THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1949 'Coon Plays 'Possum!f Conn Named President of Law Council Richard Conn has been elected president of the Executive Council of the Lawyers Club. New senior members of the council include Ralph McCartney, Milton Roth and Ronald Green- berg. William Mitchell and James Rogers were elected as junior members. HENRY RYDER was named junior member of the Board of' Governors. He will serve a two year term as ex-officio council member. Senior member of the Board of Governors Gordon Boozer, is serving his second year as ex-officio member of the coun- cil. s F-' 2 McCartney was president of the Rogers will serve asc tary. named vice- council and, council secre- 'ENSIAN TRY-OUT - Morton, an inquisitive raccoon thumbs through the 1949 Michiganensian with Managing Editor Jeannie Johnson to work out new ideas for the 1950 year book. Morton, an inquisitive furrier, had invaded the office, examined the fur- nishings, even poising over a typewriter, and then decided he was made for the try-out staff. Even as he was ushered off- by the Humane Society he expressed his conviction that although last' year's book was excellent he firmly believes that early drafts indicate the 1950 year book would be "the best 'Ensian ever." U' Professors To Head Panel Before High chool Debaters Jack Edman, who received the Three University professors will largest number of senior votes, head a discussion panel before 50 will be president of the senior debaters from 50 high schools class, and Doren Russler, the meeting here Saturday for their runner-up, will be secretary-treas-t.s third annual assembly. urer. The new council members elect- The symposium will be on the ed are Lillian Bartlett, J. Bodnar- direct election of the president by uk, James E. Colovin, G. A. Dar- the people, which has been chosen row, Al Garchow and John L. Mc- as this year's high school debate Carthy. subject. Members chosen last semester * * * who swill continue to serve on the PARTICIPATING in the panel council are Acting Chairman Paul will be Thomas S. Barclay, visit- Rider, Betty Tancik, Peter Logo- ing professor of political science, thetis, Jack Edman, Doren Russ- Joseph E. Kailenbach, associate ler and John Skaggs. professor of political science, and Building to check department pay- rolls. This should be done between Oct. 17 and 26 OFFICIAL First pay day for Academic em- BULLETIN ployees will be Oct. 28. Women students who have pre- viously attended Vassar College Publication in The Daily Official are asked to get in touch with the Bulletin is constructive notice to all 'members of the University. Notices office of the Dean of Women im- for the Bulletin should be sent in mediately regarding a meeting. typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. Group Hospitalization and Surgi- on the day preceding publication cal Service: During the period from Oct. 5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1949 through Oct. 15, the University VOL. LX, No. 16 Business Office (3058 Administra- tion Building), will accept new ap- No ticesplications as well as requests for changes in con'tracts now in effect. Deans, Directors, and Department These new applications and Heads: changes become -effective Dec. 5, Call at Rm. 3058 Administration (Continued on Page 4) Samuel J. Elversveld, assistant professor of political science. Prof. Gale E. Densmore, chair- man of the Department of Speech, will welcome the stu- dent debaters and their coaches at the opening assembly to be held in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Powers Elected Triangle resident John Powers has been elected president of Triangles, junior en- gineering honorary society. Other officers include Tom Elm- blod, secretary; Tom McCann, treasurer;-Leo Flynn, Engineering Council representative and Jim Mitchell and Bob Vogt, members of the Board of Governors. * * * GREENBERG was elected treas- urer, Mitchell as social chairman, and Roth as athletic chairman. * * * Michigan Crib To Hold First Club Meeting The Michigan Crib, pre-Law students society, will hold an or- ganizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. D, Haven Hall. The meeting will feature an election of officers and a discus- sion of proposed activities for the group this year. * e * FOUNDED IN the spring of 1948, the Crib is designed to help pre-Law students determine what branch of the legal profession they wish to study and practice. Last year the society spon- sored a series of talks by out- standing