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:43 a t t
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Truman Predicts
Victoryin 1950
'Propaganda of Reactionaries' Hit
By President in Minnesota Speech
ST. PAUL, Minn.-(jP)-President Truman lashed out last night
at the "propaganda of the reactionaries" and predicted victory in 1950
for congressional candidates supporting his "fair deal" program.
Talking like the campaigner of 1948, he praised the Democratic
81st Congress for putting an end to what he called "the calamity" of
its Republican predecessor and reversing "the backward trend."
"MOREOVER," he said "I am confident that the 81st Congress
will accomplish a good deal more next year in its second session."
He added he was "certain that in 1950 the people will express
themselves again, and even more clearly, in favor of progress and,
against reaction."
Mr. Truman, speaking at the climax of "Truman Day" ceremonies
of the Minnesota Centennial observance, did not list what "fair deal"
proposals he expects the 81st Con-
gress to enact at its January ses-
sion. *
BUT HE made it clear that civil r...
rights proposals, a national health
program and federal aid to educa-
tion were still high on his 'must
proposals. "
The free-swinging President,
who was' accompanied here by
Democratic National Chairman
William M. Boyle, gave a pre-
view of the personal stumping:
tour he plans next year in behalf
of Democratic candidates.
"The people will not go back to
the day when their destinies were
controlled by tight little groups of
selfish men who made their poli-
cies in secret and exercised control
over millions," he declared.::{i ':rr}"fr-:
growing country like ours can
provide increasing prosperity and
freedom for all its citizens. They
propose to see that this is done.
"And with God's help it will
be done.
The President made no refer-
ence to troubles besetting him at
Washington by the steel and
coal strikes, the quarrel in the
armed services or the anticipat-
ed $5,500,000,000 federal deficit.
He set out a 12 point program
which, he says, embodies the Unit-
ed States' "staunch shield against
Communism and against every
other form of totalitarianism" and
is the means "by which we will
achieve the better world we seek."
Lewis Seeks
End to Indiana
Mine Strike
Efforts for Separate
Peace Seen Failing
WASHINGTON - (/P) -- John L.
Lewis hammered away yesterday
trying to crack off a segment of
the coal industry-Indiana's oper-
ators-for a separate strike peace.
Apparently he was getting no-
Lewis appealed to Gov. Henry
Schricker of Indiana to renew his
effort -to arrange negotiations.
Schricker replied it "probably
would be useless" to try again.
Indiana coal men declined Thurs-
day the governor's bid to meet
with Lewis' Mine Workers Union.
* * *
the Lewis move as a divide-and-
conquer strategy advanced in
hopes of getting an agreement
that could be pressed on operator
groups in other sections of the
John Battle, executive vice
president of the National Coal
Association, has said Lewis is
on a "fishing expedition."
Lewis continued mum on his
exact demands, but has come out
for unspecified pay, hours, and
welfare plan improvements.
* * *
THERE SEEMED little promise
of an early end of either the 46-
day coal strike or 34-day steel
In steel, Philip Murray, head
of the CIO and its striking Steel-
workers Union, was still trying
to press his settlement terms
with the Bethlehem Steel Corp.,
the nation's No. 2 producer, on
the rest of the steel industry.
Murray's union leaders were ne-
gotiating the Bethlehem plan with
most of the other top steel firms,
except the No. 1 U.S. Steel Corp.,
but nobody else had accepted it.
-Daily-Wally Barth
* * *
Tiffs Seen
Near Head
James Kemper's resignation as
national Republican treasurer'
could bring to a head differences
in GOP leadership ranks, nationalE
Young Republican Chairman John
Tope indicated yesterday.
Kemper's action, which came
as a result of deficit spending on
the part of the national commit-
tee, reflects a general lack of faith
in present leaders who have not
as yet brought the treasury to its
normal strength, he said.
TOPE VISITED the campus
YoungERepublican club last night
to help in plans for a Big Ten YRF
conference scheduled for Decem-c
This conference will combine
'Young Republican ideas for spe-
cific policy on national issues.I
The extent to which studentsf
can affect party policy is lim-
ited only by their own energies,"
Tope said.
Young Republicans can put thec
party back on its feet in the nexts
election by helping in a grass roots
campaign, he declared.
