THE AMERICAN STORY See Page 4 Y Itt 43UU Latest Deadline in the State t uii4 9 ., ,;; .a, _ . s- -. ~ , - f FAIR, WARMER VOL. LX, No. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Cripps Calls For Increased Productivity Asks for Vote Of Confidence LONDON - (AP) - Britain's eco- nomic boss told the nation yester- day it must make more goods at once and sell them to Americans or else "our civilization itself must fade and wither away." Sir Stafford Cripps' austere face was red and he was moved almost to tears as he laid this grim work- or-die ultimatum before the coun- try at the end of an hour and a quarter address in the House of Commons. HE CALLED for a vote of confi- dence in the Labor Government in support of its economy program to hew $280,000,000 ($784,000,000) off government spending and $400,000,000 off dollar imports. But dapper, graying Anthony Eden, deputy leader of the Con- servatives, immediately raked the Chancellor of the Exche- quer's speech as mere "pious ex- hortations." The economy pro- gram itself, he said, is "still sketchy and indefinite" and "another crisis is not many months away.'' Conservative leader Winston Churchill, at a party rally tonight again called for "real economy" and election of a new Parliament. He described the debate as "the funeral preparation of the Social- ist government." As the Labor government wor- ried about austerity economy, Brit- ain turned down demands for full self-government for the 4,000,000 people of West Africa's gold coast yesterday. Acheson Hits 'Trumped Up' Spy Charges Counters with Blast At Czech Government WASHINGTON - (IP) - Secre- tary of State Acheson scornfully rejected yesterday spy charges brought against American diplo- mats in Prague by Czechoslovak- ia's Communist government. He called the charges "obviously trumped up," said they were de- signed to "intimidate" the Czech people, and hurled his own accu- sations of police state methods and diplomatic discourtesy at Prague's Red regime. * * * AT THE SAME time, Acheson said that conformity with stan- dard diplomatic practice required the United States to accede to the Czech government's request for removal of two American embassy employes from the country. That has been done, he said. A third employe, lacking dip- lomatic status, has been arrest- ed and the Embassy has been making a determined effort to establish contact with him in prison, Acheson said. Acheson blasted away at the spy charges in a statement with which he opened his news confer- ence yesterday. He said that a formal protest to the Czech gov- ernment is in preparation in the State department. The three embassy employes in- volved in the Czech charges are Isaac Patch and John G. Heyn, whom Acheson= described as as- sistant attaches, and Samuel Meryn, a clerk. All worked in the Prague Embassy's political depart- ment. Strike Cancels Illinois-Bound GameSpecials All special trains to the Illinois game have been cancelled because of the coal strike, the New York Central revealed yesterday. But sale of round-trip bus tick- ets to the game will continue from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to noon tomorrow at the Stu- dent Activities window in the lobby of the Administration Bldg., Economic Stability Called for byStowe Marshall Plan Aid has brought recovery and productivity to Eu- rope, but not stability, Leland Stowe told a Hill Auditorium audience last night. The former Pulitzer journalism winner said, "Our job is to win the peace by bringing economic stability to the rest of the world." * * * * STOWE CALLED "the basic problem of our time too much pro- duction and too few customers." This is taking place in the United States, France, England, and Germany, he said. He indicated three causes for this situation: * * ~* * 1. "THE IRON CURTAIN means that one-third of the earth is no longer open to free trade. 2. "Since 1938, the United States has doubled its industrial capacity. With much more to sell, we now find fewer customers. 3. "The United States is the greatest creditor nation in the world, and we are not acting as one. The dollar shortage is one of Europe's eports i Capital Conflict oII 'ruan Strike Action V * * * < Press Slights Mleaning of News - Stowe By ROMA LIPSKY The American Press over-em- phasises immediate facts instead of meaning and importance in the news, Leland Stowe said in an in- terview last night. "Important events which are not 'spot news' are often neglected; at the same time in stories which make headlines writers take no effort to give the background and significance of the event," he said. BUT DESPITE these criticisms, the journalist who has spent 12 of the last 20 years as a foreign cor- respondent, thought the press does a "fair job" of foreign reporting. Americans do not get a com- plete picture of happenings in foreign countries for two rea- sons, he said. "First you have to follow events in any part of the world very closely to keep up with them. Most people