See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Denfield May
Lose Job As
Chief of Navy
Other Discharges
Of Officials Seen
ing feud in the armed forces over
the grand strategy for war may
result in firing Admiral Louis E.
Denfeld as the top officer in the
In forecasting that, a high offi-
cial in the Pentagon told a re-
porter yesterday that other heads
may be chopped off, too, but no
wholesale purge is in sight.
"DON'T SAY THIS will be a
reprisal," he said. "It won't be.
It will be an effort to get some-
body on the team who will work
with the team."
Denfeld is chief of Naval op-
erations and the Navy's repre-
sentative on the policy-making,
strategy-planning joint chiefs of
The entire .inter-service feud
was blamed on President Truman
by Senator Wherry, of Nebraska,
the Republican Senate leader.
Wherry said in a speech at Lenoir,
N.C., that as commander-in-chief
of the armed forces Mr. Truman
"is responsible for the continuing
warfare among the armed serv-
* * *
"WITH A STROKE of his pen
he could order peace among the
admirals and generals, removing
those who refuse to work in a
team," Wherry said.
He suggested selection of a
commission of outstanding cit-
Izens to see that there is a uni-
fied plan of action for the armed
forces which would "spell out
the mission of every arm of our
Speculation that high personnel
changes would follow the Congres-
sional hearings centered on Den-
feld, as the Navy's top officer.
* * *
THERE WAS some guessing'
that Vice Admiral Forrest Sher-
man, commanding the sixth task
fleet in the Mediterranean, might
replace Denfeld. Fellow officers
say Sherman is strong for unifi-
Ironically, Denfeld has had a
reputation for favoring unifica-
tion, too. In the hearings on de-
fense policies by the House Armed
Services Committee he emphasized
that he is for it. But he went in
as clean-uphitter for the admirals
-" who are complaining unification
as handled isn't working, that the
Navy is getting a raw deal from
policies putting overemphasis on
the Air Force and long-range stra-
tegi bombing.
Denfeld said the Navy is denied
a full partnership in the policy
Directory To
Sell Tuesday
The student directory will go on
sale Tuesday, one month earlier
than last year.
An absolute must on every stu-
dent's book list, this fall's direc-
tory will be less expensive than
any directory published in the last
ten years.
It will cost only 75 cents, as
compared with the customary
dollar of past years.
The sale will begin at 8 a.m.,
Tuesday morning, and last until 5
p.m. A sellout, however, may cut
this time short, as sales of last
year's directory lasted until 2:30
p.m. when the final copy was sold.
Rusch to Speak
On Christianity
Col. Paul Rusch, formerly a mili-
Ortmann Shines
In 14-7 Conquest
O Giant Gophers
(Sports Co-Editor)
Haul out the adjectives gentlemen, Mediocre Michigan
is Mighty once again
Bennie's Beleaguered Boys became Bennie's Beautiful
Blockers, Tacklers, Passers, Runners and what-have-you yester-
day as they turned in their finest exhibition in many a ;noon
to dump Minnesota from the unbeaten ranks, 14-7 here before
a loudly appreciative Homecoming crowd of 97,239.
THE GOLDEN GOPHERS, with Rose Bowl on their minds and
the Little Brown Jug gleaming tantilizingly in their eyes from its
place of honor on the Michigan sidelines, couldn't cope with a
blonde Wolverine halfback named Charlie Ortmann and an out-
weighed Michigan line and that was the story of a happy afternoon
in Ann Arbor.
Ortmann tore through the vaunted Minnesota. forward wall,
touted as one of the best in the history of collegiate football, to
pick up 115 of the 126 yards the Wolverines gained by rushing and
completed nine out of 17 passes for 92 yards to put on the greatest
one man offensive show seen here since All-American Bob
Chappuis was piling up Western Conference yardage records.
LEO NOMELLINI, Minnesota's two-time All-American, was just
another ball player as Al Wistert, Al Wahl, Bob Holloway, Ozzie Clark,
Don McClelland, Lloyd Heneveld, Tony Momsen, Tom Johnson and
Dick, Kempthorn took turns in hogging the defensive spotlight for
Kempthorn, as usual, was superb. He may have been the
- betdefensive player on the field, but It would be rank injustice
to put the spotlight on one man when so many did so much.
