See Page 4
YI e
La test Deadline in the State
Du i4
Strike Crisis
Not Present
President Won't
Use Full Powers
Truman said yesterday the time
for him to declare a national
emergency to end the steel and
coal strikes is still a long way off.
This seemed to spike reports
that he would invoke the Taft-
Hartley law's strike-halting court
injunction procedures any time
* * *
IT DIDN'T rule out entirely the
possibility the President may take
a hand to some extent, such as a
personal appeal for strike peace.
Such a step was suggested yester-
day by Senator Humphrey (Dem.,
Mr. Truman declared in no
uncertain terms he doesn't be-
lieve the 27-day steel and 36-
day coal strikes had hurt the
country enough yet to gall them
He said it was up to him, the
President, to find that a national
emergency exists before the Taft-
Hartley law can be invoked. He
did say, though, that Congress
could meet and declare an emer-
MR. TRUMAN said he will not
hesitate to use Taft-Hartley
a emergency provisions when he be-
comes convinced a steel-coal
emergency has arrived. But le
said that was a long way off.
The President's stated "hands
offs' policy was seen as a move
to strengthen the role of media-
tion chief Cyrus S. Ching. Ching
now is in New York trying to de-
vise some peace move in the steel
Settlement i pspect' in both
steel and coal seemed as dim as
ever, however.
President Truman ruled out the
suggestion made by a number of
steel companies for reconvening
the fact-finding board which rec-
ommended a steel settlement plan.
MR. TRUMAN was very firm in
saying this board had done its job
and he has no intentin of recall-
ing it. The manner in which the
President responded to questions
indicated he feels the board's find-
ings are fair.-
IFC Supports
Jacobson in
Election Policy
The Interfraternity Council last
'- night gave a rousing vote of con-
fidence to its bipartisan student
elections policy as enunciated by
its president, Jake Jacobson, '50.
It voted unanimously to con-
tinue the policy, by which the IFC
would refrain from any encourage-
ment of bloc voting or vote-trad-
ing between houses.
THE POLICY was adopted by
the IFC before last spring's elec-
tions, and reiterated by Jacobson
last week in connection with the
current SL election campaign. The
Association of Independent Men
has voted to back independent
men - as such --in the election
Jacobson reemphasized at
last night's IFC meeting that
neither he nor the IFC can pre-
vent individual houses from vot-
ing in blocs or swapping votes
if they so desire. However, the
IFC will in no way encourage
these practices, he said.
Walt Hansen, '50, AIM presi-
dent, in commenting on the IFC
vote, defended AIM charges that
it is encouraging bloc voting: "In
fact, AIM's policy is rather to
give aid, advice and electioneering
assistance to independent candi-
dates, not to encourage bloc voting
as such."
Marvin Failer, '50BAd, amplified
Hansen's statement: "AIM, like
IFC, will not encourage any bloc
voting. Any bloc voting that may
be done will be done on a house
basis, rather than on a campus-
Confidence Vote'
Upholds Attlee
Conservatives Muster Largest Vote
Since Labor Government Took Over
LONDON--(P)--Britain's Labor government, beset by economic
problems, survived another motion of no confidence in the House
of Commons last night by a vote of 253 to 222.
But it was the largest vote mustered by the Conservatives since
Labor took over more than four years ago.
THE LABOR GOVERNMENT went on to sweep the field with its
own motion of confidence, 337 to 5. Most of its opponents declined to
vote. Conservatives, .headed by Winston Churchill, offered the no
confidence motion.
The tests came at the end of two days of debate on Prime
Minister Attlee's slashes of $784,000,000 in the year's $9,240,000,000
* * *
O budget. These were announced
.. British author spoke yesterday
lBritish Author
Upholds Labor
Any set-backs that Britain's so-
cial service plans suffer from new
economy measures will be only
temporary, according to Mrs. Mar-
garet Cole, who spoke on Eng-
land's health and welfare system
yesterday in the Rackham Build-
Mrs. Cole, a British author and
lecturer, has been described by
Sir Stafford Cripps as an "out-
standing authority" on the British
Labor Party.
