2# I THE 311CIlI AN DAILY' SATURDAY, OTOIIER 22, 1949 TH_.IGA AL '2J II' Faces Gophers lI1 31 st Jug Tilt TEAM! TE AM! TEAM! leat Iilhhe4 ta 0 THREE OLD CLASSICS: Annual Greek Tussles Are on Tap Today Three struggles for gridiron su- premacy on the campus will pre- cede today's Michigan-Minnesota struggle. Included on the agenda are two "Mud Bowl" battles and a compe- tition on South Ferry Field. The contestants are: Sigma Alpha Ep- silon vs. Phi Delta Theta, Collegi- ate Sorosis vs. Kappa Alpha Theta, and Triangle vs. Tau Delta Phi. S. A. E.'s annual clash with Phi Delta Theta on the former's home field (known as the "Mud Bowl") is a tradition of long standing. During the nine year rivalry, the Phi Delts have emerged victorious seven times, and were triumphant last year by a 25-12 score. Included in "Mud Bowl" fes- tivities will be a performance by the SAE marching band, and the crowning of the Mud Bowl Queen. And speaking of queens, several from Collegiate Sorosis and Kappa Alpha Theta will face each other across a scrimmage line between halves of the Phi Delt-SAE con- test. The girls have been lunging at each other for many a year in this classic encounter, but unusu- ally enough, neither team has an edge in the series. MORE UNUSUALLY during the long history of the event, neither team has been able to score. This is probably due to the abbreviated halves of three min- utes each. Kappa Alpha Theta is plan- ning to throw a platoon system at the Sorosis "Spitfires"-prob- ably in an attempt to match the c x < ., uZ- '; S" ' p; Bye, Gregory Chief Threats Of Title-Hopeful Northmen STUDENTS! STUDENTS! STUDENTS! effectiveness of leading college teams. Sorosis, not to be out- done, will employ a punting spe- cialist and two fullbacks on of- fense-one to run and the other to pass. Rounding out this morning's schedule of world-shaking grid battles will be Triangle's second annual joust with Tau Delta Phi on South Ferry Field. WITH A TROPHY at stake, the Tau Delts will be out to duplicate last year's 13-6 victory over Tri- angle. Standout for the Tau Delts is Moe Katz, who starred in the two I-M games the team has played so far. The Triangles have a rugged squad composed of vet- erans of last year's ball game, and are hopeful of an upset. (Cotinuled frotn ;v) YLEE% W1 0HAS been a steady backfield performer for the Goph- has beena e moe avuerale.8 ers for three years but needed a Four opponents have averaged 5.8 little support to really be able to yards against the Gophers for a shine, has an amazing record also. total of 569 yards. Despite Gregory's feats Bye is in Shop at d _______-------- -----_ . _ PUT eQz Xle INTO YOUR SHoES, 'r. IMT, i r "Timely Repair Gives Longer Wear" 24-HOUR SHOE SERVICE We Use The Best of Materials and Invisible Soling ...also... AIDS TO GOOD SHOE CARE: Polishing Kits Polish Laces Insoles Shoe Trees Shoe Bags FILECCIA BROS. SHOE REPAIR 1109 South University BILLY BYE ...The Air Arme Grid Lea gues Reacl. Peak NEW YORK () College foot- ball reaches the halfway mark in the 1949 season today, a day in which many of the unbeaten fav- orites in the major conferences will be struggling to hang onto their positions at the head of the pack. At this point, such powers as Minnesota in the Big Ten, Cali- fornia on the Pacific Coast, Okla- honia in the Big Seven and Cor- nell in the Ivy League look like the best bets to come through in their respective circuits. KENTUCKY and Tulane are locked in a two-horse race in the Southeastern Conference, as are North-Carolina and Duke in the Southern Loop. And in the South- west Conference, Texas, Rice and Baylor are marching shoulder to shoulder at the head of the par- ade. Northwestern, fresh from its upset over Michigan, invades Iowa, Illinois goes to Purdue and Ohio States visits Wisconsin in other big ten games, besides Minnesota at Michigan. Indiana rounds out the day's activity for conference elevens by playing host to unbeaten