* * * *
BUT THE DEFENSIVE TEAM is taking the bows today and they
richly deserve them. The Gophers, boasting an average of better
than five yards per running play in their first two Big Ten games,
had a net loss of six yards to show for their first three series of
play when Wolverine halfback Charlie Lentz, a whale of a safety-
man all day, intercepted a Dick Gregory pass on the 50 and raced
back to the Minnesota 39, from where the Wolverines went into
high gear.
Michigan end Harry Allis, playing his best offensive game.
of the season, grabbed a first down pass from Ortmann on the
20. Minnesota with their backs suddenly to the wall substituted
illegally and was penalized to the 15.
Fullback Don Dufek scooted around end to the 10 yard line
and then Chuck Ortmann ended brief visions of a typically rugged
Minnesota goal line stand as he raced through a huge hole in the
center of the Gopher line to put the Wolverines ahead after seven
and a half minutes of play.
See IRONCLAD, Page 7
* * * *
Inspired Rooters Cheer
Minto Victory
-Daily-Alex Lmapian
AIRBORNE-Whether the action took place, through the air as above, or on the ground, Chuck Ortmann was in complete mastery during Michigan's battle with
Minnesota for the Little Brown Jug yesterday. Over the airlanes he fired 9 completions in 17 attempts good for 92 of the 102 net yards gained by Wolverine passing.
In addition, he accounted for 115 of Michigan's 126 yards gained overland. In the opening period he put his team in front when he crashed ten yards off tackle and
hurled himself into the end zone. His stellar performance provided the offensive spark which was badly lacking in the Army and Northwestern games.
Czech Communists Wipe
Out Foreign Terrorists'
Communist-controlled government
announced last night it had
crushed a large band of "desperate
spies and terrorists" who sought
to assassinate certain government
The official account declared
the group was in league with the
intelligence service of a foreign
power, which it did not name, and
had carried out a bombing in the
center of Prague last August.
* * *
ported on trial at Louny, a small
town 40 miles west of Prague.
Friday the government an-
nounced thearrest of one employe
of the American Embassy' here and
the expulsion of another, Isaac
Patch, U.S. embassy attache, on
charges that they directed opera-
tions for espionage, terrorism and
the smuggling of #1olitical refugees.,
THESE announcements came
after three weeks of extensive po-
lice roundups which had thrown
thousands of Czechoslovak citizens.
into jail or forced labor camps and
purged hundreds of "political un-
Illinois Game
Ducats on Sale
Bus tickets for the Illinois game
will be sold from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
all week at the Student Activities
window in the lobby of the Ad-
ministration Building.
Round-trip tickets for the six
and a half hour ride cost $12. The
buses will leave at 2:30 p.m. Fri-
day from the League and arrive
at 8 p.m. in Champaign. Return-
ing buses will leave around noon
Sunday from Champaign.
Cork Doubts
U.S. osing
Aton1ie Race
Statements made Friday by two
of the nation's leading atomic
scientists that Russia probably
will wipe out America's lead in
the atomic bomb race in two years
we'e somewhat tempered yester-
day by Prof. James M. Cork, of
the physics department.
The scientists., Prof. Harold C.
Urey of the University of Chicago
and Dr. Frederick Seitz of the
University of Illinois ,said that
within a short time the Russians
"will learn all that U.S. scientists
know about the bomb by routine
scientific and engineering inves-
* * *
PROF. CORK said, however,
that it would be "quite an effort"
for any nation to make up the
head start which the United States
has in atomic bomb research and
"Of course you never can tell
what a well organized group
working together can accom-
plish," he added.
Urey, discoverer of heavy hyd-
rogen and a Nobel prize winner,
charged that bomb production has
faltered in the United States since
the war.
* * * 4
CONTENDING that American
atomic production is operating on
a full scale, Prof. Cork countered
Urey's statement by pointing out
that "we reportedly are producing
bombs at the speed with which we
can acquire the necessary raw
The Russians probably don't
have access to deposits comparable
to those of the Western powers in
South Africa and Canada," he
Truman May Intervene
In Steel and Coal Strikes
By The Associated Press
President Truman mays person-
ally intervene in the steel and coal
strikes if they are not settled by
the middle of next week, federal
labor experts said yesterday.
The President might use the
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS-Premier-designate Rene
Vfayer resigned early today, pro-
longing the French political crisis.
