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October 13, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-13

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Latest Deadline in the State





Police Force'
Surrender of
Czech Arms
Also Seize Guns
Of Communists
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia-(P)-
A police roundup of private fire-
arms started last night in Com-
munist-ruled Czechoslovakia, the
scene of thousands of arrests in
the last 10 days. m
Communists as well as non-
Communists were reported re-
quired to surrender their pistols
and hunting weapons. Even air
rifles were taken from non-Com-
COINCIDENT with the police
campaigns. Communist pressure
developed against the United
States Information Service- in
Prague. The U.S. Embassy pro-
tested vainly.
Arrests continued, though on.
a diminishing scale.
Prague citizens who went
shopping found the old owners of
some stores gone and Communist-
controlled national administrators
in charge. This strengthened re-
ports that the roundup was aimed
chiefly at wiping out what is left
of the small business and middle
class here.
* *
arrests in the provinces outside
the capital were aimed at picking
up Czechs suspected of member-
ship in an underground organiza-
tion. The next step, these sources
said, is to connect this under-
ground with the Roman Catholic
Church and then stage trials.
These sources said many of
those picked up by police were
being sent to labor camps for two-
year terms, but can be released af-
ter six months at the discretion
of government authorities.
NSA Report
To Be Given
To SLToday
Open Meeting Will
Hear 'Michigan Plan'
Reports by Student Legislature
delegates to the National Student
Association Congress last summer
will highlight SL's NSA open
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the
third floor Rackham Amphithea-
tre. ..
All students interested in SL and
NSA, and potential SL candidates
are urged to attend, Dick Hooker,
NSA chairman, said.
"THE STUDENT Legislature
and NSA are run by and for the
students, and we'd like to have
those we work for come and see us
in action," he added.
Special guests of SL will be
Michigan State Normal College's
Student Council, organized last
January and interested in be-
coming a member school of
NSA. Normal's Dean of Admin-
istration E. R. Isbell and Dean
of Students Erich A. Walter will
also be guests.
Another feature of the meeting
will be a special movie on Euro-
pean students as part of the
World Student Service Fund.
* * *

the NSA Congress held last August
at the University of Illinois. Hook-
er will be chairman of the meet-
Harvey Weisberg, Grad, will
give the background, purpose
and future of NSA.
SL President John Ryder, '50,
will speak on the Michigan Plan
(anti-discrimination measure) and
its acceptance at the Congress.
Leon Rechtman, '50, will also
speak on discrimination. Vice-
President Quent Nesbitt, '50, will
talk on Student Rights and NSA's
Purchase Card System.
* * *
TOM WALSH, Grad, will speak
on Academic Freedom.
The International aspect of
NSA will be discussed by Dori-
anne Zipperstein, '51, and Bill
Moll, '50.
Ed Lewinson, '51, will report on
Student Leadership and Al Wild-
man, '50, on scholarships and Fed-
eral Aid to Education.
Revelli Article in

Contract Renewal
Refused byMiners
Continuance of Coal Talks Only
Hopeful Sign in Economic Scene
PITTSBURGH--P)-The striking United Mine Workers refused
an offer yesterday to renew their contract for two years.
Government prodding brought the operators and union together.
* * * *
PRESIDENT JOHN L. LEWIS did not attend. He's expected at
resumption of the talks today in White Sulphur Springs and Charles-
ton, W. Va.
Continuance of the coal talks was the only hopeful sign
in America's darkening economic picture."
There's no hint of peace in the steel strike.
* * * *
PHILIP MURRAY, President of the CIO United Steelworkers,
made a nationwide radio broadcast-appealing to the public to back
j1his demands for free pensions and

Farm Price
Support Bill
Given Okay
ate yesterday passed a Farm Price
Support Bill incorporating a slid-
ing scale of price props which
President Truman is reported to
The measure which the Senate
finally approved after lengthy de-
bate also is sharply at odds with
a rival bill passed months ago by
the House.
* * *
THE SENATE BILL, sponsored
by Senator Clinton Anderson
(Dem., N.M.), former Secretary of
Agriculture, provides for support-
ing major crops next year at 90
per cent of parity but only if they
are under production or market-
ing controls.
After 1950, the support level
could range down to 75 per cent
at the discretion of the Secre-
tary of Agriculture.
The House bill, on the other
hand, calls for a continuation
through 1950 of the 90 per cent
of parity supports which prevailed
throughout the war,
been the basis of Federal Farm
legislation for many years. Parity
is a price calculated to give farm-
ers a fair return for the things
they raise, in terms of what they
have to buy.
The Senate bill revises that
formula to take account of the
cost of hired hands. The result
is to give slightly higher price
levels for farm products that re-
quire a lot of hand labor-meat,
milk, tobacco and so on-and
somewhat lower levels for corn,
wheat, cotton and other row
The Senate passed its bill by a
voice vote.
THE NEXT STEP is for the
Senate and House to try to iron
out the differences in their bills.
These are so basic, however, that
no quick compromise was in sight.
To Conduct Men's
Judic Interviews
Interviews for students seeking
positions on Men's Judiciary will
be held from 3-6 p.m. Friday and
Monday afternoons, Quentin Nes-
bitt vice-president of the Student
Legislature, announced.
Nesbitt asked all men who pe-
titioned for judiciary who have
not as yet made an appointment
for an interview to call him at

