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October 25, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-25

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Sitr uj rn
Latest Deadline in the State





Official Sees
Air Guard
National Guard
Rakes Air Force
simmering inter-service wrangle
boiled up yesterday into blunt no-
tice from the Air Force that it may
try to take control of the flying
branch of the National Guard.
Assistant Air Secretary Harold
C. Stuart told National Guard of-
ficers from throughout the United
";States that his department will
advocate federalization of the
Guard "if that is what is neces-
sary for the strongest national de-
* * *
reply to a charge by the president
of the U.S. National Guard Asso-
ciation that the Air Force is seek-
ing to wreck the guard. Both
statements were made in speeches
at the opening of the association's
annual conference.
Maj. Gen. Ellard A. Walsh of
Minnesota, the Guard President,
touched off the scrap by accus-
ing the Air Force of trying to
gobble up the air guard. He
named Air Secretary Stuart
Symington, Chief of Staff Hoyt
S. Vandenberg and Lt. Gen. El-
wood Quesada as leaders in the
campaign. Quesada is chair-
man of the joint technical plan-
ning committee in the defense
Assistant Secretary Stuart told
the guard officers he knew of no
statement from Symington or Gen.
Vandenberg advocating federal
control of the guard, but added:
"IF THAT IS WHAT is neces-
sary for the strongest national de-
fense, I am sure every one of you
here are just as much for it as they
are and I would be."
Whatever policy the Air Force
stands for, he said, will be "what
}in our opinion" is best for na-
tional defense. "We want a good
long-asting-peace and we de-
sire sincerely to do everything in
our power to insure a lasting
Gen. Walsh made it plain nev-
ertheless that the guard will stand
its ground and is here to stay no
matter what other branches of the
armed services want.
"The National Guard has no in-
tention of being read out of the
party to which it has belonged to
these many years and to which it
has contributed so much," he said
in his annual report. "The Na-
tional Guard was here first and
here we intend to stay."
He charged the Air Force with
carrying on a campaign to replace
the Guard with a 'purely air re-
serve force."
Lubeck Heads
Phoenix Drive
Mary Lubeck, '51, will head the
students' campaign drive for the
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Proj-
ect, the National Executive Com-
mittee announced Sunday.
He was also made a member of
the National Executive Committee.
EVENTUALLY consisting of
about 1,000 volunteers, the stu-

dents' campaign will begin next
fall, Lubeck said. Selection of stu-
dent personnel will begin very
soon, he added.
A campaign worker will con-
tact every student on campus,
Lubeck revealed.
Assisting Lubeck in the students'
campaign will be a vice-chairman
and four standing committees.
They are publicity, features, per-
sonnel and speakers.
Announcements for prospective
student campaign personnel will
be made in the near future, Lu-
beck said.
'U' Red Feather
Campaign Opens
Setting an overall quota of $25,-
500, the University's annual Com-
munity Fund campaign gets under
way today.
The drive, handled through the
Ann Arbor Community Chest, will

'U' Officials Study
Housing Finances
With tax assessment problems apparently worked out with the
Ann Arbor Board of Realtors last month, University officials are
now attempting to secure a suitable financing program for the
Stadium Hills Faculty Housing Project.
Designed to alleviate the substandard housing conditions of
500 faculty and departmental employees, the 800 unit project will
be located on a 155 acre tract of land located nert to the University
Golf Course.

