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November 05, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-05

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LAST YEAR President Truman's Com-
mission on Higher Education stated in
its report that "discrimination in the ad-
mission of college students because of an
individual's race, creed, color, national ori-
gin or ancestry is an anti-democratic prac-
tice which creates serious inequalities in the
opportunity for higher education."
This Commission decided that "discri-
minatory practices deprive the nation of
a great variety of talent, create and per-
petuate serious inequalities, and generate
dangerous tensions."
When intolerant attitudes against mem-
bers of minority groups are given support
by our educational institutions, the fabric
of democratic life is endangered.
This University has proclaimed the non-
existence of quota systems or other forms
of discrimination. However, on the ap-
plication blanks for almost every pro-
fessional school of the University and to
some extent for its undergraduate schools,
there do exist questions pertaining to
race, creed, national origin and ancestry.
Discussions among members of organized
campus groups as well as members par-
ticipating in a "bull" session are making it
increasingly clear that these questions can
be of no use on application forms except for
discriminatory purposes. All such informa-
tion needed for statistical reasons can easi-
ly be obtained after the student has been
No uniformity in respect to these ques-
tions is evident on University application
blanks. The fact that one application
contains none of them and another just
a few, indicates that if some schools do
not ask such questions, there is no
plausible reason for their appearing on
any applications.
If asking them has become merely a
matter of habit, the University has de-
veloped some very bad habits, which ought
to be discontinued, even if only for the sake
of appearances.
-Leah Marks.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Accord at The Hague
HERE WILL BE general rejoicing in the
free world over the Statute of Nether-
lands-Indonesian Union which has come out
of the conference at The Hague. The parley
has been protracted. The arguments have
been many and intricate. The statute re-
flects give and take by both parties. Yet;,
precisely because of the difficulty, the statute
has the better chance of becoming a dy-
namic charter of a new Dutch-Indonesian
understanding, as well as a self-imposed
covenant in the guidance of the new ship
of state of the opulent and teeming archi-
There is nothing quite like the present
arrangement in the history of independence.
The Republic of United Indonesia stands
before the world with its full sovereignty re-
cognized by its old metropolitan proprietor.
But at the same time it voluntarily estab-
lishes a partnership with that same pro-
prietor called a Netherlands - Indonesian
Union for designated purposes. These have
to do with such matters as the facilitation of
trade, conduct of foreign relations, and the
maintenance of security.
The achievement is a worthy testimonial
to the accommodating attitude of Dr. van
Royen on the Dutch side and Mohammed
Hatta on the side of the Indonesians. And
both of them, we feel, would attest to the
third party genius of our Mr. Merle Coch-
ran. Mr. Cochran, whose negotiating skill

we have already praised, was American
member of the U.N.'s Good Offices Commit-
tee, and, we believe, is Ambassador-desig-
nate to Pakistan. None can overrate his
services to the parties at interest at The
Hague. This must have been the way Mr.
Cochran approached his task-always with
the reminder that they were parties at in-
terest, not parties at issue.
-Washington Post.
No Fool
"ELLEN TERRY thought that when Watts
kissed her she was going to have a
child, and she was no fool, for many a
graduate of a university knows nothing
about birth or sex, and many know too
much, which is equally bad."
-George Bernard Shaw.
"OR MY PART I hate the poor and look
forward eagerly to their extermination.
I do not want any human child to be
brought up as I was brought up, nor as any
child I have ever known was brought up."
-George Bernard Shaw.



Washington Merry-Go-Round



WASHINGTON-Mum is supposed to be
the word, but a secret resolution has
been drawn up authorizing impeachment
proceedings against President Truman-in
case he lets the coal strike continue to a
national danger point.
The resolution was drafted by a hand-
ful of Republicans and Dixiecrats just be-
fore Congress adjourned and then locked
in a safe deposit box. They plan to in-
troduce it next January-if the national
economy is seriously jeopardized by
strikes. Ringleader of the impeachment
move is Congressman Ralph Gwinn, New
York Republican, with an assist from
Gene Cox, the Georgia Dixiecrat.
Specifically, the secret resolution charges
President Truman with "nonfeasance" of
office. It is alleged that he neglected the



