PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUN'DAY, OCTOflED 20, 1949 ROLLING STONES ... by Harold Jackson Skirting Kempthorn --- TAKING ADVANTAGE of the absence from Ann Arbor this week-end of Mr. Dick Kempthorn, that most formidable of line- backers, we'd like to relate the story of how Mr. Kempthorn joined SPHINX-without bloodshed. Be it known that SPHINX is a Junior men's honorary society chosen from the campus' leading athletes, activities men, Daily Editors, IFC and AIM officials etc., enrolled in lit school. Be it also known that candidates are informed of their selection by being dragged from bed in the middle of the night, hauled out into the front yard and rolled on the lawn under a shower of beer. "Tapping," as this process of notification is known, was going exceedingly well when the truck full of SPHINX drew up in front of Mr. Kempthorn's home last fall. Fifteen men raced up the front steps and stopped abruptly before the door. Across the minds of each flashed that section of the Rose Bowl movies where Kempthorn took out three men with a single block. The SPHINX huddled on the porch and decided to alter their procedure in this spe- cial case. The smallest member was chosen as a delegate and sent upstairs. The smallest member awoke Kempthorn carefully and asked in a polite voice if the fullback would mind coming down- stairs, rolling on the lawn and having beer poured on him. Kempthorn being most agreeable, the "tapping" ceremony went off smoothly. And 15 much relieved SPHINX climbed back in the truck and rolled away-delighted to have Kempthorn in the bonds and equally delighted that no broken heads had been incurred while bringing him in. * * * A Helping Thirst . . NOEL MELVIN, that famed alumnus of Williams College now studying ipso factos in the law school, was most warmly welcomed at a recent party-he was lugging a large bottle of Scotch. "Bones," as he is better known, complained that he didn't really like the booze, but purchasing it was his contribution to inter- national economics because: "I'm helping bridge the dollar gap to England." * * * Long Range View ... ONE OF THE University's leading history Oprofessors this week uncorked the follow- ing dram of logic for his class: "The main reason I never became a Com- munist is because the Communists might some day take over the country, and since C1mnunistj always kill more of their own members than outsiders, I'd die faster as a Red than as a conservative." Whatta Brain ... AND BACK TO the football theme to prove once again that we have some women here who definitely make up in looks what they lack in brains. A first string guard on the team caUd a coed and asked for a date for Home- coming. She said she'd be very happy to' go to-the party with him, but there was one hitch: "I have to go home in the afternoon so I won't be able to sit with you at the game." Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ROMA LIPSKY Eghty-First NLY A REMARKABLY inept Congress like the Eightieth, or an unusually fruit- ful one, like the Seventy-Third, can expect to figure as an entity in a political campaign. The Eighty-First, judging from its first ses- sion, is neither of these ...{ It delivered none of the promised civil-1 liberties legislation, no public-health law,j no modification of Taft-Hartley, and no1 federal aid to education. In its favor, on the other hand, are an increased minimum wage, a public-housing law, extension of rent control, increased storage facilities for crops, a start toward reorganization of the executive branch of the government,j and a foreign policy that is at least co- herent. Its investigating committees were considerably more responsible than those of the Eightieth Congress ... If civil liberties, permanent farm legisla- tion, and Taft-Hartley haunt the Republi- cans in next year's Congressional campaign, they will have only themselves and their Dixiecrat allies to thank. -The Nation WAR HATH no fury like a non-combatant. -C. E. Montague, in "Disenchantment" MATTER OF FACT: The Governors Roosevelt: A 1952 Parlay Halloween In Europe DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WTASHINGTON-Although racing bettors who fancy Greentree or Calumet Farms sometimes put their money on two horses of the same stable, a parlay on two members of the same family, for the governorships of two of the largest states in the union, is certainly a novel phenomenon in American politics. None the less, such a parlay is now entirely possible, on James Roosevelt for governor of California and Franklin De- lano Roosevelt Jr. for governor of New York. It must be added that the amount of pleasure this gives to the Truman Admin- istration is so small as to be practically non- discernible. * * * TO GET THE extreme long shot out of the- way first, young Franklin Roosevelt would hardly be a possibility for the New York governorship, if he were anyone else, or if the Democratic Party in New York contained many more mature contenders. In fact, however, he is who he is; he has established himself in national politics with his brilliant Congressional campaign; and he