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October 11, 1949 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1949-10-11

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State

t t


. ....

'U' Sanitarians
To Investigate
A wave of sickness spread
through the West Quadrangle over
the week-end as scores and pos-
sibly hundreds of residents were
infected by apparently contam-
inated food served in Quad dining
With six men hospitalized in
Health Service and at least 50
others suffering ill effects, Uni-
versity sanitarians have launched
an investigation of food served at
the Quad's noon meal Saturday.
* * *
CONSERVATIVE estimates fixed
the total number of men affected
at between 40 and 50, but reports
indicate that possibly 158 others
became slightly ill, confined them-
selves to their rooms and did not
report to Health Service.
According to Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, Director of the Health
Service, "some of the food ap-
parently was contaminated. Lab
tests are being made to deter-
mine which food caused the in-
Melden Murphy, Health Service
worker who interviewed many of
the infected Quad residents said
he suspected the noon meal Sat-
urday as the cause of the outbreak
as it was the only meal eaten by
all men who became ill.
* * *
SICKNESS WAS limited to men
who ate in dining rooms on the
second floor of the Quad, and no
one was seriously affected, he add-
Affected Quad residents re-
ported vomiting, cramps, diarr-
hea and temperatures as high as
103 degrees. Houses hardest hit
were Wenley, Lloyd, Allen-Rum-
sey and Williams.
Cordell Vecu, '51, who was un-
able to eat yesterday, two days
after he first became ill, blamed
the infection on baked apples
which he said were prepared Fri-
day afternoon and served for
dessert Saturday noon.
* * *
OF THE SIX MEN put to bed in
Health Service with fevers, several
have been released. Joe Stone, '50,
and Jim Martin, Grad., are re-
portedly still confined.
The West Quad Council has
asked Miss Irene Boelts, Quad
dietitian, to discuss the illnesses,
at a regular meeting tonight,
according to George T. Roumell,
Jr., '51, Quad president.
- Stanley Dunstan, Health Service
sanitary engineer, yesterday began
a laboratory analysis of samples of
food possibly contaminated.
'U' Professor's
SSon's Family
Four members of the family of
Richard G. Finch, son of Prof.
Frank R. Finch of the College of
Engineering, were found slain yes-
terday at their home in Fort
Worth, Texas.
Finch, an American Airlines

pilot who during the war flew Air
Transport Command planes on
Presidential missions to Teheran
and Cairo, was in Ann Arbor visit-
ing his parents.
The dead, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann
Finch, 33; Penelope Finch, 8;
Richard Allan Finch, 7 and Mrs.
Edith Walker, about 60, mother of
Mrs. Finch, were found in beds at
their home in suburban Oak View
by a next door neighbor.
A .22 Colt revolver was found
near the grandmother's body (Mrs.
Walker) on a bed in a well-fur-
nished east bedroom.
Finch, who has been on a leave
of absence for two years from
American Airlines, left Willow Run
Airport yesterday afternoon to fly
to Fort Worth.
Demand Oath
tice Department argued before
+hp iinrmp mart vPm.+ rtinv tht+

Detroit Robeson
(EDITOR'S NOTE-The following is an interpretive article by a Daily special
writer who covered the Paul Robeson concert in Detroit.)
(Special to The Daily)
DETROIT-In contrast to the noisy Peekskill affair during the
Labor Day weekend, Sunday's Robeson rally in Detroit was almost
like a family picnic given for a homecoming member of the clan.
Despite the terrific heat, which did not seem to yield to the air-
conditioning system, and despite the large overflow crowds, there was
a comparative lack of tension.
IN ORDER to get a good look at the lay-out, I arrived at the For-
est Club, Forest and Hastings, an hour early. Traffic was dense and
->a long line of people were trying
to get into the dance hall.
I walked out again to watch
the scores of policemen (rumor
has it there were 700 on the job)
on foot, in scout cars, in Black
' The officers did not show any
r ishostility toward the meeting, and
the toughest-looking characters
were the plainclothes detectives,
with wide-brimmed hats and
hands in pockets.
* * *