At the Orpheum.. ..
ter Huston, Humphrey Bogart, and Tim
PUT Walter Huston and son John to work
on a tale which dates back to before
Chaucer's "The Pardoner's Tale" and you
comeout with a tremendously fine motion
picture. The modern interpretation of the
story of the three robbers and the treasure
of gold emerges as "Treasure of Sierra
Madre"; it's a hum-dinger.
Although "Treasure of Sierra Madre"
attains neither the artistic excellence of
"The Red Shoes" nor the plot perfection
of "Brief Encounter," it surpasses both as
all-round entertainment by being above
the mediocre in every detail. It's a joyous
occasion when a critic happens upon a
film such as this, which maintains a
solid degree of excellence throughout.
Not having what might be considered an
orthodox, conventional plot, "Treasure of
Sierra Madre" has, nevertheless, an absorb-
ing action, logically motivated, which super-
ceeds the necessity for a unified plot. Sus-
pense, relief, and irony follow in a neat
procession to teach the lessons of greed andt
mistrust. It's a lesson one won't soon for-
It's a long, long way from the Broad-
1 way production of "Knickerbocker Holi-
day" and the "September Song" to gold-
prospecting in the mountain wilds; but
Walter Huston makes the transition with
an ease and brilliance that attests to
his exceptional gift as an actor. His por-
trayal of the shabby-heeled Howard war-
rants alone a trip to the Orpheum.
As Hobbs, through whom the gradual
building of mistrust and subsequent de-
struction by greed are illustrated, Humphrey
Bogart gives what is easily the performance
of his life.
I recommend without qualification this
fine movie built around an absorbing theme
and executed brilliantly. I
-Jim Graham.
Price of Fdame
IN LEAFING THROUGH the perspicuous
pages of the New Yorker the other day,
we came upon an advertisement, inserted
by the Max Littwitz Company, of New York,
which extolled the virtues of white opaline
cocktail napkins (no doubt made with Mr.
Littwitz' own little hands), embroidered with
a college seal in the appropriate colors.
This in itself is not immensely inter-
esting, but the list of colleges involved
gives considerable food for thought. It
includes Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Vas-
sar, and, paradoxically, Michigan. The
University is, in fact, the only western
college represented on the list.
What we wonder is, does the company
include Michigan because it is on a par
with Yale and Harvard as a drinking in-
stitution, or because it is known in the East
as a great college academically? Or is it
a bow to Michigan's position in the inter-
collegiate athletic world?
The first possibility seems to be ruled
out by the facts. Michigan students are
not terrific drinkers, at least until they
have passed the magic age set forth by
state law. We have no Maurie's or Temple
Bar, or anything with the atmosphere of
such-and certainly no occasion for cock-
tail napkins.
We doubt if it could be Michigan's aca-
demic reputation; in fact, we doubt if Mr.
Littwitz would ever have heard of Michigan
except for one disillusioning reason.
It looks very much to us as if the Wol-
verine football team has made it possible
to obtain cocktail napkins with a lovely
Maize-and-Blue motif.
-George Flint.

