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October 13, 1949 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-13

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______________________________________ I ______________________________________ U

In Education
Fine- Purdorn
If you want to be sure of a job,
go into elementary education.
According to Dr. T. Luther Pur-
dom, director of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, the greatest demand
for the next five years will be in
that field. Michigan alone now
needs 2500 elementary school
* * *
STATISTICS available from the
placing of last June's graduates
show that library science, al-
though a much smaller field, has
the greatest shortage at this time.
The fields of science and
mathematics have almost caught
up with the demand, and there
is even a surplus of applicants
in physical education for men
and in social studies, Dr. Pur-
dom declared.
In business, the greatest num-
ber of requests are those interested
in sales work, he added. The de-
mand is far greater than ever be-
HOWEVER, very few employers
want personnel workers, who are
usually promoted within the busi-
Dr. Purdom said that the largest
single request at the Bureau is for
secretaries, preferably with a de-
gree in Business Administration
or English plus work in steno-
graphy. Male secretaries especial-
ly are in demand, and have a wide
choice of jobs, he added.
Plea of 'Not
Guilty' entered
For Fleming
Former county treasurer Clyde
D. Fleming stood mute at his ar-
raignment in circuit court Tues-
day, thereby entering an auto-
matic plea of "not guilty."
His trial is now set for Oct. 25.
* * * *
PRESIDING at the arraign-
ment was Circuit Judge Joseph
Moynihan of Detroit.
Fleming, held on a $15,000
bond,-was indicted on a 24-
count forgery and embezzlement
charge resulting from a one-
man grand jury investigation of
his office records from 1941-48.
Specifically, he had been
charged with embezzling more
than $15,000 from Ypsilanti tax
rolls "with intent to defraud,"
during his seven-year span of of-
Blood Bank
Calls Donors
The University Hospital needs
30 students to donate blood plasma
today, according to Dr. O. T. Mal-
lery of the hospital blood bank.
Dr. Mallery has arranged to give
$15 to the World Student Service
Fund for every pint contributed.
This plan is similar to the blood
drive now going on to benefit
Students can contribute plasma
from 10:30-12:30 p.m. today.
Wym Price, chairman of WSSF,
urges that all would-be donors

contact him at Lane Hall before
going to the hospital.

-Daily--Burt Sapowitch
PRE-MED SOCIETY-Prof. Philip Weatherill ol the chemistry department, Marilyn McLaren, '52,
newly elected secretary of the group and Bill Fineman, Grad., president, listen as Dr. Wayne Whit-
aker explains "Medical School Admissions and Opportunities in Medicine." Other officers of the
society are Ralph Knopf, '51, vice president; Joshn Harper, '50, treasurer; Herb Kravitz, '51, pub-
licity chairman and Conrad Heyner, '51, program chairman. Prof. Weatherill addressed the
meeting on the current method of medical school application.
*. * * *

Dr. Crosby
To Talk in
Peet Series
Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, profes-
sor of anatomy, has been chosen
to give the first of the newly es-
tablished annual Max M. Peet lec-
Dr. Crosby will lecture on "The
Application of Neuroanatomical
Data to the Diagnosis of Selected
Neurological and Neurosurgical
Cases" at 4 p.m., Friday, Oct. 21
in the University Hospital ampthi-
* * *
as an outstanding neuroanatomist,
Dr. Crosby was much admired by
the late Dr. Peet for her work
in this field.
The lectureship series, found-
ed in honor of Dr. Peet, former
chief of the department of
neurosurgery at University Hos-
pital, is sponsored by the doc-
tors who received their training
under his direction.
Sponsorship has been provided
for an annual lecture for a period
of ten years. Lectures will be given
by eminent personages in the
fields of neurology, neurosurgery,
or the allied basic science fields.
Architect To Talk
Marcele Breuer, noted Hunga-
rian architect and furniture de-
signer, will lecture at 4:15 p.m. to.-
day in Architecture Auditorium.
Office and Portable Models
of all makes
G. I. Requisitions Accepted
314 South State St.

Appearing for the first time inx and 20 of these were chosen to
Ann Arbor, the Vienna Choir Boys make the tour this year.
will give the second Choral Union The Choir, which is making
concert at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, in its eighth U.S. appearance, was
Hill Auditorium. founded over 450 years ago, by
The boys, w ho range in age from I the Emperor MaximilianI of
seven to ttxdelvx yeas, come from Austria, as the Court Chapel
sl pat B IoUEope mf Choir in Vienna.
The dozen boys accepted re-
AT TH 1close of the war, when mained with the Choir until ado-
the Choir was reorganized, over lescence, when their voices
7,000 parents made application changed, then receiving "muster-
for their children with the Choir. ing-out pay,," and fare home.
Father Joseph Schnitt, rector of * * *
the group, accepted 100 of there, THE CHOIR first began mak-

ing occasional concert tours dur-
ing the early 1600's, and a cen-
tury later the boys were permitted
to sing secular music in regular
public performances.
With the collapse of the Haps-
burg regime at the end of World
War I, court patronage ° stopped,
and the Choir's directors began
looking for other sources of in-
In 1926 the Choir made its first
concert tour of Europe. Twelve
years later the boys were brought
to the U.S.

