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October 13, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-13

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.. by Harold Jackson
Frankly Speaking...
ANYONE who has taken Speech 31 will
agree that it ought to be made a must
for graduation.
Granted, those who control it-Wdriven
by a perpetual fear that someone will think
it is a snap course-smother the class with
senseless reports and other paperwork.
Nevertheless, we think the course is a
memorable experience.
And-a popular way to begin each year is
a short speech from each student identifying
himself. Sometimes these verbal autobiog-
raphies become mighty candid as did these
One youth concluded his talk by spear-
ing the professor with his eye and de-
"I think it's only fair to mention that I'm
on academic probation, and that if I don't
pass this speech course I will wind up next
fall at MSC with a green pot on my head.".
The other was more terse. After ex-
tolling his own modesty and his love for
his mother, he declared:
"And I'm very devoted to my dear father.
He's richer than I am."

AMA Libertarians

"First, Allow Us To Apologize For Our Country's
Decadent Democracy And Our Stupid Freedoms"

Letters to the Editor -

Some Crust.. .

THE NEW EDITOR of a local weekly news-
paper has been having trouble getting
started, but he's already learned that you
can't please everyone-particularly subscrib-
ers-all the time.
A recent issue had hardly. been delivered
before a strong note of disapproval appeared
at his office.
"Young man, your editorial today ac-
tually verged upon being radical, and I
demand that you immediately cancel my
subscription," the letter read.
But when the editor reluctantly set out
to cancel the subscription, he discovered that
the reader in question had paid his last sub-
scription bill in 1947 - and had been receiv-
ing the paper free for the past two years.
* * *
Just We Three.. .
A WELL-KNOWN (and now retired) math
professor here was making a tour of
inspection several years ago of a small up-
state college anxious to secure recognition
from the university.
His guide suddenly prodded his elbow
and pointed to an aged scholar plodding
across campus deep in thought.
"There goes one of the three greatest
mathematicians in the world," whispered
the guide.
"Oh," rumbled our own math prof., "and
who is the other one, may I ask?"
* * *
'Taint Me*...
PAULINE BELIEVES the conceit of the
male student on this campus knows no
bounds, and cites this example:
A timid coed, introduced to a handsome
man, asked if he wasn't in her astronomy
"I'm sorry," was the answer, "It must be
some other movie star."
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

IF THE DOCTORS of this country really
believe all the guff the American Med-
ical Association is handing out, they must
be among the most benighted groups of men
That's the conclusion to which I was
driven by a pamphlet published by the
AMA and displayed on the magazine racks
of the Health Service.
It begins "The Voluntary Way is the
American Way." The rest of the booklet
is on the same level. For example:
"Q. Would socialized medicine lead to
socialization of other phases of American
"A. Lenin thought so. He Adeclared: 'So-
cialized medicine is the keystone to the arch
of the Socialist State' . .
"Why not nationalize lawyers, miners,
NSA Report
National Students Association are
becoming optimistic.
They are competing with student
apathy tonight by obtaining Rackham
Amphitheatre for NSA's report on the
Congress this past summer.
The SL and NSA evidently believe that
the student body will drop its bridge play-
ing and attend this session designed to
inform them about the activities that
their student government has under con-
sideration for this fall.
One of the little known campus facts
is that as students at a NSA school
everyone of us are members of the NSA
and responsible for its acts.. In our own
interests, we should know what plans
they have made.
Certainly as many should turn out for
the Congress report as will be present at
the week-end manifestations of school
spirit on the Huron River.
-The Senior Editors.
More on
Tug Week
NOBODY SEEMS TO have a sense of hu-
mor about Tug Week.
It either seems to demoralize the par-
ticipants directly, critics say, or it does
so indirectly by taking them away from
some more worthy manifestation of school
spirit, like studying or going to a con-
A few high-strung Tug Week enthusiasts
-there aren't very many, though-seem to
think a perfectly good college career is
wasted without the frosh-soph war.
I While it is obvious that everybody could
have a perfectly happy college year with-
out Tug Week, it should seem equally clear
that it is essentially a harmless, innocuous
way to let off steam.
It hasn't seemed to result in a marsh-
mallow roast over the remains of "U" Hall
or a snake dance around a derailed Twi-
light Limited or some other prank; rather,
the frosh and sophs who have taken part
have seemed to enjoy their corny, old-
fashioned cheering and jeering in a dec-
orous way. And certainly the three or four
hours the program will take from their
lives can't have too much bearing on any
more substantial activity.
Of course, if Tug Week does get out of
hand, that's another matter. But until it
does, please forgive me for cheering and
jeering with the noisiest of them, even if I
can't take it too seriously.
-John P. Davies.
hasnever been charged even by the
House Committee on Un-American Activities

