STEEL COMPANY SEIZURE See Page 4 Y It I9Ul Latest Deadline in the State DArzii4 s . , f w v. 4 SCATTERED SHOWERS VOL. LX, No. 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Coal Dispute Negotiations At Impasse U.S. Intervention TermedLikely WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. Va-(P)-The next move to settle the coal strike seems to be Up to the government. Union and operator teams shuf- fled through more fruitless nego- tiating sessions. Afterwards, an operator spokesman announced: * * * "WE HAVE ABOUT reached the end of the line. It's hopeless." Another said everyone was stalling, waiting for a call from Washington. Presumably it would be a call for a showdown session between United Mine Workers Chief John L. Lewis and the industry in the presence of government mediators. * * * IT COULD BE government seiz- ure of the mines. The White house announced yesterday that President Tru- man has no present plan to in- tervene. Lewis sat in on yesterday's talks here between his aides and nego- tiators for the northern and west- ern segments of the industry. He pulled out after 45 minutes and disappeared. VICE PRESIDENT Thomas Kennedy of the UMW said, how- ever, this should not be taken as a sign Lewis has abandoned the talks-"far be it from that." An operator spokesman said Lewis hadn't done any talking. While he was here he issued in Washington by remote control another of his tart blasts at William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor. Lewis has suggested to Green that the UMW, CIO, and nine oth- er big AFL unions put together a $2,500,000 weekly war chest for the CIO steel workers now on strike. Green refused. * * w LEWIS WROTE Green: "I did not think you would do anything. You rarely do. Unfor- tunately, you follow invariably your well known policy of anx- ious inertia. You cry loud for labor peace and labor security, but seldom do anything to se- cure it." AFL spokesmen in Washington said Green has asked Lewis some questions about his proposal and couldn't agree to it until he got b the answers. The conference here continued for two hours after Lewis left and recessed until today. George H. Love, spokesman for the operators, said they "have no place here-we're just sitting on the sidelines while powerful union leaders race to see which is the most powerful." Petitions Total 48 in 3 Days Twenty-one students applied yesterday for petitions for candi- dacy in the November elections, raising the total number of peti- tioners to 48, SL elections, raising the total number of petitioners to 48, 'SL elections chairman Bill Clark announced. Petitions for Student Legisla- ture, J-Hop Committee and Board in Control of Student Publications are still available from 3 to '4:30 p.m. through Tuesday at the Ad- ministration Building Lobby, he said. They will be due Wednesday at the student window. THE NINE SL petitioners were: Cal Klyman, '51; Sally Hughes, '52A; Ned Miles, '51E; Charles H. Good, '52E; John Wyman, '52; Lyn Marcus, '50; Joe Cobane, '50; Roger Bell, '51; Joan Young, '52. J-Hop Committee petitions also numbered nine. They were: Judd Heinemann, Herb Rovner, Janet Dewey, Mar~iyn Thisted, Bill Huff, Jean Heidgen, Ann Maurer, Rollene Jackson, Karol Kerr. Three students petitioned for Board in Control of Student Pub- lications: Jim Jans, Grad; Dick Allen, '51; B.S. Brown, Spec. Union Smoker To Be Held Tonight Bradley Criticizes Inter-Service Row WASHINGTON-(AP)-Five-Star Gen. Omar N. Bradley told Con- gress yesterday that the bitter row between the armed services has done "infinite harm" to the National Defense, and he cautioned against setting the stage for another Pearl Harbor. Tersely, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff advised all of the nation's fighting men to forget their feuds and "get on with the job." IT IS A VERY big job, he said, and very important. Bradley had a sharp word, too, for "aspiring,martyrs"-an obvious allusion to some Navy crit IFC Pledges1 Non-Block SL Voting IFC President Jake Jacobson, '50, last night pledged the IFC to1 continuing its non-partisan pol-t icy in the forthcoming SL election,f despite the AIM's decision to back independent candidates-as such -in the election. Commenting on AIM's new pol- icy, Jacobson said: "We're sorry to see AIM take this stand." * * * "WE HAD HOPED the voters might find a more significant basis than residence for casting theirY votes," he emphasized. "Ini accordance with this, thea IFC will continue its non-par- tisan policy," Jacobson said. "Naturally," he explained, "we can't stop a house from voting fors one of its members or a next-doorI neighbor.c * * *t "BUT FRATERNITIES will notf vote for a man merely because he is a fraternity man," Jacobson de- clared. AIM President Walt Hansen, '50, elaborated on his group's de- cision to put its strength solely behind independent candidates. "One of the legitimate functionsr of an organization such as AIM is to serve independents interested in campus affairs," he said. "THIS SERVICE is not h66c- sarily of an anti-fraternity na- ture," Hansen added. n n "I think this is a function no other organization can or should furnish," he concluded. K utcher To r SpeakHere James Kutcher, the veteran' who lost his job as a Veterans Administration clerk because of his political opinions., will speak at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3R of the Union. Sponsored by the American Veterans Committee, Kutcher will g talk on "The Real Subversives."c Kutcher, who lost his legs,r at St. Pietro, Italy, during thes war.t The discharge was based onr his membership in the Socialist Workers Party.