Hills Corporation
the homes on a

PROPERTY was purchased from the Golf View
in April, 1948, it was originally planned to build

basis similar to the University
residence halls.
Since that time, however, a
State Legislature bill has cleared
the obstacles to the financing of
University projects through
loans floated by private insur-
ance companies. Officials are
now contacting insurance com-
panies in an attempt to work out
such a financing program.
Meanwhile, the University's at-
tempts to get the Stadium Hills
property admitted within the Ann
Arbor city limits were given a
boost late last month when local
realtors passed a resolution favor-
ing the admittance of the area.
* * *
that the land should be placed on
the tax rolls "at a fair assessment
value at the time of annexation."
University vice-president Rob-
ert P. Briggs had told the real-
tors that although the Regents
do not have the authority to put
tax exempt University property
on the tax rolls, "it is their sin-
cere intention to see that it does
go on the tax rolls."
Petitions favoring the addition
of Stadium Hills and neighboring
Barnard Heights to Ann Arbor
have been circulated but not filed.
The land, formerly operated as
a golf course, is now being used
as a parking lot during the Wol-
verine's home football games.
Leland Stowe
To Talky 'here
Will Present Second
In 'U' Lecture Series
Leland Stowe, author and journ-
alist, will present the second in
the University's Lecture Series at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
Stowe, who has been awarded a
Pulitzer Prize in journalism, will
speak on "We Still Have Time to
Win the Peace."
porter" Magazine, Stowe has just
returned from a European tour.
He visited Italy, Greece, and
the Balkans, and was there when
the U.S. Senate passed the At-
lantic Pact and the Arms Aid
Bill. Part of Stowe's talk tomor-
row will deal with the effect of
U.S. policy on these areas.
Author of "Nazi Means War,"
"No Other Road to Freedom," and
"Thou Shall Not Sleep," Stowe was
formerly on the staff of the New
York Herald Tribune's Paris bu-
* * *
HE HELD THAT post from
1925-37, and during that time re-
ported on the League of Nations,
and the Spanish Civil War.
In 1939, Stowe became foreign
staff correspondent for the "Chi-
cago Daily News," and covered the
Russo - Finnish War. Beginning
in 1941, he was war correspondent
for the News in Norway, Greece,
and Albania.
Tickets for the lecture are avail-
able from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today
and tomorrow at Hill Auditorium.
ISA To Meet
The International Students
Association will hold its third
meeting of the semester at 7
p.m. today at the International

Two Deny
Argus Suit
A denial of charges made
against Argus, Inc., Ann Arbor
camera firm, in a $1,180,388 dam-
age suit has been filed by H. L.
Frisinger, Ann Arbor contractor
and A. L. Ashby, president of Oli-
vet College, both members of the
company's board.
The charge was brought against
Argus, Inc., by Louis M. Eston, De-
troit investment counselor and
owner of 100 shares of Argus stock.
Eston alleged that "negligent ac-
tions" of the firm's directors had
resulted in dissipation of the com-
pany's funds.
* * *
THE ANSWER filed with the
Wayne county circuit court, is the
(first to be made by any of the
eight company directors named in
the charge.
Frisinger and Ashby denied
that "a general system" had
been established to benefit the
directors financially.
They also denied that the di-
rectors had allowed themselves to
be dominated by the former pres-
ident and vice-president of the
THY SAID that the alleged
$100,000 loss in the sale of cam-
eras to a Hoboken, N.J., firm was
not the result of any failure of
the defendants.
The answer refuted Easton's
charge that "ownership and op-
eration of an airplane consti-
tuted a negligent and reckless
dissipation of the corporation's
As a final point, Frisinger and
Ashby denied that the alleged
seven-and-a-half-cent - per - share
dividend declared in 1947-48 was
The two board members also
asserted that Eston may have
disseminated the charges to the
stockholders to influence the
management of the corporation
for his own purposes.
Last Chance
For Petitions
Today is the last chance for po-
tential election candidates to ap-
ply for petitions, arcording to
Student Legislature elections
chairman Bill Clark. '
The Administration Building
lobby will be open from 3 to 4:30
p.m., he said. Clark reissued his
call for more students to petition
for SL positions. "We should have
more SL candidates to make the
elections successful," he said.
* * *
THE PETITIONS will be due
tomorrow at the Administration
lobby. The window will be open
from 1 to 4:30 p.m., 'he said.
Fourteen more petitioners were
filed yesterday, raising the total
to 91, he said.
Ten SL petitions were applied
for: Dolores Olsen, Arnold Miller,
David Litowsky, Tom Rice, Jacob
Lazar, Albert Keith, Sam Altman,
David Belin, Dorothy Kline and
Howard Johnson.
J-Hop Committee petitioners
were: Mary Lou Porter, Francis
Luse, Joseph Simpson, Nan Byrns.