has such powerful backers as the astute Ed Flynn of the Bronx. No one who has watched young Roose- velt's energetic and sanguine approach to public life can doubt that he will seek the New York nomination if he has much' chance to get it. Furthermore, he is likely to make a pretty good try at it. In his early thirties, Franklin Roosevelt is so perfected a politician that he senses the vote-getting possibilities of any situa- tion completely instinctively, as the old sailing-ship masters sensed the set of their sails from the mere sound of the wind in the rigging. Aside from Mayor O'Dwyer, his only strong rival in New York is Mayor Erastus Corning of Albany, another young, able and entirely upright man, who how- ever suffers the severe handicap of belonging to the O'Connell organization. Thus one can say that a Roosevelt in the New York governorship race next year is a long-shot bet at least. * * * AS FOR A ROOSEVELT in the fight for the California governorship, this is a grim probability which the White House has already reluctantly faced. Life with an invidious comparison is never agreeable, and President Truman long ago lost whatever sentiment he may once have had about his predecessor. It is a drawback in the Truman White House, nowadays, to be a holdover from the Roosevelt regime. James Roosevelt, moreover, continued to beat the Eisenhower drum right into the Philadelphia convention, which Frank- lin Roosevelt Jr. did not. In addition, James Roosevelt's chief enemies in the California Democratic organization are the President's best friends in the state, the loudly loyal amateur cowboy, George Luckey, and that usefully prosperous oil man, Ed Pauley. Yet the President has swallowed his distaste for James Roosevelt. He has mastered his af- fection for his friends. And he has recog- nized the young man he so much dislikes as the probable gubernatorial nominee in California. The deed was done on the shrewd advice of the new chairman of the Democratic Na- tional Committee, William Boyle, who is doing a thoroughly professional job pulling together the Democratic organizations in a good many states. The act of recognition was then performed by Boyle at the rally of West Coast Democrats two or three weeks ago. Luckey was so angry that he walked out on the party. According to reports in Washington, the already weak stop-Roose- velt forces thus received a blow from which they will not recover. In short, as far as California is concerned, the President seems to have given up. * * * THESE FACTS are remarkably significant not to say entertaining, from several different angles. They emphasize the sur- viving magic of the Roosevelt name, which is a good joke on the Roosevelt haters. They hold out a future possibility of two Roosevelts running simultaneously for very high office, which will be a good joke on) President Truman. Above all, the President's action in Cali- fornia also emphasizes the likelihood that Truman is a candidate to succeed himself. For he is not a man who forgets friends or makes up with enemies without some power. ful ulterior motive, such as the prevention of another California rebellion in the 1952 convention. etteA'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITHDrenw PEAReSON WASHINGTON-U.Sl diplomats are wor- ried over the probability that the United States and England, long partners in foreign affairs, will split sharply soon over admitting Communist China to the all-important Se- curity Council of the United Nations.n, This would be the first big break in the Anglo-American partnership since the United States started sending arms to England before Pearl Harbor. However, the British Foreign Office al- ready has notified the State Department that Bitain will recognize the Chinese Communist government sometime in No- vember. Recognition is induced by pressure to save Hongkong and to protect the far- flung British investments throughout China. After British recognition, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Siam will follow suit. This means that before Christmas, the Chinese Communists will demand their seat in the Security Council. This seat is a permanent one. China is one of five nations entitled to sit indefinitely on the Security Council with the right of veto. If and when the Chinese Communists apply for admission, England and India, now on the Security Council, will support her against the United States. This in turn will mean that for the first time in history, the United States may have to use the veto power if it wants to bar the Chinese Communists. State Department advisers are thus caught between the certain howls of Foreign Min- ister Vishinsky against U.S. obstructionism, and the political anguish of the professional Chiang Kai-Shek lovers and Republicans in Congress. As between Republican howls and those from Vishinsky-with its effect on the rest of the world-the State Department is inclined to figure that Republican anguish will be easier to take. CAPITAL NEWS CAPSULES ARCTIC DEFENSES-The administration has put itself in a paradoxical position re- Welfare State A FEDERATION of all humanity, together