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November 02, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-02

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Latest Deadline in. the State






Students Split
Over Political
Parties Plan
SL Generally
Opposes Scheme
Campus leaders' opinions on a
proposed political party system for
student elections broke across fra-
ternity-independent lines, with SL
members usually opposing the
plan and most non-members for it
in a Daily poll.
Some of those favoring the plan
claimed it would fix SL members'
responsibility and change the
basis of voting from one of resi-
dence to one of issues.
* * *
the system would pit Greeks
against independents again, thus
destroying work that has helped
bring the two groups together in
recent years.
SL President John Ryder,
'50, opposed the plan, which he
felt would tend to degenerate
into intense blocks of Greeks
and independents.
"In Student Legislature, there
are unavoidable splits, but in gen-
eral the Legislature must be rep-
resentative of the students as a
whole and not of any pressure
groups'," he declared.
* * *
Nesbitt, '50, opposed the party sys-
* tem as a means of splitting pros
and cons over issues, but favored it
on dividing on two different posi-
tive approaches on work projects.
And the group that won in elec-
. _ tion. would have SL support to
work on a projectin its own way,
he added.
Jake Jacobson, '50, president
of IFC, favored the party sys-
tem. He is not in SL. Disagree-
ing with him was Dick Morrison,
'50, IFC vice-president, one of
the few non-SL members to op-
pose the plan.
Morrison went along with the
views of AIM President Walt Han-
sen, '50, an SL member.
Jacobson said, "It's a very excel-
lent idea. But we must get strong
leaders representing significant is-
"AND I THINK there are plen-
ty of significant issues in this elec-
tion," he added.
Morrison refused to favor a
party system without "some as-
surance that it wouldn't degen-
erate into voting on basis of
"I don't think there are enough
major issues on this campus to
warrant a party systemi based on
them," he declared.
Hansen agreed. "There aren't
enough significant issues to allow
parties to have legitimate differ-
ences," he said.
* * *
ADELE HAGER, '51, one of SL's
representatives to the Student Af-
fairs Committee, was also against
a party system, and agreed with
Ryder that such a system would
fall into a Greek-independent
The students almost as a
whole agree on big campus is-
sues, such as discrimination, she
"Voters should judge individual
candidates by their merits: open
mindedness, clear thinking, inter-

est and sincerity, and not by their
' party," she added.
Dave Frazer, '51, SL treasurer,
was the only legislator to favor the
plan over present procedures.
But the problem of the party
system is how to make it work ef-
ficiently, he said.
Exp losion Rips
Postal Building
explosion ripped the top floors of
the Post Office Department build-

Sherman Named
o HeadNavy
'Compromise Expert' Named As
New Chief of Naval Operations
WASHINGTON-(P)-Vice Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, known
as a trouble-shooting "compromise expert," was named yesterday to
succeed Admiral Louis Denfeld as Chief of Naval Operations in the
row over national defense.
The White House said President Truman will give Sherman his
commission as the Navy's No. 1 admiral tomorrow.
THE PROMOTION jumps Sherman over .the heads of nine other
admirals who rank him in seniority, including four who have full
four-star status. Sherman, 53. a native of Merrimack, N.H., rates
three stars at present.
The new uniformed chief of the Navy was graduated from
the U.S. Naval Academy in 1917. He was second man in his class
* * * > of 203 midshipmen. During

World War II; he commanded
the carrier Wasp which was
sunk in the Solomon Islands
battle in the Pacific in Septem-
ber, 1942. He was the last man
to leave the big flat-top before
it sank under Japanese bombs
and shell fire.
Sherman had been rated the
top prospect in Pentagon specu-
lation ever since Denfeld was
ousted by Mr. Truman, on Secre-
tary Matthews' recommendation,
last Thursday. The removal of
Denfeld followed his outspoken
criticism of top defense policies
which he aired in testimony be-
fore the House armed services
AMONG OTHER things, Den-
feld charged that under the uni-
fied defense setup - particularly
under the increased powers given
to the civilian Secretary of De-
_nse by Congress-the Navy was.
being cut down to a mere "con-
voy and anti-submarine service."
Recalled to Washington over
the weekend, Sherman flew
home on a 5,000-trip from his
post as commander of the U.S.
6th task force in the Mediter-
The comparatively youthful new
Naval chief-he just turned 53 on
Oct. 30-won his reputation as a
compromiser in 1946 at a time
when large sections of the Navy
were opposing passage of a law to
unify the armed services.

