Dunbar Center Offers Activities to Local 4
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Youthful Musicians
Make 'Hot' Rhythm
Rhythm runs riot in the Dunbar Community Center's rhythm
This rhythm band (see picture to left) is one of the many activi-
ties carried en at Dunbar Center, located just outside Ann Arbor's
business district at 420 N. Fourth Ave.
* * * *
ORIGINALLY PLANNED as a recreational center and meeting
place for Negro citizens of the community, the center now opens its
doors to people of all races.
The center schedules a host of activities, each designed to
meet the needs of a particular age group. One of the most popular
of these is the rhythm band, which occupies the time of the two-
and-a-half to eight year old group every Monday afternoon.
Watching the band is indeed an interesting experience. The pro-
cedure for each band session goes something like this:
About 20 children are furnished with drums, tambourines, bells,
cymbals and other equally melodic instruments. They sit on the floor
of the center's largest meeting room while their tiny conductor lifts
his baton.
* * * *
AS MRS. VIRGINIA ELLIS, the center's director of music, begin
to play a spirited tune on the piano, the conductor's baton drops. A
this point rhythmical bedlam breaks loose and lasts until the piano
Beaming smiles on the faces of the youthful musicians prove
that the din is successful in bringing happiness to its producer.
On Wednesday afternoons the center settle down to a lower tempo.
as the children foresake their cymbals for the story hour. They listen
quietly as a staff member reads stories to them from their favorit<
HIGH SCHOOL students and adults enjoy their share of the cen-
ter's fun facilities, too. Boy Scout meetings, girls' club meetings and
periodic dances draw the teen-agers to the center, while adults make
use of Dunbar for their bridge clubs and for special community-widc
The many rooms of the Dunbar Center's old brick mansion are
available to any group for its meetings.
The center dates from 1923, when a large number of colored men
arrived in Ann Arbor to work on University construction jobs. With
housing very scarce, these men walked the streets for some time.
FINALLY A GROUP of colored citizens formed the Dunbar Cen-
ter, and leased a building to provide quarters for the workers. The,
center was soon accepted as a participating agency of the Commu-
nity Fund Association, and has been supported by Red Feather funds
ever since.
--Daily-Fred Phister
RHYTHMICAL RIOT-Dunbar Community Center's unique rhythm band, made up of children be-
tween two and a half and eight years old, gets in the groove at one of its regular Monday afternoon
meetings. The rhythm band is one of the more pipular activities which the center offers to the
children of the community, along with a Wednes lay afternoon story hour period.
Bridge Is
-Daily-.-Fred Phister
BRIDGE-Children at the Dunbar Community Center enjoy a sprightly game of "London
Falling Down" at their. regular Monday afternoon play session.
Garfield-Hinsdale Letters
Published by U' Press
Correspondence of a lifelong
friendship between James A. Gar-
field and Burke A. Hinsdale, each
a president in his own field-gov-
ernment and education-has been
published by the University Press.
Covering nearly a quarter of a
century, .the "Garfield-Hinsdale
Letters" were written from 1857 to
UWF To Hold
Forum Here
United World Federalists have
laid plans for a forum on the
topic "Is A Peaceful and Prosper-
ots Germany Possible Without a
European Federation?"
German students will bring in-
formation based on actual experi-
ence to the Nov. 1 forum, accord-
ing to Florence Baron, president.
The group also discussed its role
in the mock UN meeting to be held
in the spring with the cooperation
of various campus groups.
An interviewing team will be
here to give you full details
about flying and non-flying
careers as an Officer in the
U. S. Air Force!
Oct. 24 to 28, 8:30 to 4:30
1881. They were edited by Hins-
dale'sdaughter, the late Mary L.
daughter, prominent in the growth
and history of the University, have
been memorialized by naming of
two University halls for them -
Burke A. Hinsdale House, East
Quad and Mary Louisa Hinsdale
House in the new women's resi-
The two men met at the West-
ern Reserve Electric Institute,
now Hiram College, where Gar-
field was teaching and Hinsdale
one of his students.
The 300 letters compiled in the
book trace Garfield's political life
through the House of Representa-
tives and Senate to the White
House and follow Hinsdale's life in
education from his early teaching
jobs to his presidency of Hiram.
HINSDALE WAS president of
Hiram when Garfield was assas-
sinated in 1881. After serving as
superintendent of the Cleveland
public schools from 1882 to 1886,
he was made professor of the sci-
ence and the art of teaching at the
Shepard To Talk
Prof. John F. Shepard, of the
psychology department, will speak
to Young Progressives on "How to
Fight Discrimination," at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union.
Following the talk, the group
will outline its semester plans to
fight disci imination.
'U' Program
To Help Dent,
Med Students
Applicants for medical and den-
tal schools in the fall of 1950 may
take advantage of the University's
evaluation plan.
The plan, which is acceptable to
all American medical and dental
schools, has a two-fold purpose:
* * *
1).TO REDUCE students' bur-
dens in asking for numerous let-
2) To relieve faculty members
from writing these letters.
BOTH THE University medical
and dental schools require appli-
cants from its pre-professional
schools to use this plan.
Students desiring letters of
recommendation for admission
to medical or dental schools may
fill out the standard form ob-
tainable from the Board of
Concentration Advisers office,
Rm. 1006 Angell Hall.
At the same time an appoint-
mentment may be made with the
pre-professional adviser.
* * *
STUDENTS LIST on the form
the names of instructors from
whom they would like letters of
The letters are collected by the
office. Without editing, they are
put together in a single form and
sent to the schools listed by the
The combined form is keptson
record in the office so that stu-
dents may authorize additional
copies to be sent at a later date.
Pirates' Cry
For Musicians
Musicians, musicians and more
musicians are needed by the Uni-
versity's Gilbert and Sullivan So-
ciety for its production of "Pir-
ates of Penzance."
Much of the popularity of Gil-
bert and Sullzan operas spring
from the sparkling music which
Sir Arthur Sullivan turned out in
such great quantities for them.
* * *
ates" will require the services of
more than 30 first-rate student
musicians in its orchestra, accord-
ing to Fred Scheffler, '50, society
These musicians will do noth-
ing but play tunes which have
brought so much acclaim to
"Pirates" since it first appeared
late in the last century.
Bill Boyer, Grad., will wield the
baton for the "Pirates" orchestra.
Scheffler has asked interested
instrumentalists to call Boyer at
2-5123 to make audition arrange-
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StataseV 14&a
DRAMA-9 p.m. Boris Karloff-
9:30 p.m. - The Croupier -
NEWS-7:45 p.m. Edward R.
COMEDY-10 p.m. Burns and
Allen Show-WJR
MUSIC-7 p.m. Evening Prel-
10:30 p.m.-Claude Thornhill-
11:30 p.m.-Deems Taylor -
7:30 A.M.
10 P.M.
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Drug and Fountain Service
Breakfast, Hot Lunches, Dinners
Also Snack Carryouts
9 A.M. to 2
5 P.M. to 10
1217 Prospect - Phone 7171
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