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October 19, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-19

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Ci r


:43 A6F t 49


Latest Deadline in the State


Blasts Navy
Claims Military
Secrets Revealed
retary Symington yesterday
roundly denounced Navy critics
who have called the B-36 bomber
a "billion dollar blunder" and said
they have exposed some of this
country's top military secrets.
Testifying before the House
Armed Services Committee, Sym-
ington urged a greater U.S.. air
fleet to counter Russia's posses-
sion of the atomic bomb.
* * *
HE SAID HE favors a minimum
of 70 air groups-compared with
the 58 groups approved by Senate-
House conferees. And he said
President Truman agrees with him
on the 70-group figure when the
nation can afford it.
As lead-off man for the Air
Force and the Army in replying
to bitter Navy attacks on the
military high command, Sym-
ington said that under the pres-
ent circumstances he favors a
single force to deliver long-
range attacks against the enemy
in the event of war.
This is known in military par-
lance as "strategic' bombings"--
striking at objectives in the heart
of the enemy's homeland-in con-
trast to "tactical bombing" or the
aerial support of ground troops.
"IF WE CAN AFFQRD only one
strategic bombing force, I think it
should be the "Air Force, and I
don't think we can afford more
than that," Symington told the
The Navy contends that its
power to carry the fight to a dis-
tant enemy is being ruinedun-
der the unified defense setup.
The Navy claims that its car-
riers, such as sent forth the his-
toric Doolittle bombing onslaught
against Tokyo, should again play
a major role in any future con-
1 fict.
Local Housing
Relief Unseen,
No solution to a 1400-unit hous-
ing shortage in Ann Arbor is in
sight at present, builder Neil
Staebler told the local chapter of
the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors last night.
Neither private builders nor cor-
porations are in a position to
undertake building programs here,
and there is no sign of immediate
relief from public housing projects,
he said.
Briggs said that some 500 Univer-
sity personel were caught in the
housing project. The Stadium
Hills development plan, underway
since 1929, is one answer and the
University is determined to carry
it through, he added.
The project has been stalled
up to now by financial and other
The housing shortage, which
amounts to 12 per cent of the nec-
essary facilities for a city of 38,-
000 people, was outlined by Prof.

Arthur M. Eastman of the English'
Staebler called his survey the
most authoritative estimate yet
Homecoming Pep
Rally To Be Held
Students will get behind the
Michigan Marching Band tat 7:30
p.m. Friday for a pep rally spon-
sored by Student Legislature, 'M'
Club and Wolverine Club.
The rally will get under way at
the Union and proceed to Ferry
Field, weather providing, accord-
ing to Al Hartziark of the Wol-
verine Club.
From noon today through Fri-
day, the Wolverine Club will also
sell Homecoming pins.
The pins will cost students fif-
teen cents and non-students a
Students Can Get
Tw T rn 1

Prof. Kallen Lands
Powers of Dewey
John Dewey brought to the struggle of men a reasoned faith
in freedom, Prof. Horace M. Kallen declared yesterday.
Prof. Kallen, of the philosophy department of the New School of
Social Research in New York called the present nation-wide cele-
bration of Dewey's 90th birthday a unique experience for American
* * * *
DEWEY'S POWERS AS A thinker and writer have "retained
their force longer than any other man of philosophy," Kallen said.
Always a staunch upholder of democracy, Dewey said, "lasting
task of the liberal is to be alert, and to make and keep democ-
racy alive," he commented. * * *
Dewey was a member of the
University's philosophy depart-
ment from 1884 to 1894, and served
as chairman of the department
during his last years here.
* * *
IT WAS in the midwestern scene
that Dewey turned from the phi-,
losophy of Hegel to that of Wil-
liam James, Prof. Kallen said.
Although "reading James gave
Dewey's thinking a new turn, thec
more he assimilated James ideas,
the more they became his own,"
Kallen added.r