Pitts- burgh in a non-loop engagement. The Hoosiers and Purdue are the only twice-beaten teams in league play. ALSO OF interest in the Mid- west will be Big Seven games send- ing Oklahoma to Nebraska and Missouri to Iowa State. The same sort of clarifying situation exists in the South- west Conference, where Rice, upset winner over SMU, invades Texas and unbeaten Baylor vis- its underdog Texas A. and M. Rice, Texas and Baylor all own 1-0-0 records in conference play. A full schedule in the Pacific' Coast Conference sends Washing- ton to California, UCLA to Wash- ington State, Oregon to Southern California, Oregon State to Stan- ford and Idaho to Montana. Because of those rather omi- nous facts Michigan is expected to take to the air this afternoon. If this game follows the pattern4 of last year's the Wolverines will have to click on their passing to win the game. They amassed only 22 yards rushing last year when they de- feated Minnesota 27-14, but through their aerial offense, the Maize and Blue piled up 261 yards and the victory. * * * MINNESOTA'S offense seems to have been functioning equally as well either on the ground or in the air. The Gophers have aver- aged five yards per rush in 212 tries, and boast a 5.7 average in the forward passing department. The success of the Minnesota attack can be attributed to left halfback Billy Bye, and Coach Bernie Biermai's miracle of yards, sophomore tailbarek Dick Gregory. rrhe stocky youngster, who is the fastest gridder to wear the Gold of Minnesota since Sonny Franck led the Gophers to the national cham- pionship in 19:40, has lugged the pigskin 34 times for a net of 295 yards, more than the entire total of Minnesota's four opponents thus far. This impressive figure gives him an enviable average of 8.7 per try. The Starters MINNESOTA MICHIGAN Bud Grant LE Harry Allis Leo Nomellini LT Tom Johnson H Hendrickson LG Al Jackson C. Tonnemaker C Dick Farrar John Lundin R G D. McClelland D. Mundinger RT Jim Atchison Jack Supetz RE Irv Wisniewski Bill Thiele QB John Ghindia Billy Bye LH C. Ortmann Dale Warner RhH Van Summern K. Briersdorf FB D. Kempthorn a class by himself as a producer of total yardage. lie has amassed 265 yards on the ground (also more than the opponents' total), buti n addi- tion has picked off another 245 yards thi-owtie the air. Michigan has a sizable problem on its hands to try to handle the powerful Gopher line and at the same time keep an eye on these two stellar performers. Spartans Seek To Trn Back Penn State Bid EAST LANSING-(P)--Michi- an State and Penn State are ready today to play off the 14-14 tie that rankled both football teams last year. T'hQ Penn State squad arrived iere foIr hours late yesterday af- ternoon, somewhat weary after the sleeper jump from State Col- lege, Pa. The squad missed train connections in Detroit and had to charter a bus to finish the trip to Lansing. 1' * * COACH JOE BEDENK said last night his squad was tired out but should snap back after a night's rest:. The visitors staged a brief limberingt p workouts on the Macklin Field turf yesterday. Star back Fran Rogel tried his bad ankle gingerly but Bedenk said it was unlikely he would see service. The Michigan State squad also ran through only a brief pre-game practice session. Al Dorow is slated to handle the passing and signal calling to replace the Spar- tan star passer Gene Glick, still out with a bad knee. 1313 SouthUniversity (Don't Shove! Just Nudge Your Way Gently! Our Clerks Can Enlighten You on the Meaning) ALL-WOOL BLANKETS for the Football Game Your $10 "Craig-Wood" SWEATERS 3.95 1001C Virgin Wool (and purty, too) each Navy-T-Neck SWEATERS g.. 2.99 (Get 2, They're Cheap) each'+ 449 NAVY M~ H IRTS 6 for 2.90 (The long kind that stay in your pants) Navy Grey or Army Khaki PANTS A 5.95 value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99 pr. S Boy! Have We Got SOX! 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