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September 21, 1949 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1949-09-21

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WE>NESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1949





Cage Season a Success Even Though Squa

d Tird

Natators Sink to

Third in


'Big One' Won for McCoy

Lowest Finish for Mermen Since


Swimming coach Matt Mann
experienced his worst season in
twenty-four years as a Michigan
coach last spring when his charges
slipped to third in both the Big
Ten and NCAA swimming meets.
There probably isn't another
coach in the country who wouldn't
settle for a comparable record
every year, but Mann has long
been in a class by himself as a
swimming tutor.
* * *
SINCE COMING to Michigan
;in 1925 his teams have won 16
Western Conference champion-
ships and 13 national titles. Only
twice had a Mann-coached team
dropped below second in either
meet until last season when Ohio
State's divers and Iowa's well-
balanced team combined to give
them their pair of thirds.
Despite their relatively poor
showing the Wolverines chalk-
ed up six dual meet wins, in-
cluding a thrilling 45-39 tri-
umph over Ohio State's nation-
al champions-to-be, before Iowa
halted them 46-34 in the final
dual meet of the season aided
by the disqualification of Michi-
gan's winning 400-yd. free style
relay team for jumping the gun.
The Wolverine's six and one
record gave them an overall re-
cord of 176 wins, 20, losses and
three ties since Mann has been
at the helm.
THE VETERAN swimming men-
tor, who has developed more
Olympic swimmers than any other
coach, had another one on last
year's squad in the person of co-
captain Bob Sohl, a third place
finisher in the Olympic breast
stroke. Sohl who holds the var-
sity record inrthe 200-yd. breast
stroke and for a short time was
the world record holder in the
100-yd. event went into an inex-
plicable slump last season but was
still able to take a third in the
Big Ten meet and a sixth in the
Real standout of last year's
squad was Dick Weinberg, na-
tional and Western Conference
champion in the 50-yd. free style
and runner up in the 100-yd.
sprint. Weinberg, who in 19471
won national championships in
both the 50 and 100-yd. free

ener are expected to add
strength to those events.
* * *

Facilities for 35 Sports
Available in IM- Program


. . . national champ
* * *
style dashes was in the best
shape of his career as he raced
to new Michigan records in his
two pet events and then posted
the third best time ever re-
corded in the NCAA 100-yd.
He was defeated only once in
dual meet competition (on a dis-
puted decision) and his victories
included an upset win over his
old nemesis, Wally Ris, Iowa's
Olympic champion.
* * *
WEINBERG and Sohl, will be
gone from next year's squad along
with diver Ralph Trimborn, dash
star Bill Kogen and distance man
Johnny McCarthy but the Wol-
verines' chances of regaining their
Big Ten and national crowns from
Ohio State are extremely bright.
Captain Matt Mann III who
is likely to blossom forth as the
outstanding distance swimmer
in the country now that Bill
Smith has finally said his good-
byes at Ohio State and Bill
Heusner has done likewise at
Northwestern, heads a powerful
aggregation of returning letter-
men and promising freshmen.
Gus Stager, another outstanding
distance man, will team up with
Mann to give the Wolverines what
could be the most potent one-two
punch in college competition and
juniors Bob Byberg and Bob Weg-

VERSATILE Charlie Moss who
starred in both the free style dash-
es and the breast stroke is ex-
pected to confine his talents to the
dashes and the individual medley
events which will be a part of all
dual meets this winter.
Moss will be aided by veter-
ans Dave Tittle and Tom Coates
in the dashes while Byberg and
Bill Upthegrove will probably
share starting duties in the med-
In an effort to lessen the weight
of the two diving events in de-
ciding Conference and national
meets, two new races, the 100-yd.
breast stroke and back stroke, have
been added to next season's cham-
pionship meets, and herein lies
Michigan's hopes for added cham-
pionship honors.
* * *
for bear in the breast stroke des-
pite the loss of Sohl. Bill Upthe-
grove, who has displayed a ten-
dency to weaken in the late stages
of the 200-yd. event can match
strokes with the best of them at
the shorter distance, and Bill Aus-
tin is about in Upthegrove's class.
Two sterling sophomores are
expected to carry the Wolverine
colors in the 200-yd. race, and
both of them have already
equalled Sohl's best times as a
freshman. They are John Dav-
ies, a big Australian who finish-
ed fourth in the 1948 Olympic
Games and who, has display-
ed marked improvement under
Mann's tutelage and Stew El-
liott, who answers to the name
of Big Stoop. These two men
were easily the most impressive
members of the 1948-49 fresh-
man squad.
Bernie Kahn who was improv-
ing rapidly at the close of the last
season is expected to once again
be thenumber one backstroker
but he will have some tough com-
petition from Dick Howell another
promising member of last season's
freshman squad.
GEORGE EYSTER will inherit
the No. 1 diving post from the
graduated Ralph Trimborn and
Mann is looking forward to great
(Continued on Page 8)