with a sufficient measure of social justice to ensure health, education, and a rough equality of opportunity, would mean such a release and increase of human energy as to open a new phase in human history. -H. G. Wells, in "The Outline of History" garding defense in the strategically import- ant Arctic. While President Truman is threatening to tie up $809,000,000 for Alas- kan aircraft, Secretary of the Navy Matthews has ordered Navy shipyards to rush work on construction of specially designed radar picket ships. These ships, both submarines and patrol craft, will be stationed in the arctic to guard against foreign airplanes which might cross the North Pole headed for the U.S.A. . . . The $800,000,000 for Alaskan airplanes was added to the budget by Congress over the administration's head. However, the President has promised to talk it over with Secretary of the Air Force Symington, before refusing to spend the money. . * "POINT FOUR" PROGRAM-Sir Leslie Rowan, little known but highly powerful figure in the British Treasury, will arrive in Washington, November 8, to begin work- ing out a long-range Anglo-American plan to spread billions in American investments abroad under the so-called "point four" program. Rowan will work with Treasury and State Department officials in charting this next long-range economic aid to the Allies to be presented to Congress when it reconvenes in January. (copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) New Books at the Library ... Asch, Sholem, Mary, New York, G.P. Puts nam's, 1949. Caldwell, Taylor, Let Love Come Last, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1949. Guthrie, Alfred B. Jr., The Way West, New York, William Sloane Associates, 1949. Moore, John C., The Blue Field, New York, Whittlesey House, 1949. Morehouse, Ward, Matinee Tomorrow, New York, Whittlesey House, 1949. Rogers, Will, The Autobiography of Will Rogers, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1949. Indifferent IT HAS OFTEN been remarked that the breakfast tables of people who avow themselves indifferent to what the Press may say of them, are garnished by all the news- papers on the morning when there is any- thing to say. -John Galsworthy, in "The Silver Spoon" To the Editor: - S AN ALUMNUS of this Uni- versity I would like to have the privilege of replying to theC two articles by William E. Bohn on the trial of the Communist leaders, and thereby help dispelY some of the, myths spread by him.L MYTH NO. 1: "The trial . . - was obviously fair." No statement could be furtherf from the truth . . . Even if the members of the jury had beenf democratically chosen, a fair trial would still have been impossible today . .. How many members of1 an ordinary jury would be willing to risk the most unfavorable pub- licity, Congressional and FBI in- vestigations, social ostracism, and possible loss of job by renderingr a "not guilty" verdict? So, regard-1 less of the method of jury selec- tion, the objective conditions in America today made a fair trial impossible. MYTH NO. 2: "Judge Harold R. Medina was painstakingly careful." if by "careful" Mr. Bohn means: unprejudiced, he is again veryJ wrong . . . One of many possibleI examples will suffice to bring outI this point. Perhaps the most blatant dis- play of Medina's unjudicialdcon- duct was exhibited by his denial of bail to the defendants pending appeal of the decision. Is there any wonder that such non-Com- munist organizations as Americans for Democratic Action and the, American Civil Liberties Union, termed his actions "vindictive?" This denial of bail is unprecedent- ed. The worst criminals, gang- sters, murderers, and traitors get bail on appeals . . . Such an action, and I could cite many more, cannot come from a man who is "painstakingly care- ful." MYTH NO. 3: The trial has proven that "the Communist Party1 aims at the overthrow of the American political system and openly contemplates the use of forceand violence to that end." This statement is false for two reasons: 1-Since, as I have already shown, the trial was not a fair one, it is evident that any deci- sion of this trial proves nothing. 2-Even if the trial were fair, the decision would still not settle anything. The Supreme Court has already ruled in the Schneiderman case (320 US 118)thatthe Coi- munist Party desires "to achieve its purpose by peaceful and demo- cratic means, and as a theoretical matter justified the use of force and violence only as a matter of preventing an attempted forcible counter-revolution once the Party had obtained control in a peaceful manner, or as a matter of last re- sort to enforce the majority will if at some indefinite future time because of peculiar circumstances constitutional or peaceful chan- nels were no longer open." . .. The jury's opinion in this case, there- fore, proves nothing. This trial will go down in history as a blot updn American justice Every decent American will do all in his power to obtain a reversal of this infamous decision. -Edward 11. Shaffer, '48 , * Devine.. .. To the Editor: HERE is a letter sent to Tommy Devine: "I hope you will allow me