UMW treasury at a time when the miners themselves are destitute and hungry. Also, there is widespread rank-and-file bitterness over Lewis' dis- sipation of the Miners' Pension-and-Wel- fare Fund. The rebellion against Lewis is strongest in Virginia and West Virginia, where sev- eral local mine unions have voted by secret ballot to go back to work. However, the op- erators refused to reopen, fearing possible violence and bloodshed by Lewis' strong-arm squads. ROW OVER CHINA THE HOTTEST DIPLOMATIC ROW be- tween the United States and Great Bri- tain in recent years is taking place back- stage over the touchy subject of China. President Truman and Secretary Ache- son got wind of the fact that a large Bri- tish diplomatic delegation has been se- cretly conferring in Pieping with the Chi- ese Communists in order to negotiate Bri- tish recognition of the Red Government. This is a direct violation of the Bevin- Acheson agreement made in New York a month ago in which both agreed that no deals would be made with the Chinese IReds without first consulting each other, together with France, Holland and Bel- gium. When the State Department learned that this agreement had been violated, Secretary Acheson and the other foreign ministers sent a scorching note secretly to British Foreign Minister Bevin denouncing his government for trafficking with the Chinese Reds. MEXICAN BULLS GET TOO TAME IN THE BATTLE against hoof-and-mouth disease, the Agriculture Department is getting more bellows from Mexico's bull fighters than from the bulls. For the bull fighters blame the U. S. Agriculture De- partment for breaking the spirit of their fighting bulls. It seems that the Agriculture Depart- ment, working with Mexican authorities, cinated every four months as well as all other beef on the hoof. But the bull fight- ers complain that this takes the fighting spirit out of their bulls. Replies the Agriculture Department: "Un- less the vaccinations continue, there won't be any bulls-with or without fighting spi- rit". As a compronise, the authorities have agreed not to vaccinate a fighting bull 30 days prior to his appearance in an arena. * * * GOP CUPBOARD IS BARE NATIONAL CHAIRMAN Guy Gabrielson has fired 25 employees off the payroll of the Republican National Committee in an effort to put the committee on a pay-as- you-go basis. He will fire still more later. Gabrielson found GOP finances in a terrible state when he recently took over. Former National Chairman Hugh Scott had been spending at the rate of $70,0041 a month for payroll and other expenses, while practically no money was coming in from the big-money boys. The National Committee had $800,000 in the bank last January. When Gabrielson took over in September he found, to his amazement, that just over $100,000 was left in the treasury. (Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) HIGHLY ORDINARY and slightly dull typified the performance of the Cleve- land Orchestra Sunday evening. Despite an interesting program the evening fell flat be- cause of poor performance. The conductor, George Szell, seemed to have a definite conception of the music, but the orchestra paid little attention to him. Throughout the concert, especially during the Brahm's "Second Symphony", the conductor and the orchestra were at odds in phrasing, tone color and attacks. Bartok's "Concerto for Orchestra", which preceded the Brahms was by far the best performed work on the program. The score itself was very interesting with its odt rhy- thms and dissonances. It features groups of instruments from the orchestra as soloists in the concerto instead of the usual one in- strument. The audience liked it, though the off-pitch wood winds bothered many sensi- tive ears. After playing as soloists in the Bartok, the orchestra had difficulty playing together. The attacks were indefinite, the phrasing choppy in the Brahms, though it improved as the symphony progressed. The fourth movement sounded very well, especially in the horns. It seemed a mistake to program the Concerto in the middle of the program, The concerto is popular enough and suf- ficiently exhilirating to end a program, and the change of style from romantic Brahms to modern Bartok would have been easier. On the whole, the concert was spotty. Not only were the high points scarce, but even in them the orchestra seemed unable to transcend the printed page and express real feeling for the music. -Dolores Oates "The adoption of the cap and gown is one of the striking atavistic features of modern college life." -Thorstein Veblem, in "The Theory of the Leisure Class" Catholic Power.. . To the Editor: JUST OVER a week ago Mr. F. X. Bower commended you for your "courage" in printing a review of Mr. Blanshard's American Free- dom and Catholic Power. But the measure of a man's courage is de- termined by how much he loves the thingrhe risks losing. In view of your recent editorials on the results of the Communist trials in New York I fail to see how your respects to Mr. Blanshard could possibly shock anyone-least of all Catholics. However, I would ask for truth's sake that you allow me to call your reader's attention to Fr. George H. Dunne's booklet, Religion and American Democracy (a reply to Mr. Blanshard pub- lished by The America Press). They can then make up their own minds whether Catholicism is really as Mr. Blanshard and Mr. Bowe' picture it. There is, as always, far too little charity in the world; nor does Mr. Bower add to it by informing us that