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October 14, 1949 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-14

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U I ____________________________ U

I _ _ j

Local Organization Keeps
Tabs on Student Credit

<--- I

Is your credit good-or nil?
Local merchants and profes-
sional men pose this touchy ques-
Uon daily to the Ann Arbor Credit
-Bureau, a veritable fountain of
information about the city's con-
sumer public.


Ann Arbor office is affiliated iith
1,475 nationwide bureaus under
the Associated Credit Bureaus of
* * *

OFTEN TABBED as the "eco-
homic police of the community,"
Bureau staffers compile statisti-
cal data on students and towns-
people and file them in report
These reports are furnished
city creditors upon request, en-
4abling them to decide whether
or not a particular credit appli-
cant is a good investment.
Established here in 1924, the
Delegates Tell.
Of Work Done
At NSAMeet
(Continued from Page 1)
belief in itself, and to be judged
on academic ability by a panel of
(iis fellow-teachers.
Walsh also spoke of a student
fights clinic next spring to which
other Michigan schools would be
* * *
4poke on the acceptance by the
Congress of the "Michigan Plan,"
Which prohibits any new organi-
gation on a campus that has a
discriminatory clause in its con-
SL Member Leon Rechtman
'also spoke on discrimination, to-
ward which the Congress was
generally opposed. The Congress
approved a resolution to provide
for students to study out of en-
vironments where they might
acquire prejudice, and to.pro-
miote fair educational process
laws that would prohibit forms
of institutional discrimination.
Delegate Al Wildman told of the
Congress' support of Federal Aid
to Education. One project was to
provide for a scholarship program,
similar to the G.I. Bill of Rights,
whereby scholarships would be
awarded to a student not only ac-
Cording to his needs, but that he
would have the added advantage
6f choosing his own school and
Harvey Weisberg, former SL
president, told the meeting in the
closing report of the purpose and
aoIvantages students have in being
rriTirbers of National Student As-
sociation colleges.
awn N cde ae
O4 2.0O iDBia
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'::' w*Ii 10 r 6 leven* d a awwom ed wCeSw
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NO C.o.D. WA~nUT PlNtNIo C
11 yOs inowe ,s. lual s 905.M Walnu Av.,
Seek "bleenee umlsa 6 Colna 1, ld
cIT ON i...sT E
hMP "*'" y

"standardize and simplify the
local flow of information between
communities," according to local
manager Jay Barrett.
Sole sources of revenue for
operation are the 219 local mem-
bers of the Credit Bureau-Ann
Arbor store owners, small shop-
keepers and businessmen. Bet-
ter than 50 per cent of city
stores extending credit belong
to the Bureau, Barret said.
Staffers have found the job of
keeping up with civic affairs is no
cinch. Every day they must check
records at the Court House, City
Hall and public utilities for infor-
mation on divorces, building per-
mits and whereabouts of migra-
tory citizens.
A LARGE VOLUME of credit is
extended to students Barrett re-
ported. Many of them have start-
ed their credit histories in Ann
Arbor, he added.
During 1948, the Bureau fur-
nished merchants complete re-
ports on 21,298 -students and
local citizens, he declared. '
Explaining the office's func-
tions, Barrett emphasized that
"we at no time classify or rate
anyone." The Bureau neither rec-
ommends nor rejects anyone-
store owners form their own opin-
ions of credit applicants on a fac-
tual basis, he noted.
* * *
AND RATHER than oversell to
a buyer whose income is reported
by the Bureau to be in a "low"
bracket, merchants usually decline
the account, he said.
Credit records are handed on
wherever the individual goes. "As
usage expands, a person's credit is
sure to build up," Barrett ex-
Mixer To Be
Held at Union
A Union mixer featuring the
music of Frank House and his or-
chestra will offer something
unique in the way of listening
parties during tomorrow's Mich-
igan-Northwestern game.
Scheduled to start at game time,
the mixer will be held in the
North Lounge of the Union. Radios
will be scattered around the room
for those who wish to follow the
game between dances.
In addition, a large chalk board
will be placed at one end of the
room and the action of every play
will be graphically, recorded as it
comes over the radio.
No admission will be charged for
the mixer, according to Irv. Barill,
'50, chairman.
Fosler Elected
Actuarial Head
The Michigan Actuarial Club, at
a meeting held yesterday after-
noon, elected Howard Fosler, '50,
president for the current academic
Other officers elected were Wil-
liam V. Houke, '50, secretary and
Herald H. Hughes, '50, treasurer.
Council members are, Roy Tofte,
'49Grad., Peter C. Spoolstra and
Hubert D. Peavy, '50Grad