Michigan's extensive intramural
program, which includes team and
individual competition in thirty-
five different sports, plays a large
role in the life of the average male
Under the direction of a well-
trained staff, this intramural pro-
gram is as varied as that at any
other school in the country.
* * *
ACTIVITIES on the program
include archery, badminton, base-
ball, basketball, bowling, boxing,
codeball, cross country, fencing,
football, golf, gymnastics, hand-
ball, horseshoes, ice hockey, la-
crosse, paddleball, rifle shooting,
soccer, softball, squash, swimming,
tennis, track, volleyball, water
polo, weight lifting, and wrestling.
Undergraduate competition
takes place within six main di-
visions - all - campus, residence
hall, professional fraternity, fra-
ternity, independent, and inter-
national. There is also a faculty
Headquarters of all Michigan in-
tramural activity is the well-equip-
ped Intramural Sports Building.
Modern in all of its details, the
building is located a short dis-
tance from the center of the cam-
* * * *
THIS BUILDING is ordinarily
open for activities from 8 a.m. to
6 p.m. daily; however, during the
late fall and early winter, it stays
open for use until 10 p.m. Here
may be found a beautiful tiled
swimming pool, four regulation-
size basketball courts, as well as a
host of other fine athletic facili-
One of the highlights of the
I-M year is the annual I-M Open
Whether they are flat, round or
square for a Collegiate hair
style at
Liberty near State

House. Since its modest begin-
ning in 1928, it has grown and
grown in popularity. Now, al-
most 5000 students and towns-
people attend every year, and
watch 500 athletes engage in a
variety of 22 sports. It is on this
night that most of the spring
all-campus championship events
are held.
Although a paid staff keeps the
I-M program functioning, students
bear a large part of the responsi-
bility for it. Student referees and
umpires officiate at all intramural
contests, and a staff of volunteer
student managers handles many
of the administrative details.
* * *
awarded to all who take part in
I-M athletics. By earning a suf-
ficient number of points, a stu-
dent becomes eligible to receive
an intramural monogram. These
monograms are awarded each year
to the two hundred highest rank-
ing all-year point winners on cam-
The Michigan Daily annually
awards a trophy to the individ-
ual picked as the All Around I-M
Athlete of the year. His name
and home town are painted on a
plaque which hangs in the lobby
of the Sports Building. A past
winner of this coveted honor
was grid star Tommy Harmon.
Yes, Michigan not only produces
the best varsity athletes in the
United States; it also tries to pro-
duce intramural athletes of the
same tip-top caliber.

Sports Co-Editor
Michigan's 1948-49 basketball
season was a rousing success, but
don't look in the record books for
The Wolverines placed third in
the Conference last year, which is
nothing to complain about after
two decades of finishing in the
second division but it still was a
letdown after having finished first
the season before.
* * *
THE OVERALL record of 15
wins and six losses was almost as
good as the first place Maize and
Blue team had piled up-exhibit-
ing just one less win.
This could be sufficient reason
for calling the season satisfac-
tory, but isn't any indication of
great success.
The success story lies in the last
win, the fifteenth one, the one
that turned the season from a dis-
appointing debut for head coach
Ernie McCoy to one of jubilation
and a feeling that a job had been
well done.
* * *
THE GAME was played against
Illinois in Yost Field House and
was the last of the Conference
season. There were no titles or
championships at stake. They had
been decided the Saturday before
when contending Minnesota had
lost to Wisconsin making Illinois
the undisputed champion.
So when Michigan took the
floor against the Illini early last
March it seemed to be simply
another contest. The Gold and
Blue had won ten and lost only
once in the Big Nine season and
were odds-on favorites to make
their record read 11-1, especially
since the Wolverines had drop-
ped their last two starts.
But at the end of 40 minutes of
red hot basketball Michigan had
given Illinois its worst defeat of
the season, a 70-53 pasting.
*I * *


or less of a utility man on the
team but a very handy man to
have around, rounds out the list of
returning lettermen who saw much
action last season.
BILL DOYLE, Chuck Murray,
Bob Olson, Les Popp, and Irv Wis-
niewski will be back from last
year's squad and will provide
coach McCoy with a good nucleus
to build this year's team around.
Whether or not they can ex-
hibit the same spirit and deter-
mination as this year's crew will
only be told as the season pro-
Michigan basketball fans could
be in store for a type of play quite
foreign to Maize and Blue teams
of the past two or three years.
** *
season Coach McCoy stuck to the
conservative, possession type of
ball his predecessor had won the
title with a year before. When the
chances of recapturing the crown
had faded however, he began to
experiment with the fast-break
and race-horse style of play.
In the second Purdue game
and also against Illinois, this
different type of play won for
Michigan. Mack Suprunowicz
looked particularly good playing
the faster game and if the other
material fits this pattern the
Wolverines are very likely to
switch to that brand of ball
Whatever system Michigan does
use this season, if the 1949-50
squad plays for McCoy the way
last year's did - with heart, and
drive, and a will to do the best
possible-the season will be an-
other rousing success.
DO YOU KNOW... that the
individual record for the great-
est number of points scored in
one basketball game for Michi-
gan is held by Mack Supruno-
wicz. He netted 28 against Pur-
due last February.

. . . cage captain
* * *
was a bedlam. The back slapping
was ferocious, the shower room
resounded with whoops of victory;
the boys had won the "big one"
for Ernie.
For five members of this
squad, four of them starters, it
was their last game. Mack Su-
prunowicz, who will be playing
his fourth year of basketball for
Michigan and captaining the
squad, is one of the holdovers
and will be one of the key men
in Ernie McCoy's second season
as coach of the Wolverine cag-
Leo VanderKuy, who as a soph-
omore stepped into the shoes of
the injured Bill Roberts, will be
back to hold down the center spot

THE WINNERS' locker room again. Hal "Lefty" Morrill, more

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