Two Planes
Collide; 55
Persons Die
Disaster Occurs
Over Washington
WASHINGTON-(/P)-While an
airport radio man frantically tried
to keep them apart, a giant pas-
senger plane and a Bolivian fight-
er rammed together today killing
55 persons in the worst airplane
disaster in history.
There was only one survivor,
and he was badly injured.
He is Erick Rios Bridoux, 28, di-
rector of the Bolivian air force
and pilot of the fighter plane.
* * *
ALL 51 PASSENGERS and four
crew members of the Eastern Air
Lines DC4-bound from Boston to
New Orleans-are presumed to
have perished in the crash, al-
though only about half the bodies
have been recovered.
A Congressman, a former Con-
gressman, a well known cartoonist
and other notables were on the
The crash occurred about 300
feet in the air as the fighter and
the airliner tried to land at
Washington's busy National
Airport at the same time.
Glen D. Tigner, traffic control-
ler at the airport, said the radio
man made urgent attempts to get
the Bolivian plane to turn aside.
But this failed.
to get the big airliner to swerve.
This came too late.
The two aircraft hit, and the big
plane plunged into the bank of
the Potomac River spewing bodies
into the water as well as on to the
land. The fighter plane hit the
Among those aboard the air-
liner were:
Rep. George J. Bates Rep.,
Mass.), 58, serving his seventh
term as a member of Congress.
Helen Hokinson, whose cartoons
of plump club women have de-
lighted readers of "The New York-
er" magazine.
Michael J. Kennedy, 52, former
Tammany Hall leader and a mem-
ber of Congress for two terms.

-Daily-Wally Barth
HALF PINT ORATOR-Irving Steinhardt, Grad., confidently
sums up his evidence against Tyler House during the two-hour
trial which resulted in a 50-glass-of-milk decision against the East
Quadrangle dormitory.

. . . new Navy chief
No Limit Set
On Expense In
SL Campaign
Meeting To Explain
All Campaign Rules
Student Legislature candidates,
will have an open road to election
as far as campaign expenditures
are concerned.
The Legislature, after consid-
ering the problem of limiting ex-
penditures, found that enforcing
any rule would be impractical, so
it dropped the matter.
* * *
BUT SL's citizenship committee,
which is handling elections, put
an "unofficial" limit of $20 on
campaigning funds, at the first
candidates' meeting yesterday.
Committee members' views to
the limit favored partial en-
forcement of the rule because
in the past most campaigning
has not cost more than $20.
General reaction to the deci-
sion by candidates was the wish
they had $20 to spare for expen-
But in case of obvious display
of wealth, the committee warned,
the campaigner will be dealt with
explained at the meeting: No cam-
paign material is to be posted on
campus buildings other than resi-
dences, trees or lamp posts.
No penalty has been set up by
the University for infraction of
the rule, but violators will be
given "unfavorable publicity"
until they remove their signs.
A city ordinance also prohibits
campaign material in the same
places, and provides for strict
If a candidate fails to muster
25 first-place votes in the elec-
tion, he must pay "up to" $5 to
the Legislature.

Oust UEW, Farm
Machinery Union
CLEVELAND-(A)-The CIO convention's resolution committee
last night voted to expel the leftist-led United Electrical Workers
and the United Farm Equipment Workers.
The committee left for later action the fate of nine or 10 other
unions headed by leaders the CIO right-wing majority accuses of
pro-Communist sympathies.
* * * * .
THE UE IS THE CIO's third largest affiliate and claims 450,000
members but pays per capita on only 375,000. The Farm Equipment
Workers have about 20,000.
It also was announced that the CIO will charter a right-wing
group within the UE to organize a separate union.
The committee's recommenda-T * *