* * *
"THE HEART of the health
plan remains unaltered," she said.
"Slow downs in any part of the
social service program are slow
downs only."
The people will grumble a lot,
but they have seen more belt-
tightening coming for some time.
They will continue to support
the Labor government, she said.
"Never before in the country's
history has a government kept the
people so well informed of its ac-
tivities. The people know this and
appreciate it," she pointed out.
* * *
MRS. COLE said that many of
the set-backs the government has
had in its health, housing and in-
surance plans have resulted from
statistical miscalculations.
"In the case of housing so
many more people were finan-
cially able to rent state owned
residences after the war than
before that waiting lists had to
be completely revised," she said.
Opponents contended the cuts
were "too little and too late."
The government's brief motion
of confidence asked for approval
of its economy program.
It was the eighth confidence
vote the Socialist government had
won since it took office more than
four years ago. The previous high
month's muster of 212 votes on a
no confidence motion over de-
valuation of the pound.
DEFEAT on a confidence vote
would mean the resignation of the
government, followed either by
appointment of a prime minister
from the opposition or a general
election for a new Parliament. and
a new government.
Churchill called in the debate
for a general election on the
grounds "the public at large
have lost confidence in this gov-
ernment's financial administra-
The Conservative leader wound
up debate for his party.
"The main issue before us is
the need for a new Parliament,"
Churchill said. "The British gov-
ernment have devalued the pound,
they have devalued the British
nation but, most of all, they have
devalued themselves."
The Labor government's five-
year term will expire next July.
Officials Ball
At College
Bequest Deals
By The Associated Press
Three Jefferson Military College
trustees last night balked at teach-
ing "white supremacy" in order
to get a $50,000,000 grant from oil
man George W. Armstrong.
Armstrong's son, Allen, business
manager for the Mississippi school,
had announced Monday that the
college had qualified for the be-
quest by meeting with conditions
calling for admittance of white
Christians primarily and the bar-
ring of Africans, Asiatics and
* * *
MEANWHILE, a Southern
Methodist University trustee said
yesterday that Armstrong had of-
fered that school a $5,000,000 en-
dowment if it would bar Jewish
The trustee, Harrison Baker of
Dallas, Tex., said SMU president
Humphrey Lee had rejected the
offer in a brief note to Armstrong.
Bidault Wins'
As Premier,
National Crisis
Ends in France
PARIS - (P) - Georges Bi-
dault, a wartime resistance leader
who served later as foreign minis-
ter, was confirmed early today as
the new premier of France.
The vote in the National As-
sembly was 367 for him and 183
against. He needed only 310 votes.
* * *
THE ACTION meant an end to
France's 23- day governmental
crisis. France has been without a
cabinet since Oct. 6 when the gov-
ernment of Henri Queuille re-
signed, unable to solve an eco-
nomic deadlock caused by rising
prices and frozen wages.
The vote given Bidault, a
member of the Popular Repub-
lican. movement (MRP), wasj
much higher than had been ex-
pected even by his most ardent
In November, 1947, Robert Schu-
man got 412 votes. Since then the
assembly has confirmed five
French premiers but none received
more than 352 votes.
IN THE LAST three weeks Rene
Mayer, a Radical Socialist, and
Jules Moch, a Socialist, failed to
form cabinets after they obtained
approval of the Assembly.
Bidault, however, took the
precaution of getting prior
agreement on his cabinet list in
almost all details.
His proposed government is
based on the three-party coalition
of Centrist groups that has been
governing France for more than
two years.
* *.*
IT INCLUDES Socialists, Radi-
cal Socialists (moderates), and Bi-
dault's own MRP, a slightly left-
of-center mostly Catholic party.
