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November 08, 1949 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State




Set for Elections
One Senate, Two House Seats
Two Governorships Hang in Balance
Voters throughout the country will go to the polls today to cast
their ballots in more than 100,000 separate elections.
Elecions are being held in government units ranging from states
down to small school districts. One U.S. Senate seat and two seats in
the House of Representatives are at stake along with two governor-
ships and numerous mayoral positions.
VOTERS WILL ALSO be asked to decide on initiatives and refer-
endums dealing with such diversified questions as poll taxes, prohi-
bition dry laws and veterans' and old age pensions.
Greatest attention is focused on the outcome of the bitterly-
contested New York senatorial election in which an estimated
5,500,000 voters are expected to troop to the polls today.
The race between Senator John Foster Dulles, Republican, and
former governor Herbert H. Lehman, Democrat, for the one-year
unexpired term of Democrat Robert F. Wagner is hailed as a major
test of President Truman's "Fair Deal."
* * *, *
THE QUESTION is clear-cut, as the major issue of the campaign
has been Sen. Dulles' charges of "statism" against the administration's
domestic program. Lehman has upheld the Truman program against
the "stark reaction" of his opponent's platform.
Congressional lawmakers, confronted with the prospect of
new "Fair Deal" proposals in next January's session, are watching
the returns eagerly as a yard-stick of public opinion.
President Truman himself made a personal appeal to the New
York voters last Saturday night, in a radio broadcast. Concenst
of opinion seems to favor Lehman to pile up a large enough margin
in strongly-Democratic New York City to surpass the out-state support
of Sen. Dulles and carry the election.
THE GALLUP POLL said yesterday that its final pre-election
survey- showed that Lehman was receiving 46 per cent of New York
state voter sentiment as compared to 34 per cent for his Republican
opponent. The remaining 20 per cent were reported as undecided.
But seven per cent of that number said that they would vote for
Lehman if they had to decide definitely at the time of the poll.
Democrat incumbent William O'Dwyer is likewise favored to
win by a small margin in New York City's mayoralty race. He is
opposed by Newbold Morris, Republican-Liberal Fusion candidate,
and the American Labor Party's Rep. Vito Marcantonio.
Morris hopes for victory appear to rest on Marcantonio wresting
a substantial portion of the normally Democratic foreign-descent and
Harlem vote from O'Dwyer.
GOV. THOMAS E. DEWEY threw himself into the New York
election at the last minute in support of Morris. This, coupled with
his outspoken campaigning for Dulles, has led some observers lb
predict that Dewey's political future will either be revived or con-
clusively smashed by the results of these two elections.
Both candidates in Detroit's non-partisan mayoralty cam-
paign made eleventh-hour appeals for a large turnout at the
polls today.
A record breaking vote of between 500,000and 600,000 Detroiters
was expected to pick between City Council President George Edwards
and seven-time City Treasurer Albert E. Cobo. Edwards has the
backing of the powerful CIO, but the AFL is supporting Cobo.
COBO IS FAVORED on the basis of his landslide primary victory
in which he polled more votes than all his rivals combined.
Contests for two seats in the U.S. House of Representatives
will be decided in Brooklyn and San Francisco. In the heavily-
Democratic 10th district, Mrs. Edna F. Kelly is expected to easily
win the right to fill the unexpired term of the late Democrat
Rep. Andrew L. Somers.
Democrats have a substantial edge in registration in the 5th
district of California (San Francisco) where John F. Shelly, president
of the California Federation of Labor (AFL) is conceded a good
chance of breaking a 40-year Republican monopoly.
* * * *
BUT OVERSHADOWING the congressional race in California
is the question of the state's $200,000,000 a year welfare system.
California voters will be asked to decide whether they made a mistake
last November when they voted in a complete revision of their
state's welfare system.
Not only did last November's Proposition 4 step up the pay-
ments to needy aged from $65 to $75 a month, but it shifted county
administration of the program to state. It also wrote into the
constitution the name of a social welfare director-responsible
neither to the governor nor the legislature.
The new initiative seeks to repeal this and other controversial
features of No. 4. Gov. Earl Warren has thrown his support behind
the repeal measure.
NEW JERSEY has a ding-dong gubernatorial battle to be decided
with Republican Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll opposing Democratic State
Senator Elmer H. Wene.