Plaintiff Gets Mill
In Bovine Bounty
Irv Steinhardt's idea for Tyler A lesser man
House's Homecoming display has discouraged bu
finally paid off-to the tune of 50
glasses of milk. known for his
But it wasn't until after a brought suit for
drawn-out legal action, climaxed against Tyler H
by a two-hour court battle last extra 70 glasses
night, that he could rightfully call Deciding to r
the milk his own. case, the Tyler
It all started several weeks ago which ordinari
wh'en the Tyler House Council an- cases orni
nounced that 50 glasses of milk ases concernio
would be awarded to the person hight-little k
who could supply the best idea for ahead.
the house Homecoming display. *
* * * . ACTING AS
STEINHARDT, a former resi- Steinhardt intr
dent of Tyler House, submitted an ing evidence to
idea which emphasized the "beer" for damages:n(
in Bernie Bierman and the Coun- ers taken in
cil (for the want of better plans) waist, (2) a bel
accepted it. dneo ai
But when Steinhardt returned to of havin
Tyler to collect his hard-earned larger waistlio
milk, he was met by cold stares nail--all to s
and, as he phrases it "more bull wasted downt
than cow." nizable shadow
The Tyler Council asserted due to the lack
that, among other things, the After some R
contest had not been "officially" tween Steinh
approved and that Steinhardt, O'Hern, couns e
no longer a Tyler resident, was it was determi
not eligible for the prize. was, actuallyv

y Win
n would have been
it Steinhardt, long
guzzling capacity,
r 120 glasses of milk
House, claiming the
s in damages.
ule on Steinhardt's
Judiciary Council,
ly disputes serious
g disputes and dis-
)n, held court last
knowi g w at lay
* *
HIS own counsel,
roduced the follow-
support his claims
1) a pair of trous-
four inches at the
t which showed evi-
g encircled a much
to at one time anid'
sely-chewed finger-
show that he had
to a hardly-recog-
of his former self
of milk.
egal wrangling be-
ardt and William
el for Tyler House,
ned that Steinhardt
in the courtroom,
rial to proceed.
of his 120 glasses
e paid somehow at
time - Steinhardt
e would carry the
udder" 70 to high-
think that this was
l," he asserted, "be-
t just skimmed over
ft the courtroom, it
;hat Irv Steinhardt
on me," he beamed.

tion on the UE and FE expulsion
will be submitted to the conven-
tion today and is expected to re-
ceive thumping approval from the
right wing majority.
of torrid oratory, voted to bar
Communists from the policy mak-
ing executive board.
Today, delegates will act on
other changes in the CIO consti-
tution, permitting the board to
expel unions led by Communist
The resolutions committee,
headed by the United Auto
Workers' chief, Walter P. Reu-
ther, held a special meeting last
night to deal with the UE and
All 12 leftist unions are threat-
ened with ouster, but the Reu-
ther committee action makes the'
UE and FE the first to walk the
The UE took the initiative ear-
lier in the day by pulling its dele-
gates from, the convention floor
and announcing it would withhold
future per capita taxes to the CIO.
This was tantamount to quitting
the CIO.
* * *
Philip Murray, Walter Reuther,
Emil Rieve, Joseph Curran and
Michael Quill to the rostrum to
plead for the anti-Communist pro-
Longshoreman president
Harry Bridges led the opposition
and was singled 'out as a special
target by most of the high-
ranking rightwingers.
Murray, CI president, said he
had "failed miserably" to get a
pledge from left-wing leaders to
follow CIO policy. He referred to
the "brazen, hypocritical attitude
of the imposters."
Reuther, CIO United Auto
Workers president, put the issue of
ousting the left-wing unions this
"IT IS A QUESTION of saving
the body or the cancer. The noisy
minority thinks we ought to save
the cancer and throw away the
Reuther referred to the left-
wingers as "the phony left-the
corrupted left-the morally de-
generate left."
President Curran of the National
Maritime Union brought a thun-
derous ovation with this challenge
to the unions whose leaders have
showed pro-Communist leanings:
"If you're going to get the good
and the prestige that goes with
carrying the mantel of a demo-
cratic organization like the CIO
then by God carry out its pro-