with membership in any organization which
advocates the overthrow of the government
by force and violence, indulged in some
rather remarkable advocacy in the heat of
his campaign for election to the Senate.
Attacking his opponent, he quoted Thomasj
Jefferson on the need for occasional revolu-
tions and then said:
"I don't believe that we need to have a
violent revolution, certainly not today.
The people still have it in their power
peacefully to check this thing, but if we
don't do it and do it soon, we will have to
fight our way back, as Thomas Jefferson
said, through revolution."
We presume that very few Americans de-
sire an authoritarian welfare state but that
a great many Americans desire a state of
welfare. They have a long-entrenched habit
of deciding how to achieve what they want
by ballots instead of bullets. Presumably
they will decide the senatorial contest in
New York in precisely this traditional way.
If Senator Dulles really means that a bloody
revolution will be necessary in case they
decide in a way of which he disapproves,
perhaps he had better join the little group
now in the dock of a Federal District Court
in New York. They, he may remember, are
the ones who keep insisting that change
can't be achieved peacefully because men
like Mr. Dulles are sure to resist it by
-Washington Post.

"A. It proves that America is the last
great free Nation on earth!.
"It proves that the greatest error in all
history would be for America to start bor-
rowing the unsuccessful systems of foreign
countries which today are on their feet
only because the American system is strong
enough to support them!"
Regardless of the merits or faults of
compulsory health insurance, there is no
excuse for an organization of supposedly
well-educated scientists peddling this sort
of baloney.
Moreover, in its desperation to win con-
verts to the cause, AMA unscrupulously seeks
to line itself up with groups that are op-
posed to everything medical men have been
trying to do for 2,000 years. For example:
"Q. Will members of faith-healing re-
ligions be taxed?
"A. Yes. Millions of members of all faiths
whose principles would prevent use of the
service, nevertheless will be taxed for it."
If medical men as a group can agree on
anything, I should think it would be that
healing by faith is not sound medical prac-
tice. The AMA apparently is not interested
in medical principles, but only in politics.
And the pamphlet concludes with the
words: "Write your Congressman-and do
it now! Help strike a blow for freedom
that will ring throughout America!"
If violent, dishonest propaganda is the
sort of blow that the AMA thinks will ring
throughout the country, then the Liberty
Bell must have begun to sound pretty sour
to them.
-Phil Dawson.
Kresge Gift
THERE WAS AN AURA of deep and heart-
felt gratefulness about the famous doc-
tors of the University Medical School Mon-
day night when they expressed their thanks
to Sebastian S. Kresge for his $3,000,000
grant for the construction of a new Medical
Research Building.
As they told their simple story of re-
search work being done in crowded base-
ments, gloomy forgotten corridors and old
unused museums-when they told of
brilliant young students stymied because
of lack of space to study and analyze new
ideas, it was made vividly clear what a
tremendous effect the Kresge Foundation's
gift will have upon the Medical School
and'upon the world as a whole.
Now it will be possible for all the widely
diversifier research departments to be ade-
quately housed in a central location where
they can co-ordinate their work and evolve
ideas and discoveries of such a scope that
all humanity will be benefited.
In addition, it will provide the stimulhs
for other philanthropisal individuals and
groups to provide funds for the comple-
tion of the $20,000,000 Medical Center
which will make the University the hub
of medical progress around the globe.
We join the Medical School staff in
thanking Mr. Kresge for his vision and gen-
erosity in making this contribution to the
University and to mankind.
-Jim Brown.


businessmen, farmers? Germany
did. England is in the process.
"Q. What does this prove?"