Daily-Burt Sapowitch
U.S. Should
Aid Britain-
Lady Carter
England's economic rehabilita-
tion depends on the willingness of
the United States to buy her goods,
according to Lady Violet Bonham
Carter, British Liberal party lead-
Lady Carter spoke yesterday in
the Rackham Amphitheatre on
"Britain Today." Her talk was
sponsored by the political science
* * *
world's greatest seller, and Great
Britain, out of necessity, is a buy-
er. Her exports are in the red, and
she imports more than any other
Marshall Plan country, Lady Car-
ter declared.
Britain can only pay for the
goods she buys from the United
States by selling to her in turn,
she explained.
"But the United States has
erected enormous hurdles and ter-
ribly high duties for the British
manufacturer to take in stride."
* * *
DEVALUATION of the pound
should encourage the much-need-
ed American purchase of British
goods, Lady Carter said.
She also discussed the socialist
experiment in England, calling
the party in power "a group of
very respectable old-fashioned
men who haven't had a new
idea since 1880."
"Socialism aims at dragging
down the rich; Liberalism aims at
raising up the poor. Socialists
want to increase the power of the
state; Liberals want to increase
the power of the people."
Due to a delay in cataloging,
student tickets contributed for
the use of disabled veterans at
last Saturday's football game
will not be available until 9
a.m. Thursday at the Daily.

MEMBERS of the Trotzkyite
Socialist Workers Party and of the
Proletarian Party were peddling
their papers outside.
A police cordon was keeping
people out of the main hall,
whose 1,250 seats had long been
A small secondary hall held
about 600 people who could hear,
but not see the speakers. Because
of the overflow, ticket holders were
told that Paul Robeson would
make another appearance at a
nearby Baptist church.
* * * 5
THE RALLY, sponsored by the
Committee to Welcome Paul Robe-
son, was by no means a purely po-
litical affair. People did not come
primarily for the music, but the
gathering did have social and even
religious overtones.
Many persons in the audience
seemed to have come out of sym-
pathy for Robeson rather than
in order to hear propaganda.
The speakers made their ap-.
.peal by calling for racial equality.
There they had a very real, vital
issue which made it unnecessary to
talk about nebulous abstractions.
THE REV. Charles A. Hill, a
candidate for the Detroit Common
Council, compared Robeson to
Moses and announced that Ne-
groes were "tired of second class
"The police should realize that
they are the servants of the peo-
ple, not their masters," he said.
At that point, a police inspector
in a sweaty shirt grinned toler-
antly and goodnaturedly. Such
was the atmosphere of the meet-
ing. Hastings Street is a long way
from Westchester County.
ANOTHER preliminary speaker
was ex-State Senator Stanley
Nowak, who is running in the mu-
nicipal election.
He faces possible deportation
to his native Poland, but told
the audience that all his educa-
tion and opinions come from
America, since he was brought
to the States at the age of ten.
There were also other features
on the program, which included
the singing of the Star-Spangled
Banner, a convocation, a girl sing-
er, and a money-raising plan,
which asked for contributions of
$100, then $50, and finally worked
down to hard cash, like an auc-
tion in reverse.
At 9 p.m.,ralmost two hours after
the start of the rally, Paul Robe-
son was brought to the platform,
and people sang "Paul Robeson is
our leader, we shall not be moved"
See'DETROIT, Page 2

To Seek Steel
Ching Arranging
Informal Talks
ernment is going to try and break
up the steel strike deadlock.
U.S. Conciliator Director Cyrus
Ching said yesterday he is ar-
ranging informal meetings with
leading steel companies and the
striking CIO United Steelworkers.
* 4 *
IT IS THE first peace move
since the nationwide steel shut-
down 10 days ago in a war over
free pensions. The government
made three futile efforts to settle
the dispute before the walkout.
Ching already has moved into
the four-week coal strike. He
got United Mine Worker chief
John L. Lewis and mine opera-
tors to agree on talking contract
again this week.
The steel action had been ex-
pected as strike effects spread.
* * *
BUT INDUSTRY leader United
Steel Corporation, spearheading
the labor fight with steelworker
President Philip Murray, said it
had not yet been notified of the
Government move. Comment was
There also was no immediate
reaction from union sources.
Both sides have held doggedly
to their pre-strike positions-the
Union for free insurance and pen-
sions recommended by a Presiden-
tial board; the industry for wel-
fare benefits with workers helping
to foot the bill.
Ching's brief statement in
Washington said he is arranging
a schedule of "separate and in-
formal conferences with represen-
tatives of some of the leading steel
companies and with representa-
tives of the United Steelworkers
of America."
World News/
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS - Eight na-
tions signed an agreement yester-
day intended to cut tariffs and
trade barriers all over the world.
The pact will affect 80 per cent
of the world's trade. Twenty-five
more countries are scheduled to
First signers are the United
States, Britain, France, Australia,
Canada, The Netherlands, Haiti
and Lebanon. The U.S. has agreed
to make tariff concessions on ap-
proximately 44 percent of its im-
ports from 10 foreign countries.
* * *
NEW YORK - The defense
charged yesterday that Presi-
dent Truman, spiteful over the
loss of Communist votes in 1948,
ordered the trial of 11 top Red
* * *
WASHINGTON-A bill raising
veterans' compensation and disa-
bility payments by more than
$112,000,000 a year was signed by
President Truman yesterday.
* * *
voted 305 to one yesterday to in-
sist that Congress supply money
for a 58-group Air Force. The
Senate has voted only enough
money for 48 groups-the strength
President Truman asked.