economic welfare of all the people in order
to help a tightly organized minority-the
labor unions.
The resolution further points out that
the president could have prevented "eco-
nomic disaster" by invoking the Taft-
Hartley Act. This constitutes neglect of
duty, the resolution charges.
Now that the steel strike is being settled,
the wind has been taken out of the im-
peachment plan, but it may still be revived
in case John L. Lewis's coal strike gets
Should the resolution ever reach the
floor of the House of Representatives, it
would stand almost no chance of ap-
Gwinn is the congressman who mailed
out 900,000 franked letters last year con-
taining 2,250,000 copies of speeches against
public housing, federal aid to education and
rent control. He has been the chief Con-
gressional megaphone for the Foundation for
Economic Education, financed by some of
the nation's largest corporations.
* * *
IN WASHINGTON, where hostesses keep
careful tab on who's feuding with whom,
it would be an unforgivable boner to con-
fuse the identity of the supreme court's two
feuding justices, the Honorable Hugo Black
and Robert Jackson.
Yet that's exactly what happened the
other day at no less an occasion than an of-
ficial swearing-in. Justice Black got 'the
assignment of administering the oath to
Federal Trade Commissioner John Carson.
As the ceremony reached its climax, FPC
Chairman Lowell Mason announced solemn-
ly: "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Carson will
now take the oath, administered by Mr.
Justice Jackson."
The assembled dignitaries howled at the
mistake. Chairman Mason turned a sunset
Ex-Senator Jim Mead was appointed to
another vacancy in the Federal Trade Com-
mission. Mason got on the phone to ar-
range the ceremony, invited Justice Jack-
son to give the oath.
Jackson agreed, then added: "By the
way, this will give you a chance to call me
Mr. Justice Black."
* * *
HERE ARE SOME interesting quotes from
the life and works of John Foster Dulles,
famed internationalist:
CLUB, March, 1939-"Only hysteria enter-
tains the idea that Germany, Italy or
Japan contemplates war on us." World War
II started five months later.
STATEMENT, Oct. 21, 1930-"Germany
has made great progress under the Dawes
Plan. Her national income and government
income have grown to a point where the
reparations charge constitutes a readily
bearable percentage." One year later Dulles
was retained by Brown Brothers-Harriman
to salvage something out of the German
bond wreckage. He cauld salvage nothing.
WESTRICK, the Hitler agent who came
to New York in 1940 after the war started:
"I don't believe he has done anything
wrong. I knew him in the old days and I
had a high regard for his integrity."
states in Dulles' self-penned biography that
he was "Secretary of the Hague Peace Con-
ference in 1907." The records of the Hague
Conference list 20 secretaries, but Dulles'
name is not among them. He was then
only 19 years old.
Who's Who also states that Dulles was
"member, Reparations Commission and
Supreme Economic Council, 1919." Records
of theBCommission state that its members
were Bernard Baruch, Norman H. Davis,
Vance McCormick, Ellis Dressel, alternate.
Dulles is not listed. He was then only 31
years old.
Note-Who's Who biographies are always
submitted to the individual for proofread-
* * *

McGRATH on personal rights-Attorney
General Howard McGrath has laid down
the law to Justice Department subordinates
on civil liberties. He wants no one's con-
stitutional toes stepped on in the fight
against crime. McGrath will wage war on
crime, but has made it clear that he
would rather let a crime go unpunished
than violate constitutional rights. "Indivi-
dual freedom," he says, "is the backbone of
SUPER A-BOMB-Russian and American
scientists are now racing desperately to de-
velop a super-super atomic bomb. This dire
news was broken by Senator Brien Mc-
MahonsChairman of the Senate-House
Atomic Energy Committee. "The question,"
he said gravely, "now is who will get the
super bomb first. If Russia gets it first, we
will have to sign on the dotted line. If we
get it first, Russia will have to sign on the
dotted line."
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

/ette,'4 TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters Which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Subversives . .
To the Editor:
SINCE RESPECT for our Ameri-
can judicial system has cloud-
ed the minds of our press, and
imbued them with a sacrosanct re-
spect that does not allow them to
speak the filthy truth when it
stares them full in the face, the
time has come for the private
citizen to speak up forthrightly.
Rarely cited as "arch-reaction-
aries," the decision by Judges Han,
Frank and Swan granting bail to
the Reds is full testimony to the
reason for this phenomenon.
Never has one man worked so
painstakingly to produce justice
as has Judge Medina in his ordeal
of nine months duration. Never
has one man suffered such abuse
as has this pillar of freedom. And
because the American people and
press recognized his patience and
legal ability, the federal court of
the second circuit, motivated by
ON ANY BASIS of reciprocity,
Russia has a right to exclude
any American correspondents it
happens not to like. The United
States excludes most Russian cor-
respondents and probably for
much the same reasons.
Just the same it was foolish of
the Soviet Foreign Office to
deny a re-entry permit to Joseph
Newman, Moscow representative
of the New York Herald Tribune.
And if the action was, as Mr.
Newman asserts, part of a delib-
erate policy of forcing all Western
newspapermen out of Russia, it is
as stupid as the other policies that
have been packaged under the
label "iron curtain."
DOES THE Soviet government
really think that by limiting the
outside world to such Russian news
as its own official agencies grind
out it will put an end to what it
considers unfriendly and lying re-
ports? The contrary is true.
With even a few honest news-
papermen in Russia, men like
Newman himself, the exagger-
ated Hearstian reports of Soviet
horrors and imminent break-
down are offset by factual sto-
ries, in so far as the Russian
censor allows.
Shut out the newsmen, and the
world's reactionary press will have
a field day.
Propaganda from Soviet press
offices will be dropped in the
wastebasket; for a government-
sponsored story is useful only if
an independent reporter is on the
spot to check it and fit it into its'
news background.
* *
THE OVER-ALL result of a pol-
icy of exclusion is to create the im-
pression that a country has so
much to conceal that it cannot risk
prying eyes or a truthful report.
And this is an impression Mos-
cow can less easily afford than
the effect of many unfriendly dis-
-The Nation

