See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
CIO Joins Lewis
In Plan forUnity
Proposes Combined War Chest
To Fight Strike Battles of Labor
PITTSBURGH-(P)-CIO President Philip Murray lined up in
John L. Lewis' labor unity parade yesterday and proposed that they
set up a war chest with the AFL to fight strike battles of all unionized
This was the day's top development in the big steel and coal
strikes. Murray's United Steelworkers spread their free pension strike
to some steel fabricators and made ready to hit aluminum next. More
than a million already are idle in the doubleheader strikes with no
peace, only industrial grief in sight.
* * * *
MURRAY SAID his steelworkers and "I am sure other equally
minded affiliates" of the CIO
R f eds Reach
H .ong Kong;
TakeI Canton
Nationalists Mov
Into Chungking
nese Communists last night con
pleted the occupation of Canto
and reached the border of ti
British colony of Hong Kong.
The refugee nationalist goverr
ment formally set up shop
Chungking, 600 miles by air
the northwest, vowing to fightt
the end despite all setbacks.
REGULAR communication
with Canton, the recent provision
al capital, remained severed.
Private and pro-Communist
reports, however, said occupa-
tion of the city was completed
at 9 p.m. The Communist radi
in Peiping said the first troops
had marched in at 6:30 p.m
The Communist broadcast als
said Red forces had raced 25 mile
west of Canton in hot pursuit c
the nationalist garrison whict
had fled a day earlier.
THERE was no word of an
nationalist resistance in or aroun
Canton, a city of more tha
1,000,000 population. So peacefu
was the occupation that Red civ
administrative personnel wer
said to have preceded the soldier
into town.
By nightfall Communists unit
were reported to have taken sev
eral points on Hong Kong's 14
mile mainland border. In the vil
lage of Shatakok, which bestride
the border, the Reds took the Chi
nese half while the British con
tinued to occupy the colony's hal:
Nationalist troops had withdraw
a few hours earlier.
More than 30,000 British troop
are on guard in a broad securit
belt just inside the frontier. The:
are backed by tanks, artillery ant
naval and air cover.
Surgeons Will
Install Coller
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, profes
sor of surgery and chairman o
the department of surgery at th
-University, will be inducted a
president of the American Colleg
of Surgeons tomorrow in Chicago
'at its 35th annual meeting.
Dr. Coller was named president-
elect at a meeting Oct. 18, 1948 ir
Los Angeles. He had previously
served as a Regent of the College
and Chairman of the Graduate
Training Committee.
On Friday, the surgeon will con-
fer fellowships on the new initiate
of the College. Saturday, Dr. Coller
will address the sixth Inter-Amer-
ican College of Surgery of which
he is also president.
stand prepared to join John Lewis'
--United Mine Workers and the
AFL "to pool their resources for
the common defense and general
welfare of the labor movement."
Murray said he had consist-
ently advocated unity of action
on the part of all responsible
.nd genuine American trade
But his prepared statement did
riot mention specifically Lewis'
proposal 24 hours earlier. Lewis
urged that his UMWand the AFL
'e contribute $2,500,000, a week to
the steelworkers in an "uncom-
promising fight of all American
LEWIS HAD expressed sym-
n- pathy for the striking steelwork-
he Murray did the same thing to-
ward the miners who also are
n- striking over pensions.
in Murray said his proposed war
to chest should aid the miners also
to because the UPMW is engaged
in a mighty struggle with pow-
erful employers in the coal in-
1s dustry to protect the security of
n- the miners and to gain benefits
necessary to their continued
t well being."
Murray said the Steelworkers
will lend help and assistance to
the miners and to all unions
s which are forced into necessary
s.,trike action by the opposition of
the monopolists and financial in-
cerests who dominate the great
o Industries of this, country."
--Daily-Alex Lmanian
MICHIGAN GAINS-Special photos flown to The Daily this morning show end Marry Allis about to catch a pass for a substantial gain, and fullback Don Dufek going
around end for another sizeable bit of yardage. All this was unable to win victory for the Wolverines, however.
Playful Choir BOys
Keep Master Occupied
You have to be more than a
musician' if you are going to be
a successful choirmaster for the
20 Vienna Choir Boys.
Watching them in rehearsal
yesterday, we saw that Kapell-
meister Harald Hedding kept a
strict hand over the 10 to 13 year
old boys while they went through
their program for that night's
STILL, while the Kapellmeister
wasn't looking, two of the boys
managed to come on stage with
switches garnered from the bushes
out behind Hill Auditorium, and
another boy, Peter Eberhart, kept
jumping down from the edge of
the stage on which he was sitting
into the empty orchestra-and
back up again. Others sprawled
out in their chairs, and tested the
spring in the second row boards
set up for them. (It was rather
Even within sight of Hedding,
Hans Windisch, one of the old-
est boys, took Hedding's ciga-
rette lighter and proceeded to
test it by seeing if it would make
his switch burn. However, the
wood had not yet ignited when
the flame caught the Kapell-
meister's eye and the lighter
was retrieved.