- When Kutcher's appeals to thet VA loyalty board were denied,t "Kutcher Civil Rights Commit-c tees" sprang up all over thet country. C Tickets Student Legislature memberst will sell tickets to Saturday'st Homecoming Dance from 9 toe 5 p.m. today and tomorrow ona the Diag. Tickets are also on sale in the Administrationx Building Lobby. ies and others who have levelled dramatic charges against the military high command. "To be successful in a sacrifice he must be 100 per cent right," Bradley told a jam-packed hear- ing before the House Armed Serv- ices Committee. "To be respected, a martyr must be completely un- selfish in thought and motivation. His sacrifice must be for the good of the entire nation. * * * "UNDER SUCH requirements," he said dryly, "I see few oppor- tunities for martyrs in this de- fense controversy today." In solemn tones, Bradley de- clared that if there had been greater teamwork within the armed forces prior to the last war, the catastrophe of Pearl Harbor might never have hap- pened. And the lesson of Pearl Harbor, he said, should have taught all military men that our forces are all one team, in the game to win regardless of who carries the ball. * * * CALMLY AND GRAVELY, like a professor lecturing a classroom, Bradley took up the various criti- cisms raised by the Navy against the high command's overall de- fense strategy. He paid particular attention to the Navy's belittlement of the B-36 bomber's performance and the effectiveness of long-range bombing attacks. He said that as a believer in humanity, he "deplores" the atomic bomb, but he said that as a soldier he realizes that if this country is attacked we must use it. AND THE long-range B-36 bomber, lie said, is our "first priority retaliator-y weapon in case of attack." He hinted that the Navy is in "open rebellion" against civilian control of the military establish- ment, and bluntly accusedsAdmiral Louis E. Denfeld of a "violation" of security in disclosing opinions of the joint chiefs of staff. Shephard Hits Discrimination Prof. John F. Shephard, of the psychology department, told the campus Young Progressives last night that discrimination is a re- sult of the present economic sys- tem but that it must be attacked now. "In a competitive economic sys- tem we rationalize emotionally that certain minority groups are to blame for our economic diffi- culties. We blame the Negro on the labor level and the Jew on an- other level," he said. Following Prof. Shephard's speech, the Young Progressives de- cided to work with the Committee to End Discrimination in the plan to eliminate discriminatory claus- es from all application blanks of all schools. The Young Progressives will publish its own brochure on the way such blanks may be used for discriminatory purposes. Truman To Take Nourse Resionation See Five Billion Deficit asLikely WASHINGTON--(A)-President Truman yesterday accepted the resignation of a government foe of deficit spending, while Congress wrote the last dollar mark on ap- propriations which added up to a possible $5,000,000,000 federal def- icit. Truman voiced "my thanks and my appreciation" to Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, retiring on Nov. 1 as chairman of the President's Coun- cil of Economic Advisers. * * * HIS LETTER to "Dear Mr. Nourse" did not mention Nourse's criticism of the government's ex- cursion into red ink spending. And Nourse said he didn't aim his crit- icism at the Truman Administra- tion alone. But the flare-up raised some last-gasp cries for economy in Congress - even while the Sen- ate slipped into the Foreign Arms Bill a pay boost for Sen- ators' staffs-and won House consent after an angry battle of words. The item, about $288,000, was minor in relation to the prospec- tive $5,000,000,000 deficit. IN PHILADELPHIA, Economic Cooperation Administrator Paul G. Hoffman predicted this country will have to go on spending $2 million a year for foreign aid af- ter the Marshall Plan ends in mid-1952. / That doesn't mean the plan is failing, Hoffman said. ECA can be closed down on schedule, but "special situations throughout the world" will require American support, he said.1 The lobbies of the capitol buzzed with comment on Tuesday's crit- icism of government spending ut- tered by Dr. Nourse. * * * NOURSE SAID he was unhappy to "see government slipping back into deficits as a way of life." He deplored also a farm pro- gram which "pays subsidies out of federal deficits," and had unkind words for some business pricing policies and some union proposals to cut the hours of work-and production--while keeping pay scales up. Yesterday Nourse told reporters he was "surprised and distressed" to find his words interpreted in some accounts as an attack on the Truman Administration. "Govern- ment" means Congress as well, he said, noting last year's Republican- sponsored tax cut as one contribu- tion to the federal deficit. Student revot At Bowling Green Fizzles By The Associated Press A student rebellion against regu- lations at Bowling Green State University began fizzling late yes- terday as a strike by part of the studentabody died down. The protesting group had been pressing for sale of 3.2 beer, more tolerance toward students by the campus