Tenor Haugh
Gives Recital
Convictions. End
Lenghty Red Trial
Figure in Navy Squabble
New Display Recalls 'Hurry Up' Yost
Mozart, Rossini,
Bizet Featured
Harold Haugh, associate profes-
sor of voice in the School of Mu-
sic, will give the first faculty re-
cital of the semester at 4:15 to-
morrow, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Prof Haugh, who will be ac-
companied by Mrs. Ava Comn,
will sing a program of tenor works
by Mozart, Rossini, Respighi,
Bizet, and Hugo Wolf. Also includ-
ed in the concert will be two groups
of English songs.
AMONG THE selections sched-
uled are "Solo Contata," by Mo-
zart; "Ecco Ridente," from "The
Barber of Seville," by Rossini; and
the "Flower Song" from "Car-
men," by Bizet.
Prof. Haugh, who has sung
with the Mendelssohn Choir,
and the Bach Circle of Pitts-
burgh, was featured last semes-
ter as tenor soloist with the
Philadelphia Orchestra in the
May Festival performance of
Gomer Jones' "Gloria." Previ-
fously, Prof. Haugh performed
for the Bach Festival at Bald-
win-Wallace, and with the
Swedish Choral Society of Chi-
Appearing with the University
Choir last December, Prof. Haugh
gave the American premiere of
Benjamin Britten's "Saint Nico-
la, and last March he sang the
tenor solo part in Mahler's "Song
of the Earth" with the University
of Michigan Symphony Orches-
* * *
PROF. HAUGH came to the
University in the fall of 1948 from
Oberlin Conservatory of Music. A
native of. Cleveland, he obtained
his bachelor of arts degree from
Hiram College, and was ordained
in the Church of Christ (Disciple).
He later attended the Union Theo-
logical Seminary in New York City,
where he received the degree of
bachelor of divinity, and master of
sacred music.
The concert will be open to the
public without charge.
Meller, Owen
Will Observe
hopin s Death
Chopin's two piano concertos
will be performed at 8:30 Monday,
in Hill Auditorium, by Prof. Misha
Meller and Mrs. Marian Owen, of
the music school, in a program
commemorating the hundredth
anniversary of the composer's
Prof. Meller will play the "Con-
certo No. 1 in E minor," and Mrs.
Owen will be the soloist in the
"Concerto No. 2 in F minor."
* * *
ALSO ON THE program is an
address about the composer by the
Hon. Tadeusz Frymar, acting con-
sul general of Poland in Detroit.
"The concertos are almost twins
in their general design," according
to Prof. Meller.
"The initial movements pro-
ceed with an economy of statement
and conviction, while the middle
movements are in Chopin's en-
chanting 'Nocturne' mood. And
the last movements are mixtures of
gad dance rhythms and infectious
Polish melodies," he said.
Talent Sought
By Orchestra
The newly organized University
Repertory Orchestra is seeking
new members, according to Paul
Bryan of the School of Music.
The orchestra meets at 3 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday in Rm. 315 Hill Audi-
torium. Students who are mem-
bers may receive one hour of ac-
ademic credit but can participate
without enrolling officially.
MEMBERSHIP is not limited to
students in the School of Music.
Anyone withea reasonable amount
of proficiency in some orchestral
instrument may apply.
The prospective repertory of the
orchestra includes Beethoven's 8th
Symphony, the Brahms Academic
Overture and Sibelius' 2nd Sym-
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
a background report on the Commu-
nist Conspiracy trial by a Daily staf-
fer. who spent several days covering
the trial.)
Thirty-nine weeks ago the Com-
munist Conspiracy trial-perhaps
the longest Federal Criminal Case
in history-began in New York's
sky-scraper Federal Court Build-
The case, which piled up a rec-
ord of more than 9 million words
and 20,000 pages of testimony,
ended yesterday afternoon with a
jury verdict finding each of the 11
defendants guilty.
NEXT STEP for the defendants
will be a series of appeals leading,
they hope, to a Supreme Court de-
cision declaring the Smith Act un-
constitutional. It is this act which
served as the basis of the case.