Garg;' Peddles Anti-Marxian
Literature to Russian Peasants

Students Cani
Strike, CIO
Off idalSays
(Special to The Daily)
CLEVELAND - Students and
teachers have the right to strike
for their own rights, according to
Abram Flaxer, of the public work-
ers union, who is attending the
CIO constitutional convention here
this week.
Flaxer declared that teachers
should be able to strike for higher
pay rates if they can't get them
any other way.
"STUDENTS too should be able.!
to express their views on matters
of civil liberties if they feel that
their rights are infringed," he said.
Flaxer flounted certain state
laws which restrict public work-
ers, including teachers, and keep
them from striking. Gho h-O
such a law.
"These restrictions discriminate
against the individual's basic right
to job security." Flaxer's union is
one of 11 endangered by the CO
amendment passed yesterday
which allows the executive board
to eliminate left wing unions that
do not follow CIO general policy.
The amendment is aimed at Com-
munist dominated groups.
Speculation arose that the Com-
munist-led unions may leave the
CIO to form their own organiza-
tion before any executive action
forces them to leave.
"All unions will take steps nec-
essary to preserve their own or-
ganization," Flaxer pointed out.
Gov. WiliamS
Clreates Youthl..'
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Governor Williams
yesterday created a Michigan
Youth Commission.
Its duties will include a study of
modern day problems involving
family life and preparation for
Michigan's part in the mid-cen-
tury White House conference on
children and youth which will be
called by President Truman In
* * *
garet Price of Ann Arbor to be
chairman of the commission.
Prominent in Y.W.C.A. and local
charitable work, Mrs. Price was
the defeated Democratic candidate
for Auditor General last year.
Williams previously had appoint-
ed her to the Mackinaw Island
State Park Commission.
Members of the committee In-
clude Clarice Freud of Detroit,
University extension service pro-
fessor, along with many other
leaders in educational and civic
Gov. Williams said three stu-
dents representing Hope Colle,
the University of Detroit, and this
University will be announced
Walter P. Reuther, President of
the UAW-CIO, and Dean Kather-
ine E. Faville of Wayne Univer-
sity's College of Nursing, are na-
tional members of the mid-cen-


International tension mounted
today as the devastating havoc
being wrought in Russia by an al-
lusive Gargoyle in spotless evening
clothes continued.
The Gargoyle, peddling maga-
zines bearing his name at 25
rubles per copy, is making his
way across Russia, apparently
bound for the port of Murmansk.
* *.*
A SEDITIOUS rumor has it that
copies of this same "Gargoyle"
will hit the University campus to-
According to Igor P. Blatzno-
vov, eminent Russian bureau-
crat, "forged iron rails, factories,
the earth itself blows away as
this Gargoyle passes."
"The magazines this demon un-
loads upon the unsuspecting pea-

sant population have caused wide-
spread demoralization," he con-
"No one," Blatznovov said, "who
has read a copy of the Gargoyle
has yet recovered his equilibrium
or health."
Discounting the rumor that the
Gargoyle would be on campus to-
day, Blatznovov revealed that "the
Politboro suspects the Gargoyle is
a United States robot placed in
Russia for sabotage purposes de-
spite the attempts of the NKVD
to stop him."
Meanwhile, Brain Duff, '50, Gar-
goyle editor, blandly announced
that the student magazine of wit
and wisdom would go on sale to-
day as scheduled.
"Gargoyle hasn't failed us yet,"
he said.

Teniiga To Speak
at SL Meeting
Wally Teninga, student member
of the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics, will explain
to Student Legislature's meeting
tonight the duties of a student
member of the Board and his re-
sponsibilities to the student body.
Teninga will answer any ques-
tions and tell of his own experi-
ences as a member at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union.

enabling the t
Awarded 50
of milk-to b
some future t
vowed that he
fight for the "
er courts.
"I still don't
a Grade A trial
cause the court
the evidence."
But as he lef
was obvious ti
was happy.
"Drinks arec


Johnstone Discusses Student Aid Problems

* * *

Aid to Chinese .

Fnlbright Awards . ..

Chinese students at the Univer-
sity need no longer be plagued by
money worries-four million U.S.
dollars stand behind their schol-
astic efforts.
William C. Johnstone, Jr., di-
rector of the State Department's
Office of Educational Exchange,

ments for the grants will receive
tuition and maintenance allow-
ances as soon as their applications '
are received," he said.'
* * * *...*.
They will also be given expense
money for the return trip to{
China-when that is possible. Theh
Communist conquest of China cut

Winners of Fulbright awards
must be unofficial ambassadors of
the United States as well as schol-
ars, William C. Johnstone, Jr.,
said yesterday.
Johnstone, who directs Ameri-
ca's role in the exchange of
"knowledge, ideas and people"
with foreign countries, conferred
with University officials at a Un-

University applications are due
Dec. 1 at the Rackham Building.
Scholarships are offered to the
United Kingdom, France, Luxem-
bourg, Belgium and Italy, among
other countries.
Besides fulfilling academic and
language requirements, Johnstone
said that students seeking the
awards must propose study proj-

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