FARM BILL MESS See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State AOF :43 a t t4p FAIR AND COOLER VOL. LX, No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Jury Still Undecided in Communists' U.S. Defense 'Called O.K. By Truman Blasts Rejection Of Olds by Senate By The Associated Press President Truman told his Washington news conference yes- terday that he considered the na- tion's defenses adequate, even though the Navy's top officer has complained that Naval Aviation and the Marine Corps are in dan- ger of being scrapped. Admiral Louis E. Denfeld, Chief of Naval Operations, made the complaint before the House Armed Services Committee which is in- vestigating the bitter row in the High Command over grand strate- gy. * * * DENFELD SAID that under the unified defense setup, the Army and Air Force can control the Navy and actually do. HE SAID ALSO that the Air Force has argued for a complete elimination of the carrier task force, the "most powerful instru- ment of modern warfare." The Army, he said has urged its "seri- ous reduction." The President declined fur- ther comment on testimony of Denfeld or other admirals who have rapped the Air Force em- phasis on the B-36 for atom bombing while they contended Naval Aviation is being neglect- ed.. Turning to other matters, the President described as a bad thing the Senate's 53 to 15 rejection of Leland Olds whom he had nomi- nated for a third term on the Fed- eral Power Commission. MR. TRUMAN said he could not give Olds a recess appointment af- ter Confress adjourns because the Senate had rejected him. He add- ed that he will have to appoint a new commissioner but has no one in sight at present. Twenty-one Democrats had joined 32 Republicans in oppos- ing Olds. Whether Mr. Truman plans any crackdown on mem- bers of his party found in the opposing camp remains to be seen. Switching back to military mat- ters, the President declared that he had given his backing to the Senate in the contest over the size of the Air Force-a battle which is blocking appropriations for the r whole military establishment. He said that he stands by his endose- ment of the 48-group Air Force. Homecoming Applications Due Today Applications for house displays for Homecoming Weekend Oct. 22 must be turned in today to Pris- cilla Ball, at Collegiate Sorosis, 1503 Washtenaw. Any house that has not received applications may call Miss Ball at 2-3279 or Jody Johnson at 2-2569. Displays will be under the eagle eyes of four carloads of judges' Saturday morning, and first, sec- and and third prizes with two hon- orable mentions will be given in men's and women's house divi- sions. Prize-winners will be announced at the Minnesota game. Some of the prize-winning dis- plays may go into decorations for the homecoming dance, scheduled for 9 to 1 Saturday after the Minnesota game at the I-M Build- ing, according to dance officials. Melish Speaks Before Hillel The Rev. William Melish, re- cently ousted from his Brooklyn parish for "irresponsible leftish" activities, will speak before the Hillel Club at 8:30 p.m. following Friday Night Services at the Hil- 1l Fnindatinn His talk will con- SL Welcomes Guest U' Heredity Clinic Tests Missing Boy Hopeful Parents Await Outcome By AL BLUMRO SEN Sometime today, the fate of a blond, six year old child may be decided. And a Dayton Ohio couple whose year old son was kidnapped from the crib five years ago will know if they have come to Michi- gan on a wild goose chase, or if the lad with the striking physical similarities might be their own. * * * THE COUPLE, Arthur Thompson yesterday to find Mr. and Mrs. gave their blood out. -Daily-Herb Harrington SL MEMBERS GREET GUEST-Student Legislature President John Ryder, center, and NSA chairman Dick Hooker, right, wel- come Michigan State Normal College Student Council President Dick Mendenhall to the special NSA session last night at Rack- ham Hall. Studet Legislature Gets Report of NSA Delegates By PETER HOTTON Amid Michigan-inspired songs thought up during the National Student Association Congress last August at Illinois, nine University delegates told a special session of Student Legislature and its guests last night of the work done by the 350 NSA member colleges.- Guests of SL were Michigan Normal College's newly-formed Student Council and Dean of Ad- ministration E. R. Isbell. Dean of Students Erich A. Walter was also a guest. * * * MC'D BY NSA chairman Dick Hooker, the meeting featured re- ports on the Congress and the work done there by the Michigan delegates. SL Vice-President Quent Nes- bitt explained one of NSA's biggest projects-the Purchase Card System, formed last spring at the University and under present reorganization. ' nsian Asks Mercy, for Future Kids "At least 7,000 youngsters will be broken - hearted within 10 years," prophesied Bill Osterman, '51, "unless 4,000 prospective 1950 graduates act immediately." Osterman, 'Ensian campus sales manager, was refering to the sor- row that offspring of Michigan