as a sometime Catholic and now a Protestant he "knows whereof he speaks" when he de- clares that the Catholic Church is "fascist Christianity," whose "hi- erarchy and dogmas accumulated through dark centuries in Europe when freedom was not known." This sort of thing will no doubt ring a bell with those who are less concerned with history, language and logic than with winding any stick good enough for beating popes. Presumably Mr. Bower knew what he was doing in writing those lines, for he assures us that he was "indoctrinated" in the Catholic Church. Well, I too was indoctrinated when my schoolmas- ter taught me the multiplication table; but Ihwould remind Mr. Bower that this by no means or- dained me as an infallible mathe- matician. Still, I can see that to equate two plus two with five is a mistake. Likewise it is a mistake (whether a man be Catholic or non-Catholic) to equate the Cath- olic Church with the government of the Church; for one who does this can, as Mr. Arnold Lunn says, no more hope to understand Ca- tholicism than a historian could understand England who is una- ware of any activities outside Par- liament and the Civil Service. -Richard L. Bennett ** * 'Disgusting Conduct' . *.. To the Editor: THE CONDUCT of the boys in the East Quadrangle during pinning serenades is something Uhat not only degrades themselves but is disgusting to people who ap- preciate the fine singing of fra- ternity men and women on cam- pus. A pinning serenade should not be confused with some of the un- organized groups that sometimes collect in front of women's resi- dences. The most recent example of the rudeness of the East Quadrangle residents was exhibited at the ser- enade presented to us by Sigma Nu last Sunday night. Our two houses exchanged songs for a short time, songs that had been practiced by both groups for such occasions and should have been in no way offensive to disin- terested students in the proximity. It has come to our attention that the boys in the Quadrangle have had past conflicts with an- other women's residence on Hill Street. We sincerely hope that their intolerance of organized ser- enades will not result in a similar situation, breaking the friendship that has heretofore existed be- tween Delta Gamma and the East Quadrangle residents. -Delta Gamma, Sallie Stevens, President * * * Union Ouster . To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to take issue with Sunday's editorial on the expulsion of the left wing unions from the CIO. Several students in- cluding myself had the opportun- ity of being in Cleveland for a couple of days during the conven- tion and heard the debate on the question. Naturally the newspaper coverage 'tried to make the labor leaders out as "bosses" and gave little of the reasons for the ouster other than that they were "reds." My observation was that the rea- sons for the expulsion were plain- ly and rationally stated, and sec- ondly that the reasons go much deeper than an anti-red mania. They were most logically stated by Walter Reuther. His reasons were as follows: 1-Labor policy if it is to be ef- fective must be united and after policy has been democratically decided all unions are to be bound by it if they are to remain in the CIO-the left wing leaders consis tently ignore union policy. 2-The left wing unions have carried on activities contrary to CIO policy and claimed CIO sup- port. 3-The left wing has attempted to undermine respect for the na- tional leadership by slander and falsification. 4-And finally the right wing leaders believe that they have evi- dence that the left wing leaders get their orders from Moscow; e.g., immediately after the war Harry Biridges of the Longshoremen's Union, along with the rest of the left wing, were trying to get the national executive committee of the CIO to sign a five-year no- strike pledge for no apparent rea- son. As an evidence that this was in no way railroaded through, there was no limit on debate and it went on for over four hours. Most of the "white-hot oratory" came from the left such as Harry Bridges and Ben Gold. There were signs of anti-red emotionalism, but is was restrained; and consider that most of the unions with right wing leadership are very familiar with the obstructionist tactics of the left wing. I would suggest that The Daily try to check more original sources before editorializing so strongly especially on a subject on which there is such a lack of adequate information and where a good un- derstanding of the problem is so important. -Allan K. Wildman (Continued from Page 2) International Center Weekly Calendar: Wed., Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Women's Sewing Group. 7:30 p.m.; Bridge Instruction. Thurs., Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m., Po- lonia Club. University Community Center: Willow Village. Tues., Nov. 8, 8 p.m., Wives' Club. Program by Kaiser-Frazer1 Singing Sentinels. Wed., Nov. 9, 8 p.m., Badmin- ton; Beginners' bridge; Ceramics. Thurs., Nov. 10, 8 p.m., Cera- mics; Water-color and textile-, painting; Choir; Rehearsal for Style Show models. Fri., Nov. 11, 8 p.m. Church So- cial Committee. Lectures University Lecture. "The Courts of the Native Princes in Sura Karta." Dr. P. H. Angenent, Gov-F ernment Commissioner for Cen- tral Java, Netherlands East In- dies; auspices of the Degree Pro-I gram in Far Eastern Studies. 