police and the abolition of a rule which prohibits unmar- ried coeds from riding in auto- mobiles. * * * THEY ALSO demanded "com- plete freedom of expression" for the student newspaper and a stu- dent government free of faculty domination. In a panel held yesterday af- ternoon, attended by about 1,200 of the school's 4,600 students, Bowling Green's president, Frank J. Prout, and 13 students discussed the student com- plaints. At this meeting the dissident' group dropped its first three de- mands, but stuck to its guns in calling for the complete independ- ence of the campus' newspaper and student government. By late afternoon all but about' 25 of the original 200 striking stu- dents had returned to their classes. Throughout the dispute spokes- men for the student senate have requested the students not to strike but rather to present their grievances through the proper assing Farm Prie -Daily-Wally Barth" HOMECOMING HANDIWORK-Students armed with hammers and stepladders are shown straining brain and brawn to hoist part of the Acacia homecoming display into the proper position. Some 90 campus house groups are trying to complete displays before the Saturday morning judging takes place. (See story and other pictures, Page 6.) Flu Shot Injections Continue; Immunized Total About 2,000 Love That Jail! ALBANY, N.Y.-()-Back in 1921, when Joe Sullivan fin- ished a 30-day term in Albany County Jail on a charge of public intoxication, hreasked the warden if he could stay a little longer. Sullivan, now 65 years old, still doesn't want to leave. He works during the day in the jail kitchen, and at night is locked up with the prisoners. Sullivan could leave anytime, "but he doesn't like the out- side." S To Ask for Sports Board Seat By PETER HOTTON Student Legislature last night passed a motion to petition the University Regents for an ex-offi- cio (with vote) seat on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athle- tics. The seat would contribute to a. closer contact between the stu- dents, who comprise one of the greatest supporting bodies of col- legiate sports, and the controlling group, which up to now has not had true 'student representation, Legislators declared. AS A POSTSCRIPT to this res- olution, SL also acted to invite Athletic Director H. O. (Fritz) Crisler to attend an SL meeting. This would have two motives: It would give Crisler a better picture of student representa- tives and views as well as give SL a better concept of athletic problems and policies, SL mem- bers said. In addition to inviting Crisler, SL moved to authorize the cabinet to invite administration personnel to meetings to discuss better rela- tions between students and the administration. DEAN OF STUDENTS Erich A. Walter will be invited to talk in the near future to the legislators regarding University policies on social contact. Another motion, this one un- animously passed, will authorize SL to petition for 'a permanent seat on the University Calendar Committee, which schedules class days and vacation periods for the year. This will be done, Legislators explained, with an eye to ac- quainting the Committee with stu- dent views during the year as well as working for a long Thanksgiv- ing holiday weekend. * * * . SL ALSO APPROVED sending an informative letter to Dean Wal- ter telling of plans to set up a Student Leadership Program as a major educational value to stu- dents both in and out of college and requesting that the Univer- sity provide personnel in leader- ship assistance and presentation. The Legislature supported a Human Relations Program to be set up on campus in the "near future" and authorized it to plan a program under SL's jur- isdiction. The program evolved partially from NSA's Michigan Plan, an anti - discrimination resolution made national last summer. With elections to SL and other campus offices just around the corner, the citizenship committee has released a letter to all resi- dences on open houses for cam- paigning candidates before elec- tions. congress Adjourns After Bill A new bugle has been sounded for students to come to Health Service and get those flu shots as a precaution against a possible campus epidemic of influenza. More than 1,150 students bared arms yesterday and were injected World ANews Round-Up By The Associated Press NEW YORK - The 10-year terms slated for the 11 top Com- munists convicted last week have been reduced to five-year terms, it was learned yesterday. The lighter penalties came from a change in the Smith Act made last year, which the defendants were convicted of violating. WASHINGTON-The Senate approved yesterday President Truman's second attempt to give a top government post to his crony and ex-Senate col- league, Mon C. Wallgren. * * * BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - The Yugoslavian press reported yes- terday that Russia has moved Red Army troops into neighboring Communist countries as part of a "warmongering" campaign LAKE SUCCESS - Western diplomats predicted last night that Yugoslavia would win a UN Security Council seat de- spite bitter Russian arguments that it should go to Czechoslo- vakia. * * * HONG KONG-Chinese Com- munists were reported early this morning to have knocked out two Nationalist armies in a drive into Southwestern China. with the vaccine that gives pro- tection against all three types of flu, bringing the total to approxi- mately 2,000. - Pleased with the response, Dr. Warren