at 4

Dr. Whitaker Explains
Med School Admissions

Dr. Wayne Whitaker, secretary
of the medical school, told mem-
bers of the Pre-Med Society last
night that approximately 1,600
applications were received last
year for the 150 places available
in the freshman medical class.
But there were, places for only
10 out-of-state students because
of the geographical residence
quota, Dr. Whitaker, who is also
Chairman of the Committee on
Admissions, continued.
* * *
THE REST were filled from the
more than 500 applications from
Michigan residents.
"Academic success in under-
graduate work is the most im-
portant factor 4in predicting
success in medical school," Dr.
Whitaker said.
He pointed out that while med-
ical admission committees would
like to place less emphasis on
grades, they are the most tangible
indication of a student's worth.
"ACTIVITIES are also highly
considered by the committee," Dr.
Whitaker added.
"The student who has par-
ticipated in extracurricular ac-
tivities and has maintained a 3.0
DRAMA-8 p.m. Treasures Off
The Shelf, the story of Bene-
dict Arnold's proposal to sell
West Point to the British-
COMEDY-8 p.m. Henry Morgan
show-WWJ; 9:30 p.m. Jimmy
Durante-WWJ and Break-
fast with Burrows-WJR (flip
a coin on that one).
MUSIC-6:45 p.m. Sammy Kaye
Showroom - WXYZ - 10:30
p.m. Symphonette - CKLW -
11:30 p.m. Deems Taylor Con-
NEWS-7:30 p.m. The U.N. Is My
MYSTERY-8 p.m. The Fat Man

average may be preferable to
the 3.8 scholar who by the time
he is ready to enter medical
school has exhausted his capa-
* * *
"EXPANSION of the medical
school is impossible," Dr. Whit-
aker revealed, "because of the dif-
ficulties in providing space, clin-
ical and laboratory facilities."
He emphasized, however, the
demands for service in the medical
sciences for those who do not
hold MD degrees and strongly
urged.students to investigate these

Deadline on
Senior Pix
"I'm worried, I'm really wor-
ried," Slug Kettler, general sales
manager for the Ensian, said yes-
"The photographers shooting
the pictures of individual seniors
are leaving Wednesday. All senior
pictures must be taken by that
time because none are going to
be taken in the spring," he ex-
"A lot of seniors may be disap-
pointed if they don't come in at
once and make their picture ap-
pointment," Kettier declared.
All students graduating in Feb.,
June, or August are considered
seniors, he said. Graduate students
are also eligible to have their pic-
tures taken at this time.

Vienna Choir Boys To Appear at Hill

TO JOIN, con
W. J. Hompto
303 Mason Ho

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In Memory of
. H. Parker
A memorial service for the late
DeWitt Henry Parker will be held
at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in St. An-
drews Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, pastor
of St. Andrews, will conduct the
*. * *
A MARK WENLY University
Professor of Philosophy at the
University, Prof. Parker died June
21, 1949.
He joined the faculty in 1908,
serving for 40 years. His books in
the fields of aesthetics and meta-
physics brought him considerable
NSA Group
Meets Today
The International Subcommit-
tee of NSA will meet at 4:30 p.m.
today in the Union to discuss pro-
jects on travel exchange, travel
scholarships, and summer study
Anyone interested in the inter-
national aspect of NSA is urged to
attend, chairman Dorianne Zip-
perstein said.

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T- give you a finer ci-arette Lucky Srike maintains



Ii - ___________________________________ ___..-- --_________...._____-- - I I

America's largest cigarette research laboratory is your
guarantee that Luckies are a finer cigarette!


YOU SEE HERE the largest and most complete
laboratory of its kind operated by any
cigarette manufacturer in America.
For many years Lucky Strike scientists have
delved into cigarette research on an extensive
scale. Out of this has grown ari elaborate system
of quality control. Every step in the making of
Luckies-from before the tobacco is bought
until the finished cigarette reaches you-comes
under the laboratory's watchful eye. As you
read this, a constant stream oftobacco...samples

from every tobacco-growing area ... is flowing
into the laboratory in Richmond, Virginia.
These samples are scientifically analyzed, and
reports of their quality go to the men who buy
at auction for the makers of Lucky Strike.
Armed with this confidential, scientific in-
formation-and their own sound judgment-
these men go after finer tobacco. This fine
tobacco-together with scientifically controlled
manufacturing methods-is your assurance that
there is no finer cigarette than Lucky Strike!

We feature the Celebrated Worumbo
Flannels of the finest quality.
In all shades.
in eight shades.
Priced at
$55 to $9750
EXTRA TROUSERS with any suit

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Testing tobacco. Samples from every tobacco-
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So round, so firm, so fully packed. Typical of many
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So free and easy on the draw. This meter draws
air through the cigarette, measures the draw. Samples
are tested to see if they are properly filled. Tests like
this guarantee Luckies are free and easy on the draw.





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