THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' Delay in Hiss Trial : i "I'm Afraid Things Are Getting Better" CQitEo4s Thte AN ANSWER to the question of who told the biggest lie of 1948 has been delayed again. Retrial of the Alger Hiss perjury case, . which was scheduled to begin in New York this week, has been postponed be- cause of a request from Hiss that the trial be moved to Rutland, Vt. The basis for the request, Hiss said, is the "excessive publicity given the first trial, which precludes the possibility of a fair trial in New York." Mr. Hiss has a very valid claim here. The six-week period of the first trial was an all-out holiday for New York news- papers. Screaming headlines, editorial reports on proceedings which the by-lined writer had not bothered to attend, and "revelations" of testimony which never reached the jury's ears made the trial more spectacular than a three ring circus. Press treatment twice during the trial brought forth comment from presiding judge, Samuel Kaufman, decrying "trial by publicity" and its interference with the function of the courts. Such an atmosphere is certainly not conclusive to cool appraisal of evidence. In fact, we doubt that the New York news- papers left 12 people in that city who could honestly take an oath to the effect that they had no prejudices on the case. Justice might well be better obtained in Vermont due to the probability that a Ver- mont jury, in this case, would be fairer than a New York jury. A New England farmer is likely to be slow to condemn and shrewd in his judg- ment. And in spite of the complexity of the case, it seems to us that a Vermonter's keen per- ception might knife through bombast and recognize deception which would leave New Yorkers badly fooled. New York newspapers would certainly not relish having such juicy copy taken from under its nose and moved to a rela- tively peaceful community. But we are inclined to agree with Mr. Hiss that a fair trial is most possible in a climate which has least room for sensationalism. -Roma Lipsky. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Lipsky covered the Hiss trial for The Daily last summer.) 'School Spirit' HE DEANS OF TWO colleges have ap- parently agreed that "school spirit," when it merely produces practical jokers; is no spirit at all but simply a nuisance. Dean Crowe of Michigan State and Dean Walter of the University, in placing 25 pranksters on probation for painting up each other's campuses, seem to have given them justice. And the Student Legislature's invitation to the MSC Student Council, to confer on prank-preventives is a hopeful move. But while they're at it, the legislators might consider ways of stopping the frosh and soph rallies which they have so successfully inaugurated. For class spirit, like school spirit, ought to spring from pride in the attainments of the group, not from an inordinate desire to raise hell. And: I find it impossible to discern any essential difference between the rah-rah friends who led 500 wild-eyed freshmen around the campus Monday night, and the pranksters who smeared paint on cam- pus buildings two weeks ago. It is true that Tug Week has so far ac- complished no property damage; but then, the damage "school spirit" does is not to property but to people. -Phil Dawson. TUG WEEK, "school spirit," or rah-rah is here. However, the opening ceremonies were marred by under-spirited youths at the West Quadrangle. When the freshmen were gath- ering in the court to march to the initial Tug Week rally, complete with band and strained chords, nasty men shouted nasty un-rah-rahish words at them. Some said, "Let's get some studying done." Others cried, "Go back to bed." And some even dared to thunder, "Shut the hell up!" These are the type of people who no doubt cause many to say, "Michigan has no school spirit." They are the ones who destroy the high purposes of Tug Week. But what is school spirit anyway? If it is running around tooting tin horns, and shouting "On brave old Michigan," then I must admit that I too have no school spirit -don't even want any. In place of wasting time with noise it would seem better to do something a little like work. A job well done or at least at- tempted, whether it be in the form of class work, extra-curricular work, or work around the dorm or house, produces real school spirit. -Vernon Emerson. By LEON JAROFF THE DETROIT FREE PRESS scored a big "scoop" yesterday when, at least 10 hours before any other paper in the nation, it announced the $3,000,000 grant by the Kresge Foundation to the University. It may appear odd to Daily readers thats uch a newsworthy story escaped the attention of the Associated Press, United Press, and other wire services until much later in the morning. But, even more strange, how could The Daily have missed one of the biggest news stories to come out of Ann Arbor in many a day? THE FREE PRESS' "SCOOP" THE EXPLANATION involves "release dates," a "gentlemen's agreement," and an unfortunate lack of journalistic integrity. It all started Monday night at a press banquet given by the University. Correspondents from national mag- azines, wire services, newspapers and radio stations had received invitations to the banquet several days before and it was obvious to all that an important an- nouncement was forthcoming. As was expected, what President Ruth- ven announced HAD news value, $3,000,000 worth-tempting bait for any newspaper man. But there was one qualification at- tached. The University News Service requested that the news not be released until 10 