alumni inevitably register upon finding that their parent's picture is missing from the 'Ensian. WITH ONLY six days remaining Osterman emphasized the neces- sity of making appointments with the photographers soon., He also pointed out that grad- uates from any school, whether law, medicine, literary or grad- uate, are qualified to appear in the graduating section of the 'Ensian, "More than 2,200 students have had their pictures taken so far," Osterman continued, "but there are approximately 6,000, persons in the three classes. At each sitting, photographers take six shots, giving the student a wide selection from which to pick, Osterman said. Additional prints of the 'Ensian pictures may be purchased at reasonable rates, he added. Nesbitt also discussed student leadership and its success at the Congress. The same plan used there will go into operation at SL's retreat, to be held after the No- vember elections to acquaint new and old legislators. Delegate Ed Lewinson told how a fair education program was set up at the Congress. Following the beginning made in the New York Legislature, the Congress estab- lished a committee listing unfair educational practices, such as denying education because of race, religion or national background and a discriminatory use of fa- cilities. - * * * DELEGATE DORIANNE Zipper- stein spoke on the international aspect of NSA, when last summer 350 American and Canadian stu- dents studied abroad in programs in seven European countries. In addition 150 Europeans studied in North America. For the future, the interna- tional NSA travel programs will include next year tours in East- ern Europe, North Africa, the Far East, and the Pacific. The Congress heartily endorsed the setting up of travel bureaus like the one utilized by so many students last year at Michigan. SL member Bill Moll spoke on another international phase of NSA - an investigation of all channels to implement foreign programs, aided by the United Na- tion's UNESCO, on which NSA has the only student chair, and the International Student Service, the European counterpart of World Student Service Fund. ONE OF THE BIG problems of the NSA was whether to continue cooperation with the International Union of Students, the European NSA, which had views far to the left of NSA itself. A compromise was finally reached, whereby the IUS would be truly representative of Eu- ropean countries, bilateral co- operation would be set, up be- tween NSA and IUS and special non - political projects estab- lished. Legislator. Tom Walsh spoke on Academic Freedom and told of the Congress' near-unanimous ap- proval of the American Association of University Professors, which proposed that no teacher be denied a position on a college faculty on! political, philosophical or religious See DELEGATES, Page 6 Doctors at the University heredity clinic also took blood from the thumb of little William "Tommy" O'Neil. Twelve hour tests, comparing the samples will not determine that Tommy is the Thompson long missing child, but it will tell definitely if he is not. The Thompsons returned to Lansing yesterday afternon after seeing Tommy in the morning. They were summoned here by a call from a Grand Rapids news- paper. HIS BOARDING parents, Mr. and Mrs. Linder Foote, of Hickory Corners, Mich., notified the Grand Rapids paper after seeing an ar- tist's conception of how the long- missing lad might look on his sixth birthday. A baby footprint, kept for these five years by Mrs. Thomp- son may also help in finding the key to Tommy's identity. State police have taken a plaster im- pression of the boy's foot which they will compare with Mrs. Thompson's keepsake. Earlier, officials had planned a comparison of a lock of the miss- ing baby's hair with that of Tom- my. But Dr. Clarence Ramsey, di- rector of the Michigan Children's Institute said last night that this test would be inconclusive. * * * STATE POLICE detective Sgt. Farrall Babcock said Tommy has a "webbing" or overgrowth of skin between his second and third toes on each foot. Mrs. Thompson said' her kidnapped son, Ronnie, had this characteristic. Tommy has a slight indenta- tion on the outer lobe of each ear, which also cheeks with Mrs. Thompson's description of her baby. The Thompsons are not letting their hopes get the better of them. "We're not saying anything until we're sure," Thompson said yes- terday. * ~* * TOMMY'S PAST is clouded in a haze of data at the Michigan's Children Institute and the Ohio Bureau of vital statistics. Institute records say Tommy was born of an unwed mother in Toledo, on Jan. 1, 1943. The Thompson's son, Ronnie, was born Feb. 11, 1943. Tommy first came to the In- stitute's attention in 1947 when he was living with a couple in Lan- sing. The couple said he had been turned over to them by a woman who claimed that he was the son of her unmarried sister. The In- stitute took Tommy from Lansing because he had been receiving im- proper care, according to reports from the officials. For the past