don't." "SECONDLY, many things de- velop in fragments, so that it takes six or eight stories over a period of months to understand what is happening." As an example of this, Stowe pointed to the destruction of the middle class in eastern Europe. "It is happening deliberately and cruelly but you don't ever hear See PRESS, Page 8 Prof. Slosson Disp utes Top Red Decision Knost pressing problems." "IF WE WANT a world with some defense against communism we must put capitalism's capital to to work. This can't be done without risks," he said. Stowe offered as a "logical so- lution" to economic ills that the United States buy more goods from Europe, greatly increase foreign investments, and gradu- ally taper off the Marshall Plan. Marshall plan aid has been suc- cessful in its immediate efforts, but rather than solving Europe's problems, it merely gives them time in which to reach a solution, he said. COMMUNISM is not defeated in western Europe, European un- employment, shortages, and low- ered standardsrof living are sure to result in strikes of which the Communists will take advantage, he said. But there is a hopeful note, Stowe indicated. "Thoughful men in America as well as Europe are beginning to see re-construction is no short- range project, but the job of a generation or two" Dean Stresses Importance of Staff Systems "The main problem in main- taining a first class institution is the maintaining of a first class teaching faculty," Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne of the literary college said yesterday. He declared the systems of ap- pointments, promotions, salaries, tenures and elimination of faculty members must be closely related in an institution if a good teach- ing faculty is to be perpetuated. * * * "A POOR appointment system will often cause difficulty when promotions are to be made," he explained. If these systems are not fare- fully integrated, it will become more difficult for a school to re- tain its better faculty members, he said. Dean Woodburne drew many of the observations in his speech from a tour of over 45 American universities and colleges he recent- ly completed. U Gets Land For New Dorm Another hurdle in the way of construction of the projected new eight-story men's dormitory was cleared yesterday when the Uni- versity acquired a Monroe St. property which will be part of the. dorm's site. In a settlement reached just be- fore the case was to have been judged by a circuit court con- demnation jury, the University gave full disposal rights of the house on the land to the owners, thus paitig the way to the agree- ment. Still NoDecision On Intervention By The Associated Press Conflicting reports that President Truman has and has not decided to take a hand in the coal and steel strikes if they are not settled by the end of the week came last night from the Capital. A cabinet officer who declined to be identified by name said Mr. Truman had decided to intervene. * * * * LATER A WHITE HOUSE official, an adviser on Administration policy in the labor crisis, said no deadline had been set by the President. "Evidently the gentlemen misunderstood the President be- cause I talked to Mr. Truman a half hour later and found out he hasn't made any decision to in- ' * * * -Daily-wally Barth PHILIPPINE ENVOY-Discussing Philippine problems over a cup of tea are (left to right) Emeterio Roa, student president of the Philippine Club; Bart A. Umayum, cultural affairs officer of the Philippine Embassy; and University students, Edita Martelino; Mrs. L. G. Moran and Jose Abreu. Umayum visited the University as part of a nation wide tour of campuses having large Philippine student enrollment. While here he conferred with members of possible the annual tag days which raise funds for rebuilding the * * * Urnayurn Sayls 'TiagDay s e/ Helps U. Of Philippines But To Unsympathetic 11 Defendants By NORMA JEAN HARPELIK Help from the University of Michigan has greatly facilitated rebuilding of the University of the Philippines at its new site at Quezon City, Bart A. Umayum, cultural affairs officer of the Phil- ippine Embassy said here yester- day. "Japanese bombs and the use of textbooks for firewood almost com- pletely destroyed the U. of P.," he added. UMAYUM WAS honored at a tea sponsored by the Philippine Club yesterday at the Interna- tional Center. Since 1945 the University has W orld News Round-Up By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Paul G. Hoff- man left Washington yesterday with a grave message for Europe: unless united and drastic recovery efforts are made, a ; dissatisfied Congress may refuse to vote next year's Marshall Plan billions. CHUNGKING-Possibly 225,- 000 seasoned Chinese Commu- nist troops were reported mass- ing today for a breakthrough into Kwangsi Province, key- stone of Nationalist resistance on the mainland. Against this force, Gen. Pai Chung-Hsi, the Nationalist commander, has 200,000 troops. *F *a LAKE SUCCESS-Four of the Big Five