lawyers, judges and legal educators, including Ed- ward M. Sharpe, chief justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, and Dean E. Blythe Stason, of the University Law School. With more than 65 members carried over from last year's group, the Crib hopes to carry a similar program this year, accord- ing to Charles Pinson, '50, retiring president. He urged all interested pre-Law students to attend to- night's meeting. MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. RATES LINES 1DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .50 1.02 1.68 3 .60 1.53 2.52 4 .80 2.04 4.80 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. FOR SALE SIZE 40 raincoat for sale at $16. New- Original price $20. )81 DELUXE TRANSPORTATION; 1928 Pontiac coach. New brakes, battery, carburetor; motor overhauled; radia- tor and pansteam cleaned. Pay $175 cash and drive it away. Call 6168 after 6. )82 .45 pt. DIAMOND engagpment ring. Call 7603.__ )84 1939 NASH 2 dr. Excellent condition. Radio, heater; new tires and driving lights. Sacrifice at $265. Call Dick Washam 2-1241 after 2:00 p. m. )84 SELMER "55" Clarinet. Perfect condi- tion. Phone 6766, George after 7:00. )85 SUIT OF TAILS-Size 38. Excellent con- dition. Including shirt, vest, collar and tie. $28.00. Call 6076. )86 NEW KODAK camera-35 mm; F 35 coated lens; range finder; case; flash attachment; adapter ring; close-up lens. $90.00. Tyler Hse. 307 (E. Quad 2-4591). _____)88 APPLES-Jonathans-Good eating for parties. Pick your own 50c a bushel. 5 miles out Whitmore Lake road to church, turn left, 1st house on left. ) 87 '33 FORD - Good running condition. $75.00. Doc, Apt. 3, 422 E. Washing- ton. _____ _ ) 80 FOR SALE-'41 Chev. coupe with '47 engine, good condition. Fairly new paint job. Phone 2-7298. )79 CANARIES, PARAKEETS and other birds. White Persian cat$15.00. Bird supplies. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th. )2B 1949 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE-4 door sedan for sale. All accessories including radiator and heater. Used only 4 months. Student leaving country. Phone 4971. )60 LEARN WRITING from a professional penman. He can diagnose your trouble and prescribe the proper treatment to help you. 30 yrs. experience teaching and executing writing. Author of the Early-Way Method. J. A. Early, 402 Observatory. Ph. 2-8606. )3 FORSALE FOR THAT extra feminine touch-Ny- lon slips, lace trimmed, $4.95. Part nylon slips, also lace trimmed, $3.95. Rayon slips, $3.95. Sizes 32-40 in reg- ular and long lengths. COUSIN'S State St. )2 LEITZ BINOCULAR microscope in ex- cellent condition. Made in Germany. Call 2-2521 ext. 415 before 5 p.m. or 2-8551 after 6 pm. _ _ )751 STOCK REDUCTION SALE All wool blankets. $3.99; ments briefs, 39c; Navy, "T" shirts, 3 for $1.35; Tanker jackets, $6.66; N.1 jackets, $7.77; 60% wool athletic hose, 39c; men's zipper galoshes, $3.33. Open 'til 6:30 p.m. Sam's Store, 122 washing- ton. )6 WE'RE HEADQUARTERS for ailHonson lighters. Our stock is complete and our prices are reasonable. Take a wind-proof lighter to the games. CALKINS-FLETCHER StateSt, at N. University )5 MOTORCYCLISTS BRITISH POUND DEVALUED SAVE $195.00 on New British Motorcycles. Others Selling for Storage Plus Repair Bills. Buy Now! Save Now! INDIA MOTORCYCLE SALES 207 W. Liberty - Phone 2-1748 OpenEvenings Till 9:00 RIDE TO SCHOOL Scooters and Motorcycles Going out of Business. Everything Reduced. Mac's Auto Mart, Inc. 730 N. Main Ph. 20065 )29 MAN'S ENGLISH Overcoat. Size 40, Misses 2 fur coats, black cloth coat, velvet trim, dresses, sizes 12 and 14. Clean and good condition. Two pair~ ice skates, ski boots, 2 radios. 3110 Dexter Road. Tel. 2-4796. )13 FOR SALE-1939 station wagolt (Ford). Highest bid over $200, good condition. Call 2-8694, after 6 p m. ____)70 TRANSPORTATION DRIVING San Francisco, Oct. 15. Take two. References. Ph. Jackson, Mich., 2-3760. )8T WANTED TO BUY _ WOULD LIKE two tickets for Michigan- Minnesota game. Advise in writing. E. Fraser, 2209 Fisher Bldg., Detroit. ) 9W HELP WANTED WANTED-Soda fountain help. Nights only. No Saturdays or Sundays. Ap- ply in person. Alexander's Drug Store. ) 4H BUSINESSSERVICES ALL- 'KINDS of necklaces restrung promptly. Call 4441. )19B LEARN TO FLY-The best in equip- je t and instruction. Gridley Air- port. US-23 at the Expresswy . )17B HAVE YOUR typewriters repaired by the OfIice Equipment Service Co., 215 E. Liberty. )16B EFFICIENT EXPERT-Promtpt typewrit- er repair service. Mosley's 'rypewriter and Supply Company, 214 E. Washing- ton, Ph. 5888. )5B HILDEGARDE SHOPPE 109 E. Washington Expert Alterations Custom Clothes Established Tradition (3B PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR Van Doren Clar. Reeds Box of 25 - $4.50 New and Used Instruments 209 E. Washington )43 PENMANSHIP TUTORING - Specialist in improving handwriting. Two free lessons to demonstrate system. J. A. Early, 402 Observatory, Ph. 2-8606. )3 WASHING and/or ironing, done in my own home. Free pick-up and delivery. Phone 2-9020. ___)1B SHIRTS-Nine hour service (by re- quest). 