Continued from Page 2
with the first payroll deduction on
Nov. 30. After Oct. 15 no new ap-
plications or changes can be ac-
cepted until April, 1950.
Frank P. Sheehan Scholarships:
Frank P. Sheehan scholarships are
available to Aeronautical Engi-
neering juniors, seniors, and grad-
uate. The selection of candidates
is made very largely on the basis
of scholastic standing. Applicants
should address letters to Prof.
E. W. Conlon, 1079 E. Engi-
neering Bldg., giving a brief state-
ment of qualifications and expe-
rience in regard to both scholastic
work and outside experience, as
well as a statement regarding
plans for future study in Aeronau-
tical Engineering. The present
draft classification and any service
record should be mentioned. Usu-
ally two scholarships are available
each year. Applications are due
by Oct. 18.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Scholarships and Fellowships: The
scholarships of $500 each are for
one year, and are open to students
who have completed at least the
freshman year of study in the En-
gineering College, or its equivalent,
who are partially self-supporting
and have an academic standing
above average, and who are inter-
ested in aircraft propulsion. The
fellowships of $1,000 each are open
to students whose technical back-
ground and qualifications will ad-
mit him to the Graduate School
for study in any one of the several
phases of aircraft propulsion, with
the expectation that he will ob-
tain a Master of Science degree in
Engineering. Application forms for
the scholarships should be filed
with Prof. E. W. Conlon, Depart-
ment of Aeronautical Engineering,
1079 E. Eng. Bldg. Fellowship ap-
plications are obtainable from the
Office of the Dean of the Gradu-
ate School, 1006 Rackham Bldg.
Applications will be received until
Oct. 18.
Douglas Scholarship: The Doug-
las Aircraft Company has estab-
lished a scholarship of $500, which
is open to seniors in Aeronautical
and Mechanical Engineering. The
award is for one year, and the re-
cipient will be a highly recom-
mended student in either depart-
ment. Applications will be re-
ceived until Oct. 18; these should
be in letter form, giving a brief
statement of qualifications and ex-
perience in regard to both schol-
astic work and any outside expe-
rience. The present draft classifi-
cation and any service record
should be mentioned. Senior Me-
chanics will address their letters
of application to Prof. R. S. Haw-
ley, 225 W. Engineering Building;
senior Aeronauticals will send their
applications to Prof. E. W. Conlon,
1079 E. Engineering Bldg.
Seminar in Applied Mathe-
matics: 4:15 p.m., 247 W. Engi-
neering Bldg., Thurs., Oct. 13. Dr.
W. M. Kincaid continues his talk
on "Problems in visual percep-
Architecture' Lecture: Marcel
Breuer, internationally known
contemporary architect, will lec-
ture on modern architecture
Thurs., Oct. 13, 4:15 p.m., Archi-

tecture Auditorium. The public is
Academic Notices
History Makeup examinations:
Rm. C, Haven Hall, 9-12, Sat., Oct.
15. In order to be admitted to the
examination, students must pre-
sent written permission from their
Doctoral Examination for Jo-
seph Green Sheehan, Psychology;
thesis: "The Experimental Modi-
fication of Stuttering Through
Non-Reinforcement," Fri., Oct. 14,
West Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman, E. L.
Makeup examination for Philos-
ophy 33 (Logic) and Philosophy 34
(Types of Philosophy) will be held
this Thurs., Oct. 13, 7 p.m., 1020
Angell Hall.
The University Extension Serv-
ice announces the following
course, enrollment for which may
be made in advance in the office
at 4524 Administration Building
or at2the first class session if the
course is not already filled) :
The Appreciation of Poetry. The
full enjoyment of poetry is a stim-
ulating experience. Through in-
formal discussions and lectures,
the course will afford practice in
reading a number of poems repre-
senting the growth of twentieth-
century poetry,rBritish and Ameri-
can. The course will consider ver-
sification, imagery, and the play
of ideas, with special attention to
the work of contemporary Ameri-
can poets. Noncredit course, eight
weeks. $5.00. Dr. Arthur J. Carr,
Thurs., Oct. 13, 7 p.m., Rm. 171
Bus Ad. Bldg.
Seminar in Transfinite Num-
bers: 3 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 13, 2014
Angell Hall. Prof. Dushnik will
speak on transfinite ordinal num-
Geometry Seminar: Fri., Oct. 14,
4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Jesse
Wright will speak on Meta-Pro-
j ective Geometry.
The Vienna Choir Boys will give
the second program in the Choral
Union Concert Series, Sat., Nov.
15, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Pro-
gram: Super flumina Babylonis
(Palestrina): O bone Jesu (Ingeg-
neri); Exultate deo (Scarlatti),;
"Alleluia" from "Exultate, jubi-
late" (Mozart); Offenbach's oper-
etta "Herr und Madam Denis";
Schubert's Serenade; Cradle Song
(Roger); May Now Shines (Mor-
ley); Josef Strauss' "Pizzicato
Polka"; and Johann Strauss'
"Tales from the Vienna Woods."
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Carillon Recital by Percival
Price, 7:15 p.m., Fri., Oct. 14, and
Mon., Oct. 17: The Swan by Saint-
Saens, four Greek popular songs,
Andante cantabile for carillon by
DeGroot; four English airs, and
Waltz (Serenade) by Tchaikovsky
Events Today
A.I.Ch.E.: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 3 K, L, M, Union, Prof. A. H.
White will speak on "Chemical En-

