See Page 41
i t yrn
La test Deadline in the State
Work of IFC
In Bias Issue
Under Fire
Morrison Raps
Hansen Charges
Dick Morrison, '50, chairman of
.fFC's subcommittee on discrimin-
ation, yesterday denounced as "ir-
responsible" AIM Chairman Walt
Hansen's charge that IFC is lag-
ging in the campus fight against
Hansen's claim was made Tues-
diay night in an AIM Executive
Council meeting at which he also
attacked the discrimination sub-
MORRISON, TFC vice-president,
promised that a policy statement
would be issued by his subcommit-
tee after its next meeting.
At the AIM meeting, Hansen,
'50, declared, "It seems to me
that IFC is giving no more than,
'r lip service to its anti-discrim-
ination policy." Discussion of the
a~ matter was informal, and no of-
ficial action was taken by AIM.
"Making membership in the sub-
committee voluntary is practical-
ly an encouragement for no ac-
tion," Hansen said. "It seems they
are only talking out of the side of
their mouth."
ecutive Council members prod SL
to take up the discrimination issue
Morrison, when told of Han-
sen's action, said, "Hansen's sug-
gestion that SL start another
witch hunt on discrimination ap-
pears to me to be irresponsible.
"It is unlikely to produce a con-
structive attitude toward the prob-
lem on anyone's part," Morrison
THE DAILY reported last week
that the subcommittee was polling
fraternity men to learn their
stands on discrimination.
Hansen declared, "In a very
real sense IFC's work on dis-
crimination is none of our busi-
ness - except asineeited st- .
dents. "
But he unofficially advocated
use of letters to The Daily, plus
word-of-mouth contact, to per-
suade SL to resume the work it
had let IFC take over last spring.
Morrison yesterday declared,
"The IFC subcommittee will after
its next meeting issue a policy
statement on its approach to the
problem, the intended scope of its
work and its major objectives as
conceived up to that time."
Dean Keniston
To Explain Lit
School Grades
Some of the whys and where-
fores of the literary college's com-
petitive grading system may be ex-
plained next week when Dean
Hayward Keniston returns from
a University business trip to Wash-
A succession of letters to the
editor in The Daily have asked
that Dean Keniston throw some
light on the reasons for what one
writer called "an intellectual race
track" grading policy.
* * *
THE LETTERS followed a lec- I
ture by the dean on liberal edu-
cation given before a speech as-
sembly audience.
In his talk, Dean Keniston
said that the responsibility for
obtaining a well-rounded liberal
education lay primarily with the
student. The dean pointed to
intellectual curiosity as the only
guarantee of a liberal educa-
Students have protested that
they don't have enough time to
broaden their interests and know-
ledge outside of their selected
SOME CLAIMED this is due to
the highly competitive marking
system which places a premium on
rote learning and not broad un-
Dean Keniston is expected to
make a statement on the contro-
versy early next week.
Engineer Council
Petitioning To End
Addresses Legislators
Pro- Red
'U' To
in Japan
* *
-Daily-Herb Harrington
TENINGA TALKS TO SL-Senior Class President Wally Teninga,
center, tells Student Legislators that an SL representative to the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics would not be neces-
sary to iron out problems of student concern. At his left is Davej
Frazer, SL treasurer. Cabinet member Jim Jans is on the right.
Teninga Labels Student,
Athletic Voice Adequate,
(Daily City Editor)
The Center for Japanese Studies
will take to the field in February
with the establishment of a re-
search branch in Okayama, Japan.
Prof. Robert B. Hall, center di-
rector, said yesterday that the
project, which is the first of its
kind, already has backing from the
Carnegie Institute, the University
and the Social Research Commis-
sion totalling $230,000.
* * *
Japan will consist of two faculty
members and four graduate stu-
dents, Prof. Hall said.
They will operate from a large
Japanese house and a 20 room
dormitory which has been leased
by the University from the
The field crew will study the en-
tire social structure of several vil-
lages and one city which are lo-
cated on the south end of the is-
land of Honshu, bordering on the
Japanese inland sea.
the researchers will tackle is the
impact of industrial civilization
on the Inland sea area.
Before the industrial era, Japan
had a feudal culture, Prof. Hall
The field branch is the first of
any school which has an "area
study program" to be actually set
up on the spot.
* * *
Oust Farn.