4:15) p.m., Tues., Nov. 8, Rackham Am- phitheater. American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Dr. Darrell Osborne, Ar- gonne National Laboratory. "The Properties of Liquid Helium III.") 4:07 p.m., Thurs., Nov., 10, 1300 Chemistry. Academic Notices Electrical Engineering Collo- quim on Telemetering. 4 p.m. Tues., Nov. 8, 2084 E. Engineering' Bldg. Mr. Perry A. Borden, Patent Engineer for the Bristol Company, will speak. Chemical Colloquium: 4:15 p.m,. Wed., Nov. 9, 1400 Chemistry. Dr. Joseph Boyer will speak on "A New Carbonyl Reagent" and "Analogs of the Lupin Alkaloids." All are in- vited. Concerts Music of the 17th and 18th Cen- turies by String Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Conductor, Tuesday evening, November 8, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Soloists: Digby Bell, pianist, and Joan Bullen Lewis, cellist. The program will include compositions by Stamitz, Vivaldi, Tartini, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, and Sammartini. Open to the public without charge. Organ Recital: The first in a se-' ries of four Wednesday afternoon organ recitals by Robert Noehren, University Organist, will be pre- sented at 4:15 p.m., Nov. 9, Hill Auditorium. Program: Bach's Toc- cata, Adagio and Fugue in C ma- jor, Franck's Choral in E major, Vierne Stele pour un enfant de- funt, and the Sonata entitled "The 84th Psalm, by Reubke. The pub- lic is invited. Faculty Recital: Benning Dex- ter, pianist; will be heard in his first Ann Arbor recital at 8:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9, Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Program: Com- positions- by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Strawinsky, Charles. Jones. and . Schumann. Open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall: Contemporary American Painting, through Nov. 27, week- days 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today Canterbury Club: 7:30 p.m., Chaplain's Seminar, conducted by Rev. Burt on the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. Square Dance Group: 7 p.m., Lane Hall. Christian Science Organization: Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Full chorus rehearsal, 7:15 p.m., League. Ticket sales to chorus at that time. AVC: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m., 327 S. Division, Basement Apt. Bring dues. West Quad Council: 6:30 p.m., Freshmen Study Hall, West Quad. All residents invited. 5440th Military Govt. Tng. Re- serve Unit: 7:30 p.m., 131 School of Business Administration Bldg. Test on Military Law and Courts Martial proceedures. Lt. R. Hage- lin will present a lecture on basic first aid to injuries. Films: First aid for non-combat injuries, and first aid for battle injuries. Wolverine Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. Varsity Debate: No meeting this week. Note assignments listed on bulletin board, fourth floor, An- gell Hall. Cercle Francais: Meeting, 8 p.m., League (consult bulletin board). Prof. Paul M. Spurlin will present an informal talk entitled "Quelques balourdises divertis- santes." Faculty and members in- vited. Zetalethian: Meeting 7:30 p.m., League. Room will be posted in lobby. Varsity Committee of the SL: 7 p.m., Union. I.Z.F.A.: Song and Dance group, 8 p.m., Union. Visitors welcome. UWF: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. A Delegate report from UWF National Convention. Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering speech society: Meeting, 7 p.m., E. Engineering Bldg. Prof. Heady, Political Science Dept. "The Gen- eral Expansion of the Govern- ment." Coming Events Mich. Dames: General Meeting will not meet on Nov. 8, but will meet Nov. 15 in the General As- sembly Room, Rackham Bldg. Canterbury Club: 7:15 a.m., Nov. 9, Holy Qommunion followed by Student Breakfast. Mich. Dames: Sewing grou Nov. 10, at the home of Mrs. James De Les Dernier, 1033 Pack- ard at 8 p.m. U. of M. Theatre Guild: General Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9. U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9, 311 W. Engineering Bldg. U. of M. Rifle Club: Postal Match with U. of Washington, 8 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9, ROTC range. Practice 7-9:30. Arts Chorale: Regular meeting, 7 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9. Rm. B, Haven Hall. All members should be pres- ent. Concert will be Nov. 29. Young Progressives: Educational meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9, 1018 Angell Hall. Discussion of the causes of racial discrimination and means by which it can be elimi- nated. Scabbard and Blade: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9, North Hall. Women of theUniversity Fac- ulty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9. 4th floor clubroom, League. -4 .4 0 I A -4 -t { 4 N Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen............City Editor Philip Dawson..... Editoria Director Mary Stein...........Associate Editor Jo Misner..............Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil......Associate Editor Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goeiz.....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed. Joan King......... .. ... .Librarian Allan Clamage ......Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff... Finance Manager Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press. is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspape All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by catrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00. -4 x~ .; -4 BARN'ABY . .---