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October 12, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-12

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* * # *

Pigskin Rally
Raids Bring
SAC Inquiry
To Review 'Rah
Rah' Next Week
"Rah Rah," including Tug Week
and football pep rallies, will come
up for Student Affairs Committee
review next week, as a result of an
overdose of "school spirit" that
sent residence halls reeling Fri-
Fearing that the post-rally "mob
frenzy" that brought whooping
raids on several dormitories might
be repeated, SAC members yester-
day considered banning tomor-
row's Tug-of-War contest.
However the Committee finally
left this decision to the Student
Legislature, sponsor of both Tug
Week and the pep rallies.
John Ryder announced that the
rope-pulling contest on the banks
of the Huron will be held-"but we
won't stand for mob violence and
vandalism, and we certainly do
not expect the University to stand
for it."
At a special meeting Tuesday
the SAC will discuss whether or
not the revived freshman-sopho-
more activities, as well as the
pre-game rallies, should be con-
tinued. The dormitory invaders
Friday night were reported to be
mainly freshmen and sopho-
"If the rallies are going to en-
danger the safety of students, they
are not worth continuing," Ryder
declared. He decried the "lack of
responsibility and maturity" evi-
denced at thea pre-Army game
** *
"STUDENTS WILL get a chance
at tomorrow's Tug-of-War to com-
pensate for their actions Friday
The contest will be held at
4:30 p.m. Tug Week will be cli-
maxed by "Soph Satire" at 8
p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium
and by a hard-times party at the
League Saturday night.
Last night's sophomore rally was
called off because of rain.
Senate, House
Agyree To Boost
WASHINGTON - (P) - Cabi-
net members, who haven't had a
raise in pay since 1925, got good
news yesterday.
Senate -and House conferees
agreed to boost Cabinet members'
salaries from $15,000 to $22,500 a
year. They also approved a pay
raise for more than 200 other top-
flight federal officials-at an an-
nual cost of $1,087,000.
*- * *
THE BILL STILL must be ap-
proved finally by the House and
Senate, but no opposition is ex-
pected there.
And it still must be signed by
President Truman, but he's ex-
pected to do that enthusiasti-,
Mr. Truman repeatedly has
asked for higher pay scales for
government officials, saying that
it's hard to get-and keep-first
rate men unless the salaries are

first rate, too.
ONE PERSON not mentioned in
all this pay raise talk: the Presi-
dent himself.
He got his early this year-from
$75,000 to $100,000, and a raise in
his tax-free annual expense al-
lowance from $40,000 to $90,000.
Role of Education
Roundtable Topic
President Alexander G. Ruth-

BIG BOMBER-The B-36, storm center of the current Armed Forces feud flies through peaceful skies.
The huge ship, built at Fort Worth, Texas, is claimed to be invincible by Air Force officials. Carry-
ing a crew of fifteen the B-36 is armed with sixteen 20 mm. cannon. It has a ceiling of over 40,000
feet and a range of 10,000 miles with a 10,000 pound bomb load. Each plane costs $4.7 million.
_________________* * * *

SL To Hold
Open NSA
What happened at the National
Student Association Congress last
summer will be spotlighted at an
open meeting of Student Legisla-
ture at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
third floor Rackham Amphithea-
The meeting, which is open to
all students, especially those in-
terested in NSA and in becoming
candidates for Student Legislature,
will feature reports by local dele-
gates to the Congress held last
August at the University of Ill-
IN ADDITION to the delegate
reports, a movie will be shown
depicting the role of World Stu-
dent Service Fund in aiding stu-
dents all over the world. Some of
the Congress' impromptu songs
will be presented.
Special guests of SL will be
Dean of Students Eric A. Walter
and Dean of Administration, E.
R. Isbell, of Michigan State Nor-
mal College at Ypsilanti. Nor-
mal's Student Council, organized
last January, will also be guests
at the meeting, to get acquainted
with NSA, which is a national
association of student bodies.
Dick Hooker, NSA chairman,
urged any interested student to
attend, to get a better idea of the
internal workings of SL and NSA.
ADA Will Elect
Officers Tonight
Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion will elect officers at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union.
Don Shea, '50, and Quentin Ful-
cher, Grad, will speak on Con-
gressional bills on federal aid to
education, after which there will
be a general discussion.
The meeting is open to the pub-