In his 4ddress yesterday to the
national assembly Bidault fol-
lowed almost the same program
that had been outlined by Moch
and Mayer.
Bidault has been working since
Sunday in an effort to line up
support of the Socialists and Radi-
cal Socialists for his cabinet. He
reached final agreement yesterday
after he had made his address to
the Assembly.
Will Attend 21
Twenty-one residences will hold
open houses for campaigning
candidates Nov. 7 to 20, according
to SL member Pris Ball.
There are still four times open,
7 to 8 p.m. Sun., Nov. 13, 2:30 to
3:30, 3:30 to 4:30 and 4:30 to
5:30 p.m. Sun., Nov. 20, she said.
* * *
APPLICATIONS will still be ac-
cepted for these times, she added.
Applicants may call her at 6922
or 2-3279.
Houses open for candidates
are: Acacia, Alpha Sigma Phi,
Allen-Rumsey, Alpha Delta Phi,
Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma
Delta, Betsy Barbour, Chi Ome-
ga, Collegiate Sorosis, Ganma
Phi Beta, Jordan Hall
The list continues with Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta,
Delta Delta Delta, Newberry, Phi
Delta Theta, Sigma Delta Tau,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi,
Theta Xi, Winchell House.
* * *
TWO HOUSES have asked can-
didates to make appointments to
speak at lunch and dinner ses-
sions. They are Phi Gamma Delta
and Phi Kappa Psi.
A complete schedule of open
houses will be published Nov. 7
before campaigning begins.
Last Bus Tickets
To Illinois on Sale
Never before have these two
svelte New Yorkers received much
slow business from newly-photo-
graphed college seniors.
Jean Grumbs and Lorraine
Heiner, here for ten days to handle
returned 'Ensian picture proofs
and take orders, have.' seen the
proofs and persons of only 200 sen-
iors since their arrival Monday.
College Group
Asks Greater
KANSAS CITY-(AP)-Increased
federal grants to the nation's col-
leges and universities were urged
yesterday by delegates to the Con-
vention of the Assciation of Land
Grant Colleges and Universities.
The educators, in a report sumn-
marizing their activities at the
four-day session, asked Congress
to strengthen ROTC programs,
establish a national science foun-
dation, assist in faculty and stu-
dent housing, clarify federal as-
sistance on scholarships and loans
and include labor in the extension
DEALING WITH the question of
federal aid in scholarships, the
group advocated four points any
legislation should include:
1. Appraisal of need as a basis
for awarding the scholarships.
2. Some compensatory service
by the scholar in return for the
benefits he receives.
3. Co-ordination of plans be-
tween states.
4. Specific instructions con-
cerning the eliminations of de-
duction of federal funds in em-
puting tuition costs.
The Association also asked for
the establishment of a permanent
national commission on accredit-
ing. It urged land grant schools
not operating broadcasting sta-
tions to establish them; and to pay
close attention to advancement in
frequency modulation and televi-
* * *
tivated shortly as a branch of the
Association will attempt to bring
together all divisions in the field
of communication and instruction.
It will be known as the Council of
Instruction. '
"THAT'S 200 out of 3,500," em-
phasized Miss Heiner, "we should
have interviewed nearly 2,000 by
now according to our schedule."
"There is usually a slow day
or so when we first arrive, said
Miss Heiner, "but never any-
thing like this. At this rate we'll
take only 500 orders."
Miss Grumbs has taken the
lethargy as a personal affront. "My
opinion of Michigan has dropped
to near the zero point," she said.
"What good are the proofs with-
out the pictures?"
* * *
Heiner leave Nov. 4, the 3,200
tardy seniors have only six days
to get their proofs to the two
receptionists in the Publications
If any graduates fail to make
this deadline, the photographers
themselves will select the proof
they think most favorable and
run it in the 'Ensian without
contacting the negligent senior.