a.m., Tuesday. This was a blow to The Daily, which has a 2 a.m. deadline. It meant that no news about the gift could be carried until today's issue. But The Daily observed the release date, as did every other newspaper and wire service-except the Detroit Free Press, which apparently felt that a scoop was worth more than its reputation among other news gath- ering agencies. GENTLEMEN'S AGREEMENT RELEASE DATES are understandably im- portant in newspaper work and there is a gentlemen's agreement that they are never intentionally broken. For instance, during a political cam- paign, newspapers often are sent; copies of a speech before it is made. This en- ables the political analysts to have inter- pretive articles ready to go to press as soon as the speech is actually made. Of course, it would be highly improper for any of these papers to have news of the speech on the streets before they are ac- tually made. For this reason, a release date which coincides with the conclusion of the speech is included on the copy. In the present situation, University News Service had agreed with the Regents and with officials of the Kresge Foundatioi.l that the release date would be 10 a.m., Tuesday and had so instructed the mem- bers of the press. The Free Press, by its irresponsible action, has exhibited a lack of integrity which, if characteristic of all newspapers, would de- stroy public confidence in the press. Up To You STUDENTS WHO complain that they an- not get to know their professors would do well to get acquainted with the Union- sponsored student-faculty coffee hours. These coffee hours are held from time to time on Wednesday afternoons in the Union's Terrace Room, one of the more pleasant campus meeting places. Each coffee hour honors a different de- partment of the University. Students taking courses in the spotlighted department are invited by the Union to attend the coffee hour and meet with the department's fac- ulty members in an informal atmosphere. With the friendly aroma of coffee per- meating the air, and none of the normal classroom's frigid formality, these sessions provide a magnificent opportunity for the discussion of the problems that come up in various courses. However, the success of these events de- pends in the long run on student interest. No amount of coffee hours can provide personal contact between students and their instructors unless people attend them. The Union has provided the opportunity; it is up to the students themselves to take advantage of it. -Paul Brentlinger. - WF*Rl !N A APMIM , TRATIoJI fE~OSIto PRTSSEO N IE ( N 'Ti Y TO 1 LL T EIS F tL3 I ti ~ ~ouY ~ u --4 [DAILY OFFICIAL B)ULLTImN] Letters to the Editor- The Daily accords its readers the State University owns and oper- privilege or submitting letters for ae tlatsvnIoorkol publication in this coluni. Subject (t o to space limitations, the general pol- edg-e to date) cafeterias open to icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing all students, Michigan, two. The the writer's signature and address, average price of a complete meal Letters exceedingr3s words, repeti- in an OSU cafeteria-55c; average t~ous letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which in Michigan cafeterias-95c. These for any other reason are not in good averages are our own figures com- taste will not be published. The avrgsreorwnfuescm editors reserve the privilege of con- piled by the simple expedient of densing letters. purchasing similar meals in both of the universities' cafeterias with- in the last five month period. utr4otwmical (Tews .We respect the bigness of the To the Editor: University of Michigan, the tower- Continued from Page 2 ON THE Washington y-o-Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - The public now knows what happened when Admiral Arthur Radford testified at an open session of the House Armed Services Committee. But they don't know what happened at the closed door session which preceded his testimony. After Admiral Radford read his confi- dential statement-later repeated in the open session-of gripes against the Air Force and Defense Secretary Louis John- son, Congressman Paul Kilday of Texas remarked to him: "Admiral, I am disappointed that you did not come here with an affirmative state- ment of what the Navy can do, instead of a criticism of what the Air Force can do." "I'm just the leadoff man," replied Rad- ford. "Later on we'll have some witnesses on the affirmative side." "That's my point," shot back Kilday. "The Navy has chosen to lead off by crit- Editorials published in TheMichigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JIM BROWN [Looking .Back] 50 YEARS AGO: MICHIGAN, as compared with ten of the country's largest universities, had the highest number of teachers per students with a ratio of 14.4 students to every faculty member. ** * 25 YEARS AGO: Tickets were being sold to a unique per- formance of the out-of-town game with the Michigan Aggies. The plays were to be flashed on a football-shaped graph with a system of lights from information received over Western Union. The name of the player in action lighted up, the bottom of the graph showed the kind of play and at the top were indicated the quarters and yardage. * * * 15 YEARS AGO: icizing the other fellow, instead of telling us what the Navy can do and how much you need in surface ships, submarines and air power. "It's obvious to me that you want to pro- mote all this discord, which must be of no little comfort to a potential enemy. I'm for ending it right here and now, without letting this committee be used