The Act declares that "it shall
be unlawful for any person to
knowingly or wilfully advocate,
abet, advise or teach" overthrow
of the government by force or
The Smith Act was originally
passed in 1940; its purpose at that
time being to protect the Govern-
ment during a period of emer-
gency. It was necessitated by the
fact that, although technically,
we were still a neutral country;
Faculty Wary
Of Comment
On Red Trial
With two exceptions, a cross
section of University faculty mem-
bers questioned yesterday on the
conviction of the Communist
leaders, declined comment.
The general feeling of the group
was that they didn't have the nec-
essary specialized knowledge to
speak on such a "momentous"
- Comments came from Prof.
John F. Shepard of the psychology
department and Prof. Shorey Pet-
erson of the economics depart-
Prof. Shepard scored the trial
as "pretty poor legal proceedings"
and said that the government was
getting on "mighty muddy
ground" in prosecuting men "not
for acts but for ideas."
Prof. Peterson said only that he
was "pleased at the treatment of
the lawyers."
in actuality we had
begun aid to the allies.
* * *
PART OF THE reason for the
length of the trial were defense
claims at the outset that New York
jury lists were drawn up on a dis-
criminatory basis giving Negroes
and other minority groups little
chance of getting on a jury.
As a result, two months were
consumed before 12 jurors were
finally selected.
Then last August, during the
28th week of the trial, the defense
introduced a motion to disqualify
theatrical producer Russell Janey
from further jury duty on the
grounds that in a speech made
three weeks before the start of the
trial, Janey called for a "war to
the death against communism."
Judge Harold Medina denied the
motion. "
MEDINA'S frequent promise
that the defense lawyers "would
be dealt with at the conclusion of
the trial" for their courtroom be-
havior was fulfilled as the five
lawyers were sentenced to terms
ranging from 30 days to six
Harry Sachen, defense lawyer
whom Medina earlier in the trial
cited as having made "some of
the most contemptuous remarks
ever heard in a courtroom" de-
clared yesterday that his sen-
tence was a small price to pay
"in the cause of liberty."
The Judge then interrupted. "It
is not the price of liberty, but of
misbehavior," he said.
against the 11 defendants is that
in 1945 they re-organized the
Communist party along violent
lines, advocating and teaching the
desirability of overthrowing the
To substantiate this claim,
Prosecuting Attorney John F. X.
McGohey introduced many
books on Communist strategy
and tactics into evidence.
The defendants denied seeking
power through revolution and de-
scribed themselves as politicians
working within the framework of
government for a new socialistic
nation of peace and plenty.
Pure American ...
Modern American glassware is
so free of impurities, that even the
ten-cent store variety is clearer
than the handmade glass of by-
gone days.
Colorful reminders of the Field-
ing H. Yost era at the University
fill the current display at the
Michigan Historical Collections in
the Rackham Building.
The Yost period is reviewed in
photos, cartoons, programs and
* * *
THE FAMOUS "Hurry Up" Yost
was coach and athletic director at
the University from 1901 to 1940.
His powerful "point a minute"
teams at the turn of the century
set the stage for the University's
present renown as one of the na-
tion's football powers.
A picture of the 1902 team
that scored 644 points while
holding opponents to 12 is a part
of the exhibit. The fame that
came to Yost is depicted by a
Dirty Work Not Strange
To Former Tugs-of-War
Fleet Admiral Halsey is shown as he started testimony in favor
of the Navy in its campaign against "inadequate" defense plans.
But up popped Commander Tatom, a navy aeronautics bureau
official who poo-pooed the atom bomb, one of the key items in the
House investigation. Tatom said that a man could stand at one
end of Washington National Airport and come through an atom
explosion at the other end "without serious injury."
Reversed Ratio Plagues
Gilbert-Sullivan Society~
il S
"Kicking, biting and slugging
are barred."
This warning to participants in
the 1925 Frosh-soph tug of war,
appearing in The Daily, was ap-
parently not out of place.
IN THOSE DAYS, the teams
were really out to win, witnesses
say. And what's more, they add,
there were crowds two to three
times the size of the 1949 one to
watch them do it.
One particularly spirited year,
an observer reports, one of the
teams hitched their end of the
rope to a team of hefty horses,
over the ridge of the hill so the
other side wouldn't see them.