two years, he has been living with the Footes as a boarded-out ward of the state. If the blood tests do not destroy all hope that "Tommy" is "Ron- nie," police will begin an all-out search of Toledo records in an at- tempt to break the story of the unwed mother, and solve a five year old mystery. Hugo Picture To Be Shown The life of a French ex-convict is the theme of "Les Miserables" which will be presented at 8 p.m. tonight and tomorrow at the Lydia 'Mar1k avh qihatr Freshmen Tuggers Splash To Confused, Muddy Win* Ega 11 1 T ' -Daily-Alex Lmanian RAH-RAH RETURNS-Muscles strain and the crowd offers encouraging shouts of "Heave! Heave!' as a gallant freshman tug-of-war team is pulled into the icy Huron River in yesterday's fresh- man-sophomore tug of war. The tug across the Huron climaxed the festivities of "Tug Week," which is an effort to return school spirit and rah-rah to the campus scene. * * * * By PAUL BRENTLINGER and JOAN WILLENS Freshmen tuggers splashed their! way to a muddy victory in yester- day's "pull" across the Huron river. Straining every muscle to win two out of three tugs-of-war, the Class of '53 climaxed Tug Week's .'So ph Satire' To Be Given At Hill Tonight Comedy Features Plight of Freshman Talented sophomores will romp across the rejuvenated boards of Hill Auditorium when "Soph Sat- ire" goes on stage at 8 p.m. today. The musical comedy produced entirely by sophomores as a part of Tug Week centers about the plight See PICTURE, Page 6 of the entering freshman and his musical solution to his social en- tanglements. * * * BRUCE MASE plays the part of "confused freshman who doesn't remain confused"; Fran Hanslov- sky, "the nice girl"; Carol Ander- son, "the siren; Neale Traves, "the Big-Man-on Campus"; Joyce Howard, the mother and Chuck Emery, the father. The script was written by Bob Newman, 50 and Adele Hager, '51, who also is in charge of the production. Corky Gibbon is stage manager and music di- rector. The original music used in the show was written by Gene Con- sales, graduate of Juliard School of Music anq Montclare State Teachers' College. * * * TICKETS FOR "Soph Satire" will be sold on the Diag today, or may be purchased at the door to- night. The show is open to the public, but is for the special en- tertainment of freshmen. effort to revive campus rah-rah. traditions. HOWEVER, confusion arose over the verdict when the first tug was discounted because the sopho- mores took advantage of a near- by stump to brace .themselves against the fierce freshman forces. Unaware of the judges' deci- sion, the sophomores thought they had chalked up another win when they dragged the freshmen through the mud in. the second heat. The freshmen retaliated with a ten second conquest in the third tug. With an apparent two to one margin, the majority of the soph- omores thought they had won and strolled home to dinner. * * * WHEN THE JUDGES called for the third tug, they found the soph- omore ranks depleted because of the unfortunate misunderstand- ing. Although a group of sopoho- mores volunteered to man the rope, the freshmen scored an easy victory in what turned out to be the decisive tug. Both teams were cheered on by an enthusiastic crowd of almost 500 spectators. Some of the more eager ones perched on near-by trees to get a bird's eye view of the proceedings. * * * CAMERA FANS feverishly flicked shutters trying to catch tuggers as they gallantly slithered through the cold depths of the river._ Heroes of the day were the two sophomotes who braved the icy currents when one team prema- turely yanked the rope into the river. The duo sacrificed dry trousers to rescue the rope as it drifted merrily toward Ypsilanti. Pre-Law Group Lewis Hints, Hesitates at By The Associated Press WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. Va.-Hinting at government seizure of the mines yesterday, John L. Lewis stated that the UMW didn't want seizure, and was against nationalization of the mines., But President Truman said he had no plans for taking over the mines, and operators said there was no legal way for the govern- ment to go into direct operation of the pits. LEWIS MADE his statement at a news conference in which he also disclosed that his demands for ending the strike by negotiation would raise theprice of producing coal by 30 to. 35 cents a ton. Meanwhile, in New/ York, federal mediators reported last night they. had found a "basis, for further discussion" in ex- ploratory talks with the Bethle- hem Steel Co. on efforts to set- tle the 13 day strike. The mediators are trying to reach a common meeting ground among the struck companies in order to start new joint bargain- ing sessions. Modern DesigIn Developments CalledBasic Modern architecture is not merely a change of conventional style, asserted Marcel Breuer, in- ternationally famous designer, yes- terday afternoon before an over- flow audience in Architecture Au- ditorium. It is a development based on modern changes in life and thought, he continued. * * ~* EXPLAINING