to carry on such. .bickering at an open hearing." Secretary of the Navy Matthews didn't open his mouth until after the committee overrode Kilday's protests and voted 9 to 6 to give the admirals an open hearing. Then he remarked to Chairman Carl Vin- son of Georgia, who sided with the ad- mirals: "The responsibility is now yours." "Mr. Secretary," interposed Kilday, "You might as well cancel out your court-martial of Captain Crommelin. He is not promoting discord any longer. This committee has taken over for him after the vote today." SENATOR MILLER'S VOTE THE SUDDEN DEATH of Senator Bert Miller of Idaho may hold up displaced persons legislation until next year. The bill removing religious discrimination from the displaced persons act was supposed to come up for Senate debate this week, but now the judiciary committee will be expected to attend Senator Miller's funeral in Boise. Since this is the committee handling the displaced persons bill, it may prevent the bill from reaching the floor at all. However, there is one thing the Senate ought to know. The evening before Senator Miller died, as one of his last wishes, he told Senator Magnuson of Washington that he wanted to vote for the displaced persons bill. Undoubtedly Senator Miller would have pre- ferred to have his colleagues stay in Wash- ington and vote to aid thousands of refugees who are still alive, than mourn over him in Idaho. (copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Britain now has two atomic piles operat- ing and Canada, one. Britain may soon make its own bomb. Furthemore, Britain holds contracts for half the uranium production of the Belgian Congo, could tie up America's supply if she wished. Edgar Sengier, head of Belgium's properties in upper Katanga, is now en route for talks in the United States. This area produces 60 per cent of all the After the regular enrollment, a late registration fee of $1.00 is charged by the University. On Mon., Oct. 17, at 4:10 p.m. a meeting will be held in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall for those inter- ested in GENERAL placement. On Tues., Oct. 18, at 4:10 p.m. a meeting will be held in Rackham Lecture Hall for those interested in TEACHING. Those interested in registering in both divisions are invited to at- tend both meetings as different material will be covered in the two meetings. Presidents of student organiza- tions, chairmen of committees, and managers of publications and projects are charged with the re- sponsibility of certifying the eli- gibility of students serving with them in extracurricular activities. Eligibility list forms may be se- cured in the Office of Student Af- fairs, 1020 Admin. Building, and are due Oct. 14. Fraternities without houses who are participating in Interfrater- nity Council rushing activities must call for rushing forms and instructions at the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, 1020 Administration Building, between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m., Wed., Oct. 12. Bureau of Appointments: The Wayne County Civil Service Commission announces an exami- nation for the position as Person- nel Assistant. This is a training position open to students in pub- lic personnel administration or in the personnel field in engineering, law, or accounting. Students who will receive their degree by June 1950 are eligible. Applicants must be residents of Michigan. Age lim- its, 21 to 28. Closing date for filing applications, Nov. 30. The United States Civil Service Commmission announces openings for Junior Professional Assistant, Junior Management Assistant, and Junior Agricultural Asst. The clos- ing date for applications is Nov. 8. Junior Professional Assistant in- cludes openings for economist, mathematician, social science an- alyst and statistician, and several of the sciences. Junior Agricul- turalhAssistant includes all the natural sciences applying to agri- culture and forestry. Students who will receive their degree by June 1950 may apply. Age limits, 18 to 35. Additional information may be obtained at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Building. The Detroit Civil Service Com- mission announces an examina- tion for Technical Aid. Filing pe- riod expires Oct. 21. Additional information may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building. Lectures University Lectures in Journal- ism: The lecture by Floyd J. Mil- ler, which was cancelled October 5, will be given at 3 o'clock today in Rm. C, Haven Hall. Mr. Miller, publisher of the Royal Oak Trib- une and delegate to the Inter- American Press Association, will address journalism students and other interested person on 'A Re- port df the Inter-American Press Congress of 1949." Coffee hour. Academic Notices Notice to all freshmen who missed any or all of the tests giv- en during orientation week, Sept. 23 and 24: The make-up examination for all who missed any part of the tests given Friday afternoon, Sept. 23, will be given on Thurs., Oct. 13, Rackham Lecture hall, 7 p.m. The make-up examination for all who missed any part of the tests given Saturdayrmorning, Sept. 24, will be given on Wed., 'Oct. 12, Rackham Lecture Hall, 7 p.m. Students who missed the entire testing program will be required to report for both testing sessions. Doctoral Examination for Har- ry James Aroyan, Chemical Engi- neering; thesis: "Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in the Hydrogen, N-Bu- tane System at Temperatures. from 75 to -200 degrees F and Pressures from 300 to 8,000 pounds per square inch," Wed., Oct. 