Powers and Canada yes- terday blamed Russia alone for the continuing East-West deadlock on atomic energy control. They told the United Nations Assembly the main block to agree- ment is Russia's position that her own national sovereignty comes before world security. sponsored an annual tag day in Ann Arbor to raise funds for reconstruction of the Philippine University. Stretching a help- ing hand across the Pacific, stu- dents and faculty have contrib- uted thousands of dollars. "If Franklin Roosevelt had out- lived the granting of Philippine independence, reconstruction would have progressed more rap- idly," Umayum declared. "F. D. R. assured us $2 billion to replace the damage to the Islands. Congress has appropriated only $625 mil- lion." THE PHILIPPINE University is not the only thing which has suf- fered this cut in funds. "None of the civic rebuilding is progressing according to schedule, either," he added.' "The prevalent attitude of the Philippines is that the last war was a war of the U.S. The Japs attacked the Islands because they were American territory. Some dissatisfaction is voiced because adequate funds are not forthcoming," Umayum said. The reconstruction of the Phil-. ippine Islands is a moral obliga- tion of the U.S. even though the Islands are independent, he con- tinued. "AT FIRST Philippine inde- pendence was greeted hesitantly by the Islands' business elements. They thought that independence would put an end to preferential tariff relations with the U.S. How- ever, our copper, sugar and co- conut oil are still allowed into the U.S. tariff free," Umayum in- formed the group. Umayum's visit to the Univer- sity is part of a nation wide tour to college campuses having large Philippine student enrollment. The idea behind his tour is to pro- mote cultural cooperation between the Philippines and the U.S. the faculty who helped make University of the Philippines. Engine Show Features Talk And Displays, By NORM MILLER "The Engineering College is constantly expanding with the de- mands of increased enrollment, but we are giving as much indivi- dual attention to students as is possible," Dean Ivan Crawford said last night during the Engi- neering Night ceremonies held in the Union Ballroom. Crawford cited the building of three new laboratories in the Civil See PICTURES Page 6 Engineering dept. and one in the Aeronautics dept. as evidence of the University's attempt to pro- vide increased facilities for engi- neering students. APPROXIMATELY 400 persons heard Crawford's talk and viewed the displays set up by fourteen engineering societies. Members of the Institute of Radio Engineers and the Amer- ican Institute of Electrical En- gineers gave students the op- portunity of seeing themselves on television. A television trans- mitter televised them and at the same time they saw their image recorded on a television screen. A full size hollow propeller and models of modern warplanes were displayed at the booth of the Institute of Aeronautical Engi- neers. MINIATURE road graders, trac- tors and cement mixers were shown by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. A huge scale model of a sailing yacht, tested in the tank of the Dept. of Nautical Engineering, was ex.- hibited by the Quarterdeck So- ciety. See ENGINE, Page 6 tervene, or fixed any deadline," the White House source said. The cabinet officer did not say what form of intervention was in mind. But he indicated it would not be a Taft-Hartley Act injunc- tion. * * * SEIZURE IS A legal possibility under the draft law. This law ap- plies to any industry which fails to meet government orders for materials.1 The White Houne said prev- iously that Mr. Truman was not inclined now to step into the situation. Both disputes ane deadlocked. The steel industry has not met with the CIO United Steelworkers+ Union since 450,000 of its mem-+ bers struck Oct. 1. Negotiations between United Mine Workers and five-sixths of the nation's soft coal industry have collapsed. * * * PEACE TALKS. with the South- ern Coal Producers Association, representing one sixth of the in- dustry, are still alive but in recess until next Tuesday. The disput- ants got nowhere Wednesday after a 90 minute session at Bluefield, W.Va. The twin strikes have hit the nation's economy a hard blow. Mediation Chief Cyrus S. Ching, concentrating on settling the steel strike before trying a direct hand in the coal strike, arranged another conference in New York with the U.S. Steel Corp. He conferred with them last week without success. He talked Tuesday with the Bethle- hem Steel Corp. but said he made "no progress." Other labor developments: CIO President Murray asked President Truman to oust Robert N. Denham as General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board. He said Denham has "used his vast powers to aid employers bent on destroying free trade unions." By an overwhelming vote, Ford Motor Company workers finally approved a pension agreement ne- gotiated