Top Board Given
Broad Powers
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND - Two left wing
unions were kicked out at the CIO
convention yesterday and the
union's executive board was given
sweeping "instructions" to oust
nine or 10 others as the group
moved against its Communist ele-
The United Electrical Workers,
the CIO's third largest, was the
first to be expelled but was soon
followed by the Farm Equipment
Senior class president Wally
Teninga toldsStudentLegislature
last night ,that SL's hoped-for ex
officio seat on the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics is
unnecessary because of the two
students who are now members.
Teninga, one of the members of
the 13-man Board, said that they
are there for the good of the stu-
dents and work to iron out any
problems that might come up.
* * *
THE TWO student members
have an equal say at the meetings
and it listens to their proposals
and recommendations, he said.
The Board discusses every-
thing from the building expan-
sion plan to football program
prices, Teninga added.
He pointed out that approval of
an SL representative on the Board
would have to come from the
Board of Regents.
-.* -* ..3
LEGISLATOR Tom Walsh made
the motion for an SL seat at the
Legislature's last meeting in an
attempt to make a closer liason
between the Board and SL.
"I don't think an SL repre-
sentative is necessary," Teninga
said. 'If there is friction or con-
fusion arising between students
and the Board, it can be ironed
out through the present repre-
Additional business consisted of
a change in J-Hop committee elec-
tion procedure, as a result of a
two-thirds vote by the Legislature.
* *
THE VOTE WAS 33 votes for
the motion, three against and
seven abstinences. Seven mem-
bers were not present at the time
to vote. One approving vote was
made with the right to reconsider;
the measure at a special session of
the Legislature called for 7:30 p.m.
next Wednesday.
.registering for
Jobs to Close
Job registration material mustI
be filled out and returned to the
Bureau of Appointments by 4 p.m.
tomorrow, Dr. T. Luther Purdom,
director of the Bureau, reminded
students yesterday.
A fine of $1.00 must be charged
for any blanks turned in after to-
morrow, Dr. Purdom pointed out.
Fewer than half of the students
have returned their blanks to the
Bureau so far, he said, adding that
all material must be checked be-
fore it is accepted.
Under the new plan, students
would vote for J-Hop candidates
preferentially as they now do
for SL candidates, by marking
their ballots with numbers in-
stead of X's. A number one vote
would count 10 on down to -one
point for a number 10 vote.-
The Legislature also voted toC
drop the idea or organizing a stu-
dent-operated book store for the
sale of new books and supplies for
the present, but will make a con-
tinuing survey of possibilities.
MEANWHILE, SL will investi-
gate the potentialities of setting
Student Legislature last night
passed a motion to underwrite
the last pep rally of the season
the Friday before the Ohio
State game Nov. 19.
An additional motion slipped
.by. the Legislature 23 to 19 to
authorize SL's varsity commit-
tee to raise "up to $75" for the
cost of the rally in the same
way it campaigned to send the
band to Ohio State last year.
The committee will personally
solicit residence halls,-organi-
zations and individuals.
In underwriting the ralliesi
before the Army and Minnesota
games, SL lost $105, and felt
that because of the service to
students and the interest shown
in the rallies, organizations
other than the Legislature
should foot at least part of the
* * *
THE TWO HAD joined
last week in a move not
nized by the CIO.
PROF. ROBERT HALL of the geography depart nent towers above his Japanese companions. Tak-
en last summer on a tour of libraries accessible to Okayama City, location of the University Field
Center for Japanese Studies, the photograph shows the Business Office of the Konkyo Sect in the
background. From left to right; Chief of the Map Division for the Japanese Government, Busi-
ness Manager of Konkyo Shinto Sect, Prof. Hall, vice-governor of Okayama, Chief of Liason for
Okayama prefect and the Konkyo librarian, grandson of a high priest.
OTHER AREA study centers are
located at Columbia, Harvard,
Yale, Indiana, the University of
Pennsylvania and the University
of Minnesota. Programs at these
universities cover China, South
East Asia, India, Scandinavia
and central Europe.
Another Far East study center
is located at the University of
Washington, but it has not es-
tablished such a thorough pro-
gram as yet.
The Center for Japanese Studies
Calls Braves
To W igwa m
* * *
was established here in 1947 as
part of a new approach to the
study of other countries and other
"WORLD WAR II showed that
we didn't know much about for-
eign countries and that our ex-
perts were conrined to limited
fields," Prof. Hall explained.