to missing, which accounted for the defeat. Did not Ortmann's playing last Saturday show this to you? A team is hard to inspire under the con- ditions of the Army and North- western games. I would subtract nothing from Oosterbaan's credit for the overwhelming success Sat- urday, but with all his great abil- ity (and the team swears by him and would do almost anything for him), he could not make an inspired team for the Army and Northwestern games. -Wm. H. Hobbs. * * * More on Atomic Energy To the Editor: REALIZING that the press will always have the last word, I am responding to your Thursday Editor's Note in the hope that a genuine solution may be offered -not just a rebuttal. "Partial freedom of research is not enough," implies that total of freedom of research may be enough. It is an interesting view. I have never won a game of cards from anyone who would not show me his hand, but to whom I show mine. Maybe war is different. Please explain. -Taylor Drysdale. (EDITOR'S NOTE: To enable card- player Drysdiale to have the last word, he is invited to the senior edi- torial office of The Daily for a round of poker and a frank discussion of our atomic energy problems.) * * * SL Parties .--- To the Editor: CAMPUS POLITICS during re- cent years at this University has reached the nadir of dullness. The only issues worthwhile argu- ing about, such as political affilia- tion on an ideological level or just plain politics a la Harry Truman, have given way to the perennial dispirited mumblings on "frat" versus "independent." I should like to propose a return to political alignments on a "liberal" versus "conservative" basis and thus at- tempt to end the apathy now pres- ent in university elections and to secure more qualified SL repre- sentatives. As things now stand the factors by which a person usually secures office can be reduced to three items; the candidates place of res- idence, personal popularity and vague platforms which appear in The Daily just before election .. . The Daily and other highly regarded sources advise the stu- dent to vote on the basis of plat- form. Since residence, popularity, and individual platforms all have proved inadequate as a meansof selecting SL representatives the only alternative is political par- ties. These parties should not be based on residence any more than an individual candidate should run because he happens to live in a particular location. The parties should not be along fraternities vs. independent lines. Political parties based on friend- ship and personality would prove impractical as they would lack a unifying force. Political parties must be based on platforms. And the only na- tural and historical platforms for conflicting parties are those of liberal vs. conservative ideas. Give students ideas to vote for, not just -office hungry individuals, and they will turn out. Individual candidates and even Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1949] VOL. LX, No. 31 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to stu- dents from 4 to 6 o'clock on Wed., November 2. Seniors: College of L.S.&A. and Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for February graduation have been posted on the Regis-' trar's bulletin board in the first floor corridor, Administration Building. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Record- er at Registrar's window number 1, 1513 Administration Bldg. Presidents of fraternities and sororities are reminded that monthly membership reports are due in the Office of Student Af- fairs, 1020 Admin., on or before November, 5. The Detroit Civil Service Com- mission announces examinations for Student Technical Assistant and Junior Architectural Engineer. Additional information maybe ob- tained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. The Civil Service Commission of the State of Michigan announces an opening in the Water Resources Commission. Candidates must be graduates in civil engineering. Ad- ditional information may be ob- tained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Build- ing. The United States Civil Service Commission announces an exam- ination for Patent Adviser which requires a bachelor's degree in en- gineering or physical science plus one year experience or a master's degree in the same field. A law degree may also be substituted for experience. For additional infor- mation call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Building. International Center Weekly Calendar: Sun., Oct. 30-6:30 p.m., Sunday night snack. World Affairs Round- table Discussion on Puerto Rico, film. Mon., Oct. 31-4:00 p.m., La So- ciedacd Hispanica: Social dancing and conversation. 7:30 p.m., Ann Arbor Stamp Club. Tues., Nov. 1-8:00 p.m., Medi- cal Roundtable, Film, Discussion on Parasites by Dr. G. R. LaRue. Wed., Nov. 2-4:30 p.m., Ameri- can Etiquette Discussion. 7:30 p.m., Bridge Instruction. 8:00 p.m., Instruction in American Bal- room Dancing. Thurs., Nov. 3-7:30 p.m., Cam- era Club. 7:30 p.m., Polonia Club. 7:30 p.m., Chess Class. Sun., Nov. 6-6:30 p.m., Sunday Night Snack. 