New Jersey voters will also settle the question of a $105,000,000
veteran's bonus. Pennsylvania also has a $500,000,000 veteran's
bonus amendment on its ballot.
In Virginia, Democratic State Senator John S. Battle is regarded
as a "shoo in" over Republican Walter Johnson. State interest centers
on the poll-tax fight. A proposal being offered would abolish the
present $1.50 tax as a voting requirement but give the state assembly
broad powers to write new qualifications.
TEXAS VOTERS are also being asked to decide whether or not
to repeal the present $1.75 poll tax as a voting requirement, but still
retain the .tax.
The nation's distilled spirits industry has its eye turned to
Chattanooga, where a referendum is being held to determine
whether prohibition will be returned to the third largest popula-
tion area in the state after an absence of ten years.
Tennessee voters are also being asked if they want a convention
to be called next May to revise the 79-year old state constitution.
* * * *
IN OHIO, where Democrat Thomas A. Burke is expected to win
re-election to the mayoral office of Cleveland, a decision will be made
which may effect the 1950 congressional elections. An amendment
is being offered requiring the use of an office-type ballot in the
election of state, district and county officers. The party-column
hsl s r nvv I,,r

Bias Clause
Cited by IFC
Two Fraternities
Cut Restrictinos
Citing removal of bias clauses
from the constitutions of two na-
tional fraternities, Jake Jacobson,
'50, IFOC President, reported de-
finite progressagainstrdiscrimina-
tion since IFC took up the prob-
lem last spring.
One fraternity that removed its
clause is Theta Delta Chi. The
local chapter of the other asked
that its fraternity's name not be
* * *
remove the clauses at their nation-
al conventions last summer.
Theta Delta Chi's action is
subject to ratification by the
fraternity's 28 charges, while
removal of the other fraternity's
clause has already been ratified.
Jack Peachey, '50, president of
Theta Delta Chi's local charge,
yesterday predicted that all char-
ges would ratify removal of 'the
* * *
IFC WENT ON record last April
as opposing bias clauses, and set
up a committee to study them.
Bias clauses were found restricting
more than half the 46 fraternities
on campus in their choice of
members. No two clauses were
exactly alike, Jacobson said.
After reviewing the clauses,
IFC set up the nucleus of a
committee to fight for their re-
moval. This became the present
IFC Subcommittee on Discrim-
The committee is trying to work
out a plan like those in effect at
the Universities of Minnesota and
Wisconsin, Jacobson said.
THEIR PLANS aim at elimina-
tion ofnbias clauses through educa-
tion and social progress.
Removal procedures vary
among fraternity constitutions,
Jacobson emphasized. Because
of this, each fraternity has a
different problem.
"Several fraternities have shown
definite progress toward removal
of the clauses," Jacobson said.
"We can expect a lot of action on
the matter at national conven-
tions next summer."
Charge TDX
With Violations
Of House Rules
Two campus policemen entered{
the Theta Delta Chi House Satur-
day night and filed a report charg-
ing the fraternity with three al-_
leged violations of student conduct
1. With a party in progress, no.
chaperones were present. Accord-
ing to Jack Peachey, President, the
chaperones had informed the fra-
ternity last Thursday that they
would not be able to be present,
but no one had reported that to
the Dean's office.
2. THE FIRST floor dining-
room, used for dancing, was dark.,

3. Women were on the second
Peachey said this was necessi-
tated by the fact that the women's
powder and cloak room is located
at the head of the stairs on the
second floor.
No action against the fraternity
has been taken yet, but the matter
will be brought up before the Com-
mittee on Student Conduct very
soon, Peachey said.f