New Dorm
Coming Out
Competition in the field of pub-
lications will become even more
intense on Monday with the pub-
lication of the first issue of
"Harpy," an Angell House produc-
"Harpy," according to its staff,
"is a name decided upon after a
careful studs of the characters of
a cross-section of Angell House
residents." This study, added to
the inspiration produced by the
dormitory's name, brought forth
the title-"Harpy."
LYNNE STARR, a reporter on
Harpy's staff, is confident that
"Harpy will be more than just an-
other dormitory newspaper; it
will be of interest to the whole
campus. Added to the usual dor-
mitory news will be editorials and
poems concerning all women's
Printing and advertising will
add a professional touch to the
Harpy's staffff is hopeful that
this will be the beginning of a
popular newspaper, not only for
Angell House, but also for all the
other women's dormitories on the
University campus.
* * +*
"THOSE SMALL, but interest-
ing pieces which are too unimpor-
tant for the big campus newspa-
pers will not be too unimportant
for "Harpy," Miss Starr said.
Although most of the cost for
printing "Harpy" is being paid for
by its advertisements, a nominal
fee is being charged those who
wish to subscribe to the tri-weekly
[Dormitory Newsl
EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors to
What's Up In The Dorms shoud
contact Martha Bazar at The Daily
or 4007 Hinsdale House.
With hopes that the way to a
man's heart is really through his
stomach, Hinsdale House will ex-
change dinners with Cooly House
tonight. Other dormitories that
will engage in this grand old Mich-
igan pastime are Stockwell and
Williams, Mosher and Hayden.
The new Vaughan House offi-
cers are: Gene Hannahs, presi-
dent; Swede Aronson, vice presi-
dent; Ray Smith, athletic direc-
tor; Don Srull, social chairman.
.* * *
COOLY will hold open house to-
morrow night from. 9-12 p.m. In-
vitations have been extended to
Hinsdale and Stockwell, The pro-
gram will feature refreshments
and Music. And in the words of
social chairman Tom Jacobson,
"Everything is free."
Lloyd House has elected the
following men to lead them dur-
ing the fall semester: Al Haff-
ner, president; Paul Rankin,
vice-president; Herb Boothroyd,
secretary; and Glenn "Bottles"
Kilgren, treasurer.,
Jack Barnes, ex-Lloydite now
residing at Fletcher Hall, found
that the roots are still deep. Jack
received 52 write-in votes to over-
ride all opposition in taking the
post of House Librarian for the
fifth consecutive semester.

Soph Satire Tonight

-Daily-Carlyle Marshall
"SOPH SATIRE" CAST-Rehearsing for "Soph Satire," musical
comedy with an all-sophomore cast, these students will demon-
strate their abilities at 8 p.m. today at Hill Auditorium.
Health Service To Begin Fll
Vaccine Injections Next Week

Debate Cliie
Will Be Held
U' Professors
To Lead Panel
The department of speech will
hold its third annual Debate Clinic
from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The clinic is designed to give
high school students information
on the national high school debate
question and direction on debat-
ing techniques.
*. * *
PROF. G. E. DENSMORE, chair-
man of the speech department,
will open the clinic with a wel-
coming address.
At 10:15 a.m. the political sci-
ence department will hold a
symposium on the direct elec-
tion of the president by the peo-
ple, which has been chosen as
the debate topic for 1949-50.
Prof. Thomas S. Barclay, Prof.
Samuel J. Eldersveld and Prof.
Joseph E. Kallenback, all of the
political science department, will
participate in the panel discus-
sion, which will be followed by a
period of audience questions.
* * *
ED MILLER, speech department
director of forensics, will conclude
the morning program with a dis-
cussion of problems in debating
the direct election question.
At 1:30 p.m. University Debate
Squad will conduct a demon-
stration debate on the high
school question. Taking the af-
firmative will be Al Storey and
Jack Wirth, while Nafe Katter
and Ray Daniels will uphold the
Prof. William M. Sattler, of the
speech department, will give a'
critique of the demonstration de-
bate. Prof. Sattler is executive sec-
retary of the Central States Speech
Talenited Owls .. .
Owls have other talents beside
their ability to see in the dark.
They are as swift as swallows in
flight, and as sensitive to sound as
a radio receiving set.