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they aretreceived all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tous letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Ideoistic.. .
To the Editor:
MR. SOLATAROFF is not alone
in thinking that the Univer-
sity ought to' have a literary.mag-'
azine as a "central outlet for the
promulgation of original work."
Such a magazine would have
plenty of readers and, for a while,
plenty of writers. Birth would be
easy; survival would be meas-
urably harder.
Take two examples. Sibylline, an
ideaistic magazine, published a
thousand miles east of here, folded
after the third issue. Do not worry
if you cannot at once explain the
novel word ideaistic. The editor
admitted in a letter that it was
not intended to mean, just to be.
Our most recent "literary" effort
was published by a group of busy'
people in May, 1948. The Senior
Editors ran it as a supplement to
a popular morning paper. The first
issue was also the last. The lead-
ing article was a description by
an eyewitness of the meeting of
a convention of critics in Balti-
more and it more than hinted that
in less than three days the critics
were in each other's hair. From
that article I learned three dandy
words: semasiology, anagogic, es-
emblastic. We the readers want
to be ideaistic if that is the right
thing to be. Trouble is that two
of those fine Words have meaning
and the other has none but ap-
parently nobody knew the differ-
ence. The editor probably said
"Who am I to proofread an article
by a professor; I may want to be
in his class some day?"
This campus has had a dozen
literary magazines. We need a new
one as much as we need a course
in Marriage Relations, as much
as we need tired clocks, as much
as we need the uncomfortable dogs
so close to Economics classrooms,
and not nearly as much as we need
walks which will shed water.
-Norman Anning.
Thanks . .
To the Editor:
WISH TO express the ap-
preciation of the patients and
administration ofhthis hospital to
the students of the University of
Michigan who were so kind, gen-
erous and very thoughtful to give
up their tickets to the Michigan-
Army football game at Ann Arbor,
October 8, 1949, in order that pa-
tiepts of the Veterans Adminis-
trtion Hospital, Dearborn, Mich-
igan might be privileged to see the
The 26 patients of the hospital
enjoyed an afternoon of outing
and one of a rare nature by being
privileged to attend the No. 1
football game of the week.
Special commendation should
go to the Board in Control of In-
ter-Collegiate Athletics, Univer-
sity of Michigan, for their coop-
eration in permitting the students
to surrender their tickets for the
use of the above-mentioned hos-
pital patients.
gineering at the University of
Modern Poetry Club: Organiza-
tional meeting, 7:30 p.m., 2019 An-
gell Hall. Visitors welcome.
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, League.

All University of Michigan stu-
dents concerned are to be highly
commended for their sacrifice in
such a noble move.
-Warren A. Cushing,
Chief, Special Services
VA Hospital, Dearborn.
* * *
To the Editor:
WILL YOU PLEASE thank all of
those kind-hearted students
who gave up their tickets for my
men. It was a very generous act
on their part. The first visit for
some, and a day of reminiscence
for one or two. You will never
know what this means to my for-
gotten men at Wayne County Gen-
eral Hospital.
Thank you again and better luck
in the next games. That was the
only disappointment we had.
-Yulah M. Slabik,
Unit Chairman, Gray Ladies,
Wayne Co. Gen. Hosp.
* **
NSA Meeting...
To the Editor:
you as a student at the Uni-
versity of Michigan a member of
the National Student Association?
And, what is the NSA doing for
Last spring a few members of
the campus community who cheer-
fully admitted in print their total
ignorance about NSA chose to
blanketly condemn it along with
the Student Legislature and The
If your curiosity were aroused
by this "loose talk" last spring,
I'd like to recommend the open
meeting of the SL being held in
the Rackham Amphitheatre at
7:30 tonight where ten of your
fellow students will report on the
National Student Association's
Congress which was held this
summer at the University of Illi-
You may be interested simply in
getting a first hand account of
the thinking and the activities
which are going on in the Amer-
ican student community today.
Or you may find that one or more
of the SL projects initiated by the
NSA Committee are of particular
interest or benefit to you.
You may even decide that you
want to work with your SL in
building up the NSA Purchase
Card System on the campus or in
expanding the foreign travel of-
fice which assisted many of our
students who traveled abroad this
summer. You may want to par-
ticipate in a student leadership
clinic or in a human relations pro-
Whatever your campus inter-
ests may be, an understanding of
NSA and its programs may be of
interest and value to you.
During the question period at
the end, you can get further in-
formation about areas of particu-
lar interest to you.
-Tom Walsh.