Dewey repudiated the existen-
tialism view that man is an iso-
lated being whose actions' are
made futile by the inevitability of
death, Kallen explained.
AT THE SAME time, Dewey
never accepted a supernaturalist
point of view. He is somewhat of
an opitomist, but regards super-
naturalism as illusionary.
Rather, Prof. Kallen said,
Dewey accepts a viewpointl
somewhere between the two, and
a "faith in the intelligence ofj
the common man to respond
with common sense to the prob-
lems of our age.",
Relying on the methods of sci-
ence, Dewey's faith is founded on
an ultimate religion, and expressed
in the common experiences of free
Prof. Kallen called this "human-
ism" and declared, "It is in the
spirit of that humanism that
Dewey wrote."
At the conclusion of the talk,
the audience passed a resolution
to have Prof. Kallen convey birth-
day greetings from the students
and faculty of the University to
Dewey at a dinner in his honor
to be held in New York.
SL To Talk on
Phoenix Plans
Highlight of the Student Legis-
lature meeting today will be dis-
cussion of the Phoenix Project
toward setting up a related pro-
gram working with SL and with a
legislator as its chairman.
The meeting will be held at 7:30
p.m. in the Grand Rapids Room of
the League.
* * * .
will report on its study of elections
procedure, which resulted from a
discussion this summer with Dean
of Students Erich A. Walter.,
A student leadership program
will be brought up and a re-
quest made to Group Dynamics
for assistance in setting up the
A Human Relations Program,
coming out of NSA's Michigan
anti-prejudice plan, will be
brought up before the legislature.
A report on the Michigan Forum
and discussions to make it more
workable will also be made.
Other business will be reports of
Homecoming progress and future
broadcasts of SL meetings.


AIM Plans
To13ock SL
The executive council of the As-
sociation of Independent Men
pledged itself last nightnto back
independent candidates-as such
-in the fall Student Legislature
* * *
THE DECISION, in the form of
a motion read:
"It shall be the policy of the
council to forcefully work for in-
dependent men in the coming
It was passed unanimously by
the council with words of caution
by AIM President Walt Hansen,
'50, who warned that "it could
bring a rift between fraternities
and independents."
S * *
motion, four corollary measures
were also enacted. In them, the
Council instructed its election
committee to:
1. Arrange for open houses open
to all SL candidates.
2. Confer with individual inde-
pendent houses, with a view to
avoiding multiplicity of SL can-
didates in a house. This might be
done by holding house primaries.
3. Compile a list differentiating
fraternity and independent candi-
* * *
THE COUNCIL gave the elec-
tion committee power to spend
money in the campaign, not for
individuals' oampaigns, but for
"the general welfare of the inde-
pendent men."
A motion was then passed stat-
ing "all publicity statements from
AIM regarding the election must
be approved by the election com-
mittee and the executive commit-

Of Emploes1f
Allegviance Bil
In Effect Since '41:
Loyalty oaths are an old, es-
tablished fact at the University.
Since the Fall of 1941 all Uni-
versity employes have been re-
quired to sign an affidavit de-
claring that they are not a mem-
ber of any "political party or or-
ganization which advocates the
overthrow of our constitutional
form of government."
quirement are all employes of the
University, whether they are on
the faculty or the building grounds
crew. Teaching fellows and other
temporary employes do not have
to file the affidavit, however.
The oaths were instigated to
carry out a policy set by the
State Legislature in July of
1941 that all employees of the,
state be required to declare their
loyalty to the national constitu-
Not only state educational insti-
tutions but all state departments,
boards and commissions must col-
lect these affidavits from their
A SIMILAR OATH has aroused
wide-spread controversy on the
West Coast where the regents of
the huge University of California
have inaugurated a loyalty re-
quirement for the employes of the
university. The issue is yet unde-
cided, wth approximately 40 per
cent of the faculty withholding
the affidavits.
In Ann Arbor, however, Uni-
versity Secretary and Assistant
Vice-President Herbert G. Wat-
kins was unable to recall any
instance where there has ever
been a serious objection to the
In the primary and secondary
educational fields another oath'
covers Michigan teachers. Before
a prospective teacher cah qualify
for his teaching certificates he
must sign an affidavit swearing
that he will support the U.S. Con-
stitution and faithfully discharge
his duties as a teacher.
UNIVERSITY candidates for
February Teachers' certificates
have been signing these 6aths yes-
terday and Monday in the office
of the School of Education.
This oath has been a require-
ment of the state certification code
since 1936. State certification is
necessary for anyone who wishes
to teach in the Michigan publicr
school system up through the lastE
grade of high school. Two yeare
public colleges are also within thisC
Similar oaths are required as a
prerequisite for the teaching cer-
tificate in 18 other states includ-
ing Ne York, Texas and Cali-
Students Call
For Petitions S
Election Candidates1
May Still Get Blankst

