This Farm Bill Mess
WASHINGTON-Only a few insiders know
it, but President Truman has turned
sour against his former secretary of agri-
culture, Clinton Anderson. In faot, the
other day the President hurled his favorite
insult against Anderson, now serving in
the Senate from New Mexico. He called him
a "big-interest man."
What prompted this bitter epithet was
Anderson's fight against flat, 90 per cent
farm supports.
The President had long suspected that
Anderson was quietly knifing the Brfnnan
Farm Plan, but the clincher came when
Anderson urged a "compromise" 75 to 90
per cent, flexible price-support scale.
Anderson had spread the impression that'
the President was backing his compromise.
Puzzled, a Congressional visitor put the
questions warily to Truman.
"In the Senate," he said, "Elmer Thomas
(of Oklahoma) quoted you as being for
90 per cent parity, while Dick Russell (of
Georgia) said he understood you were
against 90 per cent."
"I don't know how Dick got that idea,"
Truman broke in.
"Senator Anderson seems to have taken
command," added the Congressman. "Per-
sonally I don't care for Anderson's philos-
"Well, Clint Anderson is a big-interest
man," declared the President firmly.
"As between Anderson's bill and straight
90 per cent parity," Truman continued, "I
naturally favor 90 per cent because we
campaigned on that basis."
The President added that, of all the farm
bills that had come out, he liked Congress-
man Stephen Pace's the best, because the
Georgia Congressman had included the pro-
duction payment feature of the Brannan
Referring again to Anderson, the Congres-
sional visitor pointed out that big-interest
men who pose as liberals ard much more
dangerous than out-and-out reactionaries,
"There is no question about that," agreed
the President emphatically.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
* * *
WASHINGTON-If it is to succeed at all,
President Truman's welfare state will
first of all demand exceedingly sober, clear-
headed and practical political leadership.
Editorials published in The' Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the. writers only.
In this absolutely fundamental respect, the
story of the agriculture bill' is far from
This enormous measure is exactly the
kind of measure by which an increasingly
planned national economy will stand or
fall and to all intents, it has "growed"
just as haphazardly as Topsy.
There was nothing haphazard, to be sure,
about the original bill proposed by Secre-
tary of Agriculture Brannan.
Except for the leftwing Farmers' Union,
Brannan was not supported by any of the
power of the farm lobby; and the potent
Farm Bureau Federation actually led the
envenomed attack upon him.
Since Brannan had also made the re-
markably foolish mistake of failing to con-
sult any of the Congressional farm leaders,
the Brannan bill was shortly sunk without
trace. After considerable comedy, the House
passed the Gore bill, guaranteeing the farm-
ers particularly large and entirely rigid farm
In the Senate, Secretary Brannan's prede-
cessor, Senator Clinton Anderson of New
Mexico, then offered still another bill, pro-
viding for subsidies on a sliding scale from
75 to 90 per cent of parity, according to
the conditions of farm production and of
the economy. Senate Majority Leader Scott
Lucas none the less got behind the Ander-
son bill, together with the administration's
other Congressional chieftains. The Ander-
son bill looked like a moderate compromise,
and all seemed to be in order-until the key
vote on the amendment by Senator Russell
of Geof gia, restoring the 90 per cent parity
provision of the House bill.
Senator Lucas, presumably acting for
President Truman, actively dragooned the
faithful into line. Senator Anderson made
one or two concessions in his bill, to win a
vote'here or there.
By such means, Lucas and Anderson
carried the day against the Russell
amendment. Then, at this precise moment,
President Truman chose to indicate that
his own Senate leader shad been wrong
all the time, and that he too preferred
flat 90 per cent parity payments instead
of the Anderson sliding scale.
No explanation of why the unfortunate
Lucas had been permitted to fight for the
opposite policy was even hinted at. Nor was
such an explanation needed. It was quite
clear that the President had rather belatedly
decided which scheme was the best politics,
and had torpedoed his Majority Leader in
order, to do what was politically expedient.
The situation has been so roiled up that
any prediction of the outcome has become
foolish. One point has already become very
clear, however. If the great decisions of the
welfare state are to be taken in this hugger-
mugger, politics - and - propaganda - ridden
manner, the welfare state will run into
trouble before it is even established.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
A&P Ads
T HE LATEST inanity to appear in the
form of a national advertisement is that
the government wants to put a firm out of
business because its prices are too low.
By this absurdity, the Atlantic and Pa-
cific Tea Company-the great A&P chain
-is trying to whitewash a new govern-
ment anti-trust suit being brought against
the company.