* * *
NEW YORK-Despite bitter So-
viet protests, the United Nations
Assembly voted, 47 to 5, to express
its grave concern over Western
charges of violations of human
rights behind the Iron Curtain.
* * *
NEW YORK-The Communist
Party threw its propaganda
machine into top speed yester-
day to get the 11 imprisoned
Red leaders out on bail.
ATLANTA, Ga.-A Negro attor-
ney yesterday talked back sharply
to Georgia's "white supremacy"
governor, Herman Talmadge, about
a lawsuit demanding that Negro
children in Irwin County be grant-
ed equal educational facilities.
Taft-Hartley court injunction to
end the soft coal strike.
AND HE MIGHT call steel in-
dustry officials to the White House
to try to persuade them to grant
the insurance and pension de-
mands of the CIO-United Steel
Workers, labor sources speculated.
But the indications grew that
the White House is aiming at a
settlement of the 22-day old
steel strike before it hopes to
do much about ending the coal
Talks between Cyrus S. Ching,
conciliation chief and U.S. Steel
Corporation leaders in New York
City were in recess for the week
end, but will be resumed today.
Ching said the dispute seemed no
closer to settlement after three
days of talks.
CHING HAS been talking with
the steel leaders face to face and
consulting with the strike bosses
by telephone.
U.S. Steel, the key producer and
usually the pattern fixer for the
industry, stood pat against pen-
sions and insurance without em-
ploye contribution.
CIO President Philip Murray,
who also heads the more than
500,000 steelworkers out on strike
since October 1, has been just as
firm against employe contribu-
Fund Drive of Memorial
Phoenix Project Begins
A hoarse, happy, inspired throng
helped Michigan to its seventh
consecutive victory over the bulky
Minnesota team yesterday.
The cheering from the more
than 97,000 fans, students and
alumni put to flight campus gripes
about "school spirit."
Whenever the cheerleaders wig-
gled their little fingers, the student
section, and the rest of the stad-
ium for that matter, screamed in
* *
IT WAS A perfect homecoming.
Temperatures in the fifties, with
a nipping wind kept the crowd
bundled in light-weight coats.
With clear skies and a brilliant
sun, Ann Arbor turned on all its
charms for the uncounted number
of alumni who came back.
The crowd, on its feet a good
part of the time, was a colorful
blur of red and green.
But the game theme was en-
thusiasm. It spread through the
mass of Michigan fans like wild-
fire. Whether on defense or of-
fense, the Wolverines on the field
got cheers each time they lined up.
* * *
THE MARCHING band per-
formed in the spirit of the day.
Warming up by spelling out
"GRAN" before game time, they
waited until the half to uncork a
maneuvering routine based on the
show "South Pacific" which in-
cluded a palm tree and half moon
and, most inspiring, a moving
grass-skirted dancing girl.
With "LOVE" to the specta-
tors, the band closed one of its
fintest displays.
Announcement of homecoming
display winners brought screams
from the girls and cheers from
the men, but still seemed only a
side-light compared to the grip-
ping interest in the play.
THE PRESS BOX was flooded
with broadcasters, who overflow-
ed into the section usually reserv-
ed for reporters as some ten sta-
tions carried the play by play des-
cription of the game.
Also on hand were "Tug" Wil-
son, big ten boss man, and scouts
from Illinois, Iowa and Indiana.
The "upset" was made official
A drive to raise $6,500,000 for
what President Alexander G.
Ruthven called "a project bigger
than the University"-the Mich-
igan Memorial-Phoenix Project-
opened yesterday as more than 400
campaign leaders from all parts
of the country met.
A living memorial for those who
died in World War II, the Project
is dedicated to research in peace-
time uses of atomic energy. Many
researchers are already at work
under the Project's sponsorship.
THE MEETING featured talks
been so thrilled as I have been at
seeing the Phoenix Project organi-
zation develop."
HE EXPLAINED that the Uni-
versity is breaking with tradition
in soliciting funds from thealum-
ni, but is doing so because of the
scope of the project.
Speaking of the physical and
biological science aspects of the
Project, Dean Sawyer, who was
technical director for the Bikini
bomb test, said the Project will
cover three fields of study.
Muench Will Lead First Concert
Two separate programs have
been scheduled by Conductor
Charles Muench for the Boston
by Ravel, are the two other works
to be played today by the Or-
Muench, are well-known to resi-
dents of Ann Arbor.
The Symphony has played