Twenty-seven prospective candi-
dates in the November all-campus
elections have picked up petitions
to qualify them for office, accord-
ing to Student Legislator elections
chairman Bill Clark.
Sixteen petitions have been
picked up for SL, six for J-Hop
and six for Board in Control of
Student Publications. SL vacan-
cies number' 25, J-Hop nine anda
Board two.
from 3 to 4:30 through Oct. 25 atl
the Administration Building lobby,
Clark said. Eligibility cards are+
necessary to run for office, he
Completed petitions are due
Oct. 26, Clark explained.
SL petitioners up to yesterday
are: Tom Walsh, Dorianne Zip-
perstein, Mary-Louise Lacy, Jer-
ome Porter, George Kozonis, Jack
Jones, Mel Cohen, Eliot Gerber,
Tom Cramer, Joe Gross, Jack
Armstrong, Bob Vogt and Edwin


-Daily-Herb Harrington
ENGINEERING MARVEL-Members of the Engineering Council are shown testing out the Model
T Ford which is slated to become the "car of to morrow." Students of The Engineering College will
add their own innovations to the car in anticipation of Engineering Week, being held today through
Wednesday. At the wheel is Norm Steere, Council president; to his right, Tom Ramage and in the
rear, Dick Halatek.

Congress Puts

Vintage Car Arrives
For Engineering Week
The car of the future, the Engineering Marvel, has finally arrived.
Dubbed the Marvel by the Engineering Council, the car is a 1916
vintage Model T Ford. It is parked near the Engineering Arch where
student engineers are busy working over it, intent on making it the
most modern and useful automobile in the world.
* * * *
THlE MARVEL IS PART of the Engineering week festivities which

Last Okay

Silitary Expe ditures

will culminate Wednesday, Oct. 26
World N ews
By The Associated Press
GUATEMALA, Guatemala-Tor-
rential rains and floods over Guat-
emala's richest banana, coffee and
cocoa lands were reported yester-
day to have taken up to 1,000
lives and left 60,000 to 70,000
homeless. The government said it
was a national disaster.
speedup of American atomic
production at an eventual cost
of more than $300,000,000 was
disclosed on Capitol Hill last
night, with announcement of
President Truman's authoriza-
gave final Congressional approval
yesterday to compromise bills
boosting the pay of abput 885,000.
Civil Service workers and 500,-
000 postal employes, at total cost.
of $239,000,000 a year.
S* *
sent to the White House yester-
day a bill increasing benefit pay-
ments to World War I veterans
for service-connected disabilities
amounting to $150 monthly for
total disability.
* * *
WASHINGTON-A 35 cents an
hour wage hike for some 1,500,000
workers in private industry was
approved by Congress yesterday
but the pay raises won't go into

6, when Engineering Night will be
-held in the Union Ballroom.
Yesterday, aeronautical engi-
neers swarmed over the battered
sides of the car, pulling out
seats, replacing parts and in-
stalling a replica of a jet engine.
The engine, according to the en-
gineers, is similar to those used
on airplanes with a speed of
500, or more miles an hour, and
should make the Marvel, easily,
the speediest car ever built.
The Engineering Marvel will
take to the road next Tuesday,
when all groups of the Engineer-
ing College will form a proces-
sional around campus.
TODAY, A STEAM boiler and
stack will be installed on the Mar-
vel by mechanical engineers.
Friday, electrical engineers
will take over. Their project is
supposedly top secret, but ac-
cording to members of the 'Engi-
neering Council, radar appar-
atus may be installed.
At a top speed of seven miles per
hour the Marvel last year com-
pleted a 400-mile odyssey from
Sault Ste. Marie to Ann Arbor,
losing only the right fender during
the journey.
* * *
WHEN THE CAR is completed
it will be the most modernistic ve-
hicle of the century, incorporating
many features that have yet to
reach designer's draftboards.
Engineers will get a further
chance to exhibit their talents
during Engineering Night. Booths
will be set up by engineering clubs
and societies depicting work done
by the groups and models of ma-
chinery and equipment will be