U.S. Pledges
Aidin Control
Of 'A Bomb
Truman Speaks
At UN Dedication
NEW YORK - (P) - President
Truman pledged American support
today to any safe and effective
plan that would outlaw the atomic
"To assure that atomic energy
will be devoted to man's welfare
and not to his destruction is a
continuing challenge to all nations
and all peoples," he declared.
* * *
THE PRESIDENT spoke at a
ceremony at which the United Na-
tions laid the cornerstone for its
permanent headquarters.
He called the cornerstone
rites "An act of faith-our un-
shakeable faith that the United
Nations will succeed."
He addressed 16,000 persons at
a flag-decked open air session of
the 59-nation General Assembly
seated in the dead end of 42nd
Street on the East River.
MR. TRUMAN SAID control of
weapons is a requisite to a peace-
ful world.
Ever since the first atomic
bomb was developed," he said,
"a major objective of United
States policy has been a system
of international control of
atomic energy that would assure
effective prohibition of atomic
weapons, and at the same time
would promote the peaceful use
of atomic energy by all nations."
He reviewed briefly the work of
the deadlocked UN Atomic Energy
Commission and endorsed again
the Bernard M. Baruch Plan that
won majority approval but was re-
jected by Russia.
"THIS IS A GOOD plan," he
said "It is a plan that can work
and, more important, it is a plan
that can be effective in accom-
plishing its purpose. It is the only
plan so far developed that w .ald
meet the technical requirement of
control, that would make prohibi-
tion of atomic weapons effective,
and at the same time promote the
peaceful development of atomic
energy on a cooperative basis.
"We support this plan and will
continue to support it unless and
until a better and more effective
plan is put forward."
The Russians have rejected
every proposal which contains pro-
visions for inspection.-
Bloc Voting
Stands Stated
The presidents of IFC and AIM
last night appeared before the
West Quad Council's Campus Ac-
tion Committee to state their
groups' cases in the current IFC-
AIM squabble over bloc voting.
Jake Jacobson, '50, IFC presi-
dent, and Walt Hansen, '50, presi-
dent of AIM, spent an hour ex-
plaining their respective stands.
IT WAS A BID for West Quad
support in the forthcoming SL
elections-support for their or-
ganizations' policies, if not for in-'
dividual candidates or groups of
George Roumell, '51, West
Quad Council president, said the

Council will hear the Campus
Action Committee's rep.ort at its
regular meeting tonight.
At that time, the Council will
make a definite statement of its
position in the SL election, he said.
* * *
MEANWHILE, Ray Litt, '52E,
East Quad Council president,
would only declare, "We of the
East Quad Council have decided to
back the most qualified me'n for'
Litt said a more definite state-
ment may be forthcoming when
his group receives further infor-
mation on the election policies of
the IFC, AIM and West Quad


Atlee Puts Fee on British
(Social Medical Services

-Daily-Herb Harrington
DAMSEL IN DISTRESS-Dibby Ewing, '53, grimaces as she
bares her arm for a flu vaccination. Behind her Sal Fallone, '52,
offers a queasy grin as he fingers his own sleeve in not-too-happy
anticipation. Students may continue to get flu shots from 8 to
11:30 a.m. and from 1 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow and Wednesday
at Health Service.
ElectricalImpulses Seen
As AId to Handicapped
EVANSTON, Ill.-(P)-A means of making the blind see, the deaf
hear and the paralyzed walk-by sending electrical impulses into the
brain or muscles-was seen as a possibility tonight by a scientist in
brain lesearch.
He is Dr. Wendell J. S. Krieg, professor of neurology at North-
western University's medical school. He toid a University meeting he
believes that great advances will be made in the next decade in
such research on humans.
* * * *