Forsythe, Health Service director urged as many students as possible to come for their shots today. The Health Service staff can handle more than 1,500 in- jections daily, he said. "Some students may suffer such reactions as soreness of the arm, chills, fever and generalized ach- ing in which case they should just take it easy," Dr. Forsythe said. Students may receive their flu shots free of charge from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1 to 4:30 p.m. today and tomorrow and from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday. Ni11SA To Hold Radio Panel Representatives of the National Student Association will hold a panel discussion on three subjects of interest to students at 8 p.m. tomorrow over WUOM-FM. Dick Hooker, local NSA chair- man, will head the discussions. The international aspect of NSA will be explained by Dorianne Zip- perstein, SL delegate to NSA's na- tional Congress at the University of Illinois last summer. Wym Price, chairman of the World Student Service Fund, will talk on the aims and results of WSSF both on foreign and Ameri- can students. Legislator Leonard Wilcox will explain NSA's Purchase Card Sys- tem, slated to hit the campus with- in three weeks, designed to reduce the high cost of living for students all over the United States. Okays Billion Dollar Anus Aid Measure' Truman Lauds 81st Legislature By The Associated Press Congress adjourned last night with a pat on the back from Presi- dent Truman and a Republican denunciation of "Statism." Barring an emergency requiring a special session, the law makers won't be back in Washington until next Jan. 3. * * * BEFORE leaving Congress gave their final approval to a high-level farm price support bill and passed a $1,314,010,000 appropriation to' arm friendly nations against Com- munism. The farm bill was passed with a cry of "Santa Claus" by some city representatives. Before the House approved the measure 175 to 34, Rep. Fulton (Rep., Pa.) inquired pointedly if Saint Nick wasn't one of the authors. Farm state members struck back saying that the measure would underwrite continued prosperity for all and by no means represent a gouge at the city consumers. "It is a bill to give America a stable economy," declared Chair- man Cooley (Dem., N.C.) of- the House Agricultural Committee. As worked out by a conference committee Tuesday, the measure makes it possible for the govern- ment to keep the props under farm prices at or near the current 90 per cent of parity level indefinit- ly. The bill went through the Sen- ate 46 to 7, clearing away the last big obstacle to final adjournment. * * * MR. TRUMAN pronounced their achievements of this Congress good. "I am confident that the Ameri- can people will agree that the re- sults have been well worth while," the President said in identical let- ters to House Speaker Rayburn and to Vice President Barkley House Republican leader Mar- tin however issued a statement saying that "the first session of the 81st Congress will go down in history as the tree which bent before the gale of statism." In its final days, Congress has reached agreement not only on the farm bill but on such other im- portant legislation as a record peacetime appropriation of $15,- 585,863,498 for the armed services, and a boost in the minimum wage in industry from 40 to 75 cents an hour. * * * FOREIGN Affairs legislation in- cluded extension and financing of the European recovery program. The Senate ratified the Atlantic Pact, and in a follow-up action both houses approved the arming of friendly European nations against possible communist ag- gression. Med Institute To BeBuilt Will Break Ground Early Next Year Construction work on the new Medical Research Institute which was made possible by a $3,000,000 grant from the Kresge Foundation last week, will be started early in 1950, it was announced yesterday. University officials said they hope to have the building under way at the earliest possible date next year. It will be located just west of the University Hospital and attached to it. ALL OF THE land which the Research Institute will occupy, ex- cept for one small parcel which IGNITION PROHIBITION: driving Ban Accepted 'Docilely Here in 1927 By DAVIS CRIPPEN When the Driving Ban hit the Michigan campus for the first time in the fall of 1927 students madly batted a new-found con- versational ball around, a check of The Daily files revealed. The Daily editorialized, the Stu- dent Council resoluted, but there were no protest meetings, no skipping of classes (in rebellion against the ban, that is) as in the current disagreement at Bowl- However, the group advised the students to obey the rule com- pletely and so raise the chances for an "early modification" of the ban, a 22 year old Daily issue re- ports. * * * THE THEN President Clarence Cook Little bore the brunt of re- marks against the new ruling. The Daily stated editorially that President Little, after a cofere~nce'with its editors the DEAN KENISTON SPEAKS: Success of Educatton Rests on Student * * * The success of liberal education depends upon the students them- selves, Dean Hayward Keniston of the literary college told a speech assembly yesterday. The University can provide in- structors, programs of study and and women, trained in various ways of seeking truth, loyal to their own ideals and fearless in their expression of them, Dean Keniston continued. "Liberal education goes about - _ '