3 day service (regular ser- vice). Ace Laundry, 1116 So. University. )21B ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE DOUBLE or triple with separate study, near Engineering School, 1125 Michigan. Mr. Briley._ )14R SINGLE ROOM near campus for grad- uate woman student. Ph. 8780. BRING YOUR week-end guests to the Pierce Transient Home, except for the Minnesota week-end. 1133 East Ann, Phone 8144. )16R ROOMS available for students' guests. Football week-ends. Private home ac- commodations. Phone 2-9850. 12:30 tr 1:00._6:00 to 7:00 p.m. )3R HAVE VACANCIES for four male stu- dents. Complete kitchen privileges.. House on campus. Call 2-2052. )2F NEW ACCOMODATIONS for male stu- dents--706 Oakland St. (near Law School). $8 per person per week. )17R FORRENT_ DOUBLE ROOM-First f1oor, student landlord. $6.00 apiece, per week. Call 2-4928.:______ _____) 9F SELL TIME AND LIFE in your house or neighborhood. At student rates. Commission basis. You will earn at least $5 an hour if you have a pleasant personality. Girls wanted especially. Phone 2-8242. Student Periodical Agency. )3 Read and Use Daily Classified Ads Having Guests Homecoming Weekend or Other Football Weekends? 0 CALL THE STUDENT ROOM BUREAU 2-9850 for reservations between 12 & 1 and 6 & 7 PRIVATE HOME ACCOMMODATIONS FISH PERSONAL IF YOU'RE SICK OF the corny ads we've been running in these columns, the best wa to shut us up is to order your subscription to TIME or LIFE at the student rates today. Then w',e won't have to advertise any more. Student Periodical Agency. Phone 2-842 to order.)3 TED SMITH AND HIS ORCHESTRA "The best in dance music" BWANTE 25 to 30 more diners to eat in cordial atmosphere and take ad- vantage of the new student budget, STAGE COACH INN. Ph. 6004 for in- formation )2P LEARN TO DANCE JIMMIE HUNT DANCE STUDIOS 203 S. State St. - Ph. 8161 )1P BE DIFFERENT THIS YEAR! Person- alize your Christmas cards by having your name beautifully engrossed on them by a professional penman. Prices are very reasonable. Samples dis- played at 402 Observatory. Call J. A. Early at 2-8606 for particulars. )3 UNSIGHTLY HAIR removed perma- nently. Short wave method ap- proved by Am. Med. Ass'n., 5 Nickels Arcade. Ph. 4-6696. )12B WANT RIDERS to N.U. game, leave 12 noon Fri. 2-7476. )5T LOSTAND FOUND LOST-Child's navy blue sweater on campus. Cali Ypsi 4672-J2. )23C LOST-A silver identification bracelet during pep rally. If found, please contact Mae Jackson, 357 Jordan Hall. )24L LOST-One brown corday zipper purse containing Schaeffer pen and coin purse. Call 2-4471, Room 4541. )13L M. J. W.--I have your watch. Call 222 Strauss Hs, ,.)27L LOST---Brown leather wallet. Keep money, return wallet. Call Dave, 2-1773. )26, FUR SCARF lost Sat. niht. Probably on State St. Reward. 7480 after 5:30 p.m. )25L LOR EILGIN wrist watch with tan leather band a t Army-Michigan foot- ball game. Finder please call 2-7962 or 31511 Ext. 305 for return and re- ward. )28L Continuous from 1 P.M. - STARTS TODAY uso e or THE FRENCH FOR910 LGN AJra~e~IW - Comig Suda Al orl ' 4 NENEWS FREDMacMRRAY -Coing Sruday s From All The World Starting FRIDAY DON'T MISS 1T! By popular demand- the funniest picture ever made! BROTHERS ~ I 4~ 14 I$ * Full Luncheons and Dinners * Take-outs Restauran 301 E. Liberty at Fifth Phone 2-9746 I miffr"s owl llmm m U- STARTING TODAY -i Al - Extra - MICHIGAN vs. ARMY Art Cinema League Int. Rel.Club GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE DANNY KAYE IN PERSON 7 & 9:30 P.M. TUESDAY, OCT. 18 HILL AUDITORIUM TICKETS 2.40, 1.80, 1.20 - HILL AUD. BOX OFFICE OPEN 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. DAILY .I Ii m I Save Yourself Because of its unusual length LES MISERABLES French film with English titles, starring HARRY BAUR will be presented in two acts with~an intermission. CURTAIN AT 8 P.M. Time and Money! Takes: Only one half-hour Costs: Only 25c a load Try doing your laundry the self - service way. Call for Appointments. Dryers Available . WZ4- e- 4VA& r.