THE MICHIGTAN I ATLY 9ATtrltDAT.'OC.TWtXA ! I. 14"'A"14, auaaavrai a rada.ia vn.r U.oi.:. , vt a vnc.r ,GG, 1 4y Launch Ph nix Research Project Explores Uses Of Atom in Peacetime The Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project is well underway for more than a score of University researchers. Dedicated to those who gave their lives in World War II, the Project is already sponsoring research in peacetime uses of atomic energy in fields ranging from archaeology to physics. AMONG FIELDS INCLUDED IN the research project is medicine, where Dr. Fred J. Hodges and Dr. Isadore Lampe, of the roentgenology department of the University Hospital, are conducting experiments using radioactive iodine to combat thyroid diseases, such as cancer of the thyroid. Liquid radioactive iodine is shipped to the hospital from Oak Ridge in thick-walled lead containers. Radioactive "cock- tails" are drawn off into small lead jugs before being downed by the thyroid victims. Radioactive iodine was first developed with the University cyclo- tron, as were approximately one-fifth of the isotopes now known. Botanical research is also being furthered by the Phoenix Project. Prof. R. J. Lowry of the botany department is now conducting experi- ments using radioactive isotopes to study chromosome division in plants. AT PRESENT, MUCH OF THE WORK consists of feeding radio- active phosphorus to plants such as gasteria and garden peas. Pollen from the plant which has been treated is 'dusted onto a normal pn. DATING MUMMIES-Eventually the Geiger counter shown in the above picture will be used to determine the age of ancient remains. Still in t he testing stage, the device was designed by Prof. H. R. Crane, left, of the physics department. In the picture, Mrs. Gloria Thornton, '49M, and Peter Randolph, '51, right, are checking the Carbon 14 count indicated on the apparatus during a trial run. The third assistant on the project, not shown, is Earl McDaniel, Grad. In the cells which result from the pollination, Prof. Lowry hopes to be able to identify the chromosomes donated by the treated plant as distinct from the normal chromosomes, thus determining some of the effects of radioactivity on plant hered- ity. Cooperating closely with Prof. Lowry on the research is Prof. Robley Williams, of the physics department. Prof. Williams han- dles parts of the project which de- pend on the use of the electron microscope. ARCHEOLOGY will also bene- fit shortly from Phoenix Project research. Prof. H. R. Crane, of the physics department, has de- signed a special Geiger counter which will be used by Prof. James B. Griffin, of the archeology de- partment, to determine the age of ancient remains. Now nearing the testing stage, the device is the only apparatus of its kind in the country out- side of those located at the Uni- versity of Chicago. The counter will eventually sport a covering of several tons of lead to keep atmospheric Car- bon 14 from interfering with the counting of radioactive carbon in substances of an unknown age. Three kitchen-type clocks on the instrument panel of the coun- ter record the testing time of a relatively "dead" substance, such as coal, the unknown, and a con- temporary substance which will have a much higher radioactivity. RESEARCH in the unknown chemical forces which give mole- cular compounds composed of the same atoms different physical properties is also being conducted under the Phoenix Project. Seymour Lewin, a graduate fellow in the chemistry depart- ment, is conducting experiments to this end. using bromine com- pounds. Radioactive atoms are used in preparing the com- pounds. Then a compound containing radioactive atoms is mixed with one which has none. Then the behavior of the radioactive atoms when they combine with the non- radioactive atoms of the other compound can be observed. A STUDY OF LAWS relating to atomic power, being made by Richard Tybout, a fellow in the economics department,aforms an- other phase of the far-reaching project. Eventually, the Phoenix Project will sponsor studies in fields in- cluding dentistry, anatomy, an- thropology, forestry, pharmacol- ogy, industry, education, popula- tion redistribution, culture and education. Although the radioactive ma- terials now used by the Phoenix research workers are largely sup- plied by the atomic energy plant at Oak Ridge, Tenn., some are made on campus with the use of the cyclotron.' Eventually, radioactive mater-' ials will also be produced here with the synchrotron. The use of the home-grown product will probably be restricted to thoseE substances with a relatively brief period of radioactivity. The Navy Department is spon- soring production of these ma-F terials on campus jointly with the University departments involved. Today's DAILY PICTURE PAGE Story by JOHN P. DAVIES Pictures by CARLYLE MARSHALL and ED KOZMA PLANT PIONEER-Prof. R. J. Lowry, of the botany department, is shown above probing the chromosomes of the garden pea with special micro-dissecting needles. Prof. Lowry and Prof. Williams are cooperating in a study concerning the effects of radioactivity on plant chromosomes. HALOGEN RESEARCH-Seymour Lewin, a research fellow in the chemistry department, is shown above adjusting a distilling column for his experimental work on the structure of halogens. He is using radioactive isotopes to aid in probing the exchange reactions of molecular compounds. I Peace Tension Diagnosed By Prof. Angell PrItegrates Study for UNESCO Division Diagnosing tensions disturbing to peace is the job of the UNESCO division to which Prof. Robert C. Angell, chairman of the sociology department on leave since Sep- tember, is attached. "We do almost no research here, but try to get good research done on subjects in which we aredin- terested in various parts of the world," Prof. Angell stated in a recent letter to the sociology de- partment. PROF. ANGELL termed the work of the eight man staff on which he servesas "largelyad- ministrative." The staff plans projects, ob- tains people to carry them out and checks up on performance and attempts to integrate re- sults, Prof. Angell noted. As most of the plans of the staff must be approved by the an- nual General Conference of UN ESCO, the group must turn in its outlines well in advance of the date work on them will begin, Prof. Angell said. DURING 1950, the division will emphasize the study of "problems that could cause internal tensions leading to weakness and foreign aggression, plus those leading to external aggression against an- other power," Prof. Angell stated.1 "Some of these studies will bel about technology, minority groups, and aggressive nationalism," Prof.. Angell said. "Others wviii concern the cultural assimilation of immi- C711nfQ ho X7Q~r of ifo f clff-1 Bus.Ad. Forum To Be Held Starting Tuesday, the Univer- About 300 business men ar sity will play host to a businsspeted to-attend the progra men's forum. " Sponsored by the business ad- "We have planned the fo iniistration school, the forum will as -an introduction for theb be primarily concerned with the iness man so he can make publishing of mOre attractive and of the facilities here at understandable yearly financial school to develop reportingr reports. cedures which will reflect r * * * accurately actual business op SESSIONS OF THE forum will tions," Dean Russell A. Stev be held in the Rackham Building. son of the business school& ,e ex- ms. rum bus- use the. pro- more era- ven- said. Union Offers AlumniInfo An alumni Bulletin board and information booth will appear from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today in the Union lobby. "The board will provide helpful information to alumni and vis- itors, as well as giving alums a chance to see if any of their old classmates are in town and where ! they can be located," according to Jim Root, '51E, of the Union staff. Get Your Christmas Cards Now! Headquarters for STUDENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS and FOUNTAIN PENS SUppLI0W E to-tfB00KS LOOSE FCA Et~lS SHEAFFER'S STATESMAN THREESOME In brown, blue or black. Pen, $10.00; Pencil, $4.00; Stratowriter, $7.00. Threesomebcomplete and hand- somely gift-boxed, $21.00; nofed. ta. p. Fountain pen repairs by a fac tory trained man. G.I. requisitions accepted. TYPEWRITERS i I I I