"Since the judgment of photog-
raphers is a matter of considerable
notoriety, surely no thinking grad-
uate is willing to resolve himself
to such a fate," Miss Heiner de-
Fund Honors
Dean Lloyd
A national scholarship for
graduate women students carry-
ing a stipend of $700 has been
named in honor of Dean of Wo-
men Alice C. -Lloyd.
The award, to be known as the
Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship,
will be made from a fund founded
in 1944 by Alpha Lambda Delta, a
national honor society for fresh-
man women students. Dean Lloyd,
a national vice-president of the
organization, played a major part
in the launching of the fellowship.
* * '*
ANY WOMAN graduate of a
college or university having a
chapter of the honor society who
has maintained the Alpha Lambda
Delta scholastic average of 3.5
throughout her entire college ca-
reer, is eligible to apply for the
Offered in alternate 'years, it
may be used for study in any ac-
credited graduate school.
-Daily-Carlyle Marshall
PICTURE PATTER-Jean Grumbs (left) and Lorraine Heiner,
Teceptionists for the New York studio which did the photographic
work on the 'Ensian senior pictures, are shown discussing proofs
with Bob Smith, '5OBAd.
Senior Pic Response Lag
Uets.New York Pair
EASTON, Pa.-() - Police
cars in this city will be armed
with pretzels Hallowe'en night.I
The idea is for the police to ob-
tain better goblin-night rela-
tions with boys by offering them
pretzels instead of chasing
CIO Right
Wing Plans
Ouster Move
CLEVELAND-( P)-A right wing
plan for carving up at least three
major CIO unions under so-called
left wing control was disclosed
last night in advance of a CIO
convention showdown.
The convention begins here next
Monday. The top leaders of the
conservative right wing faction
developed the reported strategy at
secret meetings in hotel rooms
THE RIGHTISTS-representing
the anti-Communist elements in
the CIO-were reported to have
agreed with CIO President Philip
Murray on this general plan for
disposing of their politically left-
ist enemies:
1. The United Electrical Work-
ers, Farm Equipment Workers and
Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
would be tossed out of the CIO
2. A new charter "probably"
would be established in the elec-
trical field so that the right
wing faction, headed by CIO sec-
retary - Treasurer James B.
Carey, can start all over again
to organize electrical, radio and
television workers.
3. Murray's own steelworkers
union would absorb the mine, mill
and smelter workers-an organiza-
tion for alnis all the nation's
miners outside the coal fields.
4. A special organization com-
mittee would be set up for the
public workers, white collar and
other jurisdictive fields now con-
trolled by the CIO's 11 or 12 so-
called left wing unions.
5. The approximately 50,000
members of the Farm Equipment
Workers, directed by the CIO ex-
ecutive board to merge with Wal-
ter Reuther's auto workers after
last year's convention, would be
turned over in a bloc to Reuther.
FE president Grant Oakes had
tried to take his. union under the
wing of the leftist-dominated UE,
the CIO's third largest union with
about 500,000 members.
Meanwhile, leftist labor leader
Harry Bridges hinted of a peace
overture aimed at narrowing the
breach between his Longshore-
men's Union and the CIO in ad-
vance of the convention.
To Mail Five
Week Grades
Five-week grades will be mailed
to approximately 1,350 freshmen
of the literary college next week,
according to Prof. Arthur Van
Duren, chairman of the Academic
The purpose of the five-week
grade for freshmen is to give the
student adequate notification of
his class standing so that neces-
sary action for improvement can
be taken before the semester has
progressed too far, Prof. Van
Duren said.
Those students whose work for
the five-week period, which ends
today, is unsatisfactory will be
asked to report to their counselprs.
Admiral Out
'For Good of
The Country'
Removal Made on
Matthews' Advice
WASHINGTON-(P) -President
Truman yesterday fired Admiral
Louis E. Denfeld from his post as
Chief of Naval Operations.
Mr. Truman told his news con-
ference he was ousting Denfeld
on the advice of Secretary of the
Navy Matthews that it was vital
"for the good of the country."