Bum Steer
ing to frantic calls swamping
the police department here last
night an entire herd of cattle
was stampeding along U.S. 25.
But when the police, aided by
50 volunteers, came to the res-
cue it was tp round up one large
steer that 'scaped from a pack-
ing plant.
Brushing aside Deputy Sher-
iff Earnest J. Spratto, the steer
escaped to the shelter of a
nearby woods.
Arab Nations
Consider Pact
For Defense
Called Potential
Allies for West
CAIRO - (P) - A senior Arab
statesman said yesterday seven
Arab nations are contemplating a
mutual defense treaty calling for
a unified supreme command and
integrated armed forces.
Other sources pointed out that
establishment of common Arab de-
fenses - if the step could be di-
vorced from the Palestineissue-
would provide more effective po-
tential allies for the West if a
conflict ever materialized with
AN INDICATION of internal op-
position to the mutual defense pact
came from Ismail Sidky Pasha,
former Egyptian Premier and an
influential independent political
He told the newspaper Al
Ahram such a pact "is more
dangerous to Egyptian security
than the atom bomb."
Sidky Pasha warned a common
command would require disclosure
of Egyptian defense secrets. He
demanded the matter go before
the Egyptian Parliament before
Egypt takes any binding action.
THE HIGH ARAB statesman,
who asked that his identity be
withheld, said it was hoped that
in addition toea mutualsdefense
treaty an agreement also would
be reached on an Arab economic
treaty, linking together the econ-
omies of the prospective military
The informant expressed op-
timism that both draft treaties
would be drawn up in the cur-
rent Arab league council ses-
sions. Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Leb-
anon, Hashemite Jordan, Saudi
Arabia and Yemen would be the
countries concerned.
Since all seven Arab nations are
strongly anti-Communist, such a
military unification could create a
significant new strategic situation
among the Soviet Union's southern
The Arab League Council prev-
iously announced approval in prin-
ciple of an Egyptian suggestion
for a collective security system in
the Arab world.
Directory Sale
The least expensive student dir-
ectory in ten years goes on sale
Costing only 75 cents instead of
the usual dollar, the directory will

be sold on the diagonal, at the
League, the Union, at an Admin-
istration Building window and
along the routes to the four major
womens residence halls.
SELLING HOURS will be from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Uif the directories
last that long. Last year, at 25
cents more per copy, the directory
sold out by 2:30 p.m. the first day.
Behind the "ice green" cover
of the directory are the names,
Ann Arbor addresses and tele-
phone numbers of more than
20,000 students. These include