judicial jealousy, has upset the
apple cart of justice he so labori-
ously assembled.
But jealousy alone does not ex-
plain the action of Judges Hand,
Frank, and Swan. Who appoint-
ed these men to the bench? Why
have they never been attacked by
the Daily Worker? Something
more evil than gratification of
their personal egos motivated their
decision, and the American people
are entitled to know what that is.
-Norman Rappaport, '49
* *. *
Course in Hebrew.. ..
To the Editor:
THE PAST two years has wit-
nessed the creation of the new
state of Israel. This infant coun-
try is imbued with all the charac-
teristics that go to make up a na-
tion. One of the most important
of these traits is a vital and fast
growing language. Hebrew is no
longer the tongue of the ancient
Bible, but it is a living, modern
language fast adapting itself to a
modern world.
The colleges and universities of
America are beginning to feel the
need for its inclusion in their
school curricula. It is to this end
that this letter is being written.
There are many people that I
know of who want to study Hebrew
as a part of their regular programs
under University sponsorship.
Among these students a petition is
already circulating and it is to be
given to Dean Keniston who has
agreed to speak for us on this mat-
ter before the necessary officials.
Others who are interested in
taking a course in Hebrew can
contact me, as representative of
this group, at the address stated
below, so that all who are inter-
ested can sign the petition.
The petition reads as follows:
We, the undersigned are inter-
ested in having a course in mod-
ern, conversational Hebrew intro-
duced into the curriculum of the
University. We agree to include
this course in our own programs
as soon as it is made available to
-Betty Ellenport
-* * *
On Poetry ...
To the 'Editor:
P OETRY needs meaning and, if
possible, music. With a pre-
ponderance of meaning it can re-
semble what Michigamua gave
you for page one. With no mean-
ing whatever it can resemble this:
Buffalo and Erie County
Forestry and Conservation
Students living in League
U. of M. Unesco Council, Full
rehearsal, 7:15.
Doctoral Examination:
"Studies on the Mechanism
Of Resistance-Lowering Action
Of Commercial Gastric Musin."
Go on from here.
Question of Usage: How much
more powerfully is a concert post-
poned if it is "postponed until a
later date" ??
-Norman Anning

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 36
School of Business Administra-
tion: Students from other Schools
and Colleges intending to apply
for spring admittance should se-
cure application forms in 150
School of Business Administration,
as soon as possible.
Women students living League
Houses: Room and board pay-
ments for the second half of the
fall semester are due to the house-
mother on Nov. 14.
Presidents of fraternities and
sororities are reminded th at
monthly membership reports are
due in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, 1020 Administration Bldg. on
or before Nov. 5.
Martha Cook Applications for
February must be brought to the
Building immediately. Any sopho-
more or junior women without
housing contracts for the spring
semester may apply now. Call
2-3225 during the day for an ap-
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces an exami-
nstion for the position of Inspec-
tor Strategic Materials. Closing
date for examination, Nov. 20.
Additional information may be ob-
tained at the Bureau of Appoint-
Representatives of the U.S.
Naval Ordnance Test Station, In-
yokern, California, will be at the
Bureau Monday and Tuesday, Nov.
7 and 8, to interview students who
will be receiving Ph.D. or Sc.D.
degrees within the next year in the
fields of Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics and Engineering
(chiefly Mechanical and Electri-
cal Engineering); for research po-
sitions. Call the Bureau-Ext.
371 for appointmentsor come to
the office, 3528 Admiistration
Bldg. Hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Mathematical Logic Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 7, 3217 An-
gell Hall. Mr. Thompson will re-
port on the application of recur-
sive functions in diophantine
equation theory.
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: 3 p.m., Mon., Nov. 7, 3001 An-
gell Hall. Mr. Davey will discuss
"Continued Fractions."
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 7, 1300
Chemistry. Speaker: William
Spliethoff. Topic: The Addition of
Maleic Anhydride to Olefins.
The Cleveland Orchestra, George
Szell, conductor, will give the
fourth program in the Choral Un-
ion Series, Sun., Nov. 6, at 7 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium. Program: Over-
ture to c"Anacreon" by Cherubini;
Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra;
and Brahms Symphony No. 2.
Tickets may be purchased until
noon Saturday at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower; and after
6:00 o'clock on the day of the con-
cert in the Hill Auditorium box
Carillon Recital by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15
p.m., Mon., Nov. 7, and Wed., Nov.