12, 3201 East Engineering Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, D. L. Katz. Makeup examinations in His- tory: Oct. 15, 9-12 noon, Rm. C, Haven Hall. Students must con- sult with their examiners and re- ceive written permission to take the desired examination. Makeup examination for Philos- ophy 33 (Logic) and Philosophy 34 (Types of Philosophy) will be held this Thurs., Oct. 13, 7 p.m., 1020 Angell Hall. Preliminary Ph.D. Examination in Economics will be held during the week beginning Mon, Oct. 31. Each student planning to take these examinations should leave with the Secretary of the Depart- ment not later than Sat., Oct. 15, his name, the three fields in which he desires to be examined, and his field of specialization. AE 160 SEMINAR meets in 1504 E E on Wed., Oct. 12, 4:15 p.m. Mr. K. Segal from the Aerophysics group of the Aeronautical Re- search Center at Willow Run Air- port will speak on "Problems in fluid dynamics in the upper atmos- phere." Visitors welcome. Chemical Colloquium: Dr. C. C. Templeton will speak on "Water- Salt-Organic Solvent Systems," 1400 Chemistry, 4:15 p.m., Wed., Oct. 12. All interested persons in- vited. Engineering Mechanics Semi- nar: The second of a series of seminar meetings sponsored by the Engineering Mechanics De- partment will be held Wed., Oct. 12, 4 p.m., 101 W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Robert W. Peach will discuss "A Solution of a Plate Problem by Relaxation Methods." All interested persons welcome. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall. Jazz by Matisse: Hay- ter's Five Personages: "1848" - Life Photographs, weekdays 9 to 5, Sundays 2 to 5. The public is invited. Phi Iota Alpha presents an ex- hibit on the "Spanish American THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan is in a bigness state. Like a TV housewife in a block of radio- owning better halves, it leads the pack. It can and does boast of a bigger stadium, bigger football team (?), bigger campus, more and newer buildings, more social activ- ities, more professors, (new or ancient), higher enrollment, and a higher HCL. It is this last bigness that we object to and which we think should be eradicated by the use of the University's bigness in its facilities and organization. We note via The Daily's cog- nizant reporting that some stu- dents have surmounted the high food price problem by opening a co-op cafeteria. The success of their venture is admirable and also serves to point up two principles: 1. That this same group of stu- dents can only help a small por- tion of those students beset with the high food pricing so popular here. 2. If a small group can be suc- cessful in driving down the cost of meals, how much more success- ful can a bigger organization, with more facilities at its command and opportunities for bigger bulk buy- ing, be. An organization such as the huge, huge University of Mich- igan perhaps? Having attended Ohio State University for lo these last three years, we are in a position to com- pare the handling of this problein by two ifferent universities in two adjacent states. We find Michigan suffering in comparison here. Ohio Book and a discussion about "Spanish American Literature," by Dr. Enrique Anderson Imbert, 7:30 p.m., West Gallery, Rackham Building. Everyone welcome. Events Today Sigma Xi: 8 p.m., Wed., Oct. 12, Rackham Amphitheatre. Speaker: Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Uni- versity of California), La Jolla, California. Subject: "Marine Mammals of the Pacific Coast." Refreshments. Modern Dance Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., dance studio, Barbour Gym. Auditions for the interme- diate and advanced group. Tea 'n Talk: 4-6 p.m., Russel Parlor, Presbyterian Church. Spe- cial guest: Rev. Harold Viehman, Associate Director of Student Work, Presbyterian Board of Christian Education, Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate Outing Club will pat- ronize the Coed Folk and Square Dance Club which meets at 7:30 p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. Student-Faculty Coffee Hour with English Dept. 4-5 p.m., Ter- race Room, Union. Americans For Democratic Ac- tion (ADA): 7:30 p.m., Union. Nomination and election of offi- cers. New members invited. West Quad Radio Club: Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m. in the "shack" on the 5th floor, Williams House. Undergraduate Psychology Club: Organizational meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. Baptist Studentes: Informal "Chat" at the Guild House, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Refreshments. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Prayer meeting, 7 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall; Bible Study, Epistle to the Hebrews, chapter two, 7:30 p.m. Orthodox Student's Society: Meeing, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, 7:30 p.m. Refreshments. New and former students invited. Complete chorus and cast re- hearsal of Tug Weeks 'Soph Sa- tire:" 4-6 p.m., ABC Room, League. 7 p.m., ABC Room, League. Open House at Rev. DeWitt C. Baldwin's home, 517 Oswego, 7-10 p.m. All students invited. (Continued on Page 5) Graduating Sophomore WE ADMIRE the courage of the editor of the Daily Pennsylvanian, student pub- lication of the University of Pennsylvania. He wrote an editorial criticizing the presi- dent of the University, Harold Stassen, for BARNABY Barnaby, see who's at the door now- G - r Mr. O'Malley! Gre S\Fair :is "2 tl 1 _i etings, m'boy. Your y Godfather's in time U hit ~l t I I . II U I