THE GOVERNORS ROOSEVELT See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State Duii4 CLOUY VOL. LX, No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS I Student Scholastic Average Falls.01 Coeds Outdo Mew. in Grade Rating Poll University Warns 12 Fraternities By JIM BROWN Hardworking University stu- dents were almost as smart last year as they were in 1947-48. Despite long hours of pouring over dreary textbooks, however, they still let the all undergraduate grade-point average slip an in- fintesimal .01 from last year's re- cord of 2.57. *' *. * PUBLICATION of last year's scholastic records, however, con- siderably dimmed the prospects for a carefree year for 12 frater- For complete figures see listings on Page 8. nities who dipped below the re- quired 2.4 level. Under a recent University regulation, the 12 groups will be placed on warning for a year. The ruling, stemming from a recommendation made by the Inter-fraternity Alumni Council in 1945, stipulates that any group whose grade-point aver- age falls below 2.4 will automa- tically be placed on warning for a.year. If they fail to bring their aver- age up at the end of the warning period they will be placed on so- cial probation for two years and denied the right to initiate any new members until their averages are raised. NONE OF the 12 fraternitl3s affected this year have been on warning before. University coeds again topped their male counterparts on campus in the scholastic ra- ings, pulling down an all wo- men's average of 2.61-a drop of .04 from last year's record. Men students' grade point aver- age slipped a notch from 2.55 to 2.54. WHILE the combined rating for all men and women undergradu- ates dropped .01 to 2.56,, officials pointed out that men, with lower grade averages, outnumber wo- men by more than three to one and push the overall rating down. Recording the highest group average in the history of the University, women's cooperative housing units achieved an aver- age of 2.88. x * FOR THE SECOND successive year, the University residence halls were topped by Mary Mark- ley House with an average of 2.79. Among the larger dorms, however, Martha Cook led with an average of 2.77. Winchell House led the men's residence halls with a record of 2.65, closely followed by Adams House with 2.64. Heading the list of sororities, Alpha Epsilon Phi last year tied the highest average made by any sorority for the past eleven years -2.86. Two other sororities, Chi Omega and Sigma Delta Tau, both topped the highest fraternity, Zeta Beta Tau, which had an average of 2.72. CIO Heads Try To Avert Split By The Associated Press Harry Bridges, leader of the longshoremen's union, met with CIO President Philip Murray yes- terday to stave off the threatened ouster of left wingers at the CIO Allis, Peterson Score Markers Wolverines Grab Third in Big Ten As Illinois Drops from Lead Position By MERLE LEVIN (Special to The Daily) CHAMPAIGN, Ill.-Michigan vaulted back into its familiar role of Western Conference title favorites yesterday as they effectively squelched a fighting Illinois team here 13-0. A capacity crowd of 71,119 here to pay homage to 70 year old Bob Zuppke, Illinois' great ex-coach and a host of former Illini immortals on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the dedication of Illinois Memorial Stadium saw the Wolverines strike 51 yards through the air in the second period and drive over from the one foot line in the final quarter to throw a wet blanket on the Rose Bowl fires which had begun to glimmer in the surprising Indians' eyes. THE WOLVERINE victory coupled with Minnesota's surprising loss to Purdue assured Michigan of an opportunity to become the first team in Western Conference history to capture three straight undisputed Conference championships. Illinois was away "up" for this one as they pranced through their paces under the watchful eyes of Zuppke and the revered Red Grange the greatest of all C * * * I the Illini gridders. Unfortunate- ly for the Indians, however, Grange was on the sidelines yes- terday and there wasn't a rea- sonable facsimile of the Gallop- ing Ghost on the field. The Indians fielded a great back in the person of Johnny Karras who was everything he was cracked up to be, but he had neither the speed nor the blocking that Grange possessed when he raced through the supposedly great Michigan team for four touch- downs on. five ball carrying at- tempts just a quarter of a century ago. * * * --Daily-Alex Lmanian CAUGHIT IN TlE ACT-Ron Clark, Illinois halfback, fumbles on the one-yard line as a result of a vicious tackle by Wolverine backer-up Dick Kempthorn. Coming up on the left to cover is Bob Van Summern, (16), and, Irv Wisniewski, (84), is matching the action. Seconds later Walt Teninga, hidden from view in the above picture, recovered the ball to give the Michigan cause a boost. Alex Lmanian, Daily photographer who took this a id other photos appearing in today's edition, reached Cham- paign courtesy of the Flying Club and was able to make the paper's deadline through the courtesy of the Boar~l in Control of Intercollegiate athletics, particularly: Coach Bennie Oosterbaan, who permitted him to fly bck to Ann Arbor