And this isn't the first time A&P has been
accused of unfair and monopolistic practices.
In 1944, the government brought the same
charges against the company which are out-
lined in the present suit-charges for which
A&P was tried and convicted.
A&P appealed the case to the Circuit
Court of Appeals, which sustained the -con-
viction. Then, rather than risk a Supreme
Court verdict, they paid the $175,000 fine.
But they blithely continued the same
monopolistic practices which had been
found illegal by two courts.
Evidence introduced at the 1944 trial
showed that A&P had obtained $21,714,000
from 1935 to 1944 by short-weighting, short-
changing and over-charging its customers.
To maintain its monopolistic hold on
the retail food industry, A&P has con-
sistently lowered prices in areas where
competition is heavy, only to raise them
again when the competitors are forced out
of business, the courts found.
The size and position of the A&P chain
in the food industry (6,000 stores across th-
country) enables it to force dealers to grant
secret preferential prices, special rebates,
and cut prices to the A&P stores.
These unfair trade practices have had the
effect of setting up a two-price structure
in the food industry-a lower price for A&P
stores, and a higher rate for all other re-
The A&P company was found guilty of
all of these charges, but apparently the
company's directors did not consider that
sufficient incentive to reform. Cone-
quently, the government is again bringing
suit against the company-for exactly the
same reasons which have already caused
a conviction.
And the company, realizing the truth of
the charges, has decided to carry on its de-
fense in the advertisement columns of the
nation's press rather than in the court room.
With no judge to rule, no opposing at-
torney to object or challenge, A&P can
say anything it likes, as long as it pays
the advertiser's rate.
The result has been a national advertising
program costing the company over a million
dollars, and completely falsifying the
"Do you want your A&P to go out of
business," the first ad asks.
It proceeds to charge the government with
prosecuting A&P because its "prices are too
low" (this from a company already con-
victed of overcharging!) and says that if
successful, the suit will mean "Less food
on every dinner table and lower standards
of living."
Perhaps a lower standard of living for
A&P directors who have been reaping
tremendous profits by monopolistic prac-
tices, but certainly not for the rest of the
Commenting on the full-page advertise-
ments, Attorney General J. Howard Mc-
Grath said:
"It would appear that A&P is now making
an appeal to the public by the expenditure
of 'large sums in a publicity campaign seek-
ing special treatment accorded no one else
under the anti-trust laws."
"It seems odd," he continued, "that A&P
should now publicly advertise the same argu-
ments repudiated by both the District Court
and the Court of Appeals."
It seems odd to us also.
-Roma Lipsky.
Beta Mu
FOR THOSE TIRED of awaiting basic re-
forms from tradition-riddled fraterni-
ties, there is positive action in the formiation
of the Beta Mu Club, which hopes to gain
fraternity status in June upon approval of
IFC and the Administration.
Beta Mu is refreshingly different. It in-
tends to tone down ritualistic mumbo-
jumbo and give meaning to the frequently
juvenile pledge period. Most important, it
is thoroughly inter-racial, inter-religious
and international.
The frightening extent to which Beta Mu
is needed could not be more painfully illus-
trated than by the concern of many groups
and individuals that it might have Commu-
nistic leanings! When democracy is con-
fused with totalitarianism, we have fallen
into the most dangerous kind of social
myopia. Only the healthy light shed by open
and enthusiastic living of principles more
talked about than practiced, can give us the
clear vision demanded by our times.
The skeptical, the timid, and the un-
willing must be shown democracy in ac-
tion, to the end that that wretchedly neg-
lected ideal will cease to languish at the
door of many a Greek-letter house.
At present, Beta Mu has little more than
the spirit and working faith of its few
members, most of whom, as seniors, do not
have much to gain from fraternity ranking
this spring.
But whether Beta Mu survives or not will
be a matter of immense significance to all
who are disturbed by the insidious paradox
of tolerated social injustice on an American
Letters to the Editor
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"Let's Not Carry This To Far."
At the State...
OUTPOT IN MOROCCO ... with George
to be enough to make any self respect-
ing actor run off and join the Foreign Le-
gion, but alas, what's done can not be un-
George Raft, the great stone face, is
cast as an officer of the Legion, selected
for a dangerous assignment because he
rates as the greatest lover in the area.
It seems that the daughter of a trouble-
some Arab chieftain requires an escort and
the Legion high command figure that
Raft's talent might be put to good use in
finding out the old boy's plans, through
his daughter, of course.
We then follow super-lover Raft through
a series of scenes designed to prove that he
is also a super-soldier, and a super-swell
Most of the cliches in Hollywood's vast
repertoire are dragged into this clambake.