___s__o yn

Steel Concern
Signs Pact
With Union
See Quick End
To Other Strikes
By The Associated Press
Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp.
today signed a strike-ending con-
tract with the CIO United Steel-
workers in Pittsburgh, and
chances glowed bright for anoth-
er peace between the union and
Republic Steel, third largest na-
tional producers.
The Pittsburgh corporation is
the fourth largest in output. The
settlement sent back to work 25,-
000 workers after a 38-day idle-
* * *
BETHLEHEM, second largest
steel producer, has already made
the same peace with the union-
but "big steel," U.S. Steel Corp.,
was still out of the settlement pic-
An agreement to call in ap-
proximately 200 plant mainte-
nance workers was reached last
night by negotiators for Great
Lakes Steel Corp. and CIO.
Union sources indicated that an
agreement to end the strike over
pensions in the big steel firm is
expected within a few days. The
MEANWHILE IN Chicago, John
L. Lewis talked the coal strike
over with his United Mine Worker
policy committee yesterday and
later told reporters they had
reached no conclusions.
He said he will meet the 200-
man committee again at 2:301
p.m. today.
Lewis told a news conference
last night that he had talked to
Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson
earlier in the day and proposed
that Stevenson sponsor a confer-
ence of Illinois coal operators
within the union.
Previously, however, Indiana
and Illinois coal officials declared
that they want no separate peace
with UMW. Negotiations with the
northern and western operators'
groups have been broken off.
* *. *
Police Probe
DETROIT - () - The police
"Red Squad" was assigned yester-
day to find out whether an appar-
ent arson attempt on the home of
a union official was part of a
"citywide Communist plot."
Police Commissioner Harry S.
Toy said he believed the incident
was linked to the shootings of
Walter and Victor Reuther, CIO
United Auto Workers leaders.
The arson attempt was reported
by George Scopas, president of
UAW Cadillac Local 22. He told
police he returned home late
Sunday night to find gasoline
splashed over the front of his
house. His two children were
asleep upstairs.
Scopas ousted left-wing leaders
of the local seven months ago.

Up J3okossovsky,
General ChuikoV
Interpreted as Move to Strengthen
Soviet Control of Eastern Europe
BERLIN-(A )-Russia installed Soviet military chiefs in two top
jobs yesterday in an effort to insure that no new Tito challenges her
grip on Eastern Europe.
This was the interpretation placed by Western military men on
the appointments of Marshall Konstantin Rokossovsky, of the Soviet
Army, as Polish Minister of Defense and Gen. Vassily Chuikov as Chief
of the Soviet Control Commission for Eastern Germany.
THE MOVES placed two of Russia's prominent soldiers on the
front where Soviet troops rub elbows with Western troops and along
the direct line of communications with that front.
It was expected here that Rokossovsky would not only head
the Polish forces but also retain overall control of Soviet forces in
Eastern Germany-a job he has
held as commander of the Soviet
Russia's most direct line of I eds T
communications between the
homeland and its 300,000 advance In
troops in Germany runs through
* * * U-UT-b~
ROKOSSOVSKY'S taking overi"1m 1
of the Polish command seeks to
guarantee that no Polish Tito "h ra fte1 omns
takes over Polandand threatens The trial of the 11 Communis
that line of communications. Any party leaders in New York is wide-
revolt against the Kremlin there ly regarded as a farce, conducted
would be put down ruthlessly and as it was in an atmosphere of hys-
quickly by Rokossovsky, it is as- teria and fear," Professor Emeri-
sumed. He is a member of the tus John Brumm, of the journal-
Communist Party. ism department, told journalism
Commuist Prtystudents last night.
The appointment of Chuikov "While I hold no brief for Cor-
also was interpreted as a step to munism," said Brumm, "there is
keep a tight military rein on no evidence, in my opinion, of
Eastern Germany despite instal- 'clear and present danger' upon
lation of a puppet Communist which to base a verdict."
regime which has been "recog-
nized" by Moscow by an ex- THE SIGNIFICANCE of this
change of diplomatic represent- trial, asserted Brumm, is the fear

FEMININE TOUCH-Purdue cheerleader Patty Crawi ora em-
onstrates her cheerleading ability while drum majorette Carolyn
Marshall displays the "high step" with which she leads the Pur-
due band. The 'Boilermakers' brought two women cheerleaders
and two drum majorettes to Ann Arbor last Saturday for the
Michigan-Purdue game.
* * * *
Luke Concedes .Lasses
Can Lead Cheers o


"If women can do everything we
can do we'll let them lead cheers,"
says Dave Lake, '50E, captain of
the Wolverine cheering squad.
Flooded by a storm of queries as
to why two coeds were on the Pur-
due cheerleading team while the
Michigan squad is traditionally'
dominated by men, Lake pointed
out that any woman student is
eligible for the team as long as
she can compete on the same
grounds that men do.
"WE HAD ONE coed out for the
Round- Up*
By The Associated Press
can Newspaper Guild yesterday
withdrew from the International
Organization of Journalists.
Fulbright (Dem., Ark.) yester-
day asked the Reconstruction
Fulibright Corp. to hold up ac-
tionbon $44,400,000 in proposed
loans to the Kaiser-Frazer Cor-
WASHINGTON -- Secretary
of State Acheson left by plane
early last night for a meeting of
the Western Big Three Foreign
Ministers at Paris.
* *. *
WASHINGTON - For a second
time, the Supreme Court up 'tld
the contempt-of-court fines with
which the government in the past
has cracked down on walkouts by
John L. Lewis' UMW.