The offer to renew John L.
Lewis' contract for two more
years came from Northern and
Western soft coal operators.
Frank Amos, of the Pittsburgh
Consolidation Coal Company, said
renewal of the old agreement until
April, 1951, was the operators'
"best and final offer."
* * *
AMOS added the operators want
"unrestricted use of our facilities.
That simply means the opera-
tors insist Lewis discard the con-
tract clause saying miners work
only when willing and able.
The UMW hasn't specified its
exact demands. But Lewis has let
it be known he wants an increase
in the 20-cents-a-ton payments
to his welfare and pension fund.
* * *
LEWIS HAS talked about a
shorter work week with no reduc-
tion of pay.
Vice President Thomas Ken-
nedy of the United Mine Work-
ers told a news conference he
agreed with operators that noth-
ing had been accomplished yes-
terday. But he added:
"We're one day closer to a
Tests of Food
Incomplete tests of food served
in the West Quad Saturday noon
show no signs of contamination,
according to Dr. Warren E. For-
sythe, Health Service director.
But final results are not expect-
ed for several weeks because of the
difficulty in finding and isolating
germ cul.tures, Dr. Forsythe added.
"No pathological organism has
been found so far," he said.
* * * * -
have been skeptical of the ef-
fectiveness of the tests in deter-
mining the cause of widespread
sickness in the Quad over the
Samples were taken 12 hours
after the food was served and
there was no indication they
were from the batch believed
Scores of Quad residents who
had eaten in second floor dining
halls Saturday later suffered
cramps, vomiting, nausea, diar-
rhea and fevers. Six men were
confined to bed in Health Service.
Football Tickets
Students who donated
their football tickets to vet-
erans for the Michigan-Army
gate may pick them up at
The Daily between 9 a.m. and
6 p.m. today.

Senate Halts
Naming of
Olds to FPC
Truman's Strong
Senate early today swept aside
the wishes of President Truman
and refused to confirm Leland
Olds for a third term as a mem-
ber of the Federal Power Commis-
After a night of heated wran-
gling, the Senate rejected the
nomination for which Mr. Tru-
man had fought with a personal
appeal and the power of the Dem-
ocratic National Committee.
* *
IT WAS THE third time this
year that the Senate, which has a
Democratic majority, had rebuffed
the President on an appointment.
The showdown on Olds came
shortly after midnight. It cli-
maxed a debate in which Olds,
first appointed to the Commis-
sion in 1939 by the late Presi-
dent Roosevelt, was sharply as-
sailed and vigorously defended.
* * *
His opponent contended that he
is a foe of Capitalism and that in
articles he wrote 20-odd years ago
he helped to promote Communism
and ". sowed the seeds of revolu-
* * * .
BUT SENATORS supporting his
nomination replied that gas and
oil interests were behind the fight
on Olds. They pictured him as a
devoted public servant trying to
protect consumers by effective
utility regulation.
Earlier, a Senate committee
bottled up Mr. Truman's nomi-
nation of his close friend, for-
mer Gov. Mon Wallgren of
Washington, to be chairman of
the National Security Resources
The President finally withdrew
it. Senator Byrd (Dem., Va.) with
the Armed Services Committee
Republicans to hold up Wallgren's
BYRD ALSO led a fight against
the selection of Carl A. Ilgenfritz
to be chairman of the Munitions
Board. Ilgenfritz, a steel company
executive, refused to give up his
private salary to take the govern-
ment job.
The Senate rejected him, al-
though the White House had ap-
proved the idea of his drawing
both salaries.
Telegrams sent to Democratic
officials by National Chairman
William M. Boyle, Jr., said the
fight over Olds "is a straight party
issue of Democratic action to pro-
tect the American people against
the monopoly-seeking power lob-
In the Committee hearings,
critics of Olds contended that he
is attempting to assert the Power
Commission's authority over the
production and gathering of nat-
ural gas contrary to what they
called the intent of Congress.
Bus Tickets
Still Available
Today and tomorrow morning
will be the last chances for stu-
dents to buy round-trip bus tickets