Hedding's method for keeping
the boys from getting lost in their
trek across the continent is very
simple. "All the boys stay together
all the time," he said. "If one boy
goes for a drink, all the boys go
for a drink," he remarked.
"ANOTHER thing you have to
be firm about is ice-cream," he
remarked. "If the boys could have
their way, they would have break-
fast, lunch and 'dinner of ice-
cream. I had to make a rule: 'ice-
cream-only one time a day',"
Hedding stated.
Be Available
For Elections"
Petitions for hopefuls in the
student elections in November are
available from 3 to 5 p.m. tomor-
row through Oct. 26 at the stu-
dent window of the Administra-
tion Building, according to SL
elections chairman Bill Clark.
Petitions are needed by candi-
dates for 25 Student Legislature
seats, nine J-Hop Committee posi-
tions and three places on the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lication, Clark said. Deadline for
petitioners is Oct. 26.
CLARK urged that petitioners
acquaint themselves with qualifi-
cations for office and the correct
way to fill petitions.
Last year 52 out of 107 peti-
tions were thrown out by Men's
Judiciary Council because of
discrepancies in petition signa-
tures. Among such discrepancies
were illegal and dunlicated
DP Measure
By Senate
Bill Returned to
ju diciaryGroup
ate voted tonight to shelve the
displaced persons bill for this sea-
The vote was 36 to 30.
Adopting a motion by Senators
Cain (R-Wash.) and Eastland (D-
Miss.), the Senate sent the hotly-
disputed measure back to its ju-
diciary committee with instrue-
tibns that it be returned for action
by next January 25.
* * *
THE BILL, passed by the House
and a prime feature of President
Truman's program, would increase
by 134,000 the number of displaced
persons to be admitted to the
U.S. and change the rules.
Tonight's vote removed one of
the stumbling blocks in the way
of proposed adjournment of Con-
gress next week.
It marked a bitter defeat for
Senator Lucas of Illinois and oth-
er administration leaders who had
demanded action on this session
on revising the present law. Presi-
dent Truman has attacked that
law as "anti-Catholic and anti-
* * *
THE SENATE'S action added up
to a personal viotory for Chairman
McCarran (D-Nev.) of the Judi-
ciary Committee who hid fought
to delay consideration of the mea-
sure untilnext year.
However, Senator Myers of
Pennsylvania, the assistant
Democratic leader, told report-
ers tonight's vote did not repre-
sent Senate sentiment on the
bill itself.
Predicting overwhelming pas-
sage of the measure in January,
Myers said many Senators who fa-
vor it were willing to put off a
showdown until then to prevent a
delay in adjournment of Congress.
Quiz Programs Lower
Integrity--Radio Expert
The big network give-away and,
quiz programs are the best pos-
sible sources of listener appeal.
and radio prestige, but for integri-
ty of radio, they are a cheap at-
tempt to "buy" an audience,
which is a big risk in case they
aren't successful.
This is the opinion of Sy Siegel,
New York City municipal radio di-
rector, in a Daily interview at a
clinic of 95 educational radio di-
rectors yesterday.
* * *
AMID announcements of foot-
ball scores during the course of
Boy Still Not
Informed of
Test Results
Six-year old Tommy O'Neill still
didn't know yesterday that he's
not the kidnapped son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Dayton,
. Instead, Tommy was having the
time of his young life playing with
18 other boys and girls at the
Michigan Children's Institute, 1447
Washington Heights.
* * *
ONLY WHEN he asks the re-
sults of the sereological tests that
proved conclusively he is not the
couple's kidnapped son will he be
A case worker in whom
Tommy confides will break the
news to the six year old ward
of the state of Michigan.
Tommy whose slightly webbed{
toes, crimped right ear and general
facial features led the Thompsons
to believe they had at last found
their boy will be placed in another7
Michigan boarding home.
He will be available for adop-
tion when the MCI is certain that
he is over all the effects of thej
the -afternoon, Siegel declared that
CBS started out great guns with a
quiz show with a $50,000 budget,
but lost half of it after the first
airing, mainly because the ques-
tions asked were too easy, and
the audience cleaned up.
"So to keep operating on a
badly bent budget, the program
thought up impossible questions
such as 'Who was the speaker of
the House in 1921?'. and kept
listeners away in droves," he
The attempt by the Federal
Communications commission to
outlaw such give-aways will go
to the courts and eventually to
the Supreme Court, Siegel de-
* *
BUT IT WILL take two years
to do this, and meanwhile the
shows will further enjoy their
radio boom, he added.