The plot is a collection of warmed over
baloney that already was distressingly fa-
miliar about the time sound was intro-
The acting is not much better than the
script. A newcomer, Marie Windsor, does
her futile best to prove that she can out-
dead-pan Raft, while Akim Tamiroff, or-
dinarily a fine actor, turns in a hammy per-
The photography is in keeping with the
rest of the production. Aside from a de-
tailed study of Miss Windsor's backfield,
(more or less illegally in motion), in a
dancing scene, and one cavalry charge,
the man behind the camera seemed as
bored as everyone else.
This is strictly a quickie they slapped to-
gether because someone thought it was
about time for another Foreign Legion pic-
-Kirk R. Hampton.
At the Michigan ...,
BLACK MAGIC, with Orson Welles, Nancy
Guild, Akim Tamiroff and a gallery of
hypnotized bit players.
A SOUPED UP biological film on the no-
torious Cagliatro, pre-Revolution French
hypnotist, "Black Magic" is a great success
in htat it succeeds in hypnotizing the audi-
ence into a state of dream-like slumber-
sometimes called boredom.
Spear-headed by amateur magician Or-
son Welles and Nancy Guild, the film is
one unqualified flop. Welles, as the twisted
hypnotic patholigical hypnotist, goes
through every scene like a seven-year-old
boy who got a chance to show off before
an audience. He is unquestionably a great
actor, but his talents seem to have de-
serted him in this movie.
Nancy Guild, a recent Hollywood "find,"
should go back to her native college campus.
As the young girl Lorenze, whom Welles
hypnotizes into marrying him and doing all
manner of foul deeds against the crown, Miss
Guild performs like the typical C student
in an elementary drama course.
With the above duo are a legion of sup-
porting players who either fall under Welles'
evil spell or seek to oppose him in his
efforts to get the French government under
his control. Akim Tamiroff, as Welles' co-
hort, is outstanding as the only actor who
plays his rolle well, within the limits of
the highly romantic plot.
-Fran Ivick.
(Continued from Page 3)
early as possible so that registra-
tion may be completed by the date
Approved Student Sponsored So-
cial Events for Coming Weekend
Fri., Oct. 14
Couzen's Hall, Phi Gamma
Delta, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Wes-
ley Foundation, Women's Phys.
Ed Club.
Sat., Oct. 15
Adams House, Adelia Cheever
House, Alpha Kappa K app a,
American Chem. Society, Cooley
House, Greene House, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Tyler House, Tau Delta
Sun., Oct. 16
Alpha Rho Chi, Sociedad His-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for
Joseph Green Sheehan, Psychol-
ogy; thesis: "The Experimental
Modification of Stuttering
Through Non-Rein forc em ent ,"
Fri., Oct. 14, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman,
E. L. Walker.
Master's Degree in History:
A foreign language examination
for the Master's Degree in history
will be held in Room C, Haven
Hall, Fri., Oct. 21 at 4 p.m. Those
who intend to take the examina-
tion must register in the History
Office, 119 Haven Hall by Oct. 20.
History Makeup examinations:
Rm. C, Haven Hall, 9-12, Sat., Oct.
15. In order to be admitted to the
examination, students must pre-
sent written permission from their
Geometry Seminar: Fri., Oct. 14,
4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Jesse
Wright will speak on Meta-Pro-
jective Geometry.
The Vienna Choir Boys will give
the second program in the Choral
Union Concert Series, Sat., Nov.
15, 8:30 p.m., HilluAuditorium. Pro-
gram: Super flumina Babylonis
(Palestrina): 0 bone Jesu (Ingeg-
neri); Exultate deo (Scarlatti);
"Alleluia" from "Exultate, jubi-
late" (Mozart); Offenbach's oper-
etta "Herr und Madam Denis";
Schubert's Serenade; Cradle Song
(Roger); May Now Shines (Mor-
ley) ; Josef Strauss' "Pizzicato
Polka"; and Johann Strauss'
"Tales from the Vienna Woods."
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Faculty Recital: Harold Haugh,
tenor, will present the first facul-
ty recital at 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, Oct. 16, Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, and will be accompanied
by Ava Comin Case. Program:
works by Mozart, Rossini, Res-
pighi, Bizet, Hugo Wolf, and two
groups of English songs. The pub-
lic is invited.
Carillon Recital by Percival
Price, 7:15 p.m., Fri., Oct. 14, and
Mon., Oct. 17: The Swan by Saint-
Saens, four Greek popular songs,
Andante cantabile for carillon by
DeGroot; four English airs, and
Waltz (Serenade) by Tchaikovsky.