team last year but she quit when
we told her that a standing back
flip is part of our regular gymnas-
tics routine," said Lake.
Vniversity Athletic Director .
Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler said
that the Athletic department
has made no attempt to influ-
ence the cheerleading squad on
the issue at all. "We let them
administer their own affairs,"
he said.
Captain Lake, however, said,
that there are a number of other
factors which make it extremely
difficult for women to be on the
* * *
"ONE OF THE biggest obstacles
is the fact that we work out in the
IM Building which houses most of
the men's athletic events," said
He also pointed out that the
entire cheerleading squad drives
to the away games in one car
and that arranging overnight
accommodations for the team
would be considerably more dif-
ficult with women on the team.
Lake predicted, however, that
the Michigan cheerleading team
would be dominated by women
within a few years.
"MOST OF THE young cheer-
leaders in high schools today are
girls and there just are not enough
male candidates coming up," he
Fred J. Looker was appointed
last night by the Ann Arbor
city council as city clerk to
fill the term left vacant by the
death of Fred C. Perry.

The Soviet Union has been
making much propaganda about
the freedom that was to be given
the East German government.
It was expected, therefore, 'that
Russia might name a civilian to
take over the new Control Com-
mission in place of the old military
government-thus following the
lead of the United States in its
Western Zone.
Chuikov's appointment indicat-
ed this is not to be. Chuikov is a
rough, tough military man with no
flare for politics and a reputation
of deviating not an inch from
Kremlin orders.
Fund .Drive
More than "70 per cent of the
Ann Arbor Community's Chest's
drive to raise $151,000 has already
been met, according to Paul H.
Proud, Jr., 1950 fund raising
Meanwhile, Prof. A. F. Neu-
mann, of the law school, head of
the University division, reported
that approximately 77 per cent of
the 'U' quota of $25,000 had been
According to Proud, the drive
has been officially extended for
one week to enable chairmen of
the 15 divisions to complete their
solicitations and hand in their re-
ports to the Community Chest.

NEW YORK - (A') - Five of
the 11 convicted Communist
leaders yesterday were given the
unrestricted right to go to their
homes outside Manhattan.
it will spread abroad in our land,
resulting in silencing the expres-
sion of opinion which is not strict-
ly orthodox.
"I confidently expect that the
Smith Act, under, which the
Communists were tried, will be
declared unconstitutional," con-
tinued Brumm.
"Ifthe New York decision does
stick," declared Brumm, "a se-
ries of persecutions must surely
follow which eventually might
drive the Communist party under-
"POSSIBLY the unions and or-
ganizations rumored to be backed
by the Communists would be sub-
jected to a similar attack."
"You can't kill an idea by
killing the people who propose
it," said Brumm. "The only way
to do it is to oppose it with a
better one."
Heiress Silent
On Red Issue
Wealthy Mrs. Louise Bransten
Berman yesterday refused to an-
swer a barrage of questions
pumped at her by the House Un-
American Activities Committee in
its investigation of Communism.
The red-headed heiress from
San Francisco and New York had
similarly balked at responding to
the Committee's inquiry a year
* * * .
SHE GAVE affirmative answers
to two questions-that she had
met Paul Robeson, the Negro sing-
er known for his left-wing sym-
pathies, and that she knew Harry
Bridges, West Coast Longshore
Labor leader.

Menjou Admits Longing To Play Western Roles
N- 4

Lecture.. .
Knattily dressed, sophisticated
actor Adolphe Menjou confessed
to a Hill Auditorium audience last
night that his greatest desire is
to be cast in a Western film.
""bit. Tm hsr. xrtha nwh

MENJOU BEGAN his career 30
years ago as a villain in silent pic-
tures. "My thin face and mous-
tache made it inevitable," he com-
Since then he has played al-
most every type "except cow-
boys," he said.

Interview .
Adolphe Menjou, who has ap-
peared on every list of the 'Ten
Best Dressed Men" ever published,
called the whole thing "stupid"
last night.
"It's all done just for the pub-
licity it arouses." he said in a back-

(1912), said this was his first trip
to Ann Arbor.
* .* *
ALTHOUGH praising the Mich-
igan campus, he said, "It doesn't
compare to Ithaca."
He is scheduled to speak at
Cornell later this month, and is
hoping he can he there for the

U -

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