"FCC's first mistake in deal-
ing with the programs was that
they didn't crack down for two
years, which gave the shows a
chance to dig in for a hard
fight," he said.
Another big complaint against
radio is the commercials that keep
beating the ears of listeners,
Siegel added.
A University of Denver survey
showed that one-third of all
United States listeners had a vio-
lent distaste for American radio,
Siegel said. "And one of the major
reasons given was the irritation of
radio commercials."
Siegel agreed that irritation was
good for some purposes. On
WNYC, the only municipally-
operated and financed station in*
the country, irritation is used to
great advantage during election
week when a blaring spot telling
people to vote is broken into a
symphony program.
"Nothing makes a listener mad-
der than something like this, but
it makes him aware that he
should vote," he said.
Aerial Attack
Burson Sparks
(Sports Co-Editor)
A spirited Northwestern eleven
handed Michigan its second de-
feat in as many starts yesterday
when the Wildcats edged the Wol-
verines 21-20 at Dyche Stadium.
The victory brought back vivid
memories of the 1946 season when
Army defeated Michigan 20-13,
and then the following week
Northwestern played Michigan to
a 14-14 tie.
* * *
THE same letdown that the
Wolverines suffered three seasons
Igo seemed to plague them again
yesterday. They played on even
terms with the Wildcats in the
irst half, but in the second
session Northwestern possessed
the spirit and drive which brought
them their first victory over Mich-
igan since 1937.
55,000 fans screamed and
cheered as Northwestern held
the ball for the last minute and
a half with quarterback Don
Burson taking a direct pass
from center and plowing into
the line.
Michigan had scored their third
touchdown to come within one
point of NU with just ninety se-
onds left in the game, but couldn't
get their hands on the ball with
Burson making sure by using the
time tested stalling maneuver.
THE GAME was virtually de-
cided after Michigan's sec n,
touchdown late in the third quar-
ter when Harry Allis' attempted
conversion went wide of the goal
Michigan exhibited the great-
er drive and power on the
ground, but couldn't click con-
sistently enough to score when
necessary. Northwestern never
ran a play from inside the Wol-
verines ten yard line, making all
three of their scores from out
beyond the last two yardmark-
Their shortest touchdown play
was a 17 yard pass from Don Bur-
son to Don Stonesifer, who was
hit on' the two but his motion
carried him into the end zone. The
Wildcats other two scores were
strictly spectator plays.
w * * *
WITH LESS than three min-
utes left to play in the first half
Burson, standing on his own 34,
tossed the ball to Ed Tunnicliff on
Michigan's forty and he went ail
the way for Northwestern's first
score of the day. The last touch-
down which came early in the
fourth quarter, was a 55 yard run
back of Leo Koceski's punt by
Tom Worthington.
Michigan never seemed to be
able to shake anyone loose, and
were forced to grind and drive
for every marker.
Both teams looked slow in the
first half. It looked as if they
were feeling each other out, each
one afraid to make a move for
fear the other would capitalize on
a miscue, if it should happen,
and it did.
* * *
EARLY in the first half, the
first time Michigan had the ball,
See DUFEK, Page 6
Judge Alleges
Sales Tax Gyp
DETROIT--(P)--A judge who
investigated the situation charged
yesterday that the state of Michi-
gan has been losing more than
$10,000,000 annually through
cheating on sales taxes.
Recorder's Judge Joseph A. Gil-
lis charged that, in some cases,
auditors for the state revenue de-
partment actually have "'con-
nived" with businessmen to cheat
+h c-n-
-Da4y-Herb Harrington
SMILING STATESMAN-Sen. Arthur Vandenberg smiles for The
Daily's photographer after being released from University Hospital
where he had been recovering from an operation performed on
Oct. 3. The Senator is scheduled for a 90-day period of complete
Vandenberg Goes Home,
For Uninterrupted Rest
should vote," he said.
Magazine'Bargains'Arouse Doubt
Senator Arthur Vandenberg left
University Hospital yesterday for
his home in Grand Rapids for 90
days of "uninterrupted rest."
The Republican foreign policy
leader entered the hospital Sep-
tember 26 and- was operated on
around" and show how well he
"You want to call my bluff," the
Senator jested.
When he was asked to pose be-
side a bunch of flowers, Sen. Van-
denberg replied with a chuckle.
A scare involving cut-rate mag-
azine subscriptions and shady
salesmen has gripped several Uni-
scription to a popular bi-monthly
magazine, Turner said.
Promised half rates of ten
cents per copy, he said he com-
na.ed ntQ Inpr.ithM nrr..i,
He said he had paid cash,*and
could do nothing about it. But
Turner said he went to the Ann
Arbor Bank to ston navment.