Events Today
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy: Angell Hall. Dr. Free-
Man D. Miller will give an illus-
trated talk at 7:45 p.m., in 3017
Angell Hall entitled "How Many
Stars"? Following the talk the
student observatory, fifth floor,
Angell Hall, will be open until 10
p.m. for observations of Jupiter
and double stars provided the sky
is clear. Children must be accom-
panied by adults.
Geological-Mineralogical Jour-
nal Club: First meeting, 3055 N.S.,
Dr. John Clark will speak on "The
Geology of Part of Central Asia."
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Treasure Hunt. Leave the Guild
House at 7:30 p.m.
Lutheran Student Association:
Hay-Ride at 8 p.m. at the Student
Baptist students who will be
partying at the I.M. Bldg. be at
the Guild House at 8:30 p.m. Bath-
ing suits and shorts are in order.
Friday evening services: 7:45
p.m., Hillel Foundation, Rabbi Ly-
mon will lead a discussion group.
SRA Coffee Hour: Lane Hall,
4:30 to 6 p.m.
Canterbury Club: Open House
and reception for Rev. W. H. Mel-
ish, 4-6 p.m. Rev. Melish will
speak on "A Way to Secure World
Hoe Down: Square Dancing, 8
p.m., recreation hall, Presbyterian
SRA Creative Arts committee:
Meet at Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Friday Frolic: 8-12 p.m., Wom-
en's Athletic Building; everyone
invited; small admission charge.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., League Cafeteria. All stu-
dents and faculty members in-
Coming Events
Daily Double...,
To the Editor:s
COMMEND the efforts of Prest
Holmes to set the second guess-t
ers and armchair quarterbacks at
ease in behalf of John Ghindia,c
but I certainly do not think he hasI
done Ghindia any service at all.(
In fact Holmes has substitutedt
sentimental, almost silly argu-i
ments for a more careful appre-
ciation of the art of quarterback-t
ing ...i
Holmes states first that Ghindiac
"would be justified that at leastt
the law of averages would finally1
catch up and this one would beg
complete." Now football is not a
dice game. You can keep throwings
the ball all day with phenomenalI
success, and likewise with very1
little success, but the completions2
or lack of them are caused by1
very definite occurrences . . . Luck
or probability figures occasionally,c
but no quarterback, not even oft
the armchair variety, can countt
on the law of averages being in
his backfield .. .
Next Holmes tells us that "thec
quarterback never figures that at
pass is going to be intercepted."E
This is sheer folly as far as I amt
concerned. Mind reading is the
quarterback's business. He knows
the situation, the attitude and
strength of his players and of his
opponents. He knows what he can
get away with, and certainly how
iar he will be justified in tempting
the opposition. I am not suggest-
ing that Ghindia was passing in
the face of a sure interception. But
I do suggest that Ghindia be giveni
credit for something more than ai
blissful naivete . . . If Ghindia
could' not appraise a situation,1
taking into account all things thati
might develop to his disadvan-
tage, then he would not have been
playing the number one back po-
sition this season.
We proceed, as Holmes proceeds,
to the play itself. We learn that
"it gets harder and harder to make
yardage on the ground when the
ball is inside the 20." This is just
half the story. It's just as hard,
if not harder to make yardage
through the air inside the 20..
Why? Consider first that the of-_
fense is passing into something of
a trap or box. You can't throw
those herculean passes that travel
forty or fifty yards, and your ends
can't run the hundred waiting to
pull the ball in. You're con-
strained. Your aim has to be pin-
point, your throw fast and low,
your ends shifty. Consider secondly
that the defense has less ground
to cover and consequently can
maneuver between its line and its
tertiary with relative ease . .
And consequently the defense can
afford to be ready for either a
run or a pass .. .
My whole point in relation to
Holmes' analysis of the play is
that he left out the most logical
reason for Ghindia's calling it,
which is that Ghindia, from in-
formation he himself was able to
collect from his teammates, and
from his own observation of
Army's defense, strength, and
morale, decided that the pass was
the right play for the situation at
that tine . . . I'm confident
Ghindia called the only play he
thought would work at that psy-
chological moment, and he called
it because he was possessed of in-
formation which we in the stands
could not know.
That Army foiled the play is
more a tribute to Army's alertness
and second-guessing than a cn-
demnation of the man who called
it. And so some of Holmes' reason-
ing is unnecessary, and certainly
of the variety which helps to make
his column more daily drivel than
Daily Double.
--Louis L. Orlin.