"To make peace work, wef
must have trained people whoI
* * *
can give accurate information
on other people and their prob-
Prof. Hall secured permission
for the research center from Gen.
Douglas MacArthur last summer
on the condition that the Univer-
sity unit provide all of its own
food and necessities.
THE GROUP will take its own
automobiles, furnaces and supplies
* * *
along with it and food will be
shipped to them.
At present, the center consists
of 30 students, some of whom
have been studying the broad
phases of far eastern culture
such as history, politics, econom-
ics and sociology for nearly
three years.
The purposes of the center, ac-
cording to Prof. Hall are:
To train specialists on Japan.
To expand the 30,000 book Jap-
anese library here.
To carry out and publish re-
search on Japanese culture.
The overseas unit will probably
train some Japanese to take sam-
ples of native opinion, for use in
the study, Prof. Hall added.
Blunt Tito Note
Warns Albania
up a cooperative store for enlarged Listen to this tale of romance,
sale of used books and supplies. Tale of Indian warrior bold -
Chief difficulties are finan- In the early moon of falling
cial, Lcgilator HTugh Green- I leaves
berg expl aed, "but we discov- Came they forth, the stoics
ered that local bookstores do valiant
not make an exorbitant profit Forth they romped to paleface
on new books."
SL lost "approximately" $200 in ! igwam,
sponsoring Tug Week, though it Wigwam one of friendly Great
was favored by students, according Chief,
to Tug Chief Bill Gripman. Paleface might 'mong his kind;
Came he forth to take their token,
SL SOLD "exactly" 1,000 tick- 'Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
ets to the Homecoming Dance, Dashed the screaming, yelling
with a $200 profit, according to redmen;
Dave Pease, chairman of the var- To the tree of Indian legend
sity committee. Where the white men pale and
A motion was passed to enable' trembling
Men's Judiciary Council to workSo u t.a
withPro. Wilia D.Revelli in Stood around the mighty oak,;
with Prof. William D. Warriors choice of paleface nation
approving and controling advertis- Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
ing banners carried at football Down the warriors, painted de-
game halftimes. The Council,
whose authority is "immediately mons,
effective," will approve signs at Swooped and caught their prey
the stadium before the game and like eagles,
will also have police powers to Loud the war cry stirred the
keep unqualified banners off the stillness,'
Indonesia Granted Freedom
As Dutch Give U Control
THE HAGUE-(I)-A United monwealth. But trade, military,
States of Indonesia was carved out foreign relations and cultural
of the wealthy East Indies yester- agreements signed yesterday
day, giving promise of peace and leave her more closely tied to
independence to millions of Asi- the Dutch apron strings than
atics governed by the Dutch since are the dominions to Britain.
1602. The Dutch promised to back
Representatives of the Nether- the nw tat fr membership
lands and of 70,000,000 Indone- the United Nations. It is the
sians, meeting in historic Knightssth ned nation sh
Hall. scratched their signaturestoI sventh -independent nation es-
BELGRADE - (A') - In a note
just short of an ultimatum, Yugo-
slavia last night sternly "caution-
ed" little Albania to live up to its
treaty obligations with Marshal
The "instructions" directed
the executive board "to take ap-
propriate action to protect the
CIO" from members following
the line of "the Communist
Party, any fascist organization
or other totalitarian movement."
Some observers believe, however,
that a few of the nine or 10 unions
threatened by this directive may
be given another chance to get
back into the organization's good
* * *
TO CAPTURE the bulk of the
UE's 375,000 members, the Execu-
tive Board chartered the Interna-
tional Union of Electrical, RNad9
and Machine Workers, in a meet-
ing between convention sessions.
The FE previously was ordered
to merge with the United Auto
Continuing the anti-Commu-
nist drive the convention adopted
a constitutional amendment which
gives the Executive Board power
to expel any of its members who
is judged by that group to be a
Red or a fellow traveler.
THERE WAS little objection to
the expulsion moves on the con-
vention floor. Only about 50 of
the 613 delegates present stood in
opposition when the move was put
to a standing vote.
There was not even any de-
bate on th~e booting of the FE.