with the team. I Quad Council Against Push The West Quad Council last night declared itself opposed to bloc voting and announced it would not "push" West Quad can- didates as such, but at the same time reserved the privilege of "in- forming residents of those candi- dates who live in the Quad." "The Council feels its primary concern in the coming elections is to get out the vote," Al Haffner, chairman of the Council's Cam- pus Action Committee, -said in an official statement. "IF THIS AT'ITUDE prevails on campus, SL will be truly rep- resentative of campus opinion," he declared. To "get out the vote," the Council will hold an election rally to which all candidates on campus will be invited, Haffner said. "Free electioneering will prevail in the Quad as a unit," he con- tinued. ** * "THE COUNCILS of the indi- vidual houses, however, reserve the right to formulate their pol- icies toward electioneering within their groups," Haffner added. He said the West Quad Coun- cil "will not attempt to limit the number of candidates for the purpose of strength." Haffner said the Council "feels it is its duty" to inform residents of those candidates who live in the Quad. HOWEVER, he added, the Coun- cil "does not intend to push can- didates simply because they do live in the Quad. They should be elected on their own merits, and therefore will be expected to in- itiate and conduct their own cam- paigns." "Should the candidates decide among themselves to campaign collectively as well as individually the Council has no objection, pro- ,rirlpiat.*lno* c nn arn~tinnc' ar,.nin Truman Cuts A ir Force Groups to 48 WASHINGTON-MP)-President Truman overrode Congress yes- terday on the hotly-debated 58- group air force issue. He signed a $15,585,863,498 mili- tary appropriation-the biggest in peacetime history-but in doing so he ordered the Secretary of De- fense to impound $615,000.000 that the lawmakers had voted to build up the air force to 58 groups. * * * TRUMAN'S BUDGET provided for a 48-group force and that is! about what he'll now get. The air force will acquire about 1,400 new planes instead of 1,800. In forbidding the proposed ex- pansion of the air arm, the Presi- dent said in effect that it isn't only the original cost but the upkeep-more men to man the planes, more operating costs, more replacement expense; all in all "greatly increased" future expenses. Furthermore, he declared, to give the air force more than pro- vided in his budget would be "in- consistent with a realistic and bal- anced security program which we can support in peacetime." THE $15,585,863,498 appropria- tion represents more than $100 for each man, woman and child in the United States. It is far more than one-third of the entire fed- eral budget. Heads of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees did not question the validity of the Presi- dent's action. Huntington Supports Truman's Plan for Backward Countries Senator Byrd has led a fight costs, praised it. (D-Va.), who to cut federal Czechs Free 127 Priests After Oaths PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia-( ')- Communist - led Czechoslovakia yesterday freed or halted legal proceedings against 127 Roman Catholic priests who had opposed the government's new church con- trol law. An official announcement said President Klement Gottwald had decided on the action because the priests had repented and promised loyalty. * * * THE GOVERNMENT first an- nounced that all 127 had been released from prison. Later this was corrected to say that a ma- jority of the priests had been free during "legal proceedings" against them. Presumably, this meant thatz most of them had not actually been imprisoned. The government's first state- ment said the priests had opposed the new control law because of "pressure from the church hier- archy" but that in prison they had "proclaimed they wanted to change their attitude, were sorry for their acts and promised loyalty to the Czechoslovak Republic and asked the President for amnesty." Church sources have re- ported that 300 priests under ar- rest for voluntarily opposing the laws passed Oct. 14, which give a government ministry control of church finances, salaries, person- nel and administration. Truman's point four plan to de- velop backward countries is a means of encouraging opportun- ities for U.S. investments in for- eign countries, William R. Hunt- ington said yesterday. Huntington, a member of the American Friends Service Com- mittee on U.S.