* * *
To the Editor:
DLuHolmes' sports column, "Daily
Double," I am convinced that the
title should be changed to "Weekly
Rubble." Holmes stated in his col-
umn in The Daily that John ("In-
tercepted Pass") Ghindia is not
the goat of the week. I am con-
vinced now that Ghindia really
isn't-Holmes is.
I shall only deal here with the
most flagrant fluffs in his article,
since mention of the minor muffs
would leave the byline untouched.
I might justify Ghindia's deci-
sion to pass, as friend Pres did,
on the illogical basis that "the
law of averages would finally
Dance, Sat., Oct. 15, Jones School,
8-11 p.m. Everyone welcome.
SRA Intercultural Retreat will
be held this weekend, Oct.15-16.
Group will leave Lane Hall at 5
on Saturday. Reservations should
be in by 6 on Friday.
catch up, and this pass would be
complete." But then might I not
also assume that I can afford to
flunk a dozen bluebooks-since
the law of averages will enable me
to pass the thirteenth?
Mr. Holmes claims that "the
quarterback never - figures that a
pass is going to be intercepted."
Could this be the reason for Oos-
terbaan using a new quarterback
in next week's game?
There is' an old adage that "a
bird in the hand is worth two
in the bush." Mr. Holmes, on the
other hand, apparently believes
that chancing "a ball in the wrong
hands is worth two downs on the
I do agree with Pres, when he
states "the pass play was a sur-
prise," but a surprise on the same
level a's punting into Army's end
zone at that point might have
I hereby apply for the position
of Daily sports co-editor. I feel
that I possess the main qualifica-
tion necessary; namely, I know
absolutely nothing about sports.
At the same time, I have no
qualms regarding Pres Holmes' fu-
ture in writing. He will undoubt-
edly be swamped with offers to
be the gag-writer for Crosby, Hope,
and the boys, after they've glanced
at his column.
-Stan Challis.
* * *
To the Editor:
FEEL THAT the indifferent
driver should, at least, have an
idea about what goes on in the
mind of the more conscientious
motorist. Perhaps the following
verse expresses one of the common
Take your half in the middle,
I don't begrudge your little
But there is a fervent hope,
That you'll wind up 'round
a tree!
-Earl D. Jelneck.
* * *
To the Editor:
HERE ARE SOME words which
I have concocted with the idea
of coming up with a mildly de-
risive song in the manner of
Yale's "Good Night, Poor Har-
Pray, --' pray!
A hungry Wolverine will greet
Hoo-rah, hoo-ray!
The Maize and Blue is after
We've got you on the run.
Poor, -team!
You haven't got a chance today
With the prowling, scowling,
growling, howling
Fighting men of Michigan.
Perhaps by publishing this you
could offer it to anyone who would
like to weave it into a melody
which a Michigan throng could
get its teeth into.
-Stanley R. Saunders, '31.
Westminster Guild:
party, 3rd floor lounge,
rian Church, Saturday
at game
I.Z.F.A. Dance Group:
hearsal, Sat., Oct. 15, 1:30
SRA Saturday Luncheon group:
Meet at 12:15, Lane Hall. Reser-
vations must be made by 10 a.m.
Football game broadcast parties
for the Northwestern game, Oct.
15, 2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. for the fol-
lowing men's residences:
Acacia, Anderson House, Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Delta Sigma Delta,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Prescott
House, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Theta Chi, Victor Vaughan House,
Winchell House.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Photo and
work trip, leave Michigan League
at 7 p.m., Sat., Oct. 15 for over-
nite at Pinebrook Hostel. Call
Margaret Thompson (8803) for
transportation reservation.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Square
E Fifty-Ninth Year
Edtdand managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson...Editorial Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner............. Associate Editor
George Walker........Associate Editor
Don McNeil........... Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian...... Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz..... Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady...........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King..............Libraria~n
Allan Clamage...... Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson., Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff...Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler..Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
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All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Cold Feet No More
WE SIGH IN SORROW to see the passing
of another fine old institution-cold feet.
Time was when the possessor of a frigid.
foot came in for much sympathy. If the
bipeds were tired, there was no end to the
legitimate complaining a man could do and
the eyes and mouth, and now, feet being
mechanized: Society has been dealt another
stab in the . . . feet.
These home accoutrements are guaranteed
to "put pep in your step" according to their
advertisement in a leading New York news-
So the Chamber of Commerce thinks we
should try to bring the Truth or Mayhem
Halloween broncadst here to our town?
That ramshackle old structure would
make a good haunted house at that-
Gloomy old mansion.. .Eerie lights. ..
And we positively guarantee the personal
.innr - 4'rno.f.n., -. Pr a