* * - *
MATTHEWS SAID in a letter to
the President:
"A military establishment is not
a political democracy. Integrity
of command is indispensable at
all times.
"There can be no twilight zone
in the measure of loyalty to
superiors and respect for au-
thority existing between various
official ranks. Inability to cn-
form to such requirements for
military stability would disqual-
ify any of us for positions sub-
ordinate to the Commander-in-
Denfeld himself heard the news
when an aide handed him a copy,
of a news ticker report. He was
attending a meeting of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. Incidentally, the
development came on what used
to be Navy Day, a day of cele-
bration for the nation's sea forces.
* * *
MR. TRUMAN told reporters he
did not know whether Denfeld
would accept transfer to other
duties or resign. Denfeld had no
immediate statement.
The removal came even as
some Congress members de-
manded that the admiral not
be "purged." Some- others said,
however, that action was nec-
essary in view of the angry row
in the armed services.
Rep. Short (Rep., Mo.), who had
warned against any reprisals aris-
ing from testimony given by ad-
mirals and generals in the recent
House armed services committee
hearings, said when he heard the
news that he was "stunned."
thing about it when we come back
in January," Short said.
Senator Kefauver (Dem.,
Tenn.), said he "regretted" the
action, and Rep. Sasser (Dem.,
Md.) called Denfeld's removal "a
setback to unification."
Criticizing what he termed
"goose-stepping subjugation," Sas
scer declared it is now a question
whether Congressional committees
will be able to "get information
from high government officials
without their being threatened
with removal by the President."
But Rep. Kilday (Dem., Tex.)
said Denfeld has challenged civil-
ian control of the armed forces
and had impaired his usefulness.
The demotion of Denfeld to un-
specified "other duties" came just
two weeks after the 58-year-old
admiral, testifying on Capitol Hill,
accused the military high com-
mand of waging a campaign to
strip the Navy down to a mere
"convoy and anti-submarine serv-
Honor Council
Positions Open
To Engineers
Petitions are now being ac-
cepted from all engineers for posi-
tions on the Engineering Honor
The petitions are of the type
requiring the listing of qualifica-
tions and not signatures, accord-
ing to Bob Preston, '51 E, presi-
dent of the junior class.
* * *
THIS MARKS the first time
that positions on the council are
to be filled by petitioners; former-
ly the council consisted of the
class officers of the Engineering
Tha n--.nv !17n i I f ...
World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
which was indicted last week for
failure to register as an agent of
the Russian Government; signed
up yesterday with the Justice De-
At present, five of Amtorg's of-
ficers are free under $15,000 bail,
each pending a hearing next Wed-
nesday in New York to determine
whether they are to be brought
here for trial.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden--The
1949 Nobel Prize for medicine
was awarded jointly yesterday
+o auvc -ad a mPrfiwut-q.. %ei -
Truman yesterday named Assist-
ant Secretary of State George V.
Allen to be ambassador to Yugo-
slavia, a key post in one of the
most important sectors of the cold
Along with Allen's appointment,
Mr. Truman announced that he
was accepting "with much regret"
the resignatipn of Ambassador
Cavendish W. Cannon from the
Yugoslav assignment. Cannon is in
ill health.
* * *
NEW YORK-General Motors
Corp. reported yesterday its net
income for the three months
German Students Discuss Fatherland
Current problems facing the
younger generation in Germany
were discussed by students of that
country at a Political Science
Round Table held last night at
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Cnn'nc-naA 1,yr +H nliti-n1 cc -
German student in the United
Nations is not great," he said,
"As long as it remains an in-
strument of the Big Five the Unit-
ed Nations will remain a weak in-
* * *
MOST GERMANS have given
un hone of slving the refugen
situation among the city's popu-
lation," a student remarked.
* * *
"IN THE EASTERN zone the
value of a mark is six times great-
er than it is in the western sector
of the city," he said.
"Consequently, differences in
wa nn 1 n rices and other monv