to the Northwestern game, ac-
cording to John Zabriskie, '50
BAd, of the Wolverine Club.
The modern Greyhound buses
will leave at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow l
from the League, and arrive in
Evanston at 6:30 p.m. Chicago
* * * .
PICKING UP students in Chi-
cago and Evanston the buses will
leave at noon on Sunday and re-.
turn to Ann Arbor about 7 p.m.
Tickets may be purchased
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and
from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. tomorrow
at the Student Activities win-
dow of the Administration
Building. The round trip costs
A mixer for all Michigan stu-
dents will be held after the game
Saturday, at Scott Hall on the
Northwestern campus, Zabriskie
also announced.
Students may also buy bus tick-
ets for the Illinois game, Oct. 29.
Buses will leave at 2:30 p.m. on
Friday, Oct. 28, for the six and a
half hourtr.in Tickets will cost




-Daily-Alex Lmanian
GOOD LOSER-Robert Banser, '52, Theta Delt, who lost a World Series bet, pushes a peanut from
the corner of the Engine Arch to the corner of N. University and State. It took him two hours and
eight minutes to complete the half mile ordeal.

Admirals Blast Johnson's


U.S. Campaigns To Block
Russians' Peace Pact Plan
LAKE SUCCESS-UP)-The United States campaigned behind the
scenes in the United Nations Assembly last night to kill off the Soviet
Peace Pact Plan and the new Russian demand for a count of atom
bombs. The Americans say both projects are meant only to fool
* * * *
THE UNITED STATES insisted in private talks with delegations,
and in public comments that a show-up of atomic bombs without full
verification would be meaningless.
U.N. diplomatic sources said the major objective of the
American drive is to expose the Russian Peace Pact Plan as a
To do this, the Americans have drawn up an 8-point resolution
reaffirming the principles of the U.N. Charter, calling attention to
0charges of violations of human

Lord Boyd Orr
Named Nobel
Prize W inei
OSLO, Norway--(P)-Lord Boyd
Orr, president of a movement for
World Federal government and
former head of the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Omrgani2 a-
tion, is the Nobel Peace Prize win-
ner of 1949.
The Norwegian Parliament's
Nobel Committee announced its
award today to the patient, crag-
gy-faced, 69-year-old Scotsman
who has long campaigned for "a
world food policy based on the
needs of the people rather than
on trade interests."
* * *
THE PRIZE amounts to $21,-
The recipient, the former Sir
John Boyd Orr, announced in
Dundee, Scotland, that he would
use the money to promote peace
and world government.
"The important thing in the
world today is to get the nations to
cooperate," the famed nutrition-
ist told a reporter.
Several Americans had been
among those considered for the
prize, including Mrs. Franklin D.
Roosevelt. The name of President
Juan D. Peron, of Argentina, was
also presented.

rights and freedom of information,
and in effect saying there are
enough treaties for peace now if
Russia would only respect them.
* * *
THE BRITISH were reported to
have agreed to support the Ameri-
can resolution. Other Western
countries are expected to line up
On Sept. 23, Andrei Y. Vishin-
sky, SoviethForeign Minister,
called on the U.N. Assembly to
condemn what he called prepar-
ations by the United States and
Britain for a new war.
He also urged the Assembly to
demand early prohibition of atom-
ic bombs and an adequate control
system for atomic energy. Finally,
he asked the Assembly to express
itself in favor of a peace pact
among the big five countries -
France, China, Britain, U.S. and
THAT IS THE resolution the
United States hopes to kill in the
political committee of the Assem-
bly. It is expected to come up
next week.
Warren R. Austin, U.S. dele-
gate, has called the Visinsky
proposal an olive branch sur-
rounded by "poisonous thorns."
Benjamin V. Cohen, U.S. dele-
gate, carried on the fight in a
speech-in the special political com-
mittee dealing with charges that
Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria
violated human rights.

J o rid News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
Joint Congressional Atomic En-
ergy Committee yesterday rejected
by a 9 to 6 vote a charge that the
Atomic Energy Commission had
been the subject of "incredible
HONG KONG-Chinese Com-
munist armies today struck to
trap doomed Canton's Nation-
alist garrison of 80,000 men.
Red Gen. Cheng Keng sent
his swift-moving columns ra-
ing to cut off the garrison's
overland escape corridors ex-
tending east and west of the
Nationalist capital.
* * *
NEW YORK-America's 11 top
Communist leaders ended their
defense yesterday and the Govern-
ment at once began its final plea
to the jury in the 39-week-old
conspiracy trial.
* * *
genie Anderson of Red Wing,
Minn., was nominated yesterday
as ambassador to Denmark.
She would be the first woman
to hold that rank in the Diplo-
matic Service.
State College yesterday an-
nounced it has received a grant of
$87,500 from the National Associ-
ation of Food Chains, to set up a
new curriculum to train students
for managerial and executive posts
in the nation's chain stores.
WASHINGTON - A pay raise
for most of the nation's fighting
men-ranging from about $5 a
month for recruits to a little
more than $300 for generals
with 30 years' service - was
signed into law yesterday by
President Truman.
* * *
BERLIN-The Soviet Zone Par-
liament formally confirmed Chan-
cellor Otto Grotewohl and his
cabinet yesterday, then approved
his program transplanted from the