The opposing side, reportedly
unaware of the horses, hitched
their end to a tractor. They say
the rope snapped.
* * *
A 1929 DAILY reports another
kind of battle between the classes.
It seems that the team which car-
ries the rope to the site of the
event gets the dry end of the
rope, the other end getting wet by
being dragged across the Huron.
This particular year, the sophs
had gotten possession of the
rope and were about to drag it
across the Huron to the frosh
when the frosh came up with a
rope of their own. Things sim-
mered for a while, then got hot-
ter. Finally, a solution was
reached: the two ropes were
spliced in the middle.
That same year, more trouble
was reported in The Daily when
the teams tried to pad their teams
with extra men.
And to end a perfect day, the
sophs cheated on the free for all
tug, which has no limit to the
numbers on the teams. Realizing
they were outnumbered four to
one, they enlisted the aid of as
many bystanders as they could get.
And to cinch things, they tied their
end of the rope to a nearby tree.
The rope snapped. The judges'
decision went to the frosh.
front cover of Time magazine
and a tribute from the Univer-
sity of Illinois at the time of
Yost's 40th anniversary at the
Yost's success in expanding ath-
letic facilities is shown through
a photo taken at the dedication of
Yost Field House in 1923. The first
field house to be built in this
country, it was properly dedicated
by a 26-to6 victory in basketball
over the Quantico Marines.
ONE CASE in the display is
devoted to pictures showing the
time Yost devoted to! getting his
football squads intop roper condi-
tion to stand a season of play
against strong opponents.
The originals of several news-
paper cartoons depicting Mich-
igan's high place in the foot-
ball world are a part of the dis-
play along with a huge scrap-
book and several trophies.
Among football programs in the
display is that for the first Rose
Bowl game on Jan. 1, 1902, when
Yost took his team west to trample
Stanford 49 to 0. The program
for Michigan's return to the Rose
Bowl on Jan. 1, 1948 when the
Wolverines defeated Southern Cal-
ifornia by the same score is in-
'U' Student Elected
Thai Club Officer
Bancha Lamsam, University stu-
dent from Thailand was elected
vice-president of Thai Alliance at
a meeting in Philadelphia, accord-
ing to the Committee on Friendly
Relations among Foreign Stu-
Thai Alliance is an organization
of Thailand students at universi-
ties in the United States.
What's Up in the Dorms
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors to
What's Up in the Dorms should con-
tact Martha Bazar at The Daily or
4007 Hinsdale House.)
Tyler House men and their dates
will try to get back to nature for
a few hours at least, as they trek
off to the Fresh Air Camp today.
After a picnic lunch the group
will use the boating and other ath-
letic facilities of the camp.
are sponsoring listening in parties
today in an attempt to reproduce
a little of the football game's ex-
citement locally.
Anderson House and Jordan
Hall have brushed off the wel-
come mat for Newberry and
Allan Rumsey, respectively. And
Stockwell and Williams House
are open to all comers.
The results of some supplemen-
tary elections held earlier this
week at Cooley House are; Art
D'Antonio, secretary; Bill Flynn,
publicity chairman; Bill Markey,
treasurer; Cal Klyman, vice pres-
DOUG CUTLER has been chos-
en president of Allan Rumsey.
Other dorm officers are: Jerry Mc-
Anti-Fire Week
Uneventful Here
Fire Prevention Week has come
and gone-with virtually no local
Commending students and Ann
Arborites on their watchfulness,
Fire Chief Ben J. Zahn noted that
only two or three small leaf fires
have been reported to the Fire De-
partment since last weekend.
Ending today, the annual week
(Oct. 9-15) was first instituted on
a national scale in 1932 by former
President Herbert Hoover.
Kie, secretary; Phill Berry, treas-
urer; Bob Leopold and Raffee Jo-
hnns, social chairmen; Keith
Averill, athletic chairman; Nick
Schooley, academic chairman;.
Phil Young, judicial.
The "big sisters" at Hinsdale
House are in a quandary. One of
their sacred trusts is to impart
to their freshmen charges the
intimate details of how to study.
But the girls aren't so sure they
know how.