* * *
"THERE IS A GOOD possibility
that the GOP can regain control
of the Senate although we will
have a tough fight for the Housec
in the 1950 elections. But we mustc
pick up seats next year if wet
hope to win in 1952," he said. r
GOP Leader
Quits Post,
Blasts Party
Finance Policy
Given As Cause
CHICAGO - (P) - James S.
Kemper, wealthy Chicago insur-
ance man quit yesterday as treas-
urer of the Republican National
Committee with a blast against
party finance policy and the i-
partison foreign policy.
He said he resigned because the
GOP's reserve fund has dwindled
from $832,000 early in 1948 to only
$90,000 at present. It is "a real
tragedy," he said, that the GOP
leadership has not collected more
money or cut expenses drastically.
THE 62 YEAR OLD executive, a
Dewey delegate at the 1948 GOP
convention, also said he found
himself handicapped by the bi-
partisan foreign policy he said the
GOP follows "unofficially or of-
He declared that Republicans
have been "asked to shower
gifts on British Socialism-the
younger sister of Communism."
He suggested indirectly that
party contributions are lagging
as a result.
Kemper's resignation was not
unexpected. He had threatened to
quit last August. But his method
and his timing surprised some
GOP leaders in Washington. It
also served to point up the finan-
cial hard times that have fallen on
the GOP since its 1948 election
* * *
cision by making public a letter to
Guy Gabrielson, Republican na-
tional chairman. It was dated Oct.
28, last Friday, but Gabrielson's
Washington office said he has not
yet received it.
Gabrielson, a few hours later
in a Washington statement, ex-
pressed regret that Kemper had
felt impelled to quit for the rea-
sons Kemper stated.
The chairnan praised Kemper's
party service and said the party's
financial position is far more en-
couraging now than it was a
month or two ago.
* *
GABRIELSON expressed belief
that enough funds will be raised
during the next few months to op-
erate party headquarters and to
pile up a "substantial" reserve for
1950 campaign use.
AIM Reply
To Charges
AIM's Executive Council last
night answered charges that AIM
President Walt Hansen's criticism
of IFC anti-discrimination work
was "irresponsible."
AIM's statement said, "AIM re-
grets that Dick Morrison, '50, of
IFC should consider AIM'S hope
for anti-discriminatory action by
IFC as being 'irresponsible.'
"WE AWAIT with interest any
action to be taken by IFC's sub-
committee on discrimination," the
statement continued.
"AIM sincerely hopes that not
only a constructive policy but
positive action will soon result
from the work of the subcom-
"AIM has always felt it a source
of pride that its districts have
consistently been free from the
taint of discrimination," the state-
ment said.
_ t?,
CIO Leftists
Lose Fight
On Policies
Convention Backs
Executive Actions
CLEVELAND -(A)- Left-wing
opposition was beaten down yes-
terday in its effort to change the
CIO's stand on international poli-
tical and labor affairs.
The CIO convention reaffirmed
its support of America's foreign
policy, embracing the Marshall
Plan, the United Nations and the
Atlantic Pact.
IT ALSO backed the CIO Ee-
cutive Board for pulling the or-
ganization out of the World Fed-
eration of Trade Unions which
the board said is Communist-dom-
inated. 0
The votes were about the same
10-to-i margin by which lead-
ers of leftist unions have been
beaten on every major conven-
tion issue so far.
The convention also voted unan-
imous support for the nation's
striking coal miners in "their
righteous and heroic struggle
against the united power of en-
trenched industrial and financial
* * *
HARRY BRIDGES, denying that
his arguments were "dictated
through any pipeline from Mos-
cow," : led the left-wing opposi-
tion on both international issues.
The Longshoremen's Union
accused the CIO's powerful1
right-wing majority of "trying
to hang everything wrong on the
hammer and sickle of Soviet1
Russia" in drawing up its for-
eign policy resolution.
Bridges assailed President Tru-
man's 'foreign policy particularly
as it concerns China, Great Brit-
ain, Greece, France, the Philip-
pines and Russia.
* * *
"ANYONE WHO thinks there is
nothing wrong with Russia is a
damn fool," he declared. "But any-
one who thinks the present Labor
Government of Britain is going
around the world bringing good
things to people is a damn fool,
* * *
Levinson Sees
Possible Third
Labor Union
The ouster of the United Elec-
trical Workers and the Farm
Equipment Workers from the CIO
may result in the formation of a
third national labor federation,
according to Harold M. Levinson
of the economics department.
"If enough alleged Communist
led unions are expelled or with-
draw from the CIO, it is quite pos-
DEATH PLANE SALVAGED-The sunken front section of an airliner is pulled from the Potomacj
River at Washington, more than 24 hours after a collision with a Bolivian fighter plummeted 55
persons to death. The fighter plane's pilot was reported in critical condition last night after learn-
ing the extent of Tuesday's disaster, the worst airplane crash in history.
Nov. Holiday
Will Not Be
"There is little chance of ex-
tending the Thanksgiving Holiday
to include the following Friday
and Saturday," according to Dr.
Frank Robbins, assistant to the
Dr. Robbins, of the University
Calendar Committee, pointed out
that there has been a constant
nibbling at the number of teach-
ing days during the semester, and
the faculty would be loathe to fur-
ther reduce the number of days.
* * *
PREVIOUSLY, Student Legis-
lature's Campus Action Committee
had been told byrother University
officials that there was little pos-
sibility of a longer Thanksgiving
According to these officials,
both Friday and Saturday would
have to be included in an ex-
tended holiday, and important
Saturday lab periods would thus
be cut out.
In addition, they felt the Uni-
versity would be discriminating
against students who could not
go home because of cost or dis-
tance, and would have to spend
the holiday in Ann Arbor.
ALSO IT WAS believed that
some students would take advant-
age of an extended holiday period
by leaving a day early and staying
away an extra day following re-
sumption of classes.
'Grapes of Wrath'
To Open Tonight
"The Grapes of Wrath," written
by John Steinbeck and starring
Henry Fonda, will be shown at
7 p.m. today in the Architectural
The film is the saga of small
farmers and sharecroppers of the
Presented under the sponsorship
of the Art Cinema League, the pic-
ture will be shown at 7 and 9:30
p.m. tonight and tomorrow. Tick-
ets may be purchased from 2-6
p.m. at the League or at showtime.
J0 Bond
U.S. Professors Win
Nobel Science Awards
<' I
STOCKHOLM; Sweden -() -
Coveted Nobel Prizes for 1949 in
the fields of physics and chemistry
were awarded yesterday to two
professors in American universi-
ties-one a Japanese and the other
a Canadian scientist.
The first Japanese ever to re-
ceive the Nobel Prize, Dr. Hideki
Yukawa, was awarded the high
honor for his mathematical dis-
covery of the matter which holds
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
Solomon R. Guggenheim, 88-year-
old copper tycoon, philanthropist
and patron of the arts, died early
He was the last of seven broth-
ers who formed Guggenheim
brothers, one of the world's largest
mining companies.
* * *
States yesterday cleared the
way for Yugoslavia to buy com-
mercial aircraft-and it okayed
a sale of aviation gasoline to the
rebel Communist nation.
* * *
Compton resigned yesterday as
chairman of the Defense Depart-
ment's Research and Development
Board. He said he was quitting for
reasons of health.
nett (Rep., Mich.) said last
night he has demanded depor-
tation of E. Victor Sittler, pro-
fessor at Michigan College of
Mining and Technology, "be-
cause his record of disloyalty to
this country in time of war
makes it imperative."
. * * *
HAMILTON, Bermuda-A B-29
Superfortress crashed and burned
in the sea last night a mile from
shore and 11 of the 14 men aboard
were reported killed.
electrons and protons together in
the atom.
THE 42-YEAR-OLD Dr. Yuka-
wa has been professor of theoreti-
cal physics at Columbia University
since last September.
Winner of the chemistry prize
was Canadian-born Dr. William
Francis Giauque, 54, professor
of thermo-dynamics at the Uni-
versity of California, who has
studied the action of atomshat
an absolute zero temperature.
The prize for literature was
shelved until next year after it
was reported that the members of
the Stockholm Academy were
deadlocked in their secret meeting
over four top candidates, includ-
ing Winston Churchill and Italian
philosopher Benedetto Croce.
S* * s
candidates nominated was named,
it was believed that the other top
two in the controversy were the
American novelist, William Faulk-
ner, and Carl Sandburg, poet and
biographer of Abraham Lincoln.
With today's announcement,
four of the five prizes, awarded
annually out of a trust left in the
will of Swedish inventor of dyna-
mite, Alfred Nobel.
Dean Clarifies
Poster Rules'
No campaign posters should be
posted on University property,
Dean Erich A. Walter said yester-
day, in clarifying the campaign
regulations announced by the Stu-
dent Legislature.
This includes, Dean Walter em-
phasized, lamp posts, telephone
poles and trees. He did say, how-
ever, that electioneering material
may be displayed on bulletin
There is a definite University
regulation under which anyone
violating this rule may be penal-
ized, in addition to the "unfavor-
able publicity" plan announced by
SL, Dean Walter declared.
Until Case Is
Prosecutors Wanted
Reds Held Until Tril
NEW YORK-(k)-The 11 con-
victed Communist leaders were
freed from jail last night under
$260,000 bail.
The U.S. Circuit Court of Ap-
peals ruled early yesterday tey
were entitled to bail until they
can appeal their convictions and
prison sentences.
* * *
BUT THE government stub-
bornly held up their release some
10 hours until it was satisfied all
formalities of bail were complied
Government prosecutors had
fought for $1,00,000 bail, ar-
guing that a lesser amount
might tempt the Communist
leaders to disappear.
About 100 persons fidgetedfor
several hours outside the Federal
courthouse, awaiting the release
of the convicted men. They final-
ly began filing out one by one
after darkness had fallen.
EUGENE DENNIS, acting head
of the American Communist Par-
ty, was the first to be released
after his bail was approved. He
sat down in the court room to
await release of the others.
Three of the men had been
behind bars since last June.
They were Gus Hall, Henry
Winston and Gilbert Green.
Trial Judge Harold R. Medlm
jailed them for contempt for the
duration of the trial.
The other eight defendants join-
ed them in jail after they were
convicted Oct. 14 of conspiring
to advocate the violent overthrow
of the U.S. government.
sentenced 10 of the defendants
to serve five years in prison. He
gave the 11th, Robert Thompson,
three years because of his good
war record.
Judge Medina refused them
their freedom on bail.
However, the Appeals Court rul-
ed yesterday they were entitled
to their freedom while they are
appealing the conviction and sen-
Conflict Flares
In Pro-Red
Torch Parade
NEW YORK-(AP-Four "police
fell under a barrage of bricks and
bottles last night during a noisy,
pro-Communist torchlight parade
through the tense and crowded
heart of Harlem. The parade hon-
ored one the 11 convicted Red
The officers were not injured
critically, but were taken to hos-
whites were arrested before police
reserves reached the scene and re-
stored order.
Windows were smashed by the
At the height of the melee,
bricks, bottles, cups, saucers and
broomsticks rained from Harlem
rooftops onto a milling mob in
Lenox Avenue, main street of the
heavily populated Negro area.
The parade of 2,000 persons on
the avenue got out of the hands
of some dozen cops on routine
* * *
THE CROWD took up the chant
of "we shall not be moved" and a
sound truck blared "we will
march" as the crowd surged
against the police beneath the
flickering flare of torches.
The parade honored City Coun-
cilman Benjamin J. Davis, Jr. Two
of the other Communist leaders,
sible that a new
set up," he said.
federation may be
* * *
SL Examines Possibility
Of Cooperative Bookstore
head the new
Harry Bridges,
pointed out.
Bridges has
likely person to
group would be
president of the
union, Levinson
long been under
Student Legislature's Campus
Action Committee will continue
to survey the possibilities of or-
ganizing a student-operated book-
store aimed at enlarged coopera-
tive sale of used textbooks and new
But SL has decided to drop
the consideration of handling
new textbooks at the present
time, because of "financial and
other difficulties."
dents, and considerable capital
would be needed to start it off,
he said.
* * *
IN ADDITION, the store would
be bucking competition from lo-
cal bookstores, Greenberg said.
And our surveys show that these
stores don't make an unreasonable
profit from the sale of new text-
books, he added.
Greenberg pointed out that
attack by union officials for his
Communist leanings.
Levinson, however, pointed out
that the issue is not how well the
unions are doing their jobs. It is
rather a clash of ideologies, he
* * *
"THE WHOLE question has
been brought to a head because of
the Taft-Hartley Act," he said.
The Act, which requires top
union men to sign statements
that they are not Communists
before they can receive any serv-
ices of the National Labor Re-
lations Board, has put the pres-
sure on th C eadersi.he a md
WUOM To Attempt FM Relay Broadcast
_______ *
The succes of an enperiment by
pick up and broadcast Nehru's talk
a fah Univ.c.. ofXXnnci nr
lines would be eliminated for edu-