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November 06, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-06

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See Page 4


4it irn
Latest Deadline in the State







Treaty Draft
Nears Finish
Pact To End
U.S. Occupation
State Department yesterday
neared completion of the first full
American draft of the proposed
allied peace treaty with Japan.
It would provide for ending the
military occupation.
SEPARATELY, the United
States intends to make a military
treaty which would retain U.S.
bases in Japan after the occu-
pation ends.
The U.S. version of the peace
treaty may be ready for open-
ing consultation with Britain
and other Pacific war allies
around Dec. 1 as a preliminary
to a peace conference next year.
Under the proposed treaty, the
Japanese government would take
full control over the nation's in-
ternal 'and foreign affairs, sub-
ject only to provisions designed to
make it a peaceful member of
world society.
S* *
ONE OR MORE separate Amer-
ican economic agreements cover-
ing aid to Japan's deficit economy
are expected.
Secretary of State Acheson
will thus be able to report no-
table progress toward restoring
formal peace in the Pacific and
also providing security for an
unarmed Japan, when he sees
.+ British foreign minister Bevin.
and French Foreign Minister
Schuman in Paris next Wednes-
While the three-cornered talks
will be primarily on Germany and
European unity, the foreign pol-
icy chiefs are.expected to take a
quick look at the Far Eastern
The State Department will con-
sult with Britain and other smaller
nations on provisions for the
treaty and at some point will
make a serious effort to get Russia
to participate, but without a veto.
SL Candidates
To Be Heard at
Opend ouses
Open Houses for election can-
didates will begin tomorrow and
continue through Nov. 20, the day
before elections.
* * *
FOLLOWING is the schedule:
Nov. 7, 5-Alpha Sigma Phi;
7:15-Sigma Delta Tau.
Nov. 8, 5-Alpha Delta Pi; 7:15
-Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Nov. 9, 5-Jordan Hall; 7:15-
Nov. 10, 5-Kappa Delta; 7-
Collegiate Sorosis, Theta Xi.
Nov. 11, 4:30-Betsy Barbour;
3:30-Martha Cook.
Nov. 13, 2:30-Phi Delta Theta;
Nov. 14, 5-Delta Delta Delta;
7 - Kappa Nu, Kappa Kappa
Nov. 15, 5-Theta Chi; 7:15-
Alpha Delta Phi, Lloyd House.
Nov. 16, 4:30-Helen Newberry;
7:15-Alpha Gamma Delta.
Nov. 17, 5-Gamma Phi Beta;
7:15-Acacia, Sigma Chi.

Nov. 18, 5-Chi Omega.
Nov. 20, 2:30-Alpha Tau Ome-
ga; 3:30, 4:30-gpen; 7-Win-
chell House.
In addition to these regular
open houses, the West Quad will
hold a rally at 9:30 p.m. Nov. 17.
Spirited Ivy Rally
Winds Up in Court
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-G')-Six-
teen youths, most of them Har-

'M' Scores


Inside 90 Seconds
Dufek, Allis, Don Peterson Score
Touchdowns in Big Ten Title Race
(Daily Associate Sports Editor)
Michigan and Purdue needed only 90 seconds to decide the
winner of the "We Beat Minnesota Club."
In that space of time the Wolverines and Boilermakers scored
three touchdowns, Michigan counting twice to Purdue's once.
THE WOLVERINES were leading 7-0 on a first period score by
Don Dufek when the final two minutes of the first half arrived and
the fireworks began.
Purdue, starting from their own 23 yard line, moved through
the air on passes by Ken Gorgal and Bob Hartman to cross the
Wolverine goal line in 13 plays. The conversion by William
Skowron was blocked by Wally Teninga.
The scoreboard clock showed 904' * * *

seconds remaining in the half as
both teams lined up for the kick-
Purdue kick-off on his own 3 yard
line, followed his down field block-
ing all the way to the Boilermaker
ten yard line. He would have

crossed the goal line
collided with blocker

had he not
Jim Atchi-

and on

WIDE AND HANDSOME-Rugged fullback Don Dufek leaps over a mass of Purdue linemen to chalk up Michigan's first touchdown in yesterday's clash with
Michigan's captain, Al Wistert, is shown in the foreground about to roll-block a Boilermaker backer-up. In the right background is Charlie Ortmann (49)
the ground at right is center Bob Erben (53), who's watching the play after completing his blocking assignment.