9: German chorales: Raise High
the Gate, O Sacred Head, Had I a
letic director at the Univer-
sity of Michigan, suggests that it
might -be a good idea to pay col-
lege football players, this is nobly
described as a "tongue-in-cheek"
Obviously nobody thinks that
Mr. Crisler believes in such de-
pravity. He only wants to pay
players if it would eliminate cheat-
ing. And this is a remarkable idea.
In the first place, cheating might
be defined as paying college play-
ers. Mr. Crisler's remedy would be
to pay college players. Moreover,
he assumes that players are not
often paid, which is an assumption
contrary to the status quo.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
DO YOU KNOW . . . . that
Charlie Lentz's three pass in-
terceptions against Minnesota
equalled a modern Big Ten re-

Thousand Tongues; Prelude 11,
Air in D, Schlage doch, gewunschte
Stunde, and Choral prelude "Jesu,
Joy," by J. S. Bach; Andante can-
tabile for carillon by J. Denyn; F.
Schubert's Rosamunde: Ballet se-
lection and Marche militaire.
Events Today
Wesleyan Guild: Hamburg fry
after the game, Pine room.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
will meet at Lane Hall 11:30. Res-
ervations for lunch must be made
before 10 on Saturday.
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Open House following the game.
Westminster Guild: Weiner
Roast following the game, Presby-
terian Church.
Coming Events
Meeting of the Michigan Society
for Quality Control: 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 7, Union. Speaker: Mr.
N. R. Meagley, Manager, Statisti-
cal Quality Control, Willys-Over-
land Motors, Inc., Toledo. Subject:
"Statistical Quality Control at
Willys-Overland." Visitors invit-
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Jelly-Roll Morton Documentaries
from the Library of Congress, 8
p.m., Sun., Nov. 6, League Ball-
room. Everyone invited.
Inter Guild Council: Sun., Nov.
6, 2:30-4 p.m., Lane Hall Library.
I.Z.F.A.: Hebrew Circle, meeting,
11 a.m., Sun., Nov. 6, Union.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Sun., Nov.
6. Work trip at Ann Arbor hostel.
Call John Amneus, 250075 by to-
Phi Iota Alpha presents MAJOR
LATIN AMERICA, a round table
discussion by students from Argen-
tina, Guatemala, Peurto Rico, the
United States and Venezuela, 2:30
p.m., Sun., Nov. 6, Union. Every-
body welcome.
Journalism Society: 7:45 p.m.
Mon., Nov. 7, Newsroom, Haven
Hall. Prof. Emeritus John L.
Brumm will speak on "The Com-
munist Trial and Its Effects on
Civil Liberties." All journalism
students invited.
Graduate Outing Club: Meeting,
Sun., 2:15 p.m., Northwest en-
trance, Rackham Bldg. Paper
chase, and supper.
UWF Seminar:, Study Group, 8
p.m., Sun., Nov. 6, 530 Thompson
Rd. Topic: "Approaches to World
Government; People's World Con-
stitutional Assembly." Visitors wel-
U. of M. Hostel Club will use
space on north bulletin board in
Lane Hall for organization of un-
scheduled events.
tar~galt:43 ttl

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Bumrosen.............City Editor
Philip Dawson...EditoriaP' Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil..........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ..........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach...Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarian
Allan Clamage.. Assistant Librarian
- BusinessStaff
Roger Wellington.,...Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff...Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this, newspape
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by w[.rier, $5.00. by mail. $6.00.



This is just perfect, Mrs. Baxter-Exactly
the setting we want for the telecast-We I

Gus? Where are you?
I There's an important

Let's look around upstairs-
This old place fascinates me.

Here we are, Barnaby-Anxious
I to meet your producer friend-

Gus is the host here, Barnaby! If that
oroducer wanted to look throuah the house I/

rPretty cavalier treatment. Who do these
producers think they are? Come, Gus.. .


. Gosh, now you've done it, Mom! Who,
Mr. O'Malley and Gus the Ghost I me?I


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