NU Bus Ducat
Sale Continues
Sale of round trip tickets for
special chartered buses to North-
western Friday will continue from
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at the Stu-
dent Activities window of the Ad-
ministration Building.
"Because yesterday's ticket sale
was heavy and only a limited num-
ber of buses are available, students
are urged to buy their tickets as
soon as possible," Al Hartzmark of
the Wolverine Club said.
No game tickets are available,
he stressed.
The round-trip bus ticket costs
ten dollars, "which is $7.50 cheaper
than by train," he added.
Buses will leave Ann Arbor at
12:30 p.m. Friday, from the
League, and will make stops in
Chicago at 6:30 p.m. and in Evan-






-Daily-Herb Harrington
FROSH ASSERT THEMSELVES-Nearly half a thousand representatives of the class of '53 asseinme
en masse on the diag to herald "Tug Week" and the reincarnation of rah-rah. Upperclassmen
kept the spirited ball rolling by leading the mob in school cheers, songs and general fun-raising.
Bearing torches and emblazoned posters, the freshmen crew. predicted they would pull soph
"enemies" through fragrant Huron River waters in the tugs-of-war Thursday.
4" * * * *

Loyalty Oaths
As 'Menace'
A top ranking educational group
has condemned state laws requir-
ing loyalty oaths from teachers as
being a menace to educational
In a statement issued during the
week-end, the Educational Pol-
icies Commission called upon cit-
izens to "condemn the careless ap-
plication of such words as "Red"
and "Communist" to teachersand
other persons who merely have
views different from those of their
ship includes Gen. Dwight D. Eis-
enhower, president of Columbia
University, and James B. Conant,
head of Harvard University.
It was estblished in 1935 by
the National Education Associa-
tion and the Association of
School Administrators to develop
long term policies for American
education. *
On June 8, the commission had
declared that advocates of Com-
munism should not be permitted
in American schools. Its new state-
ment said the commission still
adhered to "its previously stated
position," but that it wished to
"re-emphasize and expand certain
recommendations it had made in
the June statement.
* * *
at the University last March in-
dicated that most of them did not
care to comment on' the contro-
versy over whether Communists
should be permitted to teach in
American schools.
Another poll, taken in March
of 1948, showed students almost
equally divided over the ques-
In the same month, Pres. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven told a radio
audience that he advocated the
teaching of Communism on Amer-
ican college campuses.
He emphasized the fact that to
teach is to explain and not to

Tug Week Initiated y

Tug Week and the return of
rah-rah got off to a rabid and
highly vocal start last night.
Carrying torches and posters,
nearly 500 lustily cheering fresh-
men gathered near the diag last
night to prove they had school
spirit as well as healthy lungs.

Di loinatic,
Consul Staff
Leave Posts
CAll Others To
Follow Example
PARIS - () -- Chinese diplo-
matic staff members here deserted
to the Communist regime at Peip-
ing yesterday and called on Chi-
nese diplomats throughout the
world to follow their example.
George Mong, Embassy coun-
sellor, announced that 11 diplo-
mats-eight from the Embassy
and three from the Consulate
General - had walked out on
Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuma-
mintang Nationalist Government
at Canton.
HE SAID this left only a sick
ambassador, a Charge d'Affaires
and the Consul General loyal to
Canton, and that the rebels were
taking charge of the Embassy and
its archives.
Other sources differed on the
number of diplomats who de-
serted, however.
The French Foreign Ministry
said Charge d'Affaires Tuan Mao-
lan had informed it only six offi-
cials had switched loyalties. Later,
in a communique issued through
the French news agency, Tuan
said only two Chinese officials had
been dismissed for insubordination
and everyone else was sticking
loyally to his post.
He could not be reached to clear
up the conflicting accounts.
* * *
its kind in a major Chinese embd-
sy-posed a dilemma to the French
Foreign Ministry for several hours.
Officials of the French For-
eign Ministry's Asiatic affairs
section met for several hours.
They were particularly con-
cerned by the threat of a rebel
sit-in at the Embassy. One
source said they communicated
with Washington and London to
get the reaction there.
Finally, a spokesman for the
Ministry announced that it was
backing up the Nationalists and
was striking the dissident Chinese
off its diplomatic list.
So far as the French are con-
cerned, the spokesman said, Tuan
is still head of the Chinese mission
here and in control of the embassy
building. The Ministry quoted
Tuan as saying therehad been no