Black robed, white wigged fig-
ures crying "~oyez" marched
through the Law Quadrangle this
week while the Bailiff's Englishl
bell clanged ominously.
The Barristers Club, senior hon-
orary society of the Law School.
was once again seeking new blood.
* * *
hands bound, joined the proces-
sion as it moved from the Lawyers
Club to the Library and then to
Hutchins Hall, where the captives'
listened quietly as the Chancellor
read the creed.
Originated in 1902, the Bar-
risters adopted their name from
the old English barristers who
once held powers similar to
those of the American Bar Asso-
IFC Show
Seeks Talent
If you can act, sing, dance or
recite poetry, the Interfraternity
Council needs you for its all-cam-
pus talent show.
The show, to be held Nov. 17
in the Union Ballroom, is de-
signed to raise funds for the an-
nual IFC Christmas party for Ann
Arbor children.
Dick Tinker, '52A, IFC publicity
chairman has asked anyone inter-
ested to send a postcard, listing
name and talent and where he or
she may be reached, to the IFC,
at Rm. C, Union. Any kind of
talent will be welcome, he em-
Edmonson Leaves
For Quebec Meet
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the
School of Education will leave this
afternoon for Quebec City to pre-
side over a four-day meeting of
the Canada-United States Com-
mittee on Education.
Dean Edmonson is co-chairman
of the committee, which is fi-
nanced by the Carnegie Endow-
ment for International Peace.

Barristers Take Eighteen
Into Law Honorary Society


Among the social events spon-
sored by the Club are the Christ-
mas Wig and Robe Ball and the
Crease Ball held in the spring.
* * *
MEMBERS include men living
within and outside the Lawyers
Club and married and single men.
The organizations purpose is to
promote fellowship and convivial-
The eighteen new Barristers are:
Charles Beyer, Earl Boorstra, Gor-
don Boozer, Richard Conn, Peter
DeGaetano, Thomas Donnelly,
Richard Gushee, William Hess,
William Jennings, Charles Killin,
James Mordy, Edward Neithercut,
James Sargent, Robert Scott,
Richard Spaatz, F. Bourne Upham,
William Meyers and Leonard
eurrent rate on
insured savings
Extra earnings on Bonus
Savings Accounts



Students will bare arms for in-
fluenza shots next week when
Health Service begins its second
barrage to keep the campus epi-
demic free.
According to Dr. Thomas Fran-
cis, professor of epidemiology, the
vaccine currently being used gives
protection against flu virus A, B
and A prime. "These three types
cover the range of strains of flu
virus that have been encountered,"
he explained.
*V * *
DR. FRANCIS, who is recog-
nized as an outstanding authority
on influenza in the country, said
fundamental studies in protection
against influenza have been con-
ducted for the past eight years by
the Commission on Influenza of
the Army Epidemiological Board,
of which he is director.
The vaccine was prepared by
growing the flu virus in fertil-
ized eggs and then concentrat-

ing the virus in the fluids sur-
rounding the embryo.
IN 1943, a study of the effect of
the vaccine in army personnel on
this campus and other universi-
ties proved it capable of includ-
ing protection against flu A. Un-
der similar conditions in 1945, the
vaccine was effective against flu'
However, in 1947, the same
vaccine gave no protection
against flu A prime, according to
Dr. Francis. "Since then," he
said, "the additional strain has
been added to the vaccine."
Dr. Warren Forsythe, Health
Service director, also strongly ad-
vised students to take advantage
of these injections as a precau-
tionary measure against flu.
This year the students will not
have to take their injections in al-
phabetical order, according to Dr.,

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Opposite Court House
Phone 2-2549
Assets Over $12,000,000

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JOURNAL OF AIR: 2:30 p.m.-
"Sidelights of the Sports World"
by Pres Holmes, "From Gridiron
to Grease Paints," an interview
with Dick Rifenberg-WKAR and
COMEDY-8 p.m. Henry Mor-
gan Show-WWJ.
9:30 p.m. - Jimmy Durante
Show - WWJ; Breakfast with
Burrows; WJR.
INTERVIEW-10:30 p.m. Capi-
tol Cloak Room-WJR.
MUSIC-11:30 p.m. Deems Tay-
lor Concert-CKLW.
NEWS-7:30 p.m. The UN is My

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ON 78 r.p.m. RECORDS
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