Washington Buzzes With
Carrier, B-36 Quarrel

Testmony.. .
WASHINGTON- (1P) -Admiral
W. H. P. Blandy testified last night
the Atlantic Fleet he commands
and the national security would
be seriously endangered by pro-
posed cuts in the Navy.
The Admiral turned a broadside,
too, on one cut already made-
cancellation of the supercarrier
United States by Secretary of De-
fense Johnson.
THIS, HE SAID, puts "an arbi-
trary limit" on the Navy's ability
to perform its major mission of
commanding the sea.
Blandy appeared before the
House Armed Services Commit-
tee at an unusual night session
to pile up more arguments why
the Navy thinks the present de-
fense system overemphasizes the
Air Forces and its big B-36 bom-
Questioned by chairman Vinson
(D-Ga.), Blandy said he didn't
think Navy morale is at "a don-
gerously low ebb." He said he
prefers the word "concern."
He said that "certainly" he
thinks the Navy is concerned and
very much disturbed over the way
things are going in the defense
setup and what is happening to
* * *
HE PROPOSED that the Army,
Navy and Air Force each should
determine the weapons and de-
vices needed to execute their own
missions "without being dictated
to or out-voted by officers of oth-
er services."
And he suggested that, so long
as one service stays within its
appropriations, it should not be
prevented by the others from
obtaining additional weapons or
"The present procedures of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff are faulty in
that respect," Blandy said.

Local Army, Navy, and Air Force
officials put up the "no comment"
sign as far as the present B-36
and Navyrmorale controversy is
Claiming to have no further in-
formation than was available to
the public, they declined to com-
ment on matters of official armed
forces' policy.
MEANWHILE in Washington
the feud is still raging before the
House Armed Service Committee.
Naval experts are continuing to
blast verbally the B-36 out of
the air.
Contradicting the Air Force's
claims of invincibility the Navy
maintains that present up to
date equipment of both America
and Russia is capable of detect-
ing and eliminating the B-36.
Secretary of Defense Johnson
issued a statement last night say-
ing that the present controversy
can do "grave danger to our na-
tional security." He asked that
Gen. Eisenhower and former
President Hoover be called to tes-
tify immediately along with the
Chiefs of Staff of the Armed
* * *
THE RAGING issue came to the
fore last week when Navy Captain
Crommelin made public official
documents revealing the despon-
dent character of the Navy morale.
War hero Crommelin was immed-
iately suspended from duty pend-
ing a court martial.
The conflict had its begin-
ning immediately following
Johnson's appointment as Sec-
retary of Defense. A fervent
advocate for a strong Air Force
since pre-war days, Johnson im-
mediately cancelled the Navy's
$170 million carrier.
Secretary of the Navy Sullivan
resigned in the ensuing row, and
Francis P. Mathews was appointed
to fill the position.
* * *
THE B-36 IS Johnson's and the
Air Force's pet. The strategy be-
hind it calls for a land based
bomber that could drop the atom
bomb any place in the world. The
B-36 with its long range, high al-
titude, and heavy load capacity
can do just that. Moreover, ac-
cording to Air Force claims the
huge ship is invincible.
The Navy, however, is stress-
ing carrier based atom bombers.
Carriers not only proved them-
selves in the past war but also
are less vulnerable than land
based air centers, according to