disturbance at the Embassy and
that he continued to occupy his
Survey Shows
Jobs Scarce,
W ag;esSteady
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the second
of two articles surveying the scope
and wage level of student employ.
ment on and around campus.)
While students are finding it
harder to land jobs in Ann Arbor
this year, the average hourly wage
has remained at about the level
of the last two or three years.
Hovering somewhere near the
proposed national minimum wage
of 75 cents an hour, the average
hourly pay rate is usually higher
for students working in business
establishments off campus than
for those working in most Uni-
versity units.
* * *
A SURVEY of 12 local restaur-
ants employing students showed
that they pay an average wage of
about 80c an hour, the lowest rate
being 50c an hour and the highest
$1.00 an hour, plus meals.
Students fortunate enough to
find jobs in local grocery, cloth-
ing 'and drug stores are being
paid slightly more than those
working in restaurants.
A sampling of 10 such estab-
lishments showed an average stu-
dent wage rate of 85c an hour. The
inwar+ mwn it xrinn nehnna«

dents in

the General Library

Petitions Now
Available for
Fall. Elections
Hopefuls expecting to run for
office in the student elections in
November may pick up petitions
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow through
Oct. 19 at the student window of
the Administration Building, ac-
cording to SL elections chairman
Bill Clark.
Petitions will be available forI
candidates seeking 25 positions on
Student Legislature, nine in the
J-Hop Committee and three on
the Board in Control of Student
Eligibility cards are needed to
pick up the petitions, which must
be completed and turned in by Oct.
21, Clark announced.
* * * '
ANY ELIGIBLE student can
run for SL, juniors for J-Hop can-
didates and any student not on
publications staffs for Board posi-
tions, Clark added.
SL petitions require 150 names
of students, including graduates
and first - semester freshmen;
J-Hop petitions, 50 junior sig-
natures; and Board petitions, 50
names of any students.
SL and Board terms are for one
year, while J-Hop terms continue
till the dance, held annually be-
tween semesters.
SL candidates will be vieing for
office through the Hare system of
proportional voting. -

gave up their studies for a mo-
ment to see what was going on.
Bill McIntyre, '53, represent-
ing the freshmen, warned all
sophomores that "The freshmen
will pull them through the mud
of the Huron" in the tugs-of-war
at 4:30 p.m. Thursday.
Dave Lake, '50, cheer leader
captain, added pep to the pro-
An important meeting for all
men participating in the Fresh-
man - Sophomore tug - of - war
will be held 5 p.m. today, in
Rms. 3D and 3S of the Union.
gram as he led the crowd in school
yells and whipped up fighting
spirit in the class of '52.
MASTER OF ceremonies Bill
Osterman, '51, kept the crowd in
high spirits,, as did Joe Stone, '50,
rah-rah exponent, who temporar-
ily released himself from Health
Service to keep the show rolling.
Sophomores will get their
chance to show the freshmen
they have just as much spirit
at 7:30 p.m. today when the
East and West Quad bands
again make the rounds to lead
students to the rally at the
campus flag pole.
Three tugs-of-war across the
Huron River Thursday will high-
light the week's activities.
* * *
THE CLASS which wins two out
of three tugs-of-war will receive
free ice cream contributed by a
local restaurant. The losers will
get free transportation to dryer
quarters after their swim and will
be consoled with free and hot
Tickets for the musical com-
edy "Soph Satire," to be pre-
sented by the sophomores at 8
p.m. Friday at Hill Auditorium
are on sale from 9 a.m. to noon
. and 1 to 4 p.m. dhily at window
7, Administration Building.
An all-campus hard-times party
Saturday night at the league will
climax Tug Week's fun and riv-
alry. The dance is "extremely in-

Spirited MSC Students
Given Social Probation

Engineer Must Watch U.S. A ffairs

Excessive "school spirit" has
landed 10 University students and
15 Michigan State students on so-
cial probation.
The students, picked up last
week for doing "paint jobs" on
one another's campuses, were
placed on probation by Dean
Stanley Crowe of Michigan State
and University Dean of Students,
Frith AWaiter_

preventing recurrences of such
In addition to splashing yellow-
ish green paint on President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven's home, Clem-
ents Library and the Michigan
Stadium, the MSC pranksters were
foiled in an attempt to erect a ma-
sonry barricade in the Engineer-
ing Arch by Ann Arbor police.

The engineer of today must pay
more attention to national affairs
to better understand our govern-
ment and preserve our economic
system, according to James M.
Todd, president of the American
Sniety of Mechanieal Engineers.

the work you are to do. Above
all don't overemphasize the idea
of security; this dollar and cents
attitude constitutes a softspot
in our economic and social set-
up," Todd said.


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