Regents Approve Four Appointments

Democratic Germany
Far Off--Van Waogoner

Four appointments were ap-
proved and gifts totaling $99,-
438.44 were accepted by the Board
of Regents yesterday.
Also approved were 15 scholar-
ship of $100 each to be offered
for the 1950 Summer Session to
residents of Canada. These schol-

arships will be used in connection
with the program of Canadian-
United States Relations which will
be conducted by the University
next summer.
* * *
LARGEST of the gifts accepted
was $27,564.97 from the estate of

Cleveland Orchestra To Play
Brahms'_SymphonyAt Concert

Brahms' Symphony No. 2 in D
major will be featured in the
Cleveland Orchestra's concert at
7 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
George Szell, conductor of the
Orchestra, will also lead the group
in a performance Cherubini's
Overture to "Anacreon," and the
"Concerto for Orchestra" by Bar-
IN A POLICY of bringing more
music to more people, Szell has
lengthened the Cleveland's regular
season to 30 weeks of 44 concerts.
Its numerous other appearances in
'Tale on China
Recognition of Reds
Considered Inevitable
Recognition of Communist
China by the United States is in-
evitable according to University
faculty members speaking on the
"World Forum" over station WWJ
last night.
Discussing "Our Position In
Asia," Professors Russell Fifield
and Robert Ward of the political
science department, and Prof.
Frank Huntley of the English de-
partment, agreed that the Com-
munists are strong, and have the
support of the people.
"The strong support of the
Communists arises from their ap-
peal to the fundamental Chinese
interests, agrarian reform and
nationalism," Prof. Ward said.
According to traditional Ameri-
can foreign policy, the State De-
partment will no doubt grant its
recognition, he added.
Prof. Fifield felt that the Chi-
nese Communists would gradually

ballets and other civic concerts,
plus its four week tours from
Maine to Missouri give the Cleve-
and Orchestra a busy 150 concert
Also part of the Orchestra's
concert program are the regular
broadcasts over Cleveland's
WHK and the Mutual Broad-
casting System.
Judged by the New York "Her-
ald Tribune" to be "one of the
finest expressive mediums of its
kind" in concert performance, the
group was also acclaimed by the
New York "Times" as having
made the best recording of the
year in its rendition of the Violin
Concerto by Alban Berg.
* * *
certmaster of the orchestra is
Josef Gingold, who has been with
the 100-man group for the past
two seasons.
Born in Poland in 1909,
Gingold began studying the vio-
lin when three years old. He
came to this country in 1920,
and made his debut six years
later in New York.
Tickets for the concert may be
purchased one hour before the
concert at Hill Auditorium box of-

the late Sophia Gomberg, of Ann
Arbor. The money has been as-
signed to the Moses and Sophia
Gomberg Fellowship Fund.
Grants from the American
Cancer Society, Inc., amounting
to $17,385 were accepted for
three research projects.
Another donation of $3,126.67
was made by the Buick Motor Di-!
vision, General Motors Corpora-
tion, for the University Bands As-
sistance fund.
THREE OF the appointments
made by the Regents involve new
duties for present members of the
faculty and staff.
Dr. Enoch E. Peterson was ap-
pointed director of the Museum
of Archaeology, effective Feb. 13.
1950 when the present director,
Prof. John G. Winter goes on re-
tirement furlough.
A member of the faculty since
1925, Dr. Peterson has been
curator of Egyptian Antiquities
in the Museum of Archaeology
since 1934.
Prof. Paul Spurlin was named
associate chairman of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages with
special responsibility for work in
the French and Italian languages.
pointed director of Lane Hall, stu-
dent religious center. He has been
serving as acting director for the
past five months following the
resignation of Dr. Franklin H.
The fourth appointment was
the naming of Dr. Jitsuichi
Masuoka as a visiting associate
professor of sociology for the
Spring semester and the 1950-51
Fall semester.

"They have to learn to creep
before they can walk," was the
way Murray D. VanWagoner, '21E,
former governor of U.S.-occupied
Bavaria summed up the "demo-
cratization" of Germany.
Interviewed last night at a local
tavern, Van Wagoner, once gover-
nor of Michigan, said we "can't
guarantee that Germany would
become democratic." It is a 20
year job because the only people
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The govern-
ment was reported yesterday to
have set a deadline roughly one
week from now for decisive action
to end the soft coal strike.
* * *
PITTSBURGH-The nation's
supply of soft coal available to
the non-industrial public has
been reduced to close to nothing.
In Michigan the nature of the
coming winter weather will de-
termine the severity of the situ-
ation. A three or four weeks
supply has been stockpiled.
* * *
tion set up committees yesterday
to air the pro-Communists charges
against ten unions and nine
* * *
CLEVELAND - Republic Steel
Corporation and CIO Steelworkers
held two sessions yesterday to
discuss a pension plan offer.
They scheduled another talk for

we can influence are the children,
he explained.
* * *
AND WE ARE only doing a
"fair" job with them, he added.
"But we cannot be sure that
another strong man won't come
along and wave the flag."
The German people have been
living under dictatorships for too
long to know what democracy
means after just two years,
HE CITED legislature in Bavar-
ia as an example. The parliament
initiates very little legislation and
usually okeys measures suggested
by the administration.
Van Wagoner tossed cold wat-
er on speculation that the Ba-
varian press might be taken over
by former Nazis.
"We had 38 licensed papers be-
fore we removed restrictions, and
these papers were democratic," he
* * *
AFTER THE occupation author-
ities dropped the policy of licensed
papers, 125 new ones sprang up
overnight, he added.
"Some of the papers will na-
turally fold up."
It does not matter what these
new papers say as long as the dem-
ocratic sheets are still in business,
he added.
German economic conditions
were described by Van Wagoner
as "improving."
"Two years ago, you couldn't
buy a thing there," he said. "But
now, if you have the money you
can get anything you want."
Van Wagoner said there was no
need to worry about communists
getting anywhere in Bavaria.
"And as economic conditions get
better, they will become less and
less important."