Russia Asks
Atom, Arms
Count of UN
First Soviet Move
Since Bomb Blast
Soviet Union demanded last night
a full count of atomic bombs and
other arms in the war chests of
the 59 members of the United Na-
tions. It was the first such pro-
posal from the Russians since
President Truman on Sept. 23 said
there was evidence of an atomic
blast in Russia.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Jakob A. Malik made his brief pro-
posal at the end of a long, quarrel-
ing session of the UN Security
* * *
THE TWO-LINE proposal said:
"The Security Council deems
necessary the submission by
member states of information
on conventional armaments as
well as information on atomic
Warren R. Austin, United States
delegate and Council president this
month, said in a statement after
the Council adjourned that any
census of weapons without verifi-
cation is meaningless.
* * *
was asked to expand his proposal.
He told newsmen: "Read the reso-
lution; it's very clear." Asked
whether it could be assumed Rus-
sia has atomic weapons, he said
"read the Tass communication."
This referred to the announce-
ment by the Soviet news agency
on Sept. 25 that the Russians
now have atomic weapons at
their disposal.
Malik often has contended in
arms debates that atomic bombs
must be counted along with all
other weapons but yesterday is
the first time he has made a for-
mal resolution on that point.
* * *
provision for any inspection to cer-
tify that a nation actually has
submitted correct information on
the state of its weapons. Such a
plan without verification clauses is
likely to have no support from the
Western powers.
Q ad Sickness
Probed by 'U'
Food Analysis
Results of laboratory tests of
food served Saturday noon at the
West Quad, where a large number
of residents became sick over the
weekend are expected to be made
known today.
However, Health Service spokes-
men feared the tests would be in-
conclusive, because of the possi-
bility that samples of food under
study are not from the same batch
that was apparently contamin-
Following up a suggestion that
the food was infested by someone
carrying an intestinal flu virus,
the Health Service is examining
food handlers in the Quad kit-
The last of six infected residents
who were confined to bed in fHealth
Service were released last night.

Petitions for SL
Because of crowded conditions
in the Administration Building,
petitions for candidates in the No-
vember student elections will not
be available until Monday, ac-
cording to SL elections chairman
Bill Clark.

NEW MEDICAL CENTER-The darkened area of the map above
shows the site of the new $3,000,000 Medical Research Center
to be built adjacent to the University Hospital. The new unit will
become a reality as a result of the Kresge Foundation gift.
Senate Recesses Without
Farm Bill Vote

spite a Presidential plea for ac-
tion, the Senate recessed last night
without reaching a vote on the
hot issue of farm price supports.
Although Democratic leader
Lucas called the Senate tomeet
an hour earlier than usual today
in an effort to clear the bill, the
delay threatened the drive for
final adjournment of Congress this
THE HOUSE and Senate ap-
peared to be far apart on their
farm legislation theories, and other
prospective items of sharp dispute
such as the Displaced Persons Bill
also await action.
Before yesterday's unsuccess-
w orld News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Winston Churchill
rejected the idea of a minimum
wage for British workers yester-
day in a sharp split with his war-
time crony, Lord Beaverbrook.
BERLIN - Communists cele-
brated with fireworks last night
the swearing in of- aging Wil-
helm Pieck, who holds a colonel's
rank in the Soviet army, as pres-
ident of a new German Commu-
nistic Republic.
CHICAGO - The multi-million
dollar Preston Tucker mail fraud
case was declared a mistrial yes-
terday and will start from scratch
again Monday.
* * *
CHICAGO-The death toll
from mideontinent gales rose to
21 yesterday as cleanup crews
began repairing damage to com-
munication lines and property.
The storm that brought winds
of hurricane velocity to some
midwestern areas blew itself out
over the Hudson Bay area.
* * *
CANTON-Chinese Communist
troops in an unchecked drive yes-
terday thrust to within 40 miles of
this dying Nationalist capital.
Canton was in its last days or
hours as a capital. The next will
be Chungking, the wartime capi-
tal 600 miles to the northwest.

ful drive to clear the farm meas-
ure, President Truman sum-
moned his Congressional leaders
to the White House to ask them
to speed action.
It was not entirely clear, how-
ever, whether Mr. Truman fa-
vored the so-called flexible crop
support bill sponsored by Senator
Clinton Anderson (Dem., N.M.),
his former Secretary of Agricul-
ture, or one providing higher, less
flexible support levels.
Charles G. Ross, who sat in on
part of the White House confer-
ence, said Mr. Truman told his
legislative lieutenants he wanted
them to "get together on a bill he
can sign."
The Anderson Bill provides
that in 1950 price supports on
basic crops shall be 90 per cent
of parity if there are production
controls or marketing controls
on them. In addition, a long list
of other crops would be sup-
ported at variouslevels up to 90
per cent.
After next year, however, the
Anderson Bill would permit sup-
ports for the basic crops to drop
as low as 75 per cent of parity.
* * *
ANDERSON HAS said that the
90 per cent support probably
would apply to cotton, wheat and
corn in 1950. Controls already
have been announced for next
year's wheat crop and there have
been predictions that controls will
be applied to corn and cotton.
Senior Class
Beginning this week seniors will
have an opportunity to determine
class policies and activities by pe-
titioning for senior class commit-
Cap and Gown, Announcement,
Reunion, Publicity and Special
Events Committees will select two
seniors each.
Petitions are available at the
Office of Student Affairs this
week. They must be submitted by
next Monday. Students may sign
up for the appointments for their
interviews when picking up peti-