by Ford and the UAW- CIO. The contract will allow Ford workers to retire at 65 on $100 a month pensions, including Social Security benefits. Ford will pay the part not converted by pay the part not covered by social security. Clark Clarifies Petition Rules Petitioners for Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics must be first-semester juniors, accord- ing to SL elections chairman Bill Clark. Two candidates have al- ready been rejected because they are second-semester juniors, he said. In addition, 300 instead of 50 names are required for these peti- tions, he said. The deadline for Athletic Board petitions has been extended until 4:30 p.m. Friday. Student Directory Sale Slated Today Strikes Have Slight Effect In Ann Arbor By DON KOTITE National coal and steel strikes have had little or no effect, as yet, on local manufacturing con- cerns, but some company officials fear a possible increase in supply' stoppages. Although negotiations in both disputes are deadlocked and no immediate relief seen, Ann Arbor companies have apparently es- caped the brunt of order can- cellations and worker layoffs. * * * KATHLEEN CONKLIN, secre- tary-treasurer of King Seeley Corp., pointed out that concern has enough raw steel to last through November. "But if the Ford Company fails, we stop pro- duction," she added. The King Seeley Corp., she ex- plained, is a heavy supplier of the auto manufacturers, produc- ing steel instrument panels and motor accessories. Regarding the crippling steel strike, a spokesman for the Argus, Inc~, camera concern said "we are fortunate in that respect; we ex. pect to lay no one off." * * * HE EXPLAINED that since cameras are a low-consuming steel product; no effect has been felt. The company's biggest worry is aluminum, he noted. If the strike is settled within two months, Argus will escape with no drastic consequences, Production curtailment might result, however, if deadlocks continue longer than that, the company reported. On the other hand, the local Ebconomy Baler concern is be- ginning to feel the pinch, man- agers declared. They said despite See STRIKE, Page 8 Eklund Lauds Federal Aid To Education There is a good chance that some kind of federal aid to educa- tion will be passed in the next ses- sion of Congress, John M. Eklund, president of the American Federa- tion of Teachers said last night before a meeting of the organiza- tion's local chapter. The group, meeting at the Un- ion, heard Eklund come out strongly for such aid, if it definite- ly earmarked funds for increas- ing teaching wage scales. HE ATTRIBUTED the failure of Congress's last session to pass any legislation with such qualifi- cation to parliamentary muddling. Eklund also reported to the chapter on the position of the federation toward communist teachers. Membership in the Communist Party should not condemn a teacher per se, Ek- lund declared. Eklund scoffed at those who "I would not have voted guilty on the 11 top Communists on the basis of what evidence I've read," Prof. Preston Slosson of the his- tory department said yesterday. Speaking at a meeting of the Americans for Democratic Action, at which Prof. Samuel Estep of the University law school also spoke, Prof. Slosson said "no one can have the slightest sympathy with the defendants. They cry for civil liberties on the one hand, and make excuses for all sorts of Russian violations of them on the other." * * * "BUT IT IS questionable wheth- er they cause any real and present danger to the government. So far, they are only practicing abstract advocacy of possible revolution," he said. No Communist revolution has ever been successful without there being the popular support of at least one third of the vot- ers. When a Communist presi- dential candidate gets 16,000,000 votes, it is time to worry, Prof. Slosson explained. "I think the government should allow a little flexibility in the in- terpretation of this abstract kind of talk, and concentrate instead on any real conspiracy that may arise," he concluded. PROF. ESTEP, who spoke on the legal aspects of the top Com- SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FOREIGN STUDY: Fuibright Award Competition Opens By DAVE THOMAS Competition for the 1950-51 Fulbright awards has begun. This year, the second of the program, 648 opportunities in the fields of graduate study, teaching and research abroad are being of- ment. The award is normally made for one year only and is renewable only in exceptional cases. Grants to foreign nationals in- clude round trip transportation only, as all the awards are made Rhodes scholar, launched the program in order to broaden international understanding and at the same time facilitate the sale of surplus army property which was badly needed by many European countries after Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school. He pointed out that there are three general requirements for prospective candidates. They are: 1. American citizenship.