Flu Injections
Given to 800
On First Da y
Health Service
(ontainues Drive
More than 800 students received
flu shots yesterday as Health
Service launched its second cam-
paign in an all-out war against
Dr. Warren Forsythe, Health
Service director, said he was very
pleased at the students' response
and hoped it would continue
throughout the week.
* * *f
'U' STUDENTS are urged by the
Health Service to come today and
tomorrow for their free injections.
They are asked to use the north
door of Health Service and to
bring their identification cards.
Faculty members, University
employees and students' wives
getting the shots should enter by
the south door nearest the Den-
tal Building. Upon payment of
one dollar at the cashier's of-
fice they should join the line
Those taking the shots should
come dressed prepared to bar'e one
upper arm.
"STUDENTS MAY have such
reactions as soreness, of the arm,
chills, fever and generalized ach-
ing, in which case they should take
two aspirins every four hours and
take it easy," Dr. Forsythe said.
WQCouncil Electsj
George Roumell was elected
president ofhthe West Quad Coun-
cil last night.
Other officers of the organiza-
tion that includes representatives
from the eight houses comprising
the quadrangle are Richard Gor-
man, vice president, Tom Mass-
nick, secretary and William
Diener, treasurer.

Funds Attain
Congress Hopes
For Adjournment
WASHINGTON - (P)-Congress
put its final stamp of approval
today on a record peace time mili-
tary appropriation of $15,585,863,-
498, including funds to build the
Air Force up to 58 groups.
With this agreement on the rec-
ord military funds, lawmakers
hoped for an adjournment of this
session of Congress today.
to House insistence on giving the
Air Force some ten groups and
$740,000,000 more than President
Truman had requested for it.
Its action apparently reflected
increased concern for U.S. de-
fenses since the president an-
nounced recently that an atomic
explosion had occurred in Rus-
Concern over the possibility of
atomic attack was shown also by
$50,000,000 provided to start con-
struction of a vast radar screen.
THIS NETWORK, designed to
warn the United States of any
enemy air attack, is to be operated
in cooperation with a similar Can-
adian screen. It will include radar
outposts on land and radar picket
vessels operated offshore by the
Navy. Under a law, passed prev-
iously by Congress, 'the Air Force
will direct the network.
Senator Saltonstall (Rep.,
Mass.) pointed out the extreme
expense of producing a modern
air force. He said that ome of
the jet fighters to. b bought
out of the government's 1950
budget will cost $881,000.
This compares with a cost of
$260,000 each for the F-86, the
best of the jets, and $67,000 for
the F-51, conventional engine
plane used in World War II, he
Pointing out that bomber costs
are going up too, he said B-29'
produced during the war cost
about $680,000 each while the B-
36 intercontinental bomber costs
about $3,400,000, not including
spare parts.
Teninga Call
For Staffmen
"What happened to all that
class spirit we heard about during
elections last spring?"
This question was raised by Lit-
erary College Senior Class Pres-
ident Wally Teninga last night as
he found himself without a staff
to carry on the class' activities.
PETIITIONS for positions on the
Caps and Gowns, Publicity, Spe-
cial Events, Announcements and
Reunions committees of the class
were supposed to have been turned
in to the Office of Student A-
fairs by last Monday.
"So far, only four petitions
have been turned in," Teninga
Because of the dearth of appli-
cants, petitions will be available
until Friday of this week, in the
Student Affairs office.
The petitions should be filled
out and returned to the Office of

Student Affairs as soon as possible,
according to Teninga. Upon re-
turning them, students should
sign up for an interview which
will complete the job-seeking proc-
"The Senior Class officers want
to know who is best qualified to
head the five proposed committees.
We can do this only if a reasonable
number of L.S.&A students are
interested in the jobs," Teninga

BEFORE 8,000:
Hill Auditoriumt Rocks
A s Danny Kaye Frolics

effect for 90c

days or more.

A fine blend of melody and
merriment rocked Hill Auditorium
for five hours last night as Pan-
hellenic's great show, headlined by
Danny Kaye, played for two
packed houses.
More than 8,000 students and
townspeople cheered the fast mov-
ing variety"ofhtunes andacomedy
with an enthusiasm that shook the

ished with a well appreciated
"Argentine Tango."
Henderson's vocalist, Madelaine
Russell, then took over with her
version of "I'm the Laziest Gal in
Town" which brought her back
for an encore and brought the
male audience back too.
Henderson then turned classical
with the piano doing a take off on
Paderewski's Minuet. He added an

Homecoming Displays A re Begun

Noises of hammers meeting to Miss Ball before entering the
nails and saws grinding through competition.

aged lumber have permeated Ann
Arbor this week as fraternity, sor-

Daily revealed that Phi Gamma
Delta was planning to use these
weird materials.
A call to Al Jackson, '51, pro-

"Judging from these budgets,
some of the displays will be

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