Roger Vanderwater has been
elected activities committee dele-
gate to the East Quad Council
from Hayden House. Herbert Sil-
verman is the dorm's AIM repre-
Students Win
Three Grants
Three University students have
been awarded scholarships
amounting to $800 and a fellow-
They are Sidney Belanoff,
Grad.; Henry C. Godt, '50P; and
Howard E. Shuman, '49 BAd.
Belanoff has received the Erwin
F. Conely Scholarship in Govern-
ment which amounts to $500. Es-
tablished in 1936, the scholarship
is awarded annually to an, out-
standing graduate student of po-
litical science by the department
Godt has won the Borden Schol-
arship Award of $300 which is
given tothestudent entering the
senior year with the highest schol-
istic record.
Shuman is winner of one of 56
Rotary Foundation Fellowships
which are presented to outstand-
ing graduate students for over-
seas study.
Do you find that the traditional
three-to-one campus ratio of men
and women is snagging your social
One group on campus doesn't
Radio Group
Directors Will
Convene Here
Convention to Discuss
Directors of 95 educational radio
services will gather here today for
a three-day annual meeting of the
National Association of Educa-
tional Broadcasters.
Radio services represented are
non-commercially operated by uni-
versities, boards of education, mu-
nicipalities and school districts
throughout the country.
* * *
problems of radio public relations
and promotion will be the main
feature of the conference program.
Registration opens today in
the offices of University radio
station WUOM. A luncheon at
12 noon at the Union will be
the first meeting. A clinic on
audience analysis and promotion
will begin at 1:30. Speakers will
be John Dunn, University of
Oklahoma; M. S. Novik, New
York radio consultant; Robert
Coleman, Michigan State Col-
lege; Seymour Siegel, New York
City municipal broadcasting sys-
tem; and Ted Lietzell, Zenith
Corporation, Chicago.
At a 6:15 p.m. dinner meeting,
speaker will be Marcus Cohn, a
Washington, D.C. radio attorney.
FAIRY TALE--10:45 a.m.-Down
Story Book Lane-"How the
Giraffe Got His Long Neck"-
FOOTBALL-2:45 p.m. Michigan
vs. Northwestern-WPAG.
MUSIC--6:30 p.m. NBC Symphony
7:30 p.m. Ethel Merman Show
-WWJ; Vaughn Monroe -
9:00 p.m.-Hit Parade-WWJ.
Speech Play
Ducats Offered
Mail orders for tickets to "The
Servant of Two Masters," the
speech department's first produc-
tion of the fall season, will be ac-
cepted beginning Monday.
They may be sent to Play Pro-
duction, Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. All checks may be made pay-
able to Play Production.
"The Servant of Two Masters,"
an 18th century Italian farce, will
be presented at 8 p.m. Oct. 26-29
-at Lydia Mendelssohn.
face this problem. In fact, it finds
itself with a surplus of gorgeous
chorus girls and not enough men'
to go around.
University's Gilbert and Sullivan
Society, which needs a 60-mem-
ber chorus for its forthcoming pro-
duction of "Pirates of Penzance."
It has plenty of women; in
fact, the women's chorus is
closed to further applicants. But
it still needs men.
"No previous singing or dancing
experience is needed for these
chorus jobs," according to Fred
Scheffler, '50, the society's presi-
"ALL WE ASK is a love of
shower-room singing," he declared.
Scheffler has invited all inter-
ested men to attend the society's
chorus rehearsal at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 18, in the League.
Men in the "Pirates" chorus will
have a chance to lead the life of
swashbuckling buccaneers, for
during most of the time pir-j
ates play important roles in "Pir-
Group ToHol
First Meeting
The Psychology Colloquium, a'
group of faculty members and
graduate students from the psy-
chology department, will hold its
first meeting at 3:30 p.m. Monday
at Lane Hall.
Prof. D. G. Marquis, chairman
of the psychology department and
former president of the American
Psychological Association, will out-
line the year's work.
SPEAKERS for the year will in-
clude members of various depart-
ments in the University and out-
standing men in the field of psy-
chology. They will deal with topics
ranging from the relation of psy-
chology to economics to the role
of psychology in aesthetics.