Units Set for
Near Future
Huge Kresge Gift
Bolsters Project
(Daily City Editor)
A $20,000,000addition to the
University's medical facilities will
become a reality in "a few years,"
officials said yesterday.
The project, under consideration
for several years, was brought into
focus by a grant of $3,000,000 from
the Kresge Foundation of Detroit
for the construction of a Medical
research center.
ANNOUNCEMENT of the grant,
largest in the foundation's his-
'ory, was made early yesterday by
aul W. Voorheis, president of the
'oundation and President Alexan-
ler G. Ruthven.
Construction date for the re-
search building has not yet been
set, but officials said work would
begin in "a few months."
The research building will be
located just west of University
,Hospital and attached to it.
FOUR OTHER building projects,
all of which will be in the area of
University hospital, include:
An out patient clinic, plans
for which are now being drawn.
A $1,725,000 maternity hospital
to be completed in a few months.
A medical and nursing educa-
tion building, the most expensive
of the buildings, which will cost
And a children and infant's hos-
pital to cost $2,000,000.
* * *
WHEN THE building program
is finished, the Medical School will
be able to take in a class of 200
freshmen medics, according to
Dean Albert C. Furstenberg. Pres-
ent freshman enrollment is 150,
with 140 of these being Michigan
Announcing the grant, Presi-
dent Ruthven said the present
proportion of out of state stu-
dents in Medical school is "dan-
gerously low."
do not plan an organized fund-
provincial school," he added.
THE ENLARGED medical cen-
ter will complement the present
set-up which includes the 800 bed
University hospital, the school of
public health, nursing, Neurosy-
chiatric institute, the Veteran re-
adjustment center and the Simp-
son Memorial institute. Value of
these buildings is set at $25,-
In addition, completion of a
nine story Veterans Administra-
tion Hospital here will provide
even more extensive medical fa-
The medical and nursing educa-
tion building when completed will
free the present East and West
medical buildings on the central
campus for use by the engineering,
forestry and science departments
of the University.
UNIVERSITY officials expect
that the cost of the rest of the
center will be financed from both
State Appropriations and other
private gifts and grants. They
do not plan or organized fund-
raising campaign.
Calling the Kresge grant, "The
most important single event in
the 100 year history of the med-
ical.school," President Ruthven

said it would give the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents and the
people of Michigan faith in the
belief that "the entire enlarged
center can be built in a few
The State Legislature started
the ball rolling on the Medical
Center when it appropriated $1,-
725,000 for the almost completed
Maternity Hospital in 1948. Last
spring they appropriated $100,000
Ifor the drawing of plans for the
out-patient clinic.

Rah Rah' Return to
MSC Causes No Change

(EDITOR'S NOTE-While the Univer-
sity is getting its first taste of "Rah
Rah" this week, Michigan State Col-
lege at Lansing has been school spirit
conscious for the last two ,years. The
following is a report from the News
Editor of the MSC News on the work-
ings of their program.)
(News Editor, MSC News)
No drastic change has hit the
Michigan State campus since the
influx of high school graduates
and the drop in veteran enroll-

ting so large that there would be
no means of enforcing the tradi-
tion, officials said.
Unless everyone wears them,
there is no reason to bring the
tradition back.
Every spring the campus cele-
brates the tradition of "frosh-soph
day." The two classes turn their
efforts to the tug-of-war to prove
the superiority of one of the

Europe's People Look Toward U.S.

(Editor's note: This is the last in a
series of articles by two Daily staff


Convinced that another war is

medical and administrative offi-
cials was mivrredvesterda~v bya

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