Outlines Plan
To Hold Back
Cuts Announced
In Dollar Imports
LONDON-(P)-Prime Minister
Clement Attlee tacked a 14-cent
fee onto Britain's Socialized Medi-
cal Service yesterday as part of
an economy program to save the
government 280,000,000 pounds
($784,000,000) a year.
To pull the nation out of its eco-
nomic spin, the Prime Minister
also ordered a $400,000,000 cut in
dollar imports.
IN TERSE, DRY tones of auste-
rity, Attlee presented to Parlia-
ment the Labor Government's
scheme for preventing inflation
that might result from devaluation
of the pound.
"We must reduce expenditure
and increase production," Attlee
told the House of Commons. The
program he offered lopped off
spending for national defense,
capital investments, public re-
lations and food subsidies.
Later in a radio fireside chat to
the British people the Labor Prime
Minister declared the nation is
"not yet going flat in this fight
for recovery.
TO THE ALREADY austerity-
weary Briton it all meant that
many of the goods they have to
queue up for would be even scarcer,
Gasoline and some foods would
cost more. They would have to
pay the 14-cent fee for medicines
thyn: w-gt - - n--ha--
tional Health Program.
Before a' jammed and tensely
waiting audience in the House of
Commons Attlee announced
these cuts:
National defense - 30,000,000
pounds ($84,000,000). Most of the
savings to be in administrative
Capital investment-14,000,000
pounds ($392,000,000). Hacked off
of long-term projects such as im-
provement of fuel and power out-
put and the building of roads,
schools and hospitals.
Housing - 35,000,000 pounds
($98,000,000). Cuts an estimat-
ed 20,000 houses off the gov-
ernment's program to build 180,-
000 annually.
Other building - 35,000,000
pounds ($98,000,000). Represents a
general tightening up on controls
over construction.
time Prime Minister and opposi-
tion leader, was the first to react
to the Attlee pronouncement.
Jumping to his feet when Attlee
was finished, the Conservative
Party leader said:
"The first question we must
all ask ourselves is: are these
proposals adequate to the need
in which we stand?"
Sir Patrick Hannon, president of
the National Union of Manufac-
turers, declared the program was
"totally inadequate to meet the
gravity of the situation."
In the London stock market
prices recovered sharply toward
the close. 'The general belief
among brokers was that cuts in
government expenditure an-
nounced by Attlee would, in the
long run, help business recovery.
Dormitory To

Women living in the unit of
the New Women'shResidence
named in honor of Alice Freeman
Palmer last month will hold a
dinner program in her honor at
6 p.m. today.
The 129 coeds living in Palmer
House, one of four units in the
new residence hall, will present a
brief program dramatizing inci-
dents in Dr. Palmer's life follow-
ing the dinner.
* * *

normal nerve

IllS THEORY, electrical impulses, duplicating the
impulses involved in sight and hearing, could be con-

veyed to the brain by a series of -
electrodes distributed over the
Since muscles can be made to
contract by direct electrical
stimulation, "it should be pos-
sible to place permanent elec-
trodes at motor points and acti-
vate the muscles whenever de-
sired,," he said.
"It is only a technological step
to devise an appliance to scan the
visual field in the same manner
as a television scanner and to
transmit that which is seen and
recorded to the cortex (brain) cov-
ering) in the same sequence and,
scanning pattern," he added.
TO PRODUCE the sensation of
hearing, he said, "it would seemj
possible to carry a series of ter-
minals to the auditory area of1
the brain whereby separate tones,1
in different combinations and se-
quences, could be applied."
He gave no estimate of how ;
soon a practical test could, be
made of his beliefs. But in an,
interview, he told a reporter:;
"If we had a small, two-story
building and $65,000 a year avail-;
able I feel we could develop at a
rate that would produce some
practical results in about four'
So far, he said, no tests have
been made nor has equipment been

World News
By The Associated Press
The Government pulled out of
its peace talks with U.S. Steel yes-
terday-at least for the time. It
was learned that federal media-
tion director Cyrus S. Ching does
not plan to return to New York to-
day, but U.S. steel officials have
been asked to stand by in New
York for possible further talks.
PARIS-Georges Bidault, the
latest leader picked to solve
France's political deadlock tried to
put together a cabinet yesterday
before asking confirmation from
the National Assembly.
CLEVELAND - CIO President,
Philip Murray disclosed moves yes-
terday to set up a huge CIO war
chest at next week's convention to
help the steelworkers in their
strike for free pensions and insur-
Murray also indicated yesterday
that he plans to purge the CIO of
leaders who refuse to go along with
general anti-communist policy, in-
cluding the merger of weak left-
wing unions with strong right-
wing ones.

Expert Musician Explains Triangle


What's it like to play the trian-
gle with the Boston Symphony?

"There are all kinds of things
to consider," he remarked with a

angle is not complete-one angle
is unfinished to release the sound

you hit the triangle, and wheth-
er you hold the stick loosely or

percussionist Charles Smith who
was kept busy on the drums Sun-

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