-Soviet relations, opened a two days conference on the. "United States and Her World Responsibilities" at Lane Hall. Five To Seek Post Five students have petitioned for one position on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athle- tics, SL elections chairman Bill Clark has announced. They are: Jim Loprete, Cal Kly- man and Neil Celley. Two others were nominated by the Student Manager's Club: Jim Mitchell and John Powers. "WE MUST THINK of our eco- nomic position as something toI share with the world, not justI something that belongs to us," he said. "Our major responsibility to- day is to work toward the de- velopment ofka world govern- ment, an outgrowth of the Unit- ed Nations. Huntington pointed out that in- dividuals must develop a sense of responsibility for the world AT A LATER MEETING, LeRoy Ferguson, political science instruc- tor at Michigan State College, de- clared that the complacency of college students is a major polit- ical problem.j Huntington will conclude the conference with an address on American Soviet Relations at 9:15 today at Lane Hall. But some Republican lawmakers were critical. THE BIG MONEY bill provides the following sums: Army: $4,380,644,298 cash. Navy: $4,285,382,200 cash and $643,546,000 contract authority. Air Force: $4,088,386,000 cash and $1,992,755,000 contract au- thority. Other military operations: $195,- 150,000 cash. These operations in- clude financing the office of the Secretary of Defense, the National Security Council and the National Security Resources Board. In deciding to "place in re- serve" the extra money for the Air Force, Truman ran counter to the expressed wishes of the House rather than the Senate. A majority of the Senators strongly supported his 48-group program. KARRAS, leading ground gainer in the Big Ten, picked up 122 yards on 23 carries, but Illinois couldn't quite spring him loose on a journey to touchdown terri- tory. The 181-lb. sophomore got away for a 27 yard jaunt in the second quarter and went 56 yards on a double reverse in the third period but on neither occasion did he closely approach pay dirt. He almost made it on that 56- yard ramble but Wolverine end Bob Holloway made up a 10-yard deficit to bring the Illini back to earth on the Michigan 21. * * * MICHIGAN was a coldly effi- cient defensive outfit yesterday, showing little of the letdown they were expected to show after last week's monumental battle with Minnesota. Fumbles (5 of them) slowed the Wolverine offensive machine but the Wolverines were con- stantly threatening the Illinois goal line as they picked up a net of 118 yards rushing and an additional 145 yards on the strength of their revived passing attack. They drove to the 12-yard line in the first quarter before a fourth down fumble halted them and they had a first down on the Illini eight when the gun sounded to end the first half. They were on the Indians 10 in the third quarter when a holding penalty cut short another drive and they drove to the 29 shortly before their pass- ing attack bogged down. *. * * TWICE, HOWEVER, the Wol- See BIG TEN, Page 7 World Nvews Round-Up By The Associated Press BIRMINGHAM -- Coleman A. Lollar, ex-Klansman, was acquit- ted of a masked flogging yester- day. Lollar was the first of 18 men to be tried on charges of flogging and cross-burning west of Birm- ingham. * * * High Spirits keynote 'M,' IllinoisGamne By DON McNEIL (Special to The Daily) CHAMPAIGN-The Wolverine's new found spirit which shook the Michigan Stadium last week was continued at this important Big Ten encounter in Champaign. It was a sunny cloudless day as more than five thousand Mich- igan students and alumni swarmed over the Illinois campus, cruising the streets in cars wrapped in maize and blue, and gathering on street corners to sing "The Vic- tors." ILLINOIS, TOO, was in high spirits. Celebrating "Zuppke Day" in honor of its greatest coach, the Illini had erected displays at many fraternities and sororities. At half time, Lou Boudreau, Cleveland baseball manager and galloping ghost Red Grange pre- sented Zuppke with a television set from the Illini club. * * * THE WORDS "Zupp and Hurry Up Yost" welcomed back Coach Zuppke and a galloping ghost rep- resented Red Grange. In honor of the Wolverines, an inverted M was ordered, followed quickly with the word "Oops," and a proper block M. Michigan's marching band took the field and presented the South Pacific maneuvers it in- troduced last week. The Illini roared in approval and the Illi- nois band marched on led by an Indian dancer. There was some intimation that Michigan's fans weren't entirely concentrated on the game, how- ever, the section roaring several times with a cry of "Purdue beat Minnesota" as the score from Min- neapolis was announced. SL1's Training CourseBegins Candidates Required To AttendMeetings Student Legislature's three- week candidate training progra : climaxed by Student Elections Nov. 21 and 22 will get underway Tuesday with a get acquainted' meeting at 5 p.m. in the Union. All SL candidates are required to attend, according to Legislator Howard Johnson. Incumbents will be excused from this meeting, but must attend all other sessions. * * * CABINET MEMBERS and chairmen of SL's standing com- mittees will inform candidates of the duties and significance of the COMES THE WITCHING HOUR: Campus Awaits Invasion By Goblins By DAVID WEAVER An eerie group of spooks, dem- ons, and goblins will -vade the campus tomorrow night when stu- dents will observe, Hallowe'en as today, putting forth their most artistic efforts to make dining room centerpieces for Monday night. The creator of the best looking' parties have plans for such pop- ular games as "Spin the Bottle" / and the more subtle version "Pass the Apple." Local moppets will be enter- of soap which they believed would be used on windows. Originally a day of license and abandon, Hallowe'en has come a long way from its beginnings in