8:00 p.m., World Affairs Roundtable Discussion. Topic: Are the Capitalistic Coun- tries Neglecting the Arabic Na- tions? Film. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. E. R. Gombrich, Warburg Institute, Uni- versity of London, England. "The Idea of Artistic Progress in the Italian Renaissance (Illustrated); auspices ot the Department of Fine Arts. 4 pln., Mon., Oct. 31, Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Dr. Farrington Daniels, profes- sor of physical chemistry, Univer- sity of Wisconsin, will speak on "Thermoluminescence of Crys- tals," 4 p.m., Mon., Oct. 31, 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Lecture, auspices of Sigma Xi. "Atomic and Solar Energy" (illus- trated). Farrington Daniels, Pro- fessor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, National Lecturer, So- ciety of the Sigma Xi, 8 p.m., Mon., Oct. 31, Kellogg Auditorium. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Gor- don Edward Hansen, Physics; the- sis: "The Potential Constants of the Ethane Molecule," Tues., Nov. 1, E. Council Rm., Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, D. M. Dennison. Physical Inorganic Chemistry Seminar, Wed., Nov. 2, 4:07 p.m. Rm. 2308, Chem. Bldg. Prof. Wm. A. Nierenberg and Dr. Gordon Hansen will discuss the relation between nuclear quadrupole mo- ments and chemical binding. Mathematics Orientation Semi- nar: Mon., Oct. 31, 3 p.m., 3001 A.H. Mr. Norman will continue his talk on "Dehn's Theorem." Mathematical Logic Seminar: 3230 Angell Hall, before Nov. 1. The examinations will be given as follows: English Literature from the beginnings to 1500, Nov. 23; English Literature, 1500-1700, No- vember 26; English Literature, 1700-1900, Nov. 30; and American Literature, Dec. 3. Concert Stanley Quartet. The first in a series of programs by the Stanley Quartet, composed of Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violinists, Paul Doktor, violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will be presented at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 1, Rackham Lec- ture Hall. It will be opened with Mozart's Quartet in D major, K. 575, followed by Quartet No, 2, Op. 43 by Wallingford Riegger, and will close with Schubert's Quartet in A minor, Op. 29. Thegeneral public is invited, The Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell, conductor, will give 'the fourth concert in the Choral Un- ion Series Sun., Nov. 6, at 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. The following program will be heard: Cherubini's Overture to "Anacreon"; Bartok Concerto for Orchestra; and the Brahms Symphony No. 2 in D major. Tickets are available at the of. fmces of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall. "1848" - LIFE Photo- graphs, weekdays 9 to 5, Sundays 2 to 5. The public is invited. Photos of 20th Century Archi- tecture in United States: 1st floor, exhibition hall, Architecture Bldg. October 26-November 11. Events Today IZFA-Hebrew Circle meeting, Rm. K, Union, 11 a.m. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting Sun- day has been changed to 2 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. Meet in ABC Room, League. Wesleyan Guild: 9:30 a.m. Stu- dent Seminar in the Pine Room: subject: "Happy Pagans."R5:30 p.m., Supper, Fellowship and Wor- ship. Skit: "Our Responsibilities." Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy Communion, followed by student breakfast at Canterbury House. 5 p.m., Evening Service, followed by supper at Canterbury House at 6 p.m. David Varley will show a film and lead a discussion on the "Dilemma of the City." Westminster Guild: 9:30 a.m., Seminar in Religion, Presbyterian Church Kitchen. Mr. Henderson, discussion leader. Coffee and rolls at 9. Evening fellowship supper, 5:30 p.m., followed by worship and program at 6:30. Student Panel will discuss "My Christian Reli- gion: My God, My Heaven, My Hell." Lutheran Student Association: 5:30 p.m., Zion Parish Hall. Mr. David Holland of Detroit will speak on "Why Do We Have a Liturgy." Evangelical and Reformed Guild: 5:30 p.m., Cost Supper. Mr. William Miller will speak. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club: 5:30 p.m. Supper and pro- gram. Candlelight initiation and Founders Day Ceremony. Congregational Disciples Guild: 6 p.m., supper at Congregational Church. Rev. HaroldnSullivan of Clinton wlil speak on "Personal Religion in Action." (Continued on Page 7) Ikr -, I r x r 4 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jarof. .........Managing Edtito Al Blunirosen.............. City Editor Philip Dawson .......EditoriaV Director Mary Stein...........Associate Editor Jo Misner.............Associate Editor George Walker ........ Associate Editor Don McNeil... ......Associate Editor Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Eclitor Merle Levin.......sports Co-Eitor Roger Goels.....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach. .Associate Women's,3d. Joan King......... ......Librarian Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian Business Staff BARNABY 1 arinin ivrrrm vu littl t was mak;,, hinaabedd a n-- I All thise quipment! Just what Gus needs. The