Roger Brown, student chairman
of the group, said that although
the group has dealt with special-
ized studies in the last two years,
it hopes the new program will be
of interest to the entire Univer-
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
Roger Williams Guild House
10:00 A.M.: Bible Study Class, Exodus.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon, "Resil-
iance," by Rev. Loucks.
5:00 P.M.: Guild program. Wym Price of the
campus W.S.S.F. committee willrhave the
National Lutheran Council
1304 Hill Street
Rev. Henry O. Yoder, D.D., Pastor
9:10-10:00 A.M.: Bible Hour at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion and Trinity
5:30 P.M.: Meet at Zion Porsih Hall-Outdoor
Supper and Worship Service.
7:30-8:30 P.M. Tuesday: At the Center-Study
a fthe denominations of the Christian Church.
4:00-5:30 P.M. Wednesday: At the Center-
Tea and Coffee Hour.
306 North Division Street-Phone 2-4097
Rev. John Burt, Chaplain
Mrs. Mary P. Gwin, Counselor for Women
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast, Canterbury House).
11:00 A.M.: Church School.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by the
Reverend Henry Lewis.
12:15 P.M.:: After-Service Fellowship.
5:00 P.M.: Evening Prayer. Prone by the Rev.
Ellsworth E. Koonz.
6:00 P.M.: Canterbury Club meets for a buffet
supper and program at Canterbury House.
Prof. N. M. Efimenco will speak on "The
World Witness."
7:15 A.M. Tuesday, St. Luke: Holy Communion.
7:15 A.M. Wednesday: Holy Communion (fol-
7:15 A.M. Wednesday: Holy Communion'o --
lowed by Student Breakfast, Canterbury
4:00 to 6:00 P.M. Friday: Open House Tea at
Canterbury House.
1432 Washtenow
W. P. Lemon, D.D. and W. H. Henderson,
. Ministers
Mildred Beam, Director of Church School
9:30 A.M.: Guild Bible Seminar. Coffee and rolls
at 9:00 A.M.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Dr. Lemon's ser-
mon will be "The Redemption of the Religious."
5:30 P.M.: Westminster Student Guild supper in
the Social Hall. Dr. Lemon will speak on
"Persistant Thought Patterns in World. Re-
(Disciples of Christ)
State and Huron Streets-Phone 2-1121
Rev. Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
9:15 A.M.: "Your Radio Choir" WPAG.
10:00 and 12:00 A.M.: Bible School sessions.
11:00 A.M.: "Studies in Colossians."
6:30 P.M.: Grace Bible Guild Supper.
7:30 P.M.: "What are we up against?-The
Hill and Tappan Streets
F. E. Zendt, Minister to the Congregation
Rev. Earl Grandstaff, Acting Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
9:45 A.M.: Student Class.
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship-The Minister's
message "Rediscovering America."
Nursery for children during the service.
Guild House, 438 Maynard St.
H. L. Pickerill, Director
Jean Garee, Associate
Student Guild-6:00 supper at the Congregational
Church, Dr. Theodore Shipherd speaking on
"Prayer and the Modern World."
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship. Christian Home
Church School and Nursery at same hour.
4:30 P.M.: Study and Discussion, "The Case for
Christianity." Leaders, Mrs. Phillip Bedient,
Mrs. Thomas Lambert.
5:30 P.M.: Covered Dish, Fellowship Supper.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue-Phone 2-0085
Rev. Edward H. Redman
10:00 A.M.: Adult Group-Prof. Clark Trow on:
"Character Education."
11:00 A.M.: Sermon-Rev. Edward H. Redman
on: "United Nations' Prospects.
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group-Mr. Har-
old Exenberger on: "Life in War-time Ger-
many." Refreshments and recreation.
State and E. William Streets
Minister-Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Student Directors-Rev. H. L. Pickerill,
Miss Jean Garee
Music-Wayne Dunlap, J. Bertram Strickland
9:30 & 10:45 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Nursery for infants is maintained.
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach
on "Finding The Lost Word."
6:00 P.M.: Student supper-Dr. Theodore M.
Shipherd will speak on "Prayer and the Modern
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