Term Policy
'Granmd Stand'
Halsey Asks for
Finisli of Carrier
of Defense Johnson's "cut the
Navy" policy underwent a mount-
ing barrage from famous-name
admirals yesterday and a key
Congressman accused Johnson of
making "grand stand" economy
The heat on Johnson increased
terrifically as:
* * *
1. ADMIRAL William F. "Bull"
Halsey called for completion of the
huge $189,000,000 aircraft carrier
United States, cancelled by John-
son. The hero of the Pacific lam-
basted the Air Force's B-36 atom
bomber before the House Armed
Services Committee. He said it
was fit only for "seige" bombing
operations against cities and in-
dustries-and he said a seige never
yet won a war against an enemy
with an army in the field.
2. Ailing Admiral Ernest J.
King, top man of the Navy in
World War II, sent the Commit-
tee a statement that "we have
been over-emphasizing the atom
bomb and the bomber that was
planned to deliver it." He said
that "any war plans-or peace
plans-which deprive the Navy
of its combatant strength will
become the plans for our own
3. Admiral Richard L. Conolly,
commander in the Eastern Atlan-
tic and Mediterranean, testified
that if war should come he would
need more Naval strength than
the entire Navy now has. His re-
sponsibilities are increasing but
his tools are decreasing, he said.
4. ADMIRAL Thomas C. Kin-
kaid, commander of the Eastern
Sea Frontier, protested a "Magi-
not Line mentality" which, he
said, might be "fatal" to the
country's efforts to prevent de-
struction of civilization.
Then Rep. Vinson (D-Ga.),
the chairman of the House Com-
mittee, cut loose at Johnson,
Noting that the Defense Secre-
tary had ordered a $00,000,000
cut in Navy, Army and Air
Force spending for 1950, Vin-
son said this was done without
consulting Congress and before
the 1950 Appropriation Bill has
even been passed.
Calling this a "grand stand
play," Vinson said:
"When a bill is spending before
Congress and further review of
funds is justified, then he should
come before Congress."
* * *
"BUREAUCRATS," Vinson said,
are not playing fair with Con-
gress when they go about "making
a record" as economyites without
consulting the legislators.
Johnson, however, hinted that
President Truman is supporting
his defense plicies.
Meanwhile the Congressional
deadlock over funds for the Air
Force continued as the Senate re-
fused to provide an additional
$741,000,000 to expand the Air
Forces during the next year.
* * *
BY A VOICE vote that sounded
unanimous Senator Elmer Thomas
(DOkla.) won Senate insistence
upon providing funds only for the
48-group combat Air Force asked

by President Truman.
Previously the House had in-
sisted upon the extra millions to
build the air power up to 58 groups.
Latin Professor
Awarded Medal
A' medal commemorating the
200th anniversary of the first ex-
cavations in Pompeii has been
awarded posthumously to Prof.
Francis W. Kelsev by the Ita.lian

South Americans Eager
For Freedom of Press
"Freedom of the press is not an
idle phrase but a vital and impo-
tant issue of all thinking South
Americans," Floyd J. Miller, pub-
lisher of the Royal Oak Daily
Tribune, told a journalism audi-
ence yesterday.
Of 21 countries represented at >
the Inter-American Press Con-...................
gress at Quito, Ecuador, this
§ummer, only six have a complete-
ly free press, Miller said.
* * *"
"ARGENTINA'S censorshim 1s

Frosli-Soph 'Tug' Across Huron Today

It will be a tug to the finish at
4:30 p.m. today when the fresh-
man and sophomore Tug Week
teams fight it out across the
Huron river to prove which class
has more muscles and which can
Sixty-four underclassmen rep-
resenting every house in the men's
rln minrPQan 1 frf ni- lS2QP

the parade of participants and
spectators from Hill °Audito-
rium to the site of the contests
at 4:15 p.m. today.
A further outlet for student
spirit provided in the activities of
Tug Week will be "Soph Satire,"
musical comedy to be presented at
8 p.m. tomorrow at Hill Audito-

show. Corky Gibbon is stage man-
ager and music director..
Tug Week will come to a high-
ly informal conclusion Saturday
night at the League in the form
of an all-campus Hard Times
Dance. A prize will be awarded
to the couple dressed "most
Tug Week was initiated this se-

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