Don Peterson plunged through
the Purdue line for the Wolver-
ine touchdown. Harry Allis was
wide on his conversion attempt.
In all, 20 seconds of play had
passed since the Boilermaker score.
ALLIS KICKED off to end Bob
Whitmer, and recovered the lat-
ter's fumble, running it to the
Purdue 42 yard stripe before he
was brought down from behind.
Two passes by Chuck Ortman
failed and the Michigan back
punted out on the Purdue 24.
Fifteen seconds remained when
Chuck Lentz intercepted Ken Gor-
gal's first down pass and drove to
the Boilermaker 13.
Bill Putich connected with Har-
ry Allis on his first try and Allis
converted the extra point, giving
Michigan a 20-6 lead as the half
ended three seconds later.
BOTH TEAMS scored once to
augment the point total of the
deciding two minutes.
Michigan waited until the
final minutes of the first quarter
and marched 54 yards for the
initial touchdown of the game.
The score was set up by the 28
yard run of Chuck Ortman giving
See SECOND, Page 6
* * *
Game Traffic
Causes Death
A pre-game traffic collision yes-
terday on US-12 near here brought
death to one -man and injuries to
three other persons.
Grover Leroy Klumpp, 45 years
old, was killed. He was riding in
a pick-up truck driven by Arthur
Schmitt, 57 years old.
The other vehicle involved was
a car driven by Marilyn Kingscott,
an 18 year old Kalamazoo College
student. Riding with her was
Carol May Bender, 18 year old stu-
dent at Albion College. Both are
from Kalamazoo.
Schmitt was badly hurt with
head and leg injuries and a pos-
sibly broken pelvis.
Miss Kingscott and Miss Bender
were hurt, but the injuries were
not believed serious.

Ganme Stirs
'U Attention
A not-quite capacity crowd of
95,207 fans pulled out almost win-
ter clothes yesterday to watch the
Wolverines pick up their third
straight win and hear Notre Dame
beat Michigan State over in East
For the first time this season,
some of the 97,237 stadium seats
were vacant. There was another
first-this was- not the "Game
of the Week."
* * *
public address system as the Notre
Dame-MSC scores were announced
and an unprecedented number of
portable radios in the stands show-
ed where the attention was.
Ticket scalpers, usually secre-
tive and quiet when they peddle
pasteboardseat higher than legal
prices, turned humanitarian for
the afternoon. Fifty-yard-line
seats were going for less than
purchase price in front of the
stadium gates well before game
Even the press box, usually ov-
ercrowded with reporters and radio
men had plenty of vacant seats.
Notably present were scouts from
Indiana and Ohio State.
CLAD IN OLIVE drab and grey,
with half a dozen color bearers,
the Purdue band, 180 strong, gave
a pre-game and half-time display
featuring a moving "P".
But they were out-classed by
Michigan bandsmen whose fea-
ture of the week was entitled
"injun trouble."
Sparked by a painted "red man"
the Michigan marchers first form-
ed a bow and arrow, then shot the
arrow through a quickly created
THEY CANOED along the
"Waters of the Minnetonka" for
a while, then converted a fearsome
tomahawk into a non-violent peace
University students had a good
chance to learn the "Yellow and
Blue" at half time when first
Purdue and then the Michigan
band played the Alma-Mater.
And they got a long-distance
taste of female cheer-leaders
while several Purdue coeds led the
more than 1,000 enthusiastic La-
fayette rooters on the east side of
the stadium.
* * *
not on the Michigan or the Notre
Dame-MSC game. For former
Governor Murray D. Van Wagoner,
'21 E, yesterday's football was
"I'm here to see my daughter
Ellen play in the Powder Bowl
game today between the Pi Phi's
and the Tri Delts," he said.
Over-eager news photograph-
ers, crouched at the sidelines,
had ithe.ir jnnnsha ei

Aerial Ads elp Keep. Grid Fans' Attention High

It's advertising at its highest
and fastest.
When the weather's favorable,
100,000 potential buyers see it at
football games in the form of
"banners" towed by airplanes

120 feet long for the
plane to contend with.


'In cold weather, we can tow a
few more letters because of the
extra uplift by the colder air,"
Dale Sheren, manager of the firm,

"The planes have to fly just
fast enough to prevent stalling to
enable someone on the ground to
read them. Minimum speed is 50
miles per hour."
* * *
TRICKIEST problem is to get
the banner into the air, Sheren

so suddenly it looks like it hit a
stone wall."
A PLANE can change two or
three banners in an afternoon,
Sheren said. "Only time we got
intoreal trouble was when one of
the p iots drane i s b anner into

A SPECIAL public liability pol-
icy insures each plane and equip-
ment for $50,000.
The banners are custom-
made for $10 a letter, and with
$300 letters and pick-up equip-
ment, the entire outfits come
to $450.

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