did, Russia







At Hill Auditorium .. .
LES MISERABLES, with Harry Baur.
Hugo's masterpiece is nevertheless too
lengthy for film fare. Three and a half hours
of even an exceptionally good picture is of-
ten too much, and "Les Miserables" is by
no means uniformly good.
Encompassing the adventures of escaped
convict Jean Valjean in one film is a
mammoth task, and apparently the job
was too big for the producers. The choice
had to be made whether to cut some of
the extraneous though tempting sequences
for the sake of compactness, or include as
much as possible and risk ponderousness.
The risk was taken, but unfortunately the
results were not as successful as might
have been hoped.
The sensitive portrayal of the unhappy
ex-convict Jean Valjean by Harry Baur is
the film's best recommendation. A host of
minor characters aid Baur in keeping the
film from the morass of irrelevancies into
which it threatens to sink at times.
Continuity is notably lacking in "Les Mis-
erables." Disassociated incidents follow one
another with practically no transition, and
after closely following street fighting in the
1832 Paris revolution for about half an
hour, the picture never does let you know
how it all came out.

AN INSPECTOR CALLS, by J. B. Priestley,
with T. Todd Jones in the title role.
THE ANN ARBOR CIVIC Theatre opened
the 1949-50 drama season Tuesday and
Wednesday-and fairly auspiciously, too-
with "An Inspector Calls," a social fantasia
on how each member of the local aristo-
cratic-capitalistic-inidustrialistic-politically -
potent family helped drive a beautiful,
young, but poor, not-too-innocent working
girl to suicide.
In the midst of the Birling' family din-
ner, celebrating the engagement of
Daughter Shiela to the scion of a busi-
ness competitor, Inspector Goole, sup-
posedly of the "Plice Force," arrives and
dramatically announces that the poor girl
now lies dead on a slab in the Infirmary
because she took poison.
Inspector Goole has rather a ghostly way
of knowing everything in advance and suc-
ceeds in forcing most of the family to con-
fess to deeds which so depressed the girl,
that she finally decided she had had enough
and went out in the garden and ate disin-
After the confessions, the Inspector
launches into the sermon, but only Son and
Daughter Birling appear properly chastised
and all seems to have gone for nought.
As social criticism, the drama was
saved from triteness and mediocrity by
the role of the Inspector. By bringing the
lethal effects of their seemingly inconse-
quential deeds home to the family he tries
to force them to become really aware of
what they have done.
This trick of plot might have been suc-
cessful if Priestly had not apparently decid-
ed that it was too subtle and allowed the In-

Meeting, 4

Action Committee:
p.m., Rm. 2-L, Union.

Complete chorus and cast re-
hearsal of Tug Weeks "Soph Sat-
ire": 7:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium
(dress rehearsal).
U. of M. Actuarial Club: First
meeting, 3 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall.
Actuarial students invited. Elec-
tion of 'officers and discussion of
semester program.
Deutscher Ve rein: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Union. Readings by
Prof. Raschen.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Meeting,
7:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Everyone
Special Student Legislature
Meeting: Report on 1949 NSA
Convention. 7:30 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheater. Public invited.
Young Democratic Executive
(Continued on Page 5)

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil............Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady......Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarian
Allan COamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington... .Business Manager
Dee Nelson. . Associate Business Manager
Jim Dang1......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all newsdispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.




And NOW, ladies and gentlemen-That
fun-lovin nuv who makes Truth or

I can see fine from here, m'boy.]
When's the wresflina ao on?

-Have you a haunted house in your town?
I f so, write us about it, enclosing a

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