the fundamental precepts of contemporary archi- tecture, Mr. Breuer cited as basic such principles as maximum sim- plicity, practicality, air and sun exposure, and standardization. Trial Deliberations Will Resume Again Today Medina Disavows Thought Control NEW YORK-(RP)-A Federal jury was sent to bed at 10:21 p.m. (EST) last night, unable after more than five hours' debate to fix the fate of America's 11 top Communist leaders. They are due to resume delib- erations at 9:30 a.m. today. The historic case went to the jury at 3:53 p.m. yesterday after 39 weeks of bitter trial. * * * THE 11 DEFENDANTS are ac- cused of conspiring to advocate the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government. If convicted, they face possible fines of $10,000 each and 10 years imprisonment. While the jury deliberated, about 100 pro-Communists kept vigil outside the Foley Square court house for some news of a verdict. When the defendants left after the jury went to bed, these by- standers raised a cheer that echoed across the tiny square in lower Manhattan. * * * THE JURY ARGUED the case from 3:53 p.m. until it went to dinner at 5:40 p.m. Then it re- sumed deliberations at 7 p.m., and continued to the overnight ad- journment. In all, they were closeted for five hours and 8 minutes with- out reaching adecision. Before the jury went to the Hotel Knickerbocker for the night, it had twice sent out for evidence used in the nine-months trial - heavy books on Communist tac- tics and logic. THEIR SECOND request for the book "Problems on Leninism" led to a 56-minute discussion by at- torneys in the judge's chambers. However, Federal Judge Harold R. Medina eventually decided to let the jury have the book. Judge R. Medina gravely handed the case to the eight women and four men jurors after instructing them that neither the Cdmmunist party nor its textbooks were on trial. "Do not be led astray by talk about thought control or putting books on trial," he warned. "No such issues are before you here. "AND YOU ARE not to pass on the merits of Communism, Capi- talism or any other isms." The 11 defendants, and they alone, are before the bar of American justice, he said in a charge that lasted two hours and 15 minutes. Running through his charge rapidly and rocking back and forth in his chair, Judge Medina asked the jurors for "a just and true verdict no matter whom it hurts." * * * A GUILTY verdict would have far-reaching effects on the Com- munist Party as it now is set up in the United States. U. S. Attorney Johiq F. X. Me- Gohey, closing the government's case, called the defendants "pro- fessional revolutionaries" and said they had threatened to go underground if convicted. "I assure you," he told the jury, "that if the party goes complete- ly underground, the FBI will go along with them, performing the customary efficiency the task as- signed to them in the detection of crime." * * * McGOHEY WAS through at 11:48 a.m. after perhaps the long- est criminal trial in American his- tory. The 11 defendants, the elite of the Communist Party on this side of the Atlantic, are charged with conspiring to advocate the violent overthrew of the U.S. government. Conviction carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for each man. How- ever, a guilty, verdict almost cer- tainly will be appealed. CED To Meet With Selects Officers Ian MacDonald, '50, was elect-- ed president of the Michigan Crib Club, pre-law society, last night. Sumner Howard, '50BAd. was chosen vice-president; Lyn Ru- dolph, recording secretary; Wil- liam Morris, corresponding secre- tary; and Dolores Hosel, treasur- er. VIENNA GROUP CENTURIES OLD: World News At A Glance WASHINGTON-The Democratic majority of the Senate-House Atomic Committee credited the Atomic Energy Commission last night with taking "a vast enterprise which was falling apart at the seams and reshaping it into a formidable deterrent against aggression." Choir To A tradition of distinguished choral singing is attached to the group of Vienna Choir Boys ap- pearing here at 8:30 p.m. tomor- row in Hill Auditorium. The 450 year-old choral group has long been renowned for its interpretations of the choral wnrk empninll r rrn-nsrv f. it Sing Tomorrow boys perform in public--provided it was requested by "reputable per- sons." A century later, the choir- master allowed the Choir to ap- pear in operatic chorus parts, and in 1926, after the fall -of its Hapsburg patrons, the group began to make regular tours of th Cntinent ganized at the end of the war, 7,000 applications were filed for the coveted 100 positions open within the'Choir. At its recent appearance in Detroit, one of the large dailies acclaimed the group as "singing like angels to the ap- preciation of a large audience." The Choir, scheduled to sing u thed f -irention of Felix M. * * ~* ISLEHAM, Eng.-Twelve U.S. airmen bound from Britain to Helgoland on a practice mission S* * * CANTON, China - The Chi- nese Nationalist garrison fled Canton last night. l 1