While President Walter Reuther
of the UAW was branding the UE
leadership as "morally bankrupt;"
Albert Fitzgerald, president of the
union, charged in New York that
the CIO leaders have "abandoned
unionism in favor of politics."
* * *
IN THE ABSENCE of the UE of-
ficers, ILWU President Harry
Bridges led the fight against the
resolution at the convention.
"There has not been one
charge,"' he declared, "that the
union has not done a job for its
Indiana Mines
Solid Against
bid by John L. Lewis to drive a
wedge between coal mine owners
resisting his demands failed yes-
The Indiana Coal Operators As-
sociation rejected Lewis' invita-
tion for a one-state-only negotiat-
ed settlement of the coal strike in
"THE ISSUES involved are na-
tional in character and cannot be
reconciled to district negotiations,"
Harvey Cartwright, secretary of
the Association, declared at Terre
The 45-day-old strike has
kent 378,000 soft cnal mines'
agreements which extend equal
partnership to the new state in a
tight union with the Dutch.
* * *
QUEEN JULIANA and her suc-
cessors will stand as the symbol off
The Dutch agreed "uncondi-
tionally and irrevocably" to
transfer complete sovereignty to
the young republic not later
than Dec. 30, provided the Dutch
and Indonesian Parliaments
They must vote on the decisions
within six weeks.
DUTCH PRIME Minister Dr.'
Willem Drees, who was one of the.
signers, said he was confident of
Parliamentary ratification by the
necessary two-thirds vote. He
promised Dutch aid to the new
The proposed union gives In-
donesia a position similar to a
dominion in the British- Com-
tablished with a republican form Tito's country.
of self,-government since the war. The note demanded in the most
It was hoped that the emergence abrupt terms that Albania "an-
of the republic will silence the swer this note in the shortest
guns of revolution which have possible time."
stirred the islands since the end It listed a long series of com-
of World War II. Inspired by a plaints against Albania, including
flame forbindependence, Indone- alleged border provocations, frop-
sian republicans have waged spo- tier shootings, persecution of
radic war against Dutch forces for Yugoslav citizens in Albania and
four years. espionage by Albanian agents in
judi Accp The note referred to the fact
Judic Accepts 28 I ta l
I that Albania alone of Russia's
J-HopPetitions satellites has not denounced her
Yugoslav pact of friendship and
Twenty-eight J-Hop Committee alliance.
petitions have ,been accepted by! -________
Men's Judiciary Council, according!
to President Irv Goffman. I w i G
Three petitioners who were dis- Robert Q. Lewis, CBS radio-tv
qualified because of signature dis- personality and former University
crepancies were allowed to re- student, will return to the cam-
petition, he explained. New peti- pus on November 18 to act as mas-
tions must be completed by Sat- ter of ceremonies for Varsity
urday, he added. Night, the annual student variety
Two petitions are still under in- show sponsored by the University
vestigation, he said. bands.
playing field.
"]VIh,.J A d490' hEEA'NEW
As they seized their hapless
Forth they bore them to their
P "' ITFA (L 1 . VW / . There to torture at their pleasure.
Therethey ate around the glowing
By The Associated Press m Heard the words of mighty
NEW YORK-Secretary of State Acheson yesterday proclaimed wisdom,
a campaign to reduce tariffs, simplify customs, and "modernize" other Smoked the pipe of peace and f
laws in a program to expand the opportunities for foreign producers friendship.
to sell their goods in this country. Thus there came to Michigamua:
* * * * Young bucks John Edman, pres-
WASHINGTON-Navy divers WASHINGTON-Former Gov- ident of the Business Administra-
yesterday found the fragments f ernor and Senator Mon C. Woll- tion School senior class and Roger
of the last nine bodies in the Wellington, Daily business man-
_ . .. gren took office yesterday as a
Group To Study Child in Society
nose of the giant passenger plane
in which 55 persons were carried
to their death in the world's
worst airplane crash therday
member of the Federal Power
Commission, replacing Leland
Olds, whose reappointment was
rejected by the Senate.
Classicist advises
Consideration of the child as
part of the family and community
unit, and the responsibilities they
have to him, is the primary work-
ing point of the Michigan Youth
The Youth Commission will
study present day problems of
family life and integrate them
in survey form.
Mrs. Price mentioned that
groundwork has- already been
